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Chapter 147 Instinct

The vision Victor saw was probably too terrifying.

This made it difficult for him to recover from the images in his mind.

Farah and others heard Victor's "no" clearly, but they had no time to stop anything at this time because the intelligent assist countdown of the spacecraft had ended.

The mother box was released by the mechanical assistant, fell from mid-air in an instant, and quickly approached the surface of the pool.

Barry Allen, who entered the light speed state, also approached the Mother Box at the same time.

He stretched out his index finger and gently touched the finger wrapped with current on the mother box.


Barry Allen, who had no time to eliminate his inertia, instantly broke through the wall of the 'Generation Room' and crashed into another room, where he passed out briefly.

The shattering of the wall made everyone look over subconsciously.

At this moment, the successfully activated Mother Box also successfully fell into the ‘Creation Pool’.

A large amount of electric current shot out from the pool.

But the current seemed to be pulled by the black hole and was unable to spread out of the pool. Immediately afterwards, those currents flowed back and submerged into the pool.

The room was dark again, but filled with chaotic alarm sounds.

The alarm came from three sounds, the Kryptonian spacecraft was alarming, and Victor's mechanical body was also emitting an alarm.

The last alert came from a human laboratory, which also issued a piercing alarm because of the detection of high-energy reactions.

At this moment, the alarm sound of the Krypton spaceship suddenly disappeared, and the spacecraft intelligence announced in a sigh-like tone: "The future has taken root at this moment."

The sound fell, and the spacecraft instantly entered a state of silence.

The only sound left in the creation room was the "didi" sound coming from Victor's body, and Victor finally came back to his senses.

He stared at Superman's body in the 'Creation Pool', suddenly widened his eyes and exclaimed: "Get down -"


Before anyone could react, a beam of energy suddenly burst out from the mother box.

The beam enveloped the pool water and instantly rose into the air, and the powerful energy easily tore apart the roof of the spacecraft.

When the energy burst disappeared, Farah and others looked up at the sky outside the hole and were stunned.

A figure with bare upper body and legs was floating quietly in mid-air. Although it was silent and motionless, it seemed to be commanding the world.

"OK, successful?"

Arthur Curry subconsciously grasped the silver trident in his hand. He turned to everyone and asked: "To be honest, everyone, I don't know why I have a bad feeling now!"

"I have the same premonition." Diana whispered, looking up at Superman outside.

"He is very confused now..."

Farah's eyes were filled with magical light, and she said while reading Superman's mind: "In other words, his consciousness has not fully recovered. He is now like a wild, uh, baby with only instinct."

"Are you sure Farah?!" Diana asked immediately.

"Yes." Farah nodded slightly: "He is now re-examining all his cognitions. His thinking is so pure... and dangerous!"

"Danger?" Arthur Curry was surprised.

"Obviously!" Diana said solemnly: "He only has the most primitive instincts now! He will react to all situations in the outside world! But don't forget his strength! Once he is stimulated by something..."

Before she finished speaking, Diana couldn't help but widen her eyes slightly.

The same goes for everyone else, because Superman has started to move and flies out of everyone's sight.

"Go find him!" Bruce Wayne whispered.

Everyone immediately took action.

Diana and Arthur Curry jumped directly out of the hole in the spaceship, while many small jet devices appeared on Victor's body, taking him out of the hole as well.

Farrah asked Bruce Wayne: "Want to give you a ride?"

"No! You follow me first!"

Bruce Wayne jumped into the nearly dry "Creation Pool", and while walking towards the gap in the wall that Barry Allen crashed into, he said: "I'm going to see that kid!"

"I'll come with you." Farah also jumped off the 'Creation Pool' and said at the same time: "The three of them outside are enough for the time being, and I still have to go find..."

"No need to look for it." Coven's voice suddenly appeared in Farah's ears: "Let Steppenwolf take the mother box away. It will be useful to me."

Farah paused in astonishment.

She looked at Bruce Wayne, who didn't notice anything, and then tried to say silently in her mind: "Boss?"

"Well, I'm watching." Ke Wen's voice sounded again: "Do as I say."

"But..." Farah hesitated: "What if the three mother boxes merge into one and blow up the earth?"

"I have everything." There was a smile in Ke Wen's voice: "Even if the earth explodes, I can go back in time and restore it."

"Uh, I know." Farah nodded incomprehensibly.

Coven's voice did not appear again, so Farah quickened her pace, got through the gap in the wall, and saw the unconscious Barry Allen.

