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Chapter 179 Success

Although Tony Stark was trapped by Pym particles for four years, there is no denying his genius.

He briefly learned about the Ant-Man suit, and then used nanotechnology to create a more high-end suit.

He even optimized Colonel Rhodes' Iron Patriot and added the functions of the Ant-Man suit.

Eight suits for traveling through quantum space were all produced in less than a day.

Standing on the large quantum channel equipment, Steve delivered a mobilization speech very familiarly.

The chicken soup was very thick, and even Coven had to admit that what Steve said made sense.

After the speech, Steve nodded to Coven who was standing in front of the equipment main console.

Seeing this, Ke Wen reminded: "Well everyone, countdown to ten seconds, you can put on the mask. Ten, nine, eight..."

As Ke Wen counted, everyone involved in the time-travel operation put on the masks of their battle suits and took deep breaths to prepare.

Soon, Kewen finished the countdown and pressed the start button in front of him.

The sound of mechanical operation sounded, and the next moment, the Avengers suddenly shrank infinitely and entered the quantum realm through the equipment.

"Will it succeed?"

Valkyrie couldn't help but worry about gains and losses. She held a bottle of wine in her hand but didn't drink it. She just turned it over and over in her hand.

Faced with this question, Kewen could not give a specific answer.

He glanced at the countdown on the control terminal in front of him, and then said: "We will know the details in more than forty seconds."

Hearing this, Valkyrie took a deep breath and then stared at the countdown on the display.

New York 2012.

In an alley near Stark Tower, the silhouettes of Steve and others suddenly appeared enlarged.

The sound of war filled their ears. Looking at the unforgettable environment around them, everyone who participated in the war was filled with emotion.


Natasha looked up at the Chitauri airship in the sky and said, "Let's leave the remembrances later. We need to take action immediately, Bruce..."


Another Hulk roared in response.

The Hulk suddenly fell down and hit the intersection of the alley. With the energy weapon of the Chitauri, he lifted a car and smashed it flat.

Jumping again and trampling the car into a discus, Hulk did not notice the people in the alley and continued to roar towards the other Chitauri.

In the alley, Bruce Banner was extremely embarrassed.

Natasha smiled and said: "In comparison, Hulk is more energetic."

"Spare me..." Bruce Banner smiled bitterly.

"Okay, let's take action."

Natasha patted Bruce Banner's arm and said, "You can't hide your size, so you need to go to the 'Sanctuary of New York' by yourself. Do you remember the address?"

"How could I forget?" Bruce Banner looked around at everyone: "Then I'll go first."

"Be careful." Steve reminded: "Try not to come into contact with the Hulk."

"I know."

Bruce Banner nodded and then walked out of the alley.

He moved his limbs and then crouched to gather strength.

The next moment, he suddenly jumped up and jumped directly into the sky.

Watching Bruce Banner go away, Natasha reminded: "It's time for us to take action."

She took out an electronic mask from her pocket, fastened it on her face and said, "You are responsible for the action, and I will be responsible for helping you deal with the aftermath."

Steve, Tony, and Scott nodded at the same time.

Without further ado, the four of them walked down the alley, avoiding all sights and surveillance cameras, and quickly approached Stark Tower.

the other side.

After several minutes of jumping at high altitude, Bruce Banner finally found the location of the New York Temple by following the address.

He jumped high again, smashed a Chitauri airship with a punch in the air, and then landed heavily on the roof of the temple.

After sizing it up, Bruce Banner walked toward the passage door.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded from the other side of the low wall: "Be careful where you step when you go that way. We have just waxed the ground and it is very slippery."

Bruce Banner was stunned. He turned his head to look at the place where the sound appeared. He looked beyond the low wall and immediately spotted a shiny bald head.

Thinking of Coven's description, Bruce Banner gave up entering the interior of the temple. He stepped over several iron frames on the rooftop and came to the low wall.

Opposite the low wall, Gu Yi, dressed in a yellow robe, was sitting on a wicker chair with his legs crossed, holding a cup of fruit tea in his hand and drinking it through a straw.

Seeing Bruce Banner approaching, Gu Yi smiled and waved his hand, sending another cup of fruit tea to Bruce Banner out of thin air.

"Welcome, there's nothing to entertain you. Can we share some together?"

"Uh, no..."

Bruce Banner looked at Ancient One, was silent for a moment, and then asked tentatively: "Master Ancient One?"

"it's me."

