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Chapter 76 Favors

In the hours after the warehouse explosion, Clark only went out briefly twice to rescue other disasters, and spent the rest of the time quietly in the hospital.

He gave up helping others like rescuing kittens and puppies, and instead waited for the families of the victims with a guilty look on his face.

At this moment, the whole hospital suddenly buzzed and the whole world turned pale.

Everything seemed to have lost its color and turned into an extremely dark color.

Everyone, including Clark, felt the suffocation of being buried alive.

Critical illness alarms sounded in the intensive care unit one after another, and some ordinary patients couldn't bear the feeling and fell into coma in an instant.

For a moment, there was a panic inside the hospital.

In the corridor outside the morgue, Ke Wen's figure instantly appeared out of thin air.

All the colors seemed to be concentrated on Kewen, and brilliant streams of light were spreading with Kewen as the center, and the ripples were rhythmic like breathing.

At this time, there were not only hospital staff in the corridor, but also several police officers investigating the case.

When Coven appeared, everyone except Clark clutched their chests and fell to the ground in pain, instantly falling into a coma.

Clark was stunned for a moment and then immediately came to his senses. He reminded in a panic: "Sir! The fluctuation in your body is very dangerous! Find a way to control it quickly!"

Ke Wen was stunned.

He didn't expect Clark to be here, and Clark was not mentioned in the notice the police called him.

But now it seems that this incident is not that simple.

Not wanting to delve into it for the time being, Ke Wen took a deep breath and quickly calmed down his emotions.

As his emotions calmed down, the aura naturally emitted from his body also quickly disappeared.

The entire corridor regained its color, and the hymn-like auditory hallucination in the air also disappeared at the same time.

Coven glanced at the unconscious people in the corridor, then looked up at the ceiling.

Frowning slightly, he raised his hand and waved.

This time, the entire hospital was suddenly filled with golden light for a moment.

And after this moment, all the comatose people woke up.

What's even more amazing is that most patients suddenly recovered, and even some terminally ill patients' physical conditions improved greatly.

Kewen didn't pay attention to these.

As he opened the door and walked into the morgue, he asked without looking back, "Why are you here?"

"I... caused an explosion."

Clark answered truthfully. He said remorsefully and sadly: "A lady and a gentleman were killed in the disaster caused by me."


Ke Wen's footsteps stopped heavily.

He turned his head expressionlessly, looked at Clark who was blaming himself, and then started to move again.

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Following the remaining magic aura, Kewen walked straight to the location of Farah's body.

As for Clark behind him?

If Ke Wen hadn't known that the other party didn't mean it, he might have crushed him to ashes in an instant.

While walking, Ke Wen quickly came to a morgue.

He lifted up the white cloth on the corpse with his own hands, revealing Farah's sleeping face.

The little girl's appearance was intact, except for the fact that there was no trace of blood on her skin, which looked exactly like she was sleeping.

But in fact, Kewen could no longer sense the little girl's breath of life and soul.

At this moment, slight fluctuations spread again with Ke Wen as the center, and the entire morgue began to fade again.

Seeing this, Clark quickly reminded: "Sir!"

Ke Wen frowned slightly and regained control of his emotions.

"What exactly is going on?" He asked without any fluctuation in his voice.

"Feel sorry……"

Clark said with some pain: "I thought it was just an ordinary construction accident..."

In a very dark voice, he recounted the entire process to Ke Wen.

After listening to the statement, Ke Wen frowned and asked: "You said you didn't see it?"

"Yes, sir."

Clark nodded depressedly: "The police conducted an on-site survey and they said that the outer wall of the warehouse is a mixed metal containing 'lead' content."

"And with my clairvoyance, the only substance I can't see through is lead metal."

"Where's the sound?" Ke Wen asked in a low voice again: "Can't you hear the sound inside?"

Clark opened his mouth, he didn't want to defend anything, but that was the truth.

Therefore, he had to say painfully: "Yes, sir, I didn't hear it, because there is a thick sound insulation layer inside the warehouse, and the scene outside was very noisy, so I couldn't clearly distinguish the inside of the warehouse." the sound of……"

Ke Wen was silent.

He raised his hand and gently stroked Farah's hair.

After a while, he gently tapped his fingertips on Farah's eyebrows.

A magical illusion with complete sound and shadow suddenly rose up and started playing as if in fast forward.

The illusion quickly ended, and everything seemed like an ordinary accident.

But Coven didn't give up there.

He didn't consult Clark and directly reached out to him.

A magical glow instantly shot out from the fingertips and went straight to Clark's eyebrows.

