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Chapter 61 Special Effects


A huge magic circle with an initial diameter of more than 20 meters appeared.

Ke Wen stretched his hands downwards and continuously poured magic power into the magic array, causing the magic array under his feet to continue to expand.

He and Wanda were very small, but the presence of the magic circle was very conspicuous.

At this moment, many people discovered the magic circle high in the sky.

Numerous satellites relayed the influence of the magic circle to all parts of the world.

In the aircraft carrier, Nick Fury and Maria Hill stood in front of the observation window, looking solemnly at the magic circle and Coven and Wanda.

The Avengers who boarded the aircraft carrier, the many staff on the aircraft carrier, and even the civilians of Sokovia who were rescued.

At this moment, most people were staring at the magic array high in the sky in shock.

Kewen didn't pay attention to the situation outside.

He is still pouring magic power into the magic circle.

When the diameter of the magic circle exceeded one kilometer, Ke Wen stopped his flashy performance.

If it wasn't for showing off to outsiders, he wouldn't have to create a magic circle of this level at all, he could just cast the spell directly.

But when it comes to acting, the more shocking the special effects are, the better.

"what are you planning to do?"

At this time, even Wanda looked extremely shocked, and she couldn't help but ask Ke Wen.

"I will restore the city."

Ke Wen replied softly: "Otherwise, there will be too many homeless people. You should be aware of your country's capabilities. Once those people lose their homes and property, I am afraid your country will not be able to support them at all."

Wanda did not use her ability to read Coven's thoughts.

So she was shocked and moved by Ke Wen's lofty reason.

Ke Wen was focusing most of his attention on magic, so he didn't notice Wanda's change in attitude.

He kept his hands reaching down, and while maintaining the magic circle, he reminded: "Some strange phenomena will appear next, so don't be nervous."

After saying that, Kewen finally activated the magic.

In order to show it to others, Kewen deliberately revealed the magical elements.

So under the gaze of the forces from all sides, a large amount of light was quickly shed from the huge magic circle.

The glow fell rapidly and completely enveloped the deep pit area left by the previous city's liftoff.

The scene appears as time goes back.

Various wreckage and debris began to gather on their own and rose into the sky in the opposite direction.

The earth and rocks also began to gather, and as the height increased, they gradually condensed into what they looked like before the city was blown to pieces.

Ke Wen deliberately slowed down the speed of looking back in time.

Therefore, after nearly five minutes, the restored city appeared below him and Wanda.

Coven continues to perform.

He applied gravity magic to the restored half of the city, and then controlled the city to slowly fall downwards.

As a distraction, Kewen also controlled the magic flying carpet to fall downwards at the same time.

Another ten minutes passed, and half of the city was finally embedded into the deep pit in the ground.

Ke Wen took Wanda to stay in the air, and he controlled the flying carpet to hover at a height of about 300 meters.

Then he continued to cast spells.

The time-travel screen appears again.

In the city, collapsed and dilapidated buildings began to recover, and the vehicle wreckage on the road returned to what it was like before it was damaged.

The road became tidy and everything began to fall into place again.

A few minutes later, apart from being deserted, the city returned to what it was like before the disaster occurred.

At this point, Kewen's performance finally ended.

He waved his hand and caused the huge magic array to suddenly shatter, turning into scattered magic light.

After the magical glow disappeared into the air, Kewen controlled the magic flying carpet and began to descend, and soon landed on the ground.

Wanda looked around the city in shock.

She looked at the flashing lights and city equipment, and couldn't help but wonder if she was having a nightmare.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a touch on her forearm.

This made Wanda panic and wanted to raise her hands to avoid it.

But when she realized it was Ke Wen, she stopped moving.

Ke Wen nodded softly to Wanda, then held Wanda's forearm and walked off the magic flying carpet together.

After waving his hand to send the magic flying carpet back to the 'Rubik's Cube Space', he turned to face Wanda.

"I need you to do me a favor."

Kewen leaned down and tried to look at Wanda with level eyes: "I need your help to wake up your brother."


Wanda's eyes were extremely sour, and she was even more heartbroken. She said with a cry: "Thank you for your comfort, but... I know what happened to Pietro..."

"No, you don't know."

Ke Wen shook his head slightly and said softly: "Something happened after that. I..."


Accompanied by the sound of energy jetting, Tony Stark controlled the suit and flew over.

After landing, Tony Stark opened the mask of the suit.

He looked around the intact city in amazement, and at the same time exclaimed: "Occultism?! This is your magic?!"

