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Chapter 68 Take action

After experiencing a nuclear explosion and a long period of recuperation, Bruce Wayne has become a little older.

Although he is still strong at nearly fifty years old, graying has inevitably appeared on his temples.

At this time, Bruce Wayne was setting off from the pier and driving in the opposite direction toward the city center.

However, the congestion of various vehicles and a large number of destroyed buildings greatly hindered his speed.

Bruce Wayne can't keep up with the battle that has begun.


There was an explosion in the air, and Clark flew back in time.

He crashed through the spacecraft piloted by General Zod, causing the spacecraft's energy cannon to shoot out, and the military transport plane escaped the crisis of crashing the aircraft and killing people.

But the destiny script has already marked the fate of that transport plane.

No, Fiona's adjutant escaped from the main ship in a single-person aircraft and quickly broke into the military transport aircraft.

Not long after, the military transport plane suddenly began to accelerate and dive, and finally crashed into the Kryptonian main ship.

A large amount of electricity burst out and caused the engine of the Kryptonian main ship to explode.

The air around the main ship collapsed, as if the world's barriers had been shattered, and a dimensional gap with huge suction force appeared.

The Kryptonian remnants in the main ship were the first to be sucked into the dimensional gap, followed closely by the interior of the spacecraft.

After that, the entire Kryptonian main ship began to shrink and disintegrate due to the huge suction force.

Various parts of the spacecraft were shattered one after another and quickly sank into the dimensional gap following the suction force.

When the Kryptonian main ship completely disappeared, the various debris in the ruins of the city were also absorbed by the suction force and began to rise into the air.

At this moment, Clark lifted a piece of building debris and stood up from the ruins.

He raised his head and glanced at the dimensional gap that had begun to shrink, and then his expression condensed, but he found Lois Lane falling from a high altitude.

Without thinking, Clark immediately took off.

In the blink of an eye, he flew to Lois Lane's side. Clark immediately reached out to hug her, and then turned back to the ground to land.

After struggling to get rid of the suction of the dimensional gap, Clark returned to the ground holding Lois Lane.

After hearing a loud noise in the air, all the surviving humans in the ruins looked up.

Under everyone's gaze, the dimensional gap quickly shrunk and completely disappeared in just a few seconds, causing calm to return to high altitude.

As various wreckage fell from the sky, the humans who survived the disaster collapsed and vented their remaining lives.

Clark and Lois Lane also embraced each other like in the ending of the movie, celebrating together that the disaster was finally over.

However, a desperate roar that seemed to resound throughout the world made everyone's hearts rise again.

Right below where a Kryptonian main ship should have been, a figure knelt alone on the flat open space.

General Zod seemed to have lost his soul, and he held up a handful of ashes sluggishly.

Clark's super vision discovered General Zod.

He ended his embrace with Lois Lane and then slowly flew not far from General Zod.

At this time, a voice suddenly came into General Zod's mind.

"Do you regret it?"

Standing high in the sky, Coven sent a message to General Zod: "You could have avoided ending up like this."

"Regret... I regret extremely..."

General Zod murmured in confusion, and then his tone quickly turned resentful: "I regret being so soft-hearted! I should have killed you early on!!!"

Raising his head, General Zod stretched out his hand to Clark in front of him.

Letting the ashes in his hand be blown away by the wind, General Zod complained in a deep and sad voice: "Look at this!"

"We could have rebuilt Krypton from these ruins!"

"But you chose humans over us in the end!"

Suppressing the outburst of anger, General Zod tremblingly stated: "The meaning of my existence! It is to protect Krypton! This is my only mission since I was born!"

"Everything I do! No matter how violent! No matter how cruel!"

"All! In the best interest of the people of Krypton!"

General Zod tightened his trembling lips and gritted his teeth.

Like a volcano about to erupt, he barely squeezed out words from the gap between his lips: "But now!! I have no people!!!"

"It's you--"

Unable to suppress his anger any longer, General Zod suddenly exploded.

He pointed at Clark with a ferocious expression and roared as if his voice was torn: "You turned me into a lonely ghost!"


The ground beneath him suddenly collapsed, and General Zod used the reaction force of the ground to suddenly throw himself into Clark and crash into him.

A distance of about ten meters passed in the blink of an eye, and General Zod's straight fist burst out, instantly hitting Clark who was unable to react.

The air wave flew up, and Clark's body quickly flew backwards, bouncing on the ground and flying nearly two hundred meters away.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Moving heavy steps, General Zod stared at Clark, and he growled ferociously: "I want them to bear this pain Carl!"

"I will take away the humans you saved! No one will be left alive!!"