Gu Yi smiled and nodded, then continued: "I don't remember that we have met before, so who do you know about me from?"

"It's Colvin, Colvin Quinn." Bruce Banner answered.

"Kevin Quinn..."

Gu Yi's eyes were distant, but after recalling it, she shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know the Corwin Quinn you are talking about. So, can you tell me about it? When did he appear in the future?


"Sorry, I'm afraid I don't have that much time."

Bruce Banner has discovered the 'Eye of Agamotto' hanging on Ancient One's chest.

So he raised his hand and pointed at it and said, "I'm here for this."

Gu Yi smiled and shook his head: "Oh, this is not possible."

As if Bruce Banner had expected it, he took off the bracelet tied to his wrist and handed it to Ancient One.

"Kewen said, just give this to you."

"Oh? Interesting."

Gu Yi became interested, she reached out to take the bracelet, and immediately discovered the 'Kama Taj' magic spell attached to it.

"This is a memory storage technique. The memory of Corwin Quinn you mentioned?"

"Sorry, I know nothing about magic." Bruce Banner shook his head.

Gu Yi didn't pay attention. She held the bracelet in her left hand and used her right hand to cast a spell to activate the memory stored in the bracelet.

In an instant, a large number of audio memory images flooded into Gu Yi's mind.

The content in the memory is all the scenes of Ke Wen and another Ancient One getting along.

From the first time the two met until Kewen pursued the eternal realm.

Not only that, there are still some pictures of the future in my memory.

Including the process and ending of the final battle, including the future of Coven's universe.

Although there are many memories, Gu Yi digested them all in just a few seconds.

She took a deep breath, then chuckled and said: "Your world is wonderful, isn't it Kevin Quinn? He is really a special existence."

"Then Master..." Bruce Banner asked tentatively: "Is it okay now?"

Ancient One lowered his head and looked at the Eye of Agamotto, then directly raised his hand to cast a spell and take out the Time Stone.

"Stephen Strange is the best of us."

Ancient One handed the gem to Bruce Banner: "Since Stephen and Kevin Quinn of your universe have made that choice, then I am willing to believe them."

"Thank you! Thank you, Master Ancient One!" Bruce Banner was very surprised and carefully took the gem.

Gu Yi took back the gem slightly: "But, Bruce, I need you to help me bring back two conditions."

"Ah? Conditions?" Bruce Banner was stunned.

"Don't worry, it should be said that one is a reminder and the other is an exchange."

Gu Yi smiled and said: "The reminder is that when you return the gems, it must be the time when you leave this universe. You cannot let the gems appear early, and you cannot let the gems come back a second late."


Bruce Banner nodded quickly and promised: "I will record the exact time when I leave this universe, and it will still be the same time when I return, ensuring that every second is accurate!"

Gu nodded, and she continued: "There is also a condition of exchange. I need you to talk to Kewen and ask him to do me a favor so that Mephisto will not cause trouble in my universe."


Bruce Banner thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement: "No problem, Mephisto is easy to talk to."


Gu Yi smiled strangely. She looked at Bruce Banner with a strange look in her eyes and said, "It is really an enviable blessing to have Coven Quinn in your universe."

Bruce Banner didn't understand the hidden meaning of Ancient One, and he nodded in agreement: "Yes, all crises that we cannot handle, Coven will always handle them perfectly."

Gu Yi nodded and placed the gem in Bruce Banner's palm: "If possible, please invite Ke Wen to come over and have a discussion."

"I will bring your invitation."

Bruce Banner carefully closed his palms, and then said: "Then Master, I will go back first."

"Okay." Gu Yi put his hands behind his back and took a step back slightly.

Bruce Banner nodded in greeting, and then summoned a nano-suit to cover his whole body.

He set the time, suddenly shrunk in size, entered the quantum realm and began his return journey.

Another parallel universe.

On the planet Morag in 2014.

Rhodes, Nebula, and Clint have obtained the cosmic spirit ball containing the 'Power Gem' from the ruins.

Summoning the quantum clothing, the three of them pressed the start button at the same time.

Clint took the gem and disappeared at the same time as Colonel Rhodes.

However, Xingyun's movements froze.

She was just a hair away from pressing the time travel button, but at this time she had completely lost consciousness.

Not long after, a huge mainship spaceship enveloped the sky of the planet Morag.

The traction light was projected downward and photographed the nebula into the interior of the spacecraft.

