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Chapter 116 Question



The gunfire stopped, the soldiers began to review the battlefield, and then issued a safety reminder.

Colonel Flagg struggled again, and this time Killer Croc no longer restrained him, but released his hands.

After being freed, Colonel Flag retched a little. He turned back and glanced at Killer Crocodile's hands stained with the monster's body tissue, then turned back and continued retching and wiping his mouth.

It took nearly half a minute for him to regain his composure, and he very uncomfortably ordered the special operations team with only six people left: "Change the route! Go from the open area outside! Avoid encountering such a surprise attack again!"

The soldiers obeyed the orders and left the office maintaining their tactical formation.


Harley Quinn suddenly looked around in confusion. She looked around and asked, "Have any of you seen my lovely Quinn?"

"I'm here."

Kewen responded and returned his sense of existence to normal.

"Where did you run just now?!"

Deadshot said unhappily: "Nothing can happen to you like Flagg! If either of you dies, neither of us will have a good ending!"

"I just hid very secretly." Ke Wen responded perfunctorily: "And you just need to protect Flagg."

After hearing this, Deadshot thought of Kewen's defense. He glanced at Kewen and said no more, but changed his target.

Looking at the revenge demon who has never made a move since he boarded the plane until now, Deadshot asked angrily: "Are you going to watch the movie all the time?"

"This is better, believe me."

The Mexican codenamed ‘Revenge Devil’ said in his thick accent: “I can’t promise not to hurt you.”

"That's not a soft tone, little princess." Captain Boomerang couldn't help but sneered, he mocked: "You can breathe fire, right? Do you think you are different from ordinary people like us? A sense of superiority? Aloof?"

"This is not my fight."

The revenge demon shook his head with good temper and said: "I am a death row prisoner and I deserve to die."

As soon as these words came out, people were immediately unable to answer the question.

The revenge demon wants to die himself, who can threaten him with a nano bomb in his neck?

So everyone could only glare at him with resentment, and then stepped forward to chase after the tactical team.

As a result, just as everyone walked outside, the attack came suddenly again!

A barrage of bullets was fired from the two-story corridor opposite, and a large number of pitch-black monsters appeared in front of the guardrail of the corridor, shooting at everyone with their firearms.

Two more soldiers were unfortunately hit by bullets and fell to the ground instantly.

The remaining four soldiers immediately opened fire to counterattack, and Colonel Flagg also opened fire in surprise.

What surprised him was the sound of gunfire. The enemy's gunfire was exactly the same as his own. They were firearms only possessed by special forces.

Colonel Flagg's reaction was quick. After thinking about the monsters transformed from humans, suspicions instantly appeared in his mind.

Having lost contact with Team B before, it is not difficult to guess the origin of these monsters that are attacking us.

Feeling sad in his heart, Colonel Flagg's firing frequency suddenly dropped... At this time, a burst of quarrel brought Colonel Flagg back to his senses.

He turned around and saw that Deadshot was grabbing the vengeful demon by the collar and roaring angrily.

Amidst the dense gunfire, the quarrel between the two people could not be heard clearly, and one could only watch the anger between the two getting stronger and stronger.

The next moment, the revenge demon suddenly pushed away the death shooter, and took two steps forward to reach the guardrail.

Raising his hands, two surging pillars of fire were suddenly sprayed out by the revenge demon.

The power of the fire pillar is higher than that of the flamethrower. All monsters lose their lives immediately after being exposed to the flames.

After a short moment, the two floors opposite were completely engulfed in a sea of ​​fire, and all the monsters were buried in the sea of ​​fire.

The gunfire stopped, everyone was silent, and the building only echoed with the sound of "beep" as the flames burned the monster's body.

The revenge demon gasped and lowered his hands.

He slowly turned his head to look at Deadshot, with anger still on his face.

"Have you seen it now?" the revenge demon asked in a deep voice.

"Uh, hey man..."

Deadshot was a little nervous. He raised his hand and slowly lowered it and apologized: "Calm down, brother, you understand that the excitement I just gave you was just to enable you to reach that state."

Seeing that the revenge demon was still in a state of excitement, Deadshot had to continue to comfort him: "Chato Santana, brother, we are partners, we have no grudges, right?"

“It’s so exciting!

At this moment, Harley Quinn suddenly cheered and rushed forward.

She hugged the revenge demon from behind and kissed him hard on the cheek. Then she patted him on the shoulder and praised him: "I knew you were very capable! You are finally no longer distracted. Welcome to join us!"

After saying that, Harley Quinn turned to look at Deadshot, grinned and blinked her left eye.

Deadshot accepted Harley Quinn's offer of help.