"And that! Humans who think they are superior! I will destroy everything for you!!"

"I will use the end of this planet! as the grave I dug with my own hands——"


Press your feet hard on the ground.

General Zod instantly escaped from the collapsed pit and charged towards Clark like a wild beast.

At this time, Clark had already taken off again.

"I have to stop your madness!"

He gritted his teeth and stared at General Zod, who was running ferociously, and then suddenly flew up towards him.


The distance of several hundred meters was covered by both sides in a short time, and Clark and General Zod suddenly collided.

In the circular shock wave that spread vertically, the two figures flew upside down and separated instantly.

General Zod crashed directly into the ground, creating a deep pit more than ten meters in diameter.

Clark flew out diagonally, losing control of his body and crashing into a building in the distance.


There was an explosion in the pit, and General Zod's body turned into an afterimage, and he immediately chased after Clark.

When the two figures disappeared inside the building, there was no immediate physical collision.

In just one day after arriving in the solar system, General Zod's power finally awakened further after absorbing enough sunlight.

After awakening his super hearing and super vision before, General Zod has now awakened his heat vision ability.

The newly awakened loss of control caused General Zod to launch his heat vision arbitrarily, directly cutting off the middle of the building he was in.

After a short moment, General Zod controlled his abilities with his powerful talent.

After seeing the crumbling buildings around him, he immediately turned around and rushed out.

At this time, Clark was a little anxious.

He quickly looked around and found many workers inside the collapsing building.

Looking at General Zod who had left the building, Clark gritted his teeth and flew out of the building.

He turned around and hovered in mid-air, preparing to give up the fight temporarily and go to rescue those people in the building who were in desperate situation.

However, a roar suddenly came from the direction behind Clark.

General Zod unexpectedly rushed back.

Because he was distracted by the refugees, Clark failed to react in time again and was immediately punched out by General Zod.

The flight flew very far and crashed into a building again.

Clark rushed out and landed on the street.

He looked at the collapsing building in the distance and realized that he had no time to save lives.

As a last resort, he could only retract his attention in pain, and immediately raised his arms to block General Zod's sudden attack.

high altitude.

Corwin looked at the battlefield where Clark and General Zod were, and then shifted his gaze to the collapsing building.

After all, he was not so cold-blooded.

So with a sigh, Ke Wen disappeared in an instant from high in the sky.

The next moment, he appeared in front of the collapsing building.

Without hesitation, Ke Wen immediately stretched out his right hand and pushed towards the tilted upper half of the building.

A buzzing sound sounded.

A huge light curtain suddenly appeared, and seemed to be elastic, gently stabilizing the collapsed building.

Ke Wen kept moving and raised his left hand again.

With a snap of the fingers, a series of portals appeared that could only allow one person to pass through.

He did not wait for the panicked and desperate people to come to their senses, but made a gesture of fanning his hands, causing all the portals to move on their own.

Many portals actively swallowed up the victims in the building, causing them to appear on the street screaming.

After the last victim was teleported out, Coven closed all the portals at the same time.

"Don't be dazed."

Ke Wen reminded the confused people quietly: "Get out of here quickly."

An executive was the first to come to his senses, and he quickly shouted and organized everyone to retreat.

At this moment, a rush of footsteps approached from a distance.

Bruce Wayne, sweating profusely, ran over panting.

"Yes, it's you?!"

After seeing Ke Wen's movements and Ke Wen's face clearly, Bruce Wayne couldn't help being stunned.

Ke Wen glanced at the other party, and then said quietly: "Is this your building?"

Bruce Wayne nodded subconsciously without knowing why.

"I heard that you are super rich?" Ke Wen continued to ask.

"What do you want to say?" Bruce Wayne asked.

"Nothing." The corner of Ke Wen's mouth curled up slightly with a smirk, and he suddenly pushed his raised right hand upward.


The magic barrier holding up the upper half of the building suddenly turned into a burst of magic.

In an instant, the upper half of the building was completely shattered into dust by the burst of magic.

Seeing this, Bruce Wayne couldn't help but his eyes widened in shock.

"Peace of mind."

Kewen's voice sounded: "I have rescued all the victims."

Withdrawing his hand, Coven raised his eyebrows at Bruce Wayne: "You're welcome."

As soon as the words fell, Kewen suddenly disappeared in a sudden turn before the dust from high in the sky fell.

By the time Bruce Wayne came back to his senses, dust like a sandstorm had covered his head and fell, completely submerging his figure in an instant.

A violent cough sounded.

After a while, the smoke finally began to disperse.

"Wonderful guy!"

A complex voice came out from the dust and mist...

This chapter has been completed!
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