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Chapter 168 Pregnancy

Similar opening adjectives.

Ke Wen doesn't know how to do it now.

Looking at Wanda's attitude, it was obvious that the other party had got into trouble again.

In the past, Pietro could be used to temporarily wake up Wanda, but now? I am afraid that only the appearance of Vision or the two children can break Wanda's stubbornness.

Where can Kewen find Vision or a child for him?

Doesn't this mean we have reached a dead end? There seems to be no way to change Wanda's mind.

For the current plan, he can only give the other party two children, otherwise Kewen is worried that Wanda will go crazy again.

Of course, you must not rush, because once you get involved, you will never be able to get rid of this stubborn girl.

Thinking of this, Ke Wen couldn't help but sigh tiredly.

He raised his hand and waved to Wanda: "Come here, let me check it for you."

This action immediately caused Wanda's expression to change.

Whatever stubbornness or determination was replaced by shyness in an instant.

Standing up nervously and hesitantly, Wanda slowly came to stand in front of Ke Wen.

When she saw Ke Wen stretching out his hand, she couldn't help but immediately closed her eyes and became so nervous that her whole body became tense.

Ke Wen didn't notice Wanda's expression. He stared at the target and slowly pressed his palm down.

This made Wanda tremble all over and her breathing became rapid.

There was no extra action, just the magic power was invaded into Wanda's body. Soon, Ke Wen got a result that surprised him.

When he looked up, he finally noticed something strange about Wanda.

Looking at Wanda, whose pretty face was flushed and she was biting the corner of her lip nervously, Covin suddenly had a black line on his forehead.

Girl, have you misunderstood something...


Ke Wen made a sound.

This made Wanda stunned.

She felt that Ke Wen's palm made no next move, so she had no choice but to slowly open her eyes tentatively.

Looking at Ke Wen's helpless look, Wanda said shyly, as quietly as a mosquito: "First, sir, what's the matter?"

"do not think too much."

Ke Wen sighed softly and said: "We are all extraordinary beings, and there is not only one way to give birth to offspring."

Raising his hand and pointing at Wanda's lower abdomen, Ke Wen continued: "As long as the conditions in your body are suitable, I can input the breath of life into you to give birth to an embryo, and the result is a coincidence."

He raised his gaze and looked at Wanda, and smiled with emotion: "At this moment, you have exactly two egg cells in your body. It seems that God is on your side."

Hearing this, Wanda was in a daze for a moment, and then she came to her senses.

She suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately showed a slightly disappointed look.

Realizing that her attitude was wrong, Wanda quickly turned her face to the side. After she collected her emotions, she looked at Ke Wen again.

Her voice was full of expectation, and Wanda whispered tremblingly as if she was afraid of scaring someone: "Sir! Can you really do it?"

"You can feel it yourself."

Coven pointed to Wanda's belly again and asked three times: "How is it? Now? Are you ready?"


Wanda's whole body trembled slightly, and she quickly took two deep breaths.

Barely controlling her emotions, Wanda immediately nodded: "Now! Sir! I'm ready!"



Ke Wen reached out his hand again and pressed his palm on the same spot as before.

The magic power with the breath of life entered Wanda's womb through her lower abdomen.

Afterwards, the magic power split into two strands and wrapped around the two egg cells respectively.

Ke Wen and Wanda are both masters of magic.

Therefore, they felt at the same time that two new and blank soul breaths had suddenly appeared in Wanda's belly.


Wanda ignored everything around her for a moment.

She focused all her attention on her belly.

Tears welled up in her eyes unknowingly, and she tilted her head slightly. Wanda's vision lost focus. Her crying face was full of happiness and recovery.

Feeling the two soul breaths in her body, Wanda felt that she already owned the whole world at this time.

At this time, Ke Wen took back his hand.

He said nothing, waiting for Wanda to wake up on her own.

After a long time, Wanda took a deep breath and came back to her senses.

Her eyes refocused and she watched Ke Wen excitedly nodding his thanks: "Thank you! Thank you, sir!"


"Okay, pay attention to your emotions."

While taking out the materials from the Rubik's Cube Space, Kewen reminded: "Since you are pregnant, you have to pay attention to many things at all times, and..."

Lowering his head, Kewen quickly made a talisman.

Handing the amulet to Wanda, Ke Wen warned: "This amulet can protect the safety of the fetuses, so remember to keep it close to you at all times."

Kewen has taken an insurance policy.

He didn't want anything unexpected to happen to the fetuses in Wanda's body.

Otherwise, Wanda might go crazy and die with the earth.

Wanda didn't know what Ke Wen was thinking.

She immediately took the amulet gratefully and placed it on her collarbone cherishedly.

