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Chapter 76 Inquiry

Mr. Arthur Weasley, whom Corwin was looking forward to meeting, did not return home until dinner time.

Everyone was halfway through dinner when Mr. Arthur Weasley pushed open the door and walked in. Before he could fully enter the room, he cheerfully shouted to the dining table: "I'm back, kids!"

"Good evening dad."

All the Weasley children responded in unison, looking very well-educated.

Mr. Weasley took off his hat and coat with a smile and gave it to Madam to put on the hanger. Then he pulled out the dining chair and sat down.

Mr. Weasley's face looked a little thin, but his belly was a little big. After sitting down, he moved the chair several times before he found a comfortable position.

Looking up, Arthur Weasley's eyes met Coven's.

"Ah, oh! You..." Arthur Weasley showed a friendly smile at first, but he hesitated when he opened his mouth. He didn't even try to hide the embarrassment of forgetting Coven's name.

"Kevin Quinn, hello, sir." Kewen took the initiative to introduce himself, relieving the other party's embarrassment.

"That's right! Coven Quinn! I still remember it very clearly in the morning!" Arthur Weasley slapped his forehead and then said with a smile: "It's all my fault that my work today was so unsatisfactory. In short, welcome

You come to our house as a guest, son."

"Thank you." Kewen politely thanked him.

"Dad, what happened to your work today?" Patsy took up the topic and asked vaguely while stuffing food into his mouth with a fork.

Others were also very curious about this, and everyone turned their attention to Mr. Arthur Weasley, who had just picked up the knife and fork.

Seeing this, Mr. Weasley had no choice but to reply first: "Today, the department came up with a reversal of the case, which led my colleagues and I to go to the Azkaban prison."

"Oh my god..."

When Mrs. Weasley heard this, she immediately asked very worriedly: "Is nothing wrong with you? Those 'dementors' don't care whether you are a prisoner or not. I heard that they often go crazy!"

"Ah, yes." Mr. Weasley nodded dejectedly: "Perhaps my colleagues and I were too optimistic at the time, so we did attract the attention of those 'dementors' and caused them to riot a little."

George perked up: "Dad, have you defeated them?"

Fred added: "Can you get one back for us to look at?"

"Shut up Fred! George!"

Mrs. Weasley sternly stopped the twins from being careless, and then turned to look at her husband worriedly, looking back and forth at him, for fear that he might be hurt.

"Mom!" Fred said cheerfully while chewing food, "Dad is home safely."

George answered: "You are obviously not injured. Mom, you are making too much fuss."

"Eat your food!" Mrs. Weasley turned around again and scolded angrily.

Seeing that the twins seemed to want to continue joking and arguing, their brother Charlie Weasley couldn't help but said soothingly: "Okay, okay, don't be angry with mom, hurry up and eat."

Upon hearing this, the twins both shrugged their shoulders and calmed down.

Mr. Weasley smiled when he saw this, raised his hand and patted Madam to indicate that it was okay, then picked up the knife and fork and started eating.

Ke Wen, who had always been a quiet listener, also rummaged through the information about 'Dementors' in his mind, secretly recorded it on his schedule, and planned to read more detailed information after returning to school...

After the meal, Mrs. Weasley was cleaning the dishes, and the children, except the twins, went upstairs to their rooms.

At the dining table, Mr. Weasley took a sip of the after-dinner tea and said to Coven: "So, kid, if I remember correctly, you want to ask me some questions about alchemy?"

"Yes, sir."

Ke Wen did not have the habit of drinking tea after meals, so he did not touch the tea cup in front of him, and said with some expectancy: "I heard from George and Fred that you know a lot about alchemy, sir, so I want to ask you

Study it."

"Ah, of course, of course there is no problem." Mr. Weasley did not mean to refuse and asked, "So how much do you know about alchemy now?"

Ke Wen answered truthfully: "Only the introduction in ordinary books, and some simple enchantments for small things, but I don't understand the principle of that kind of enchantment at all."

"Oh? Is that so?" Mr. Weasley raised his hand and rubbed his chin, thought for a while and said: "Okay, as long as I have time during these two weeks of vacation, you can just ask me, and I will give you

Find a copy of 'Alchemy Intermediate' as a study reference."

"Thank you very much, sir!" Kewen was overjoyed.

The matter was settled so simply.

During the next two weeks of vacation, Kewen became very busy again.

While he was reading the 'Alchemy Intermediate' lent to him by Mr. Weasley, he also had to simultaneously teach George and Fred the knowledge.

During the day, he spent his free time doing alchemy experiments with the twins, and at night, he took all the problems he encountered to Mr. Weasley for advice.

In this way, the fulfilling two-week holiday life passed silently.

When it was time to start school, Kewen came to his senses and instead of feeling tired, he felt that it would be nice if the vacation could be longer.

After all, although he has gained a little understanding of the 'essence of alchemy' in the past two weeks, he still only scratches the surface.

The more Kewen deepens his understanding of alchemy, the more profound he becomes, making people unable to see the limits of this knowledge.

The second week after school starts, Friday night.

Ke Wen was staying in the auditorium with some classmates to do homework. Footsteps approached, and Penello came with a slight scent of fragrance and sat next to him.

Coven stopped the pen in his hand and turned to Penello with a questioning look.

Penello seemed a little confused. He looked around at the students not far away, then lowered his body and whispered in Kewen's ear.

"Kevin, let me ask you something."

"Tell me." Ke Wen responded in a low voice in confusion: "If you have anything, just ask. Why are you still so reserved?"

Penello still looked tangled, one hand unconsciously twisted the cuff a few times, then took a deep breath and moved closer.

"Do you know your Gryffindor, Percy Weasley?"

"Of course." Ke Wen nodded slightly: "I spent the Christmas vacation at their house, what happened?"

"He...what kind of person is he?"

"what kind of person?"

Kewen was a little confused and didn't understand why Penello suddenly came to him to ask this.

However, when he saw Penello's increasingly rosy earlobes, an idea suddenly came to Ke Wen's mind, and then he secretly said: No way...

This chapter has been completed!
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