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Chapter 63 Opinion

Inside the office of the director of the aircraft carrier.

Nick Fury was sitting behind his desk, staring at a medal frame on the wall in a daze.

I don't know how long it took, but Maria Hill knocked on the door and entered the office.

"Has it been sent out?" Nick Fury asked without moving his gaze.

"Sent out."

Maria Hill nodded slightly: "I did not choose to cover it up, but sent it in my name."

Nick Fury finally moved his eyes. He glanced at Maria Hill who was expressing his stance, and then sighed softly: "You don't have to be like this."

Maria Hill still had a cold expression on her face: "I think they will investigate the source of the intelligence sooner or later, so they won't hide anything."

After thinking for a while, Nick Fury nodded.

He looked at the medal frame again, took a deep breath and said, "Then let's wait and see first!"

Maria Hill didn't say anything.

She glanced at the medal frame strangely, wondering why Nick Fury was paying so much attention to those medals.

On the other side, it was already the next day when the Avengers received the information.

The Avengers who stayed in the hospital overnight said goodbye to Coven, and then returned to the Avengers Tower to summarize the war.

The first time after returning to the building, Tony Stark received an email reminder from the new artificial intelligence butler "Friday".

I thought it was from Bruce Banner.

Tony Stark glanced at Steve unexpectedly, and then opened the email directly in front of everyone.

Everyone was stunned when they saw the content in the email.

Natasha was the first to come to her senses. She quickly observed everyone's expressions, and then said in a deep voice: "I'm sorry, everyone, I left beforehand."

After saying this, Natasha immediately turned around and hurried away outside the building without waiting for anyone else's response.

Clint frowned slightly.

He looked at the twins and then at the other Avengers.

Gritting his teeth, Clint chose to stay.

First, the issue of the twins has not yet been fully resolved. Clint needs to stay and help Pietro, who has the courage to risk his life to save him.

Furthermore, Clint also planned to stay to collect information and see what the Avengers thought of Corwin's actions.

After this incident, the atmosphere among everyone became silent.

Tony Stark silently flipped through the information, reading every line of text very carefully.

Steve frowned deeply, looking very regretful.

Vision's expression was the same, but his expression was still a little confused, as if he didn't understand why Coven did what he did.

But the twins seemed very indifferent.

No matter what the life-saving grace is, they will always stand firmly on Kewen's side.


After a long time, Tony Stark suddenly said: "To collect relevant intelligence, I need more detailed information."

"Yes sir."

An emotionless female voice appeared, and then more information appeared in the projection interface.

It took nearly twenty minutes for everyone to browse through all the chaotic events caused by Ke Wen.

Tony Stark turned off the projection interface expressionlessly.

Then he turned to face everyone, spread his hands and said, "To be honest, I owe him, so I'm not qualified to point fingers."

"Of course, my opinion is that Ke Wen went too far, but things happen for a reason, and those people will suffer the consequences themselves."

"Then..." Tony Stark gestured to everyone with his palms: "It's your turn."

"Dr. Quinn shouldn't have caused so many killings."

Steve said solemnly: "In other respects, Stark and I have the same views."

"Ultron exposed Dr. Quinn's intelligence, which triggered the greedy conspiracy."

"Dr. Quinn has the right to resist, but what he did went too far."

"team leader."

Clint reminded: "You were created by national resources, but Covin was not. He has no reason to compromise with those greedy people."

"I agree with your statement."

Steve nodded, then shook his head and said: "But I think there should be a more appropriate solution. At least Dr. Quinn can ask us for help instead of killing to scare him."

"There was more killing than that day."

Vision expressed his thoughts: "After that, various forces continued to cause killings under the temptation provided by Dr. Quinn."

He looked around at the three Avengers present: "So how should we act this time? I am still on the side of life."

Hearing this, everyone frowned.

Tony Stark took a deep breath, stared into Vision's eyes and said seriously: "Vision, you must learn to distinguish! Distinguish between good and bad lives! Are those lives that are so sinful that they deserve to die! You must also stand with them

Is there protection over there?!"


Phantom tilted his head, lowered his gaze and began to search for information on the Internet.

Soon, he raised his eyes again and said, "This problem seems to be solved only by relying on the law."


Tony Stark breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought that after creating a pure 'evil', I created a pure virgin who does not distinguish between good and evil."

"Sorry." Vision nodded slightly: "It seems I still need more learning."