Clark reflexively wanted to avoid it, but he controlled his instinct and allowed the light to fall between his eyebrows.


Another magical illusion appears, this time playing Clark's experience.

After the playback was over, it was still an ordinary accident.

"Sir, I'm sorry..."

After reliving the accident, Clark couldn't help but feel even more uncomfortable.

He even fell into a state of self-doubt and was about to evolve into self-denial.

Ke Wen glanced at the other party.

After hesitating for a moment, he said casually: "The responsibility does not entirely lie with you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kewen reached out and picked up Farah's body.

"Sir?" Clark managed to calm down. He was a little puzzled when he saw Ke Wen's actions: "Are you..."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Take her back and resurrect her." Ke Wen responded calmly and asked: "Where are her relics?"

"In the holding room next to it." Clark replied subconsciously.

Coven said nothing. He walked out of the morgue with Farah's body in his arms and found all the relics in the nearby storage room, including a set of magic equipment and some magic props.

After putting everything away, Ke Wen hesitated for a moment, and then said to Clark, who was following him: "Don't blame yourself too much. Someone is behind this accident. I will handle the rest of the matter personally."

"Someone is causing trouble?" Clark was stunned and quickly asked: "Sir! Are you saying this accident is a conspiracy?!"

Ke Wen said indifferently, "Hmm" and nodded slowly.

Ever since he calmed down before, he had sensed a faint identical wave from himself and Clark.

Covin didn't know exactly what that fluctuation was, but he had a general idea of ​​what it was.

That's the rules of cause and effect, destiny.

In other words, he and Clark are now involved in the same incident.

Kewen opened his Dharma eyes and observed carefully.

The rules imposed on him and Clark were not new.

Observing its shape, it is obvious that it has been around for some time.

Obviously, he and Clark were not causally involved because of Farah's murder, but were linked by fate for some reason very early on.

Kewen does not believe that this is a natural incident, so a third party may have intervened.

He planned to go back and resurrect Farah first, and then delve into the conspiracy behind it.

Kewen feels like he seems too kind?

No matter how it ends this time, he plans to make a big fuss!

At this time, Clark didn't know what Coven was thinking.

After hearing that this incident was a conspiracy, no matter how honest he was, he could not help but feel angry.

Breathing slightly heavily, Clark said to Coven: "Sir! I think I can help with the investigation! My vision and hearing should be able to help!"

Ke Wen looked at the other party, then shook his head: "No need."

Not wanting to say more, Coven also didn't give Clark a chance to speak again. He hugged Farah's body and disappeared in an instant.

Clark quickly activated his super vision, but he could not find Cowen at all.

He plans to investigate as well.

So Clark walked out of the hospital and quickly took off into the sky.

He arrived at the edge of the atmosphere and hovered.

First, he used his super vision to look at the Los Angeles area. Except for a few buildings that he could not see through, he did not find Coven.

Clark had no choice but to activate his super hearing to hear who was talking about Kewen.

On the other side, Coven took Farah directly back to the office.

Lifting the white cloth covering the body, he waved his hand and ordered Farah to put on the magic clothes again.

Looking at the little girl with a hint of disbelief on her face, Ke Wen shook his head and sighed: "This is the first time I went out and I encountered this kind of thing. Now you should remember this lesson in the future."

Shaking his head again, Kewen opened his hand and ordered Farah's cell phone to fly to him automatically.

He unlocked the screen, opened the communication history, and called them one by one.

Simulating Farah's voice, Coven called Farah's relatives who received the death notice to comfort them, saying that the phone was lost and the death was just a prank.

It took quite a while for Kewen to finally comfort Farah's family.

Putting down the phone, he finally started the resurrection process.

Opening his hand to Farah's body, Corwin unleashed the realm of time rules.

The domain completely enveloped Farah's body and turned back time.

However, Farah was not resurrected.

Even though Farah's time has flown back to before her death, she still has no sign of regaining consciousness.

The blood began to flow again, the chest resumed its ups and downs, and Farah's face returned to rosy.

But her soul has not returned.

Ke Wen immediately looked in the direction of Lucifer's bar and used magic to transmit the message: "What the hell are you doing?! I'm not in the mood to make trouble with you now!"

"What are you talking about?" Lucifer immediately replied via voice message, but his tone was full of confusion.

This made Ke Wen slightly stunned.

He frowned and sent the message again: "Come here!"


There was a sound of the air being squeezed out, and Lucifer appeared in the office out of thin air.

Immediately spotting Farah lying on the ground, Lucifer couldn't help but curiously smiled: "What game are you playing?"

