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Chapter 36 Suggestions

Ke Wen is not cold-blooded, but he just doesn't want to start that way.

Hollywood is full of rich people, and even small roles that have just debuted can pay enough commissions.

But other areas are different.

The gap between the rich and the poor in the United States is so great that ordinary civilians simply cannot afford to pay the high commission fees.

Once Kewen becomes a good person and gets rid of things in vain, then he may encounter more similar things in the future.

Trouble aside, the most important thing is that this is the United States. What does the life and death of Americans have to do with him?

As for the man named Jack in front of him, Coven can make an exception.

Firstly, it was for the sake of the other party's loyal love, and secondly, it was to give face to the little girl Farah. After all, this was the first time that the little girl begged him.

So Ke Wen changed his tone and said: "Although you only have enough time to hire me for three minutes, I will make an exception. This time I can not charge the whole hour, but charge by the minute."

These words made the man smile bitterly. What can he do in three minutes?

Ke Wen didn't pay attention to the man's expression. He continued: "Three minutes are enough for me to investigate the truth of the matter. As for the solution, it depends on your luck, so it won't be too late."

Coven glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, and then stood up.

If he wanted to complete the investigation within three minutes, he would have to be a little more serious.

So Ke Wen stopped talking. He took a step forward, and his body instantly knocked the air out of a glass prism.

He entered the mirror space of this world.

Ever since Doctor Destiny imprisoned him in the mirror space, Kewen has captured the coordinates of the mirror space, which allows him to use the mirror space to do some tricks and to facilitate things.

Such as now.

In the mirror space, Kewen can cast spells at will without worrying about being seen by ordinary people.

So he imagined the woman named Mary, raising her hand to summon a portal.

Passing through the door, Coven came to the mirror image of Mary's position.

Across the mirror space, Coven looked at Mary lying in the homeless shelter.

But what surprised him was that the other party did not have any breath of hell or evil spirits on him.

This is a little strange.

After thinking for a short moment, Kewen stepped forward, left the mirror space and came to reality.

After waving his hand to stop time in this homeless shelter, Coven opened his eyes and examined Mary again.

This time he finally got the result.


Ke Wen was slightly surprised and shook his head in denial: "No, the breath is different."

After thinking about it for a moment, Ke Wen quickly remembered where he had seen a similar aura.

At the midnight bar.

Comparing it in his memory, Ke Wen quickly came to his senses.


He looked at Mary in front of him in surprise, not expecting that she was actually an awakened witch whose bloodline was awakened.

Ordinarily, the investigation should end here.

However, Kewen was still a little curious. He was curious about what caused Mary to awaken her bloodline.

Ordinary drugs are simply impossible. No matter how great the stimulation is, ordinary drugs cannot awaken the blood of witches.

It must be a stimulus with extraordinary elements.

Therefore, Kewen chose to continue to investigate further.

Combining the intelligence, the source of everything should be that drug testing institution.

So Ke Wen raised his finger and drew a thread of memory from Mary's mind.

Quickly finding the location of the drug testing institution in his memory, Kewen snapped his fingers to restore time and entered the mirror space again.

Through the portal, Kewen appeared inside the drug testing institution.

Coming out of the mirror space and out of the deserted place, Kewen found the location of the person in charge's office from the memory of a staff member.

The office was not far away, so Kewen walked over and pushed the door open.

"Who are you? Why did you come in without knocking?!"

There was a fat middle-aged man sitting behind the desk. He immediately yelled at Ke Wen after seeing him.

Ke Wen was too lazy to talk to the other person. With one look, the other person instantly became confused.

Extract memory, read memory.

Soon Kewen found what he was looking for.


He raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Glancing at the fat man again, Ke Wen deleted the other man's memory of seeing him, then turned around and left.

A portal opened in front of him, and Kewen stepped through it and returned to the office hall.

After closing the portal, Kewen glanced at the clock.

Then he smiled and said to the stunned man: "Two minutes, I'll charge you one hundred and sixty dollars."

"This, you are..."

The man was so shocked that he couldn't speak. In the end, he could only sigh: "Oh God..."

"Boss?" Farah immediately asked: "Has the result of the investigation been obtained?"


Ke Wen responded and sat down on the sofa. Then he looked at the man opposite and said, "What happened to your girlfriend is that her bloodline has awakened. She has awakened the bloodline of a witch."

"Bloodline...witch?!" The man continued to be shocked.

"Yes, witch."

Kewen nodded: "It's just an abnormal awakening."

Before the man named Jack could say anything, Farah couldn't help but asked curiously: "What is an abnormal awakening?"

"Well... I don't want to say it. It would be too troublesome to explain." Ke Wen smiled lazily.

"Boss~" Farah said coquettishly.

