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Chapter 101 Apology

Many unnoticed details appeared in Kewen's mind.

No wonder Ancient One's portal changed from yellow sparks to blue sparks!

No wonder those apprentices also have blue sparks and magic circle lines when they practice magic!

think carefully.

Whenever he was about to discover the truth, Gu Yi would change the subject by talking about more important things to distract him.

The first time was when he was given the Time Stone, which caused him to ignore Ancient One's blue portal.

The second time was at Kama Taj's training ground. Ancient Yi directly sent an invitation, causing him to once again ignore the magical properties of those apprentices.

It was even estimated just now.

The glance that Gu Yi took before he took the initiative to die was obviously to make him have a self-strategy, so he chose to watch from a distance.

I'm afraid it's just to avoid being discovered by him!

After thinking through these details, Ke Wen became even more ashamed.

He has always been fascinated by Gu Yi's appearance as a kind elder.

He should have been wary of Gu Yi!

Because so many dimension lords have set perfect examples for those who come after them.

Gu Yi tricked them so miserably, and this example was clearly exposed, but he still ignored it.

When Gu Yi said he wanted to sign the contract, he should have reacted immediately.

What kind of contract should I sign?

Is there any example of Ancient One signing a contract with beings other than dimension lords?

In the collection room, Kewen's face turned red and his scalp itched with embarrassment.

However, after thinking about it for a while, he sighed helplessly.

Regret is regret, but recalling the original situation, can he really be wary of Gu Yi?

From the beginning, I was interrupted by various unpredictable prophets from Ancient One.

This put him directly into passivity.

Afterwards, Gu Yi pretended to be a kind elder again, not only giving him enough face in words, but also suddenly said that he would lend out the 'Time Stone' in the future.

Anyone who hears this news will be distracted, right?

Finally, Gu Yi prepared a building and various documents in every detail.

This made Kewen enjoy the comfort of traveling through time for the first time.

After this series of methods, no one would be able to withstand it, so how could they think about anything else?

But looking back now, Gu Yi's series of actions at the beginning were obviously well prepared.

Everything Gu Yi did probably served a purpose.

Just to make Ke Wen ignore the importance of that contract!

I'm afraid that the tens of millions of futures that Gu Yi has seen are all to enable her to carry out her plan of concealing the truth...

At this time, Kewen reviewed all the experiences he had with Gu Yi.

But the result he got could only make him admit defeat.

Even if he goes through it again, he will probably fall into Gu Yi's hands.

Thinking of this, Ke Wen smiled bitterly and threw away most of the shame and anger in his heart.

But the remaining half was unwilling to give in, but he would not choose to swallow his anger.

Is it right to play dirty?

Corwin said he would too!

So Kewen returned to the study room of the hospital in an instant.

Sitting cross-legged, the Yang Shen instantly leaves the body.

In a flash of thought, Ke Wen's Yang Shen quickly crossed most of New York and arrived at a hospital.

at the same time.

In the emergency operating room of a large hospital, Gu Yi's severely injured body had stopped breathing.

On the monitoring equipment nearby, both the electrocardiogram and the nerve signals from the brain disappeared.

In front of the picture window of an office, the souls of Ancient One and Strange stood side by side.

"I have spent too many years peering into the future."

Ancient One remotely controlled the 'Eye of Agamotto', extending the time of this second indefinitely.

She stared at the snowy scene outside the window with nostalgia, and said in a tone full of awareness: "I have prevented countless terrible futures, one after another, never ending, but..."

After a pause, Gu Yi continued: "All the futures have brought me to this moment, and they have all ended at this moment."

"Do you think you will die at this moment?" Strange's mood was low.

Gu Yi showed an expression that was half-smiling, and she shook her head slightly: "I can no longer see the future, which means that my future ends here."


A voice suddenly came into Gu Yi's mind.

This made Gu Yi's eyes flash with helplessness for a moment.

She immediately remotely controlled the Time Stone and stopped Strange's time.

Then Gu Yi turned around.

She looked at Ke Wen's yangshen, then bowed with an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry." Gu Yi apologized directly.

"Can't you see the future?" Ke Wen chuckled, tilted his head slightly and said, "This is the biggest joke I heard today!"

Yang Shen slowly floated in front of Gu Yi, and Ke Wen continued: "How many times have you seen the scene now?"


Gu Yi was extremely honest, and she continued to apologize: "I beg you to understand..."


Ke Wen shook his head: "I don't want to understand."

After finishing his words, he suddenly raised his hand.

In the emergency operating room a few corridors away, a beam of holy light suddenly descended from above Gu Yi's body, causing all the injuries on Gu Yi's body to quickly improve.

