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Chapter 142 Plan

Inside the mud house, everyone was sitting around a long wooden table.

Circe has almost stabilized her mood.

So, she spoke in a complicated tone and told everyone all the truth.

After listening, everyone fell into silence.

Until Pietro couldn't help but was the first to speak out.

He said to Ke Wen solemnly: "Sir, so there is a new group of gods that will break out of the earth? Will it completely destroy the earth?"

Ke Wen nodded slightly.

"Then what should we do?"

Pietro took a deep breath, then shook his head in confusion and said: "And I thought of one thing. Five years ago, Thanos snapped his fingers and killed half of all life on the earth. Doesn't that mean that he was

Saved the earth? Also saved other planets with the seeds of the Celestials?"

Ke Wen raised his eyebrows slightly and nodded again: "Your understanding is correct. Without that snap of fingers, the earth would have been destroyed four years ago."

Hearing this, Pietro smiled bitterly and said, "So should I hate him or not?"

"It doesn't matter."

Coven shrugged slightly indifferently: "Anyway, someone snapped his fingers again and saved the disappeared life, and Thanos was also killed."

"Speaking of which..."

Ke Wen suddenly thought of something. He looked at the little girl Spike and asked: "You are more concerned about the news about the Avengers. So, was I present during the final battle eight months ago?"

"have no idea."

Spike was in a tangled mood. After hearing this, he glanced at Coven and said: "I only know that Tony Stark destroyed Thanos and his army with a snap of his fingers, and died for it."

"Really..." Ke Wen became a little more interested: "Did Tony Stark snap his fingers..."

"Wait!" Pietro found something suspicious: "What do you mean by destroying Thanos and his army? Thanos has been resurrected like me?"

"If you are interested, you can go back to Avengers Base and ask."

Ginger said in a depressed tone: "We are not in the mood to discuss those topics with you now!"

Pietro frowned and had no choice but to suppress his doubts for the time being. He turned to Coven and asked: "Sir! Can you eliminate the group of gods in the center of the earth? Or transfer him away from the center of the earth?"

Hearing this, Ke Wen curled his lips and shook his head slightly: "It's quite difficult. It's not difficult for me to kill him. The difficult thing is to ensure that the earth is not affected."

"Hey!" Ginger spoke again: "Listen to the mage boy! That is our creator! He is the one who maintains the balance of the universe, so be careful with your words!"


Circe was slightly excited. She first looked at Shengna and then around everyone present: "We have witnessed thousands of years of history! Every time innocent lives are sacrificed for the greater good, the result is wrong!"

Turning his inquiring eyes to Shengna, Circe was silent for a moment and said solemnly: "We must prevent the gods from descending!"

Sheng Na raised her eyebrows and nodded slightly.

Obviously she agreed with this proposal.


Ikaris, whose injuries to both eyes had almost completely healed, intervened and said solemnly: "We have no right to prevent the birth of the Celestials! Don't forget, they are our creators! Once we violate our mission, Alitham will

We will be eliminated because of everyone’s rebellion!”

"But we can't let all humans on Earth die, can we?"

Circe couldn't hide her excitement: "Perhaps we can find a solution? Find a way to delay the arrival of God, or find a way to transfer 'Tiam'?"


Pietro asked Coven again: "Instead of killing that Thiam, can you use your magic to transfer him out of the earth?"

"That won't work."

Ke Wen shook his head slightly: "If we move him away, there will be a huge void in the center of the earth. The geology will be unstable, and the earth will still collapse inward and be destroyed."

"Look!" Ginger reached out to Circe: "So there is no way. We have no way to prevent 'Tiam' from descending. I think we should just accept our fate."

"What about letting him fall asleep?"

Gilgamesh suggested: "Zhu Ke can control thoughts, can he use his thoughts to make Diam continue to sleep? Until human technology reaches the point of entering the universe, or until it becomes naturally extinct due to some civil war, then let Diam continue to sleep.

God Mu comes out?"

"We can try it!"

With no other choice, Circe could only place all her hopes on this proposal.

So she immediately stood up and said: "Without further delay, there was a global earthquake a few days ago, and there is not much time left before the arrival of 'Tiam'! So let's go find Zhu Ke now! Gather everyone again


Without waiting for anyone to respond, Sirsi directly asked Coven for help: "Mr. Quinn, please lead everyone to find Zhuke's location!"

Ke Wen nodded slightly, raised his hand and waved to the deserted place next to him.

