Turn off the lights
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Chapter 22 Transaction

They drove to a nearby coffee shop. Ke Wen and Angela stayed there until the evening, then got back in the car and waited until the evening.

After nine o'clock, the two returned to the underground midnight bar.

At this time, the bar had completely lost its coolness during the day. Under the dim red light, a large number of extraordinary people were busy in the hall.

Ke Wen held Angela's hand and protected her all the way to the bar.

After knocking on the bar, Ke Wen asked the bartender who came over: "Who sells information?"

The bartender didn't answer with a cold face, and just stood there wiping the glass.

At this time, Angela immediately took out a twenty dollar bill from her pocket, placed the dollar bill on the table and pushed it in front of the bartender.

However, when the bar saw the dollar bills, they sneered, then raised their eyes and looked at Angela with a pair of slightly malicious eyes.

Seeing this, Kewen shook his head slightly.

He raised his hand, took back the dollar bill, and flicked his thumb.


A gold coin landed on the bar counter, bounced and started rolling.

This made the bartender's eyes suddenly light up, and he quickly reached out and held down the gold coin greedily.

He raised his head and gave Ke Wen a flattering smile. Then the bartender looked around the entire hall, and finally pointed to a booth against the wall.

Ke Wen didn't say thank you, turned around and took Angela away.

The two passed through the mixed-blood and pure-blood aliens in the hall and quickly arrived at the booth.

Kewen wanted to move forward, but was held back by Angela.

Looking back in confusion, Angela shook her head slightly and raised her finger to the booth, indicating that a transaction was taking place inside.

Ke Wen reacted. Angela was reminding him to abide by the rules and not to disturb other people's transactions to avoid being unable to purchase information later.

Ke Wen didn't care about this, but since Angela signaled, he would just wait for a while.

A few minutes later, the transaction between the two parties in the booth was completed, and a half-blood half-angel in Ke Wen's eyes stood up.

Glancing at Kewen and Angela, the angel walked away.

This time Angela took the initiative to step forward. She stepped into the booth first and sat down opposite the information dealer.

After Ke Wen also sat down, Angela immediately asked: "We want to buy information! Three days ago, a hell creature killed a policeman on the 'Santi Street', and I want all the information!


The information dealer is a man wearing a hood, and the shadow of the hood only exposes his mouth.

Hearing this, the intelligence dealer opened his mouth with yellow teeth and smiled: "One of my rules is that I only sell my information to those who can make me a profit."

"How much do you want?" Angela asked with a frown.

"No, no, no." The intelligence dealer chuckled: "The benefits I'm talking about are not money. That thing is just waste paper to me. What I want is information."

Lifting his chin slightly, the intelligence dealer seemed to be looking at Coven and Angela from the shadow of his hood.

He continued: "Do you have any information? Information that I can exchange for benefits?"

Angela was completely at a loss, she couldn't find any information that could be traded.

Kewen nodded after thinking for a while: "I have information that neither you nor anyone else has ever heard of."

The information dealer turned his head slightly and stared at Ke Wen under the shadow of his hood.

Then he chuckled and said with some enthusiasm: "Okay, I believe you. You can use that information to exchange with me later, but if you are lying..."

Raising his hand and slowly gesturing around the entire hall, the intelligence dealer grinned and threatened: "Everyone has something they want to know, so I can give that information and ask everyone to seek justice for me."

"Let's trade."

Coven said nonchalantly: "Tell us all the information you know."

"No no no..."

The information dealer grinned again, shook his head slightly, raised two fingers and said: "My second rule is, if you want to trade with me, you must first satisfy my desire for enjoyment."

These words made Angela suddenly nervous, and she subconsciously touched her hand to her lower back.

Ke Wen raised his hand and held down Angela's leg, stared at the intelligence dealer and asked: "What do you want."

"Hey hey hey..."

Seeing that Ke Wen was not frightened, the information dealer smiled softly and said: "I want five cups of 'Heaven'."

"What is that?" Angela couldn't help but ask.

The information dealer turned his head and looked across the hall at a booth.

Ke Wen and Angela looked along and saw a woman sitting alone in the booth over there, with her hair tied up, wearing an exquisite banquet dress, and her appearance was also excellent.

At this time, the information dealer withdrew his gaze, and he smiled at Ke Wen and Angela: "Go and try it, that half-blood angel is very exclusive, as long as you can get five cups of 'Heaven' from her, I will

Let’s trade with you immediately.”

Ke Wen also looked away. He patted Angela's leg: "Wait for me here."

Angela nodded.

Ke Wen stood up and walked out of the booth, and walked directly in front of the female mixed-race angel.