Ke Wen squinted his eyes slightly, and after observing Lucifer's expression, he was sure that the other party really didn't know anything.

So he frowned and said, "See for yourself!"

Lucifer felt a little baffled.

He looked at Ke Wen and realized that something was wrong with Ke Wen's expression.

Lucifer finally stopped being careless and became a little more serious.

Turning his attention to Farah, Lucifer's penis showed a red glow.

Farah's death experience flashed into his mind.

"The little girl is in trouble?!"

With a low cry in an instant, Lucifer looked at Kewen in disbelief: "With you protecting her, how could she have such an accident?"

"Help me use the destiny rules in your 'Power of Morning' to find out who it is!"

Ke Wen said in a cold tone: "I don't know the relevant rules. It would be too troublesome to investigate! Follow the cause and effect on me to see who is planning all this!"

Lucifer glanced at Farah's body and gave up the idea of ​​playing around.

After scratching his head, he said reluctantly: "You must understand that you owe me a huge favor this time."

"Because if I want to use that ability, I have to restore my true body first, and then it will be very troublesome to become an ordinary body again. I have to put on wings and cut them off again, which is very painful."

"Hurry up." Ke Wen ignored the other party's misfortune and urged, "I will remember the favor I owe you."

"All right."

Lucifer shrugged, looked at the office hall again and said: "Deploy the barrier first, otherwise the naturally emitted energy will destroy the surrounding area."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Bang!

Ke Wen didn't hesitate, he just clapped his hands and created a pocket universe.

He opened his hands to expand the pocket universe, swallowing up the two figures in an instant.

In the "pocket universe" that was so simple and empty, Lucifer looked around and then shrugged his shoulders again.

The next moment, he suddenly unlocked the seal in his body.


The tide of energy surged, and Lucifer closed his eyes in enjoyment and took a deep breath.

But he quickly got rid of that feeling of power and regained control of the dissipated energy fluctuations.

Two clusters of flames rose from Lucifer's twin children, and images flowed in his eyes.

There was a surprised look on his face, and Lucifer quickly put away his ability.

He hesitated to speak and looked at Ke Wen.

"Who?!" Ke Wen asked in a deep voice.

"Uh, I can't say..."

Lucifer was confused, but he quickly showed a rebellious look and raised his finger.


Ke Wen didn't care, he asked in surprise: "What tricks is your old man playing?!"

Lucifer blinked and looked up at the sky of the 'Pocket Universe' again.

He found no intention of interfering with God, so he stopped hesitating.

"You have something that the old man wants! My sight was interrupted by the old man, so I didn't see what it was specifically. I just know that it's not important to you."

Lucifer suppressed his curiosity and said with some boredom: "Since it has something to do with that old man, then I don't want to interfere. All I can tell you is to just let it go, oh by the way."

He took out a coin with the devil's head on it.

After flicking the coin to Ke Wen, he said: "This time things are a bit complicated, but the little girl's soul is in the hands of the First Fallen."

"The First Fallen!"

Ke Wen caught the coin that could go in and out of hell, and said in a cold voice: "Is he the one doing the trick... It doesn't matter if I kill him, right?"

Although the tone was inquiring, Kewen's words gave people a feeling of certainty.

Lucifer smiled and didn't care about this. He said nonchalantly: "Don't think about it. All Satans are bound to hell. As long as there is still the concept of 'hell', he can be resurrected no matter how many times he is killed."

, unless you have the ability to completely destroy hell."

Kewen frowned.

He certainly doesn't have the ability to destroy Hell now.

But the bad breath still has to come out.

So Kewen raised his hand and waved his hand, instantly putting away and canceling the pocket universe.

Then he directly bounced the coin in his hand with a 'ding' sound.

At this moment, Lucifer suddenly reached out and took the coin.

Facing Ke Wen who looked confused, Lucifer smiled and said: "You must make an agreement with me before you go to hell."

"Say." Ke Wen spat out one word.

"Don't ask anything about the 'Wall of Origin'."

Lucifer said with a smile: "Deal?"

"Okay!" Kewen responded immediately without hesitation.

This surprised Lucifer, but he immediately guessed that Kewen had already planned the future.

Thinking of this, he threw the coin to Ke Wen again.


The coin bounced back up and fell to the ground, instantly turning the ground into a passage leading to hell.

Ke Wen jumped in without saying a word, and his figure was quickly overwhelmed by the hellfire in the passage.

Lucifer stood at the entrance of the passage and looked inside.

The mentality of watching the excitement gradually suppressed the mentality of not wanting to return to hell.

At a certain moment, he chuckled, jumped into the passage, and smoothed the passage.