A portal quickly opened, and this time he opened the portal directly in front of the target.

So when the portal was stable, everyone looked at the man on the other side of the portal.

"This kind of reunion is quite surprising."

Opposite the portal, the gloomy young man spoke softly and maintained a faint smile on his face.

Everyone quickly passed through the portal.

Everyone took their seats in the church-like room at their feet, and then Circe immediately explained the situation to Zhu Ke.

After listening, Zhu Ke felt very calm.

He just said lightly: "You really brought me the worst news."

"So Zhu Ke..." Sersi said with a sincere face: "We need your help and your ability."

"My answer is...no!"

Zhu Ke smiled contemptuously.

He walked toward the door with his hands behind his back and said at the same time: "It turns out that I have been carrying out suicide missions for more than seven thousand years. It turns out that my existence is just a lie."

Stopping at the door, Zhu Ke half-turned around and said softly with a life-or-death look on his face: "So let it be what you love. I don't want to get involved in your great plan to save the world."


Circe was in a hurry, and in a hurry, she could only say in a commanding tone: "I am now the 'Eternal Supreme'! This is recognized by Alitham! So I order you to cooperate with everyone!"

Zhu Ke looked at Sersi coldly for a moment, and then responded without any ups and downs of emotion: "It's up to you, but don't want me to get involved in anything."

Circe gritted her teeth and begged sadly: "Listen Zhu Ke, I know it's hard for you to accept it for a while, but please think about the humans you love, just like you have prevented human civil wars so many times, just like

You have protected those people outside the door for dozens of generations! So Zhuke, please help mankind! Help everyone!"

Zhu Ke was silent for a long time, and then he softened his attitude and said: "Then come up with a feasible plan. If you still only have some wild ideas, don't blame me for not accompanying you."

"So you can't do it?"

Gilgamesh scratched his head and said, "I mean, you can't control Thiam's consciousness and let him continue to sleep?"

Hearing this, Zhuke glanced at Gilgamesh: "It was so difficult for me to even let Shengna sleep, so what do you think?"

"Then let's continue!"

Circe said firmly: "There are also Fastos and Macari! Gather everyone together, and we will definitely be able to discuss a feasible solution!"

After saying that, Circe turned her attention to Kewen again.

Ke Wen didn't hesitate, this time he directly opened two portals at the same time.

Soon, a fat black man and a gentle-looking black woman hesitantly crossed over from the opposite side of the portal.

After a brief greeting, Circe explained the situation again.

After another heated discussion, the fat black man thought of a suitable solution.

He said that since the mutants can absorb the cosmic energy in Ajak's body, can everyone also absorb each other?

He wanted to make a device that could gather the cosmic energy in everyone's body into one person, such as Zhu Ke.

In this way, Zhuke's ability will be greatly improved, and he may really be able to control 'Tiam's' consciousness and let him continue to sleep.

This method was approved by everyone.

So everyone passed through the portal opened by Ke Wen and returned to their spaceship that had long been buried deep underground.

While the fat black man was working on the device, the others gathered together in twos and threes and talked among themselves.

Pietro whispered to Coven: "That woman is the mentor you want to find me?"

Ke Wen nodded: "It's her. After you finish dealing with the group of gods in the center of the earth, you can follow her for ability training."

"Is it really okay?" Pietro whispered worriedly: "I mean, can they really implement the plan successfully and make that Thiam continue to sleep?"

"It doesn't matter."

Kewen responded, and then said through a message with his mind: "Even if they fail, I will still be there. Even if the earth explodes, I can use the way of turning back time to repair the earth."

Hearing this, Pietro completely let go of his worries, and then he focused on the black woman named Makary and observed it.

More than two hours later, the fat black man used the small ball in Circe's body to successfully create a bracelet-type device.

The device can link the energy of all Eternal people. After simulation, it can actually allow Zhu Ke to use his ability to put 'Tiam's' consciousness into a deep sleep.

This made everyone happy.

Next, you only need to wait for Thiam's divine descending ceremony to begin. Once any part of Thiam's body is exposed, Zhuke will be able to control the opponent's consciousness immediately.

The night passed quickly.

At noon the next day, there was another global earthquake.

Circe immediately ordered to Macari: "Quickly find the location of the 'divine descent'!"

Makary nodded and disappeared instantly.

Pietro finally saw Macari's speed. Even if he turned on the rapid state, he still couldn't see how the opponent disappeared.


Subconsciously, Pietro sighed in shock...

This chapter has been completed!
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