He cast a grateful look at Harley Quinn and joked to the revenge demon: "She is really a crazy girl, isn't she? Of course, everyone is crazy."


Harley Quinn gave a strange laugh indifferently, then let go of the revenge demon and walked to Coven's side.

After also kissing Kewen hard on the cheek, leaving a very complete lipstick mark, Harley Quinn looked pitiful and flattered: "Quinn won't be jealous, right?"

Ke Wen lowered his head and looked at the little face looking up in front of him, chuckled and then shook his head slightly.

"Ha!" Harley Quinn jumped and cheered.

With a joke that seemed to have no regard for the occasion, Harley Quinn successfully dispelled the tense atmosphere between Deadshot and the vengeful demon.

The rapidly rising and rising chest of the revenge demon began to slow down, and his emotions gradually calmed down.


At this time, Colonel Flagg's somewhat dry voice sounded.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! It’s not that his throat was dried by the flames, but that he was depressed because he sacrificed two comrades again.

He looked at the four team members who were simply collecting the corpses of their comrades, and said in a deep voice: "These monsters should be the final ambush! Everyone, our mission is almost completed, so let's continue..."...The only four remaining

The soldiers were also in a low mood, so they did not respond vocally. Instead, they silently arranged the bodies of their comrades and continued to move forward along the route.

Deadshot and the others also remained silent because they were worried about provoking the revenge demon again.

In this way, the team continued to move forward in silence. After nearly ten minutes, the team stopped in front of a wall.

"This is it!"

Colonel Flagg looked down at the tablet in his hand, then pointed at the wall and ordered: "Here, let's blast it."

The bearded leader immediately stepped forward, took the bomb from another soldier and began to place it.

Others spread out one after another.


After a short while, the bomb was detonated by the bearded leader who activated the button. The power of the explosion exploded inward, blowing a large hole with a diameter of more than one meter in the wall.

Everyone got through the hole in the wall one after another and discovered that there was a hidden spiral corridor inside.

“Right at the top!”

Colonel Flagg took a deep breath and said, "Everyone, stay on your last alert and let us go up and complete the mission!"

"Too high!"

Harley Quinn looked up at the end of the corridor. She looked at the distance of nearly a hundred meters and complained: "It seems that I will have to practice more aerobics in the future."

No one answered, which made Harley Quinn retract her gaze in boredom, and then looked down the corridor.

The pores spread, all the expressions on her face slowly converged, and she suddenly fell into memories.

Deadshot discovers Harley Quinn's status.

He gave Ke Wen a questioning look.

Coven looked at Harley Quinn, then shrugged his shoulders to express his confusion.

Seeing this, Deadshot had no choice but to call out: "Harley? Everyone else is going up, we..."

The words suddenly stopped, because Deadshot's eyebrow was pointed at the revolver in Harley Quinn's hand.

"Oh! Relax! It's me..."

Deadshot raised his hands speechlessly, wondering why Harley Quinn suddenly went crazy again.

This time, there was no smile on Harley Quinn's face, but an unexpected calmness.

While pointing the gun at Deadshot, she turned to Coven and asked: "Have you ever been in love?"

Ke Wen was stunned for a moment, and Natasha's voice and smile flashed through his mind instantly.

But he didn't know if that was true love.

Seeing that Coven didn't answer immediately, Harley Quinn couldn't help but said: "Scumbag."

After saying that, she asked Deadshot again: "What about you?"

Deadshot hesitated for a moment, then shook his head slightly: "No, never."

"Nonsense." Harley Quinn said it instantly with a sentimental tone.

"Really." Death Shooter put down his hand and said: "If a murderer like me can still feel love, it will be impossible to fall asleep at night."


Harley Quinn put down the gun, chuckled, and then commented: "Another textbook antisocial personality."

"Harleen Quinzel?"

Coven suddenly asked Harley Quinn, who didn't look crazy at all, "Has the personality returned?"

This made Harley Quinn stunned. After a moment, the complicated emotions in her heart disappeared instantly, and she returned to pure thinking.

An outgoing and cheerful smile reappeared on her face, and she smiled at Coven: "Quizel has been dead a long time ago."

She tapped her head with her finger and continued laughing: "Quinn ate Quinzel."

After saying that, she turned around and started climbing the stairs, humming an inexplicable tune all the way.

From behind, Deadshot raised his eyebrows at Coven and asked in a low voice: "Can you accept this crazy girl?"

"She's cute most of the time, isn't she?"

Kewen responded with a smile, and then started climbing the stairs with the same steps.

Deadshot shook his head speechlessly, took a deep breath, raised his legs and followed...

Earth natives remind you: Remember to collect after reading this

This chapter has been completed!
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