Nebula's body is a mechanical transformation. In addition to having personal emotions, she is equivalent to a high-end intelligent robot.

When Nebula came to this universe, she had data entanglement with the peers in this time and space, and memory data was shared.

Through the homotopes there, Thanos discovered the memories brought by Nebula from nine years later.

As a result, Thanos easily controlled Nebula's data and intercepted Nebula.

In the main ship of the temple, Thanos and others watched the picture projected from Nebula's eyeball.

They saw Thanos being besieged by the Avengers.

We saw the scene where Thanos, even with six infinity stones, was still defeated by Corvin and the Avengers.

At the end, they saw Thanos destroying the gems and seeing Thanos being heartbroken and beheaded.

Everyone was very frightened, and everyone looked carefully at Thanos in front of them.

Thanos was very relieved about this.

He was not angry at all, but said quietly: "It seems that I will succeed after all."


Thanos looked at the nebula in the future, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with some boredom: "Do those lawless Avengers want to reverse my achievements?"

"grown ups!"

Ebony Throat, who controlled the playback of memory data, asked for instructions: "We have found the locations of all the gems from the memory of the future nebula. We can collect them in advance and prepare measures to prevent that kind of future from happening."


Thanos shook his head slightly and said frankly: "At least not now, Odin in Asgard is still alive, and there are existences on earth that we cannot deal with."

Looking at Future Nebula again, Thanos suddenly ordered: "Ebony Maw, take out the particles from her body and produce them in large quantities. In addition, Nebula..."

Thanos looked at the nebula in this time and space, and said threateningly: "The time has come to show your loyalty."


Nebula in the current time and space immediately knelt down on one knee, bowed her head and said solemnly: "I am willing to dedicate everything to you, father!"

"I look forward to it."

Thanos stepped forward, reached out and gently touched the top of Nebula's head, his threat and warning becoming more serious.

Cinematic Universe.

The countdown number in front of Corwin and Valkyrie finally became zero.

At this moment, eight figures suddenly appeared from above the traveling device.

The shuttle suits were taken off one after another, and everyone who was involved in the operation of borrowing gems looked at each other immediately.

"Did everything work?" Tony Stark asked immediately.


Clint threw the cosmic spirit ball in his hand slightly excitedly.

"I'm also very relaxed."

Bruce Banner opened his palm, revealing the time stone, and asked at the same time: "Where are you?"

"Well, we have something going on."

Tony Stark was a little embarrassed, but he pointed to the psychic scepter in Scott's hand, then picked up the box in his hand and shook it.

Slightly thankful, Tony Stark smiled and said: "Fortunately, we have enough particles. Steve and I went to another point in time and successfully retrieved the space gem."

"And I."

Rocket Raccoon raised the transparent container in his hand.

He complained and said: "Thor almost did not help. I got these 'ether particles' entirely on my own!"

This made Sol a little embarrassed.

He raised the Thor's Hammer in his hand and said, "I, I also have something I must do..."

"Why did you bring it back?"

Valkyrie said in confusion: "What did you use in that time and space?"

"I, this is just prevention, yes! Prevention!"

Thor found an excuse and said: "What if there is a battle? And when I return the gem, I will send the hammer back!"

This untenable excuse made everyone roll their eyes.

"Okay everyone."

Natasha began to organize: "Put the rest aside for now. Now we need to make the gloves as soon as possible and snap our fingers as soon as possible to reverse the disaster five years ago!"

After saying that, Natasha looked at Kewen again.

She looked confused and asked, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with me? Why are you staring at me?"

Hearing this, Ke Wen immediately put away his regretless eyes.

Smiling and shaking his head, Kewen said perfunctorily: "Nothing, I just appreciate everyone's efforts. You are the real heroes."

"Oh God..."

Tony Stark bared his teeth, made a shuddering look, and hissed, sucking in the cold air and said, "I can't stand it, guys, he's actually being sensational?"

This made everyone chuckle.

Corwin glanced at Tony Stark, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

In an instant, a cold current appeared out of thin air and enveloped Tony Stark's body alone.

This time, Tony Stark really started to shiver.

He was shivering in the cold and quickly begged Ke Wen for mercy: "Hey! Hey! That's okay, buddy! I was just joking to let everyone relax! Put away your little tricks!!"

Ke Wen chuckled and raised his hand to cancel the magic.


Tony Stark was still trembling with his arms folded, and he complained to Coven speechlessly: "I have never found you to be so petty."

"Do you still want to experience it again?" Ke Wen raised his hand threateningly.

