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Chapter 88 Figure

It's time for another night of curfew.

The college's curfew time is also the adventure time for the Weasley twins.

Now, it has become Kewen’s harvest time.

Before time travel, getting a piece of high-grade animal meat from an alien planet was expensive, including transportation by spaceship, perfectly preserving the nutrition of the animal meat, and a lot of troubles.

Given Kewen's family conditions, he can only enjoy one meal a week.

But now a 'new continent' appears before Kewen's eyes.

He could not have imagined that the leg meat of the Acromantula could actually compare to the high-grade animal meat he had eaten.

In the original world, ordinary people could at most master the 'Three Dou Shu' to an advanced level, which was already a remarkable achievement. The reason why Ke Wen was able to obtain the 'Master Rating' was all because of one meal of high-level beasts every week.


There are higher levels above the master level. Ke Wen originally thought that he would have the opportunity to continue to improve by exploring the universe in the future.

But now, high-grade animal meat has become readily available, how can Kewen still endure it...

The three figures entered the Forbidden Forest with ease. This time Kewen did not wander around and explore, but led the twins directly into the depths of the Forbidden Forest, and soon arrived at the place where they met the Acromantula last night.

"Let's continue exploring from here today." Coven said to the twins.

George suddenly said after hearing this: "No wonder you kept running so fast all the way, Kewen."

Fred: "So this is it, so let's continue the adventure just like yesterday!"

Ke Wen nodded, and then began to look at the ground carefully under the moonlight. It didn't take long before he finally found a clue.

The book "Dangerous Magical Creatures" has a detailed introduction to the Acromantula. It says that the Acromantula is equivalent to the noble among spiders.

Wherever the Acromantula is, other types of spiders in the surrounding environment will gather on their own towards the place where the Acromantula is when they sense danger.

What Ke Wen is looking for carefully now are normal spiders. He needs those normal spiders to lead him to find the location of the Acromantula.

Ahead, the twins were happily continuing their adventure, while Kewen, who was walking behind them, secretly cast an emotional spell using the technique of 'silent casting'.

The emotion of fear was cast on several ordinary spiders.

The spiders that had been cursed by Ke Wen began to crawl around in fear, and after a while, they quickly crawled in the same direction.

"George, Fred." Coven greeted, pointed in the direction where the spider escaped and suggested: "Let's go in this direction."

"Huh? Why?" George asked puzzledly.

"This direction is going to the depths of the Forbidden Forest." Ke Wen said confusingly: "We are currently on the periphery of the Forbidden Forest. Judging from the situation we encountered yesterday, I can guarantee our absolute safety on the periphery."

Hearing this, Fred interrupted and said slightly excitedly: "You mean, we are going to go deeper today? Are you sure we can guarantee our safety?"

"That's right." Ke Wen smiled and nodded, mentally applauding Fred's compliment.

"Then what are you waiting for!?" George was full of interest, his tone was expectant, and he urged excitedly: "If we weren't afraid of danger, Fred and I would have gone deeper!"

"Let's walk." Ke Wen achieved his goal, so he turned around briskly and took the lead in walking towards the middle range of the Forbidden Forest.

Ke Wenming was leading the way on the surface, but secretly he was tracking the escaping spiders.

The three of them walked for about twenty minutes when Kewen's ears suddenly moved slightly and he heard the sound of heavy objects stepping on them from ahead.

The corners of his mouth curled up, and Ke Wen raised his hand to stop the twins behind him.

"What's wrong, Covin?" George asked curiously.

Fred thought of something and quickly asked: "Is there another danger?"

"Yeah." Because of the darkness, Ke Wen didn't make any expression. He just nodded: "There is something large coming in front."

When the twins heard this, they immediately took out their wands and became alert.

What happens next is simple.

After a while, an Acromantula jumped out in front, its size even larger than the one from yesterday.

Ke Wen easily put it away.

But the surprise didn't end there for Kewen, because then two smaller Acromantulas jumped out.

But facing Ke Wen, who has rich combat experience, unless a "Tide of Acromantulas" can be formed, a few of them will only come to deliver food to him.

Ke Wen didn't even bother to use the 'Leg-locking Curse', and fired two more 'Shen Feng Wuying' very directly, splitting the two subsequent Acromantulas in half.

Listening carefully, he couldn't hear the sound of heavy objects trampling around him for the time being. Only then did Ke Wen call to the twins behind him: "Quick! Pack your pocket money quickly. That's it for today. If you continue to move forward, I'm afraid you will get into trouble."

It would be dangerous if you go to the spider lair."

The twins were very obedient. After Coven used the 'Transformation Summoning Spell' to get them tools, the two of them immediately rushed forward with excitement on their faces.

This time the twins made money faster than yesterday. After all, they are more experienced.

Soon, the twins finished collecting the venom from the three Acromantulas and ran back with excitement that could not be concealed on their faces.

While the twins were collecting venom, Coven also used magic spells to separate all the long legs of the three Acromantulas, and used the 'Transformation Summoning Spell' to replace them with the items prepared during the day.

"Let's go!" Kewen's goal tonight was perfectly achieved, so he didn't want to delay and immediately greeted the twins.

The twins' harvest was not small. With yesterday's amount, the venom they collected has already filled a bottle. If they sold it, they would probably get several hundred gold galleons.

That's a lot of money for the twins.

Therefore, in their excitement, they did not consider why Ke Wen had to go back so early today.

More than half an hour later, the three people, whose faces could not hide their excitement, returned to the castle.

The twins returned to the dormitory all the way, while Coven went to the 'Room of Requirement'. After seeing the twenty-four spider legs that he had successfully moved, tears of disappointment left the corner of his mouth.

Turning around, Kewen rushed to the kitchen in a hurry...

Half an hour ago, the three of Ke Wen had just left the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

At the place where Kewen killed three Acromantulas, a very tall figure suddenly walked out from behind a huge tree.

There was a slightly hasty stamping on the ground, and the tall figure finally stopped in front of the remains of three Acromantulas.

After a moment of silence, a sigh sounded: "Who is it?"

After another moment of silence, the tall figure turned and left, disappearing deeper into the Forbidden Forest...

This chapter has been completed!
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