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Chapter 82 Love Letter

Here Ke Wen had just stood up and was about to turn around and leave the auditorium, but someone moved faster than him.

The twins George and Fred already knew the news. After all, when Coven gave his defense yesterday, the twins' father was present.

Mr. Weasley went home and talked about Covin and wrote to the children in the academy to urge them to learn from Covin.

Therefore, when they heard someone screaming that Covin was on the front page of the Daily Prophet, the twins immediately rushed over excitedly.

Both jumped up, George and Fred wrapped their arms around Ke Wen's neck, holding Ke Wen in place as he wanted to leave.

Fred: "You're awesome Corwin!"

George: "Great job Covin!"

After being blocked by the twins, other people also finished checking the newspaper reports. Naturally, they all surrounded him with shock, envy, admiration, or admiration.

For a moment, the crowd surrounded Ke Wen. They kept shouting and saying something to Ke Wen, making it impossible for Ke Wen to listen to the whole sentence.

Feeling the tactile sensations on his body that were constantly touching and grabbing him, Ke Wen could only maintain a polite smile on his face while holding on to his wizard robe tightly, for fear that his clothes would be torn to pieces by the people around him.

After a while, someone finally rescued him.


Dumbledore cast a loud spell and finally suppressed the noise in the auditorium temporarily.

All the students turned their heads quietly and looked at Principal Dumbledore on the other side of the professor's chair.

Seeing this, Dumbledore stood up and said with a smile: "On behalf of Hogwarts College, I would like to first of all congratulate Mr. Cowan Quinn for unveiling and correcting a long-lasting secret for the entire wizarding world.

Hundreds of years of misconception.”

Looking at Corwin, Dumbledore smiled and nodded, and then said: "I hereby announce that Corvin Quinn will add one hundred points to Gryffindor!"


The next moment, all the Gryffindor students cheered and jumped up, while the students from the other three houses showed envious looks.

"Kewen! Kewen! Kewen!"

Around Kewen, all the students shouted Kewen's name loudly.

Then, the students closest to Kewen, as if they had a tacit understanding, stretched out their hands one after another, and lifted up Kewen who didn't know whether he should be panicked or helpless.

In the end, Ke Wen, who showed a helpless smile, was thrown into the air by everyone.

Kewen basically had no rest during this whole day, because it happened to be a holiday on Sunday, so even if Kewen hid in the dormitory to avoid the students from the other three houses, he still couldn't avoid Gryffindor students from visiting the dormitory.


There were so many people who came to watch the celebration that there was simply no room for that many people in the dormitory.

In the end, Kewen could only go downstairs to the common room at everyone's suggestion.

"Everyone, be quiet—"

In the common room, Patsy Weasley stood on a table, maintaining a somewhat false seriousness on his face and some unconcealable vanity, and shouted loudly.

Everyone was very considerate and turned their attention away from Ke Wen, curious about what Patsy wanted to say.

With all the Gryffindors watching, Patsy felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction, coughed deliberately in a tone of voice, and then began to speak.

"Next! I invite you to be a guest at our house during the Christmas vacation! You will live in the same bedroom with me! My good friend Ke Wen! I will give you a speech!"

Bang bang bang bang——

Applause and cheers suddenly broke out, urging Ke Wen to come up and speak.

Most of the students in Gryffindor House did not have so many twists and turns in their hearts. After listening to Patsy's introduction, many people showed envy of his relationship with Coven.

Other students who noticed something were also caught up in the warm atmosphere at the scene, so they did not delve into Patsy's little thoughts...

Seeing that everyone around him was enthusiastically applauding him, Ke Wen had no choice but to return friendly smiles to everyone around him while taking steps.

Passing through the path that the crowd automatically made way for him, he came to the table where Patsy was standing, raised his legs and jumped on it.

Looking around condescendingly, looking at the expectant smiling faces below, what else could Kewen do? He had no choice but to follow everyone's wishes.

When the applause fell and the discussion died down, Kewen smiled and said: "Thank you, thank you everyone for your recognition and encouragement!"

"Kewen!" Roommate Selt shouted to Kewen: "Tell us more about it!"

Others responded: "Yes! Tell me about your paper in detail!"

"Okay." Ke Wen did not refuse and immediately began to tell the whole story from the beginning.

Starting from when he heard about "dementors" at Weasley's house, he talked about how he had doubts, how he went back to the academy to search for information, and how he discovered the logical anomaly.

He also talked about how he took his doubts to Professor McGonagall for advice, then faced the principal's inquiries, and finally verified his guess with the cooperation of the professors.

Some of the previous texts were detailed, but some of the verified texts intentionally blurred their role and focused on how the professors dealt with the 'dementors'.

With the combination of his vividness, excessive embellishments, and mimetic movements, the audience below was sometimes amazed, sometimes exclaimed, sometimes nervous, and sometimes laughing.

After the story was finally finished, Kewen deservedly received everyone's cheers for him again...

After bragging with all the Gryffindor classmates all day long, Kewen finally managed to cope with one house.

As for the other three colleges, it is estimated that someone will spread the story he described soon.

So Coven figured that he no longer had to deal with the other three houses like Gryffindor.

The next day, a new week begins.

During breakfast, Penello came to the Gryffindor table and sat down next to Corwin without any hesitation.

"Congratulations, Kewen." Penello congratulated as if nothing had happened, and then threw a letter in his hand in front of Kewen.

"What?" Ke Wen lowered his head and looked at the envelope.

Penello deliberately did not look at Coven, but said while eating the breakfast in front of him: "This is a confession for you, written by one of my senior sisters."

Seeing Penello's expression as if someone had taken his toy away, Coven held back his smile and slowly pushed the envelope back from the table in front of Penello.

"What?" Penello was slightly stunned when he saw this, and finally turned his head, stared at Kewen and said, "Why don't you take a look?"

Ke Wen shrugged, picked up the knife and fork and said, "I don't like girls with smaller breasts than me."

Everyone around them was stunned for a moment, and then, regardless of gender, they lowered their heads and looked at their chests in almost the same movement...

This chapter has been completed!
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