After sitting down, Coven asked directly: "How can I get five cups of heaven from you?"

"Get out of my presence."

The woman looked cold and cold, and she said quietly without looking at Ke Wen: "My wine will only entertain my people."

"Say what you want."

Ke Wen shook his head slightly: "In your mind, at what price can I get wine?"

"I reject!"

The mixed-race female angel became impatient. She frowned slightly and said in a colder voice: "I told you! My wine will only serve people of the same race! Other races are not qualified to enjoy it!"

Ke Wen sighed helplessly.

He stared at the half-blood angel in front of him and suddenly thought of an idea.

So Kewen stretched out his hand and spread his palm, and then began to gather the dust floating in the air.

Gradually, a white feather appeared in Kewen's palm.

When he first faced Gabriel, Kewen quietly analyzed it. Without anyone knowing, he had thoroughly studied Gabriel's body.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The feathers condensed by him at this time are angel feathers.

Of course, they are just ordinary feathers that do not contain any angelic power.

But Kewen can fake it.

No, after the feathers were generated, Kewen poured a trace of divine power into them.

This divine power was imitated by him.

Kewen imitated Lucifer's aura of the morning light, and added his own power of holy light, and finally created a very bluffing morning light.

Then combine it with feathers.

Just like that, an angel feather that was completely genuine in the eyes of others appeared.

The attitude of the half-blood angel completely reflects the superb level of Kewen's counterfeiting skills.

Breathing rapidly, his body leaned forward, his pupils flashed with golden light, and his eyes were fixed on the feather.

The hybrid angel's expression changed from piety to longing, mixed with surprise and disbelief.

Before Ke Wen could speak, the half-blood angel quickly raised his head and asked in a hurried voice, completely out of control: "This is the feather of an angel! How did you get it?!"

Ke Wen shrugged his shoulders, held his feathers and waved them gently and said, "You don't need to know that. Now I ask you, how much does it cost to get five cups of 'Heaven' from you?"

"Give Him to me!"

The mixed-race female angel stared at the feather again and said with great desire: "As long as you give it to me! From now on, you can enjoy unlimited wine at my place!!"

"not enough."

Ke Wen smiled playfully and continued to gently twist the feathers and said: "This time it's your turn to calculate the price. Calculate the price you have to pay to get the feathers from me."


The half-blood angel was a little angry, but she didn't dare to offend Ke Wen, for fear that Ke Wen would cut off the possibility of letting her get the feathers.

Therefore, the half-blood angel immediately softened her tone and said tentatively: "What do you want? As long as I have it! Everything can be given to you!"

Ke Wen raised his eyebrows.

His eyes were a little unscrupulous, and he looked at the beautiful mixed-race female angel in front of him from top to bottom.

As if she understood Ke Wen's eyes, the mixed-race female angel couldn't help but shrink back unaccustomedly, and subconsciously raised her hands to cover her chest to cover her snow-white hair exposed from the V-neck of her dress.

Seeing this action, Ke Wen laughed again.

His smile made him look like a villain in the eyes of the mixed-race female angel.

And what he said was pretty much the same.

"I want your service."

Ke Wen held his chin with his left hand and flipped the feathers between his fingers with his right hand. He looked at the mixed-race female angel and said, "How is it? Is it a deal?"


The mixed-race female angel was ashamed and angry, her chest rose and fell greatly, but she stared at Ke Wen but did not refuse immediately, but hesitated extremely.

Kewen smiled and pointed the feather in one direction.

The mixed-race female angel turned around subconsciously and saw a female mixed-race angel sitting in the arms of a male mixed-race demon in the booth over there.

Ke Wen's voice sounded: "Angels and demons can be together. Is my request difficult?"

"I, I'm not like her!"

The mixed-race female angel shouted shyly: "Impossible!"

"One stick at a time."

Ke Wen went straight to the game. He put the feathers on the table and repeated: "One feather at a time."

The mixed-race female angel was stunned.

She looked at the feathers in disbelief, then raised her eyes to look at Ke Wen.

Ke Wen smiled and spread his palms, copying an angel feather again.


Placing the second feather on the table, Ke Wen chuckled and asked, "Is it a deal?"

The mixed-race female angel clenched her teeth, hesitated for a moment, and finally lowered her head and responded softly: "Okay!"

Ke Wen grinned and laughed silently.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Not only was he served by a beautiful woman, but he was also able to deploy the next agent in the supernatural world.

And all he paid was some knockoff products that were easily available to him. Kewen felt that he had made a lot of money in this transaction...

This chapter has been completed!
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