Corwin was interrupted from the conversation and had to deal with Tony Stark first.

"Yes Stark, this is magic."

"Call me Tony." Tony Stark emphasized first, and then said: "But man, you made our previous efforts seem like a clown show."

He sighed and said helplessly: "Why didn't you tell me earlier that you had such means? Why did you make me nervously research ways to blow up the city?"


Tony Stark looked around eagerly: "The city exploded just now, and Thor was also very close to the center of the explosion. Have you seen him? I don't know where he was bombed, and I don't know if he is okay."

Ke Wen sensed it for a moment, then pointed to the northeast: "Go to the water over there. Thor is unconscious at the bottom of the lake."

"Bottom of the lake?" Tony Stark was stunned: "Are you sure he hasn't been drowned yet?"

"Asgardians can survive in a vacuum for a short period of time."

Ke Wen explained and urged: "Go quickly, Sol will drink enough of the lake water in a while."

Hearing this, Tony Stark immediately controlled the suit and took off.

Stopping for a moment at a height of about ten meters, he looked down at Ke Wen and Wanda and asked: "What about you? Stay here and wait to join everyone later?"

"We have other things to do." Coven replied: "Don't worry about us, Wanda and I will go back to New York directly afterwards."

"All right."

Tony Stark lowered his visor with a clang: "After this is over, go to your hospital and hold a celebration party."

After saying that, Tony Stark immediately controlled the suit and left quickly.

Ke Wen withdrew his attention, looked at Wanda in front of him, and simply stopped wasting time explaining.

"Can you catch me?" Coven explained: "I'm going to take you to a place."

"I..." Wanda hesitated, then said lowly: "Sorry... I want to see Pietro."

"I was just going to take you to see him."

Ke Wen stretched out his left hand: "Come on, grab me."

Wanda was in a state of confusion, so she didn't think much after hearing this. She chose to trust and raised her hand to hold Ke Wen's palm.

Kewen tightened his fingers and then disappeared into thin air with Wanda.

In the Rubik's Cube space.

Kewen took Wanda and appeared directly next to Pietro.


Wanda discovered Pietro's body for the first time, couldn't help but let out a sweet cry, let go of Ke Wen and fell to her knees on the ground.

Holding Pietro's body, Wanda kept scanning her brother's body, looking for Pietro's wounds.

But she finally discovered that there were no wounds on Pietro's body except blood stains, and the skin was still intact under the tears in his clothes.

"His soul chose self-silence."

Ke Wen's voice sounded softly: "I rescued him and healed his physical injuries."

"Silence? Healing?"

Wanda turned her head and looked up at Ke Wen. She suppressed her excitement and asked, "What on earth is going on?"

"Your brother's soul consciousness thinks that he is dead."

Coven explained: "So after I rescued him, your brother still hasn't come out of that self-hypnosis, so he can't wake up."

While using her ability to check Pietro's consciousness, Wanda asked excitedly: "You said you needed my help before! What can I do to wake up Pietro?!"

Ke Wen smiled with satisfaction. It was obvious that Wanda's IQ had finally returned.

So he told Wanda how to wake up Pietro.

After hearing this, Wanda immediately followed the instructions.

She took a deep breath to calm down, and then used her ability carefully, slender and long fingers dancing slightly next to Pietro's temple.

Crimson energy invaded Pietro's mind.

Wanda closed her eyes and focused her consciousness on Pietro's soul world.

A few minutes later, Pietro suddenly opened his eyes.

As if the suffocated person had been given free air, Pietro half-sited up abruptly, taking deep breaths while constantly raising his hands to explore his body.


Wanda exclaimed with joy, burst into tears, threw forward her arms, and hugged Pietro hard.

Pietro was stunned for a moment and finally came to his senses.

He looked down at Wanda, his eyes showing deep sadness.

Slowly raising his hand, Pietro gently stroked Wanda's hair.

Turning around and looking around, he tried to joke and said, "I didn't expect that we would meet again here."

"So this is the afterlife?"

"Look at the beautiful scenery here, have we arrived in paradise?"


Wanda raised her head with tears in her eyes. She wanted to laugh, but the result was that her crying face looked very funny.

Pietro actually laughed.

He raised his hand to wipe Wanda's tears and comforted him softly: "It's okay, don't cry. Wanda, since we are here, let's go find dad and mom first. Our family can finally be reunited again."

"The reunion may have to wait a little longer."

Being treated as air, Kewen had no choice but to show his presence...

This chapter has been completed!
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