"Kid! Kid, wake up!"

Bruce Wayne squatted next to Barry and called, shaking gently.

After a while, Barry woke up with a soft groan.

"Sure, was it successful?" Barry opened his eyes and immediately asked: "Is Superman alive?!"


Bruce Wayne nodded and asked with concern: "How are you? Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm okay, I'm fine!"

Barry Allen stood up with support on the ground. After moving his limbs, he said: "How long have I been unconscious? Where is he now? I mean Superman."

"Outside." Farah came over and answered on his behalf: "But Superman's condition is a little bad, and Diana and the others went to take precautions."

"Not good? What happened?" Barry Allen was very puzzled.

"Go and see for yourself." Farah shook his head and said, "I won't be able to explain it for a while."

"Okay! I'll go take a look right now!"

Out of concern for his idol, Barry Allen was too impatient to say more.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! He directly activated his rapid ability and disappeared in front of Farah and Bruce Wayne in an instant.

"Then I'll go take a look too."

Farah informed Bruce Wayne, and then floated up with the help of the magic cloak.

She flew directly upwards, and when she was about to touch the roof of the cabin, Farah's body suddenly became illusory.

She seemed to have turned into an illusion and traveled directly through the cabin roof.

Bruce Wayne, who was left alone at the end, put away the surprise on his face, took a deep breath, and then jogged to find a way to leave the spacecraft.

Outside, at the Superman Memorial Plaza.

The resurrected Clark is standing in front of the statue destroyed by Doomsday.

He looked at everything around him with a blank expression, and the contradictory feelings of strangeness and familiarity filled his mind.


Arthur Curry was the first to leap forward. He landed on his feet under the steps of the statue, and the trident in his hand made a collision sound when it touched the ground.

Diana followed closely behind, also leaping from the air, and landed next to Arthur Curry.

Immediately afterwards, the electric current passed by the two of them in an instant, and Barry Allen arrived first.

The last one to arrive was Victor. His body landed amidst the buzzing sound of energy jets. While he straightened up, the sound of mechanical operation was heard from every part of his body.

Four people stood in a row.

Caution, surprise, expectation, calmness, four expressions appeared on their faces.

Superman Clark, who heard the voice, slowly turned around.

He looked at Arthur Curry and the four others blankly, his eyes showing no sign of any cognitive perspective.

Subconsciously shrinking his eyes, Clark began to perform clairvoyance, hoping to find out more information.

Skipping the three flesh and blood bodies, he zeroed in on Victor, the mechanical combination.

However, his actions also triggered a strong reflex in Victor.

"not good!


Victor screamed as his body twisted on its own, and his out-of-control arm reorganized itself into an energy cannon.

"Victor?" Barry Allen whispered: "What's wrong with you?"

"It's the automatic defense system in my body!" Victor exclaimed nervously: "The system has detected danger! It is going to attack automatically!


"Stop it!" Arthur Curry immediately urged loudly.

"No, no!" Victor said with difficulty while aiming the gun at Superman: "It's like a conditioned reflex! I can't control it!"


The muzzle mechanism automatically loaded the gun, and the next moment, an energy shell suddenly flew out and headed straight for Superman Clark's head.


The cannonball flew past Superman as he simply turned sideways, hitting the 'Obelisk of the Victim' and causing an explosion.

The atmosphere of the scene instantly became solemn.

Superman Clark slowly turned around. He looked at Victor expressionlessly, and an orange light suddenly lit up in his eyes.

"Kal-El! No!" Diana hurriedly stopped him.

But Clark turned a deaf ear, gritted his teeth, and instantly fired two heat rays at Victor.

Victor reacted in time and transformed his other arm into a shield to block it in front of him.

He defended against the power of the heat ray, but he was unable to withstand the huge impact of the ray.

Unbalanced under his feet, Victor's body immediately flew backwards with the impact of the heat ray.

Seeing this, Arthur Curry immediately asked loudly: "What should I do now?! I knew something was going to happen!"

"Farrah is right!" Diana stared at Clark and said, "He is confused now! He has no idea who he is!"

"Stop being so nagging!" Arthur Curry immediately interrupted: "Hurry up and come up with an idea! Otherwise, I will just go up and fight with him!"

"He needs time!" Diana said immediately: "Arthur! Help me control him together!"

"Tell me earlier!"

Arthur Curry crouched slightly, and then instantly jumped towards Clark...

This chapter has been completed!
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