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Chapter 176 Gathering

"Oh my God! You two are the only Avengers left now? Uh, who is this gentleman?"

Ant-Man Scott couldn't stop talking as soon as he entered the hall.

After asking the question, he momentarily ignored his own question, no longer paying attention to Ke Wen, but continued quickly: "Listen guys! I brought something very important this time!"


For the first time, Steve interrupted someone very rudely.

He took a deep breath, held it in and asked in a solemn voice: "Tell me! You still have Pym particles there, right?!"

"Pym particles...yes, yes, that's right."

Scott nodded blankly: "I do have Pym particles here, you guys..."

"that's enough!!!"

Steve showed a heartfelt smile and immediately asked Natasha: "How long will it take for everyone to arrive?"

"Tony is the closest, he is already coming..."

He couldn't finish his words because there was already the sound of his armor being ripped apart outside.

Everyone turned around and saw a steel armor quickly swooping down from the sky.

"He has arrived." Natasha added.

"Wait a minute, guys!" Scott was a little anxious: "Can you hear me out? What I brought is really important!"

"Is time travel correct?" Ke Wen said with a smile, "Is that what you want to say?"

"Uh..." Scott was confused.

He didn't understand how Coven knew what he wanted to say.

"Scott!" Natasha said with emotion: "We have been waiting for you, everyone, has been waiting for your appearance."

"Wait! I'm a little confused..."

Scott covered his forehead and immediately decided to put down what he was going to say and listen carefully to what Natasha had to say.

After taking a deep breath, Scott put down his hands and said, "Okay, let me listen. Can you tell me why you are all waiting for me?"

"Are you still waiting for you?"

Tony Stark's voice sounded, and his words seemed a bit rude.

But it’s no wonder, who made him stumped by the ‘Pym Particles’ for four whole years?

When his pride is broken, Tony Stark will certainly feel a lot of resentment.

At this time, Tony Stark walked in quickly from the door. He looked at Scott and then said: "The first time we met was a fight, the second time you attacked our Stark family, and now it's the third time we met.

We met three times but made everyone wait for five years!"

Looking depressed, Tony Stark couldn't help but ask: "So do you have a grudge against me?"


Natasha said helplessly: "Business matters."

Hearing this, Tony Stark could only roll his eyes and suppress the anger in his heart.

At this time, Scott was even more confused.

Ke Wen saw that everyone had not been on the same channel for a long time, so he had no choice but to explain the current situation.

He said to Scott: "Everyone has researched the possibility of time travel, but they only lack your 'Pym Particles' for verification, so everyone has been waiting for you to appear, waiting for you to bring 'Pym Particles'

"Mu particles', let everyone verify that they can travel through time and space and reverse the twinkling disaster."

"You, you have thought of the same thing?"

Scott was surprised: "Well, I mean, I also thought of this method, but I thought it was just a scientific conjecture. I didn't expect that you are about to get the results."

"So where is the stuff?"

Tony Stark walked up to Scott, and he stretched out his palm directly, making a request.

"Listen, everyone has been waiting for five years, so I'm not in the mood to talk to you anymore."

There was still some resentment in his tone, and Tony Stark urged: "Give me the 'Pym Particles'. I need to copy more so that everyone can have more experiments!"

Scott blinked, looking at Tony Stark hesitantly.

He didn't have a good impression of Tony Stark, so he didn't want to give him the Pym Particles.


Steve spoke and nodded heavily to Scott.

Seeing this, Scott had no choice but to put his hand into his pocket and take out a small test tube containing red liquid particles.

He placed the test tube in Tony Stark's hand, but Scott immediately took the test tube back.

He warned seriously: "Stark, I have to remind you that there are not many 'Pym Particles' left in me. Once you waste them, then..."

"Stop talking!"

Before Scott could finish his words, Tony Stark snatched the Pym particle.

While he raised the test tube to his eyes for observation, he said rather depressedly: "I have been studying it for four years. All I have missing is that I have never seen the real thing. Now that I have the real thing, how difficult do you think it is to make them?"


Before Scott could say anything else, Tony Stark immediately raised his voice and ordered: "Friday! Take over all the data in the base and prepare the equipment at the research center for me immediately!"

"Okay sir, please wait a moment."

"Do not bother me."

Tony Stark informed everyone and then walked directly in the direction of the research center.


When Scott saw that his mission was over, he immediately relaxed.