Tony Stark clapped his hands, looked around at everyone and said: "It has already happened and has become an established fact, so there is no need for us to interfere."

He showed a formulaic smile: "I will go to persuade Ke Wen later and ask him to try not to go too far in the future."

Steve nodded: "Stark, it's up to you. And Clint, after all, you are familiar with Dr. Quinn."

Clint shrugged his shoulders, tilted his head in the direction of the hospital and said, "To be honest, not being able to help Coven is enough to make me feel embarrassed."

Steve shook his head helplessly, and then simply dropped the topic about Covin.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! He looked at the twins, ready to discuss issues about them.

On the other side, Natasha returned to the hospital as quickly as possible.

This made Ke Wen a little surprised and couldn't help but ask: "Did you leave something behind?"


Natasha shook her head seriously, and then told her about the email intelligence.

After listening to this, Kewen was suddenly enlightened.

But he didn't take it seriously at all, and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I did it anyway."

"I'm worried that Captain will..."

Natasha hesitated: "Kevin, I don't want to see you having differences with everyone!"

Ke Wen smiled and shook his head.

Holding Natasha's hand and walking to the sofa to sit down, Coven chuckled and said, "Nana, Captain Rogers is not as single-minded as you think."

"He is indeed on the side of justice, but he also knows what it means to be flexible."

"Is that so?"

Natasha trusted Kewen blindly, so she said with a smile: "It seems that I haven't finished my work yet. My impression of him is limited to various materials. I will re-observe him in the future."

Coven smiled and said: "Then you will find...except for you and Clint, all the Avengers are problem children."

"Is that why you keep your distance from them?" Natasha asked suddenly.

"That's part of the reason." Ke Wen nodded: "Mainly because I don't have that much free time. After all, there are other more important things to do."

Natasha didn't know what she had gotten. Her cheeks began to turn rosy, and her eyes were extremely moist and she whispered softly: "For example, protecting the world...protecting the world from invasions from outside the dimension..."

Ke Wen was stunned.

He was about to explain, but unexpectedly Natasha suddenly stood up and walked over to him.

Bending over, Natasha put her forehead against Kewen's. She said softly: "Kewen, the battle in Sokovia made me feel how powerful this body is now."

"But I'm still a little uncomfortable with it. I don't know if there's something wrong with it."


Natasha breathed out the fragrance slightly, and her breathing became slightly heavier: "Can... check..."

Ke Wen was stunned again.

What a nonsense to explain!

So he nodded slightly, stood up with a pursed smile, and directly hugged Natasha's body in his arms.

The process of walking was omitted by Kewen.

He teleported with Natasha.

However, there seemed to be something wrong with the magic, and the two men's bodies teleported away successfully, leaving all their clothes in place.

A few days passed, and everything was calm.

Tony Stark said he wanted to persuade Covin, but he never left, as if he had completely forgotten the matter.

The same is true for everyone else. Except for Natasha, who gets off work on time every day and goes to the hospital to spend the night, everyone else works normally as if nothing is wrong.

In the following period, the Avengers worked hard to eliminate the influence left by Ultron.

The Damage Control Company under Tony Stark is operating at full capacity and providing a large amount of funds to compensate Sokovia.

The Avengers also took action personally, constantly attending some report conferences, or going to Sokovia to attend memorial events.

Kewen regained a peaceful life.

The hospital reopened and employees who were on vacation returned one after another.

On this day, the front desk called the study, and the receptionist Mihir reported to Kewenhui: "Boss, there are some military people outside. I think you need to come down and take a look."


Ke Wen withdrew his attention from the rune combination record in his hand.

He got up and walked to the window and glanced downstairs.

"Okay, I'll go down right now."

After hanging up the phone, Kewen walked out of the study and took the elevator down to the lobby on the first floor.

"Mr. Quinn!"

A rich old general immediately greeted him with a smile.

The other party extended his hand and introduced himself: "Gabriel, the current Lieutenant General of the National Air Force."

"I know you."

Ke Wen shook hands with the other party: "Colonel Rhodes's immediate superior has replaced General Ross, right?"

General Gabriel did not pay attention to Covin's rudeness.

He still kept a smile on his face and admitted frankly: "Yes, if Ross hadn't made a mistake, I'm afraid it would have taken me longer to get promoted."

"Where's Ross?" Coven asked.

"He has officially retired from the military." General Gabriel responded with a smile: "But Ross has a new place. His lover's political family is running the job of Secretary of State for him."

Kewen understands...

This chapter has been completed!
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