The hell in the DC world is different from the hell in the Marvel world.

The hell here seems like a parallel universe, with the sky and even everything being the original colors.

Of course, it just looks like this. This scene is for ordinary souls who fall into hell.

In Ke Wen's eyes, it was a different picture.

It was a scene like a nuclear explosion, with building debris everywhere, the wind carrying heat waves howling wantonly, and red clouds slowly rotating in the sky.

This is just the first level of hell.

But there are several other levels of hell space under the feet, and the scenery inside is different, until the hell at the bottom is completely dark.

Ke Wen did not act immediately because he sensed Lucifer's aura following him.

Lucifer soon appeared. He stopped next to Ke Wen and smiled: "What? Can't you find the way?"

"I'm just wondering what you're doing here."

Ke Wen said in a low voice: "Aren't you very resistant to coming back to hell?"

"Watching a show." Lucifer replied enthusiastically: "The emotion of wanting to watch a good show is too strong."

Ke Wen glanced at the other party, but he was too lazy to say anything else.


As soon as he raised his hand, a beam of light appeared that penetrated the sky and the earth, directly penetrating several layers of hell.

The light beam disappeared, and a channel with a diameter of nearly a hundred meters appeared on the ground in front of Kewen. The edge was very smooth. After all, it was cut out by the power of space rules.

Ke Wen didn't say hello, he jumped directly from the passage.

Free-falling all the way to the deep levels, Kewen turned a blind eye to the various demons and demons on each level.

After falling for nearly ten minutes, he finally reached the bottom of hell.

It was pitch black here, with only some hazy light in certain locations, but it did not hinder Kewen's vision.

He looked around this desolate and seemingly endless space and quickly found his direction.

When he saw the First Fallen, he naturally remembered his aura.

At this time, Ke Wen grasped the location of the aura of the First Fallen.

So he raised his hand and pushed it in front of him, causing a portal to open quickly.

Ke Wen walked directly past, and Lucifer also walked through the portal a little slower.

The two of them came to a world that seemed to be made entirely of obsidian.

There is a skyscraper mountain peak in the center of this world. On the top platform, the First Fallen in a white suit is sitting on the throne in human form.

There is a pillar standing next to the throne, and Farah's soul is bound to it by chains.

The little girl's condition was very bad. She seemed to have lost her soul and had no ability to react.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Ke Wen had already opened his Dharma Eyes, and he immediately looked at the little girl.

No signs of torture were found on Farah's body, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


At this time, the First Fallen suddenly spoke.

He ignored Ke Wen, but smiled evilly and said to Lucifer: "You actually brought an outsider to hell, you broke the rules."

"When have I ever followed the rules?" Lucifer responded casually.

"Indeed." The First Fallen widened the malicious smile on his face: "Then I don't need to tell you any rules."

After saying that, the First Fallen finally laid his eyes on Ke Wen.

"A person outside of destiny."

He said in a greedy tone: "Not only can you be independent of your destiny, but you can also influence others to escape their destiny. You are here to find her, right?"

Pointing at Farah's soul, the First Fallen smiled ferociously and said, "Yes, as long as you sign a contract with me, I can hand over this little girl who has escaped her fate to you."

"What do you want?" Ke Wen asked in a deep voice.

He was a little helpless at this time. Although he was confident that he could defeat the First Fallen, this was hell, the home ground of the First Fallen.

With the home field advantage, the First Fallen's strength is blessed by the authority of hell, so it is not much weaker than him.

Therefore, Coven did not have the confidence to snatch Farah's soul easily.

At this point he could only act according to circumstances.

The so-called deal of the First Fallen also made Lucifer very curious. He couldn't help but interjected and asked: "Yes, what do you want?"


Those who fell for the first time could not suppress their excitement.

He stood up directly from the obsidian throne, took a step forward, looked down at Kewen and said, "I want your power to not be at the mercy of fate!"

"I see."

Without waiting for Kewen to respond, Lucifer suddenly said: "You want to escape from the control of the old man God."

"Stop your disgusting face!


The First Fallen suddenly roared at Lucifer: "You and Michael are the power of miracles! You don't understand the feelings of those of us who are manipulated by fate!


"What are you yelling at me for?" Lucifer shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands very irritatingly: "It represents a miracle and is not controlled by fate. This is what I was born with, and you don't blame me."


Ke Wen was not in the mood to talk or listen to others' talk. He suddenly interrupted and said in a deep voice: "I owe you one more time."

Hearing this, Lucifer instantly understood what Ke Wen meant.

He hesitated for a moment, but finally chose to help...

This chapter has been completed!
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