Bowing to Ke Wen carefully, Wanda said with a little cry: "Thank you, sir!"

Kewen raised his hand and helped the other person up.

He smiled softly and said, "Okay, let's calm down and go study."

"Illusions are illusions. You haven't really experienced pregnancy, so you still have a lot to learn."

"I, I'll go right away!" Wanda was modest but impatient.

"Go." Ke Wen stood up and said goodbye: "If you need anything, just tell me."


Wanda nodded heavily with trembling lips.

Waves of happiness were constantly impacting her soul, but Wanda suppressed the emotion of wanting to cry, as if she was afraid of affecting the fetuses in her belly.

Soon after, Wanda entered the elevator and went downstairs, but instead of going to the office on the first floor, she went back to the dormitory on the third floor.

Ke Wen sensed the final destination of Wanda's breath, and he couldn't help but sigh silently.

I finally got over this ridiculous incident.

He couldn't help but feel a little lucky that he happened to have mastered the magic related to life.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll have to "rush" out a pair of twins with real swords and guns, and then face endless troubles.

After all, if that's the case, he can't leave his descendants behind, right?

How good is this now?

Although he used the power of life to activate the egg cells, that life force did not contain any of his personal will.

Those vitalities seem to be the pure power of heaven and earth.

In other words, the twins in Wanda's body are equivalent to a gift from God and have no blood relationship with Kewen.

Metaphorically speaking, Kewen is just a doctor who performs in vitro fertilization on people.

So this happy ending is the most perfect.

Wanda got the twins as she wished, and Covin didn't get into any trouble. He didn't have to be clinging to Wanda, nor did he have to be dragged down by his descendants, which would affect his great cause of time travel.

Therefore, after Kewen sent Wanda away, he couldn't help humming a tune happily.

Time passed in a blink of an eye, and the sun unknowingly crossed the sky.

In the evening, Clint and the others returned.

Wanda immediately announced the good news, which shocked everyone and immediately congratulated them.

Others didn't think much about it, but Clint always hesitated to speak.

When Wanda went back to her room after dinner, Clint immediately dragged Coven to the living room.

Closing the door quickly, Clint said quickly: "Brother! You and Wanda are... that?"

Ke Wen had expected it.

So he smiled and invited Clint to sit down.

Then the specific situation was explained.

After listening, Clint said in shock: "God, I think Xiaona is so right. Brother, you are a real god, right? You can even do this kind of thing!"

"Magic." Ke Wen said with a smile: "It always shows a miraculous side."

Clint laughed too.

Now that he knew that the relationship between Kewen and Natasha would not change, he put aside all worries and chatted with Kewen about their day's experience.

The Clint family has been here in Manhattan for a week.

Every day they would go out and take the children, Tsunade and the others to play around.

But Pietro didn't follow him anymore, that boy was very fond of Wanda now.

As if he was pregnant with a child, Pietro kept nagging Wanda all day long, reminding Wanda of this and that.

Wanda was just pregnant, so she was in a good mood and didn't dislike Pietro.

Wanda now maintains a good mood every day.

Every time Ke Wen saw Wanda, she always had a gentle smile filled with motherly love.

A week later, Clint took his family back to his forest farm.

Life in the hospital became dull.

Tsunade and the girls returned to work, and Pietro was also stationed at the nurse's station, helping Tifa and 2b with some heavy errands.

Wanda no longer helped with the patients.

Her only job now is to raise children.

Every day, Wanda spends most of her time basking in the sun.

She used magic to create a sunshade pavilion on the roof of the building, and as long as the weather was good, she stayed in the pavilion most of the time.

There were all kinds of wool and fabrics in front of her, and Wanda happily made baby clothes with her own hands all day long.

When she was tired, she picked up a parenting book and studied it.

There was soft music playing next to it, which was a peaceful time.

Compared with the tranquility in the hospital, the outside world seems very chaotic.

All kinds of superpowers appeared. Either there was chaos here today, or there was some superpower crime case there.

Especially vampires, they have been extremely active recently.

One night, a vampire even came to the hospital and wanted to rob the hospital's blood bank.

As for the result? I can only say who surprised Wanda?

In short, this chaotic situation gave Natasha few opportunities to return and rest.

She could squeeze in a trip back every three or four days, but not long after she stayed, she would be called to the Avengers base again.

Just like that, more than two months passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, the front desk called Ke Wen's office phone, saying that there was a gentleman downstairs who wanted to see him. The front desk asked Ke Wen if he would have someone come up.

Kewen looked downstairs, but he didn't recognize the man.

After thinking about it, he asked the front desk to bring the person up...

This chapter has been completed!
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