Finding the sandwich on the table, Scott suddenly felt a huge hunger. He asked a little embarrassedly: "Can that sandwich be eaten? To be honest, I haven't eaten for almost two days since I came out of the quantum realm.


"I'll make a few more for you right now!"

There was no burden in Natasha's smile. She walked quickly to the refrigerator as she spoke.

At this time, a link request suddenly sounded from the communication station.

Natasha looked back and then said: "Kevin, help pick it up."

Kewen nodded and walked to the communication station to answer the successive communication requests.

Virtual screens appeared one after another, and everyone was stunned for a moment when they realized it was Ke Wen.

"What happened?!"

Colonel Rhodes asked first: "Why was the emergency call issued?"


Coven glanced at everyone in the communication image and said: "Scott Lang has appeared and he has brought Pym particles, so the rescue plan can already begin."



"He finally showed up?!"

"I'll rush over right away!!"

Everyone in the video exclaimed.

Ke Wen turned sideways and let everyone see Scott Lang, which made everyone sigh in relief.

Without saying anything else, Kewen asked everyone to come to the base as early as possible to meet up, and then ended the communication.

Everyone is rushing to the base as quickly as possible.

Asgard's flying boat arrived first, and Thor jumped out of the flying boat and rushed into the hall with Valkyrie.

Although he has not experienced the despair in the original plot, Sol's idleness in recent years has turned him into a slovenly fat man.

Rushing into the hall, Thor immediately spotted the unfamiliar face of Scott.

He strode directly to Scott, looked down at him and said, "Why did you just show up now?! You made me wait for five years! Do you know five years?! Look at me!"

Sol pinched the hem of his linen clothes and shook them: "They said mushrooms were about to grow on my body!"


Scott subconsciously leaned back in disgust, and he said weakly: "I was trapped in the quantum realm, and I was just rescued."


Over at the communication station, while communicating, Natasha turned back and said: "Don't cause trouble, you also go to help. If you can't find anything to do, go to Mexico to pick up Bruce."

"Pick up the big guy?" Sol turned around and scratched his head: "But I can't find the place."

"Forget it..."

Natasha rolled her eyes, and then pointed to the large equipment being built in the hall: "Then go over there and lend some strength to help lift things."


Solma walked towards the construction site, and at the same time he did not forget to ask: "Is there any wine here?"

Natasha stopped paying attention to him, waved her hand casually, and continued to communicate with General Okoye on the communication screen.

At this time, Valkyrie walked up to Natasha and asked, "Where is the one chanting the spell?"

"Coven went to the island country to pick up Clint."

Natasha responded, and then said to General Okoye who was in the communication: "Okoye, let's do this for now. You don't need to come over there yet. You are in Wakanda and are preparing to meet those who died in the battle.

Just be a good person, if something unexpected happens, I will ask Ke Wen to open the portal for you."

"Okay." Okoye nodded and then waved to end the communication.

"Is there any wine?"

Valkyrie looked a little careless and asked the same question as Thor.

Natasha was a little speechless, and in the end she had no choice but to point in the direction of the kitchen: "Go and look in the back."

Hearing this, Valkyrie showed a slightly teasing smile. He stared at Natasha and said, "Anyway, their men can do the hard work. Why don't you join me for a drink?"

Natasha looked at Valkyrie with a smile, and after a while she shook her head: "Kevin told me about you, and I don't think we are suitable."

"Tch." Valkyrie rolled his eyes: "They really have an extra mouth when they chant the spell."

After saying that, Valkyrie, who failed to flirt with girls, walked to the kitchen without interest.

At the same time, the island country Tokyo on the other side of the world.

On a rainy night, Kewen stood on the roof of a high-rise building.

Next to him, Clint Barton crouched on the edge of the roof and asked while scouting down: "Is there enough time? How about we go back now, I can let these rotten people below live for a while longer.


"There's plenty of time."

Ke Wen responded with a smile: "At this time, Tony and the others should still be building equipment, and will also create 'Pym particles' later. As for verifying the time-travel experiment, it will probably be tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

"Is it……"

Clint's eyes revealed murderous intent. He stared at the low buildings below and said, "Then let me warm up first!"

"Are we competing?" Ke Wen said with a smile.

"No, please don't get involved." Clint stopped him with a laugh: "I'm very upset right now, so I'd better let me vent."

"Okay." Ke Wen shrugged his shoulders.

Clint chuckled, and then suddenly jumped off the roof...

This chapter has been completed!
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