Gu Yi felt the attraction of her body to her soul, and she sighed helplessly.

Bowed to Ke Wen again: "Please forgive me, after all, hundreds of years of feelings prevent me from letting go of 'Kama Taj' completely."


Ke Wen's eyes were ridiculous and he asked: "So you chose to cheat, you chose to take things without telling me, and you found a victim like me for your 'Kama Taj'?!"

"For me, this is the only option..."

Ancient Yi shook his head with some dejection, and at the same time turned his wrist, reversing the time on the body's side, causing the healed injuries to return to the state of frequent death.

At the same time, Ancient One said: "Although Strange will make countless correct choices in the future, 'Kama Taj' will continue to suffer heavy losses."

"And your appearance gave me my only hope."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Gu has been looking into Kewen's eyes with a sincere look on her face: "Giving them magic power from you will keep 'Kama Taj' alive. That way

, the danger level of the future world will be greatly reduced."

Ke Wen looked sarcastic: "You're just hurting me and making it easier for them all?"

"I'm sorry." Gu Yi once again pointed his shining head towards Ke Wen: "After all, there is no loss for you."

Hearing this, Kewen carefully sensed the 'Rubik's Cube Space'.

He found that just as Gu Yi said, although someone was extracting the magic power in the space, if he didn't sense it carefully, he might not be able to detect anything strange at all.

And the extraction of magic power is not the extraction of the source of magic power.

What was extracted was only the magic power dissipating in the entire world of the 'Rubik's Cube Space'.

The speed of extraction is not as fast as the speed at which the Well of Azeroth replenishes magic power into the world.

Metaphorically speaking, the speed of extraction is like a slow drop of water, while the speed at which the Well of Azeroth replenishes magic power into the world is like a rushing Yellow River.

But it has no impact, no impact, but he is very annoying!

So Kewen raised his hand again and summoned a ray of holy light from a distance to heal Ancient One's body.

He said to Gu Yi in a bad tone: "It has no effect now, but what about the future? There will be more mages extracting magic power?!"

"Still no impact."

Ancient One shook his head: "I have simulated many futures. The most recent one was that I even found several planets in the universe and asked everyone on those planets to practice magic."

"Even that level of extraction has not had any adverse effects on your world."

"You are really, really..."

Ke Wen wanted to say bad words, but he finally endured it: "How dare you!"

Gu Yi smiled bitterly: "So in that future, the universe was destroyed by you."

Ke Wen stared at Gu Yi's frank eyes, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gu Yi turned his wrist again, turning his body back in time to a state of frequent death.

Seeing that Ke Wen was about to raise his hand to summon the Holy Light again, Gu Yi quickly continued to speak to distract Ke Wen.

She suddenly said: "So I made the most appropriate choice."

Gu Yi successfully aroused Ke Wen's curiosity.

Facing Ke Wen's questioning eyes, Gu Yi smiled humbly and said: "Among the current 'Kama Taj's, I am the only one who can borrow magic power from you."

“Think about it before we talk!!”

Kewen said in a bad tone: "The magic power used by your apprentices is my color!!!"

"You misunderstood."

Ancient Yi shook his head slightly: "The reason why they can use your magic power is because I enchanted the 'Hanging Ring'."

"The mages can only borrow your magic power through my transfer when they wear the 'Hanging Ring'."

"Then should I say thank you?!" Kewen's tone rose.

"How dare you." Gu Yi bowed slightly and humbly again.

"Don't think that I can forgive you easily if you lower your attitude so low!"

Ke Wen said angrily: "What's the price!!"

"You borrow magic power from other dimensions, don't you have to pay a corresponding price?! So what do you pay me?! Body?! Soul?! Life?!"

"You are not that kind of person." Gu Yi smiled kindly: "Those prices are worthless to you."

"So I deserve to be prostituted by you for nothing?!" Ke Wen's tone rose again.


Ke Wen once again summoned a ray of holy light and threw it towards the body to heal Ancient One's body.

"I'm deeply sorry again. The blame lies solely on me."

Ancient One still remotely travels back in time to his body.

Then she suddenly changed the subject: "Please forgive me for not having much time. It's time for me to fulfill my promise."

"None of my business!"

Ke Wen said that he would continue to raise his hand to brush the holy light. He made up his mind to disgust the other party severely and never let Gu Yi retire peacefully.

However, Gu Yi had expected it, and she only used one sentence to make Ke Wen's movements suddenly stop...


Thanks to ‘redliersce’, ‘relatively fresh’, ‘I really like you’, ‘Liangyi Baijiang’, ‘Mo Shangqi’, ‘_Leishuang_’, ‘What to Change’ and all my friends for their monthly support!

This chapter has been completed!
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