"NO!!" Tony Stark shook his head quickly and stepped behind Natasha.

And his embarrassed look once again caused everyone to burst into laughter.

Natasha was helpless.

She shook her head and sighed: "What a bunch of childish ghosts."

After finishing her words, she once again urged everyone to start working.

This time no one was joking anymore, everyone walked towards the laboratory.

While walking, Ke Wen glanced at Nebula calmly.

He knew that this nebula was not that nebula, and he knew that this nebula would secretly transport Thanos from the parallel universe in the future.

But Coven will not stop it.

Because he has seen the future and knows that even if it is stopped this time, Thanos from other universes will appear due to plot inertia.

After all, the endgame is a key point in the script of destiny and cannot be changed.

So Kewen just followed the trend.

More than twenty hours passed.

At noon the next day, Tony Stark successfully created an Infinity Gauntlet.

The reason it took so long was because Tony Stark checked the glove so many times.

After all, gloves as gemstone carriers are too important.

If anything goes wrong at all, everyone's hard work will be in vain.

Therefore, through double inspection by artificial intelligence and intelligence, and after countless simulations, Tony Stark finally confirmed the perfection of the gloves.

After the last test, Rocket Raccoon looked at the test data and asked: "So, who will snap their fingers next?"

"Of course it is me!"

Thor immediately strode towards the gloves and said at the same time: "After all, I am the strongest Avenger, I am the God of Thunder, and only I can withstand the energy of the gem!"

"You can not."

Ke Wen raised his hand and hooked his index finger back, which immediately stopped Thor in place.

Sol struggled to no avail and could only helplessly say to Kewen: "Kewen, please let me go. Why can't I?"

"There is a conflict between the divine power in your body and the power of the gem."

Ke Wen waved his hand towards the corner, causing Thor to fly over quickly.

After pressing him into the chair, Coven released his restraint and then said: "Among all the people present, only Bruce can do it."

"Bruce?" Tony Stark immediately changed his gaze.

Bruce Banner was stunned when he heard this, but he quickly thought of something.

With a complicated look on his face, he slowly stepped forward and said with a sigh: "Yes, the radiation of gems is mainly gamma rays. Maybe... I was born for this moment..."

"Are you sure you can do it?"

Tony Stark was very worried. He immediately reminded: "You have also seen the results of the simulation. The energy emitted by that snap of fingers can literally light up an entire continent, and even Thanos was almost killed by that energy.

Die, so Bruce! Are you sure you can do it?"

Bruce Banner said nothing and just nodded.

This made Tony Stark sigh. He looked at Corwin again and said, "Corvin, what about you?"

"Although I'm sorry to say this, you and Carol Danvers fought all the way from the ground to the universe. I feel that your physical fitness is stronger than Bruce. How about we take Carol Danvers away?"

Si Zhao is coming back?"

Corwin didn't expect Tony Stark to say that.

He can indeed withstand the energy of the gem, but even he will definitely feel pain.

Ke Wen didn't want to suffer that, so he'd better be sorry to Bruce Banner.

So Coven made an excuse and said: "I can't do it either. My magic also conflicts with the energy of gems. As for Carol Danvers, to be honest, I can't trust her."

Hearing this, everyone nodded slightly in agreement.

Obviously, no one can trust Carol Danvers.

But in this case, Bruce Banner can only snap his fingers.

Bruce Banner also recommended himself again. He smiled and reassured: "It's okay, Hulk's physique has a strong self-healing ability."

"That's right." Ke Wen agreed: "And even if he is injured, I can help Bruce heal quickly."

After hearing this, Tony Stark finally couldn't say anything more and could only acquiesce to this selection issue.

The others did the same and didn't raise any objections. Even Saul became honest.

"That Bruce!"

Clint was a little unbearably anxious, and he said pleadingly: "Can you please start as soon as possible? I'm sorry, I..."

"It doesn't matter."

Bruce Banner smiled softly: "Don't worry Clint, I will definitely bring your family back!"

Clint kept nodding heavily, his face filled with gratitude.

Next, Bruce Banner began to put on the gloves with the assistance of Tony Stark.

Everyone was paying close attention.

Therefore, no one except Ke Wen noticed that Nebula quietly exited the room.

Soon, Bruce Banner reached for his glove with his right hand.

The gloves made of nanomaterials immediately expanded automatically, allowing Bruce Banner to put his hand in...

This chapter has been completed!
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