The little girl walked up behind Ke Wen, pinched Ke Wen's shoulders and urged: "Talk, talk~"

Ke Wen enjoyed it very much.

He looked at the poor man opposite him and saw the beautiful love he had.

After thinking for a moment, Ke Wen thought of a way.

Then he said: "There are two ways of normal awakening. One is that the blood concentration is sufficient, and then the person awakens naturally."

"The second way is to rely on the stimulation of extraordinary power to awaken the witch's bloodline."

"And your girlfriend Laura..."

Ke Wen paused and then continued: "He awakened through the second method. She came into contact with extraordinary power and was stimulated, but there is a problem here."

"What is it?!"

Farah and the man asked in unison.

"Your girlfriend was awakened by the stimulation of extraordinary materials, but the properties of that material are wrong."

"That material came from hell, so it caused trouble for your girlfriend after she awakened. Her blood is absorbing her vitality. If it continues..."

Ke Wen shook his head and said nothing more.

"What should we do?!" The man was in a panic: "Sir! Please help me! Please save Mary! Please!"

"Yes, that's fine." Ke Wen nodded slightly: "But it's not free."


Farah couldn't help but push Ke Wen's shoulder hard, and she said urgently: "When is it?! Human life is at stake! Besides..."

Looking at the dull man, Farah said with some dissatisfaction: "This gentleman is not able to pay the commission now. Why don't you save people first? Then wait for Ms. Mary to recover and then use your ability to make money to repay?"

Coven ignored Farah.

He looked at the man opposite and said, "Do I have a suggestion here that you would like to hear?"

"You, please speak." The man responded helplessly and desperately in a low voice.

"Call the police."

Ke Wen said a word that made people confused.

This time he didn't sell it and explained directly: "I have investigated and found that the drug testing company is doing illegal things."

"They accidentally found a bone from a hell creature, ground the bone into powder, diluted it, and then mixed it into the drug."

"It is said to the outside world that they are making special tranquilizers to treat mental illnesses, but in fact, they are making hallucinogenic drugs, which are considered drugs."

The man was still confused.

Farah didn't understand what Coven meant either, and couldn't help but ask: "Then what? Does this have anything to do with saving Ms. Mary?"

Ke Wen is speechless. Why does his little employee feel a little confused?

He pushed his head back as if punishing, but he failed to notice.

Farah was not tall, so the back of Ke Wen's head hit the two soft balls directly.

After Ke Wen reacted, the little girl Farah immediately let out a low cry, blushed and pushed his sudden head away, and immediately hid aside.

Ke Wen's face has been tempered for a long time.

He continued as if nothing had happened: "There are two benefits of calling the police. One is that you can get compensation and a reporting bonus."

"The second benefit is that you can use the money to pay for your girlfriend's treatment."

"I do!


The man immediately stood up excitedly and nodded repeatedly: "I do! I do, sir!"



Ke Wen silently raised his hand to stop: "What you said is too easy for people to misunderstand."


Farah, who was shy, couldn't help it. She couldn't help but imagine the scene of Ke Wen and the man standing on the wedding stage, and she burst out laughing.

Ke Wen turned his head and glared at the little girl.

Then he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and said while making a call: "Since you have decided, I will help you again."

The call was quickly connected, and Angela's voice rang: "Hi Kewen, long time no see."

"Hi Angela."

Ke Wen chuckled and said, "How have you been lately? Is the work at the Hollywood branch going well?"

"Thank you for your concern. The work went very smoothly."

Angela's happy voice came out: "With a famous person like you taking care of me, my work here cannot be described as smooth. It should be called enjoyment."

"That's good." Ke Wen responded with a smile.

"What?" Angela asked: "At this time...didn't you find a celebrity last night? So why are you calling me?"

Ke Wen ignored the previous question and answered the following question: "I would like to introduce you to a company that manufactures illegal drugs. Are you interested?"

"Of course I'm interested!" Angela said happily: "I just feel that work is too comfortable!"

"Okay, are you at the police station?" Ke Wen asked.

"Not yet." Angela responded: "But I'll start from home right now."

"Then I'll have someone go find you directly.


"No problem." Angela responded with an expectant smile.

After hanging up the phone, Ke Wen looked at the man opposite and then at the little girl Farah.

Then he smiled and said: "I won't show up anymore because you can't afford to hire me, but you can hire my... assistant."

Coven glanced at the astonished Farah again, and then continued: "She will take you to the police station to find the agent on the phone just now to help you save the tedious process. As for the commission, you can discuss it yourself."

After saying that, Ke Wen nodded slightly to the man, then stood up and walked towards the stairs, ready to go back upstairs to continue talking to the two beauties... uh uh uh uh...

This chapter has been completed!
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