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Chapter 153: Interesting

There was no rest room at all in the Batcave, so everyone had to find chairs from everywhere and sit in a circle in the largest warehouse where fighter planes were parked.

Alfred served tea to everyone with a tea tray.

His tea making skills are really good.

But this time the tea was rich in magic power, so Ah Fu only brought out the aroma and taste of the tea leaves, but did nothing to deal with the magic power, resulting in the magic power in the tea being evaporated and wasted.


Except for Coven and Farah, no one else noticed this. Everyone thought it was normal, so they all tasted the tea and kept admiring it.

Coven and Farah also gave a few compliments, which made Alfred extremely honored and made him laugh out loud with joy.

But now that the war is going on, no one is in the mood to have a tea party, so after absorbing the magic power and becoming energetic, everyone immediately started their preparations.

Of course, there were only three people making preparations.

Bruce Wayne is busy adding various ammunition and supplies to the Batmobile.

Victor took over the Batcave's system, called up the satellite images, and conducted various analyzes on the abandoned nuclear-contaminated city.

Victor made one plan after another regarding terrain, building distribution, and even attack routes and plans.

Barry Allen, on the other hand, started eating high-calorie snacks. According to him, it was to store energy for his body first, so as to avoid overuse of his abilities and no longer have the strength to run.

As for the others, they just chose to sit around and watch the show.

Coven and Farah were doing it side by side, holding the small tea cups in their hands and making a simmering sound from time to time.

Diana wanted to help at first, because her computer skills were unexpectedly superb.

But no matter how superb it is, it cannot compare to Victor, the humanoid quantum computer. Therefore, after Diana interfered for a moment and found that she was holding back, she obediently withdrew and stopped disturbing him.

Finally, there is Arthur Curry.

He was just a pure reckless man. He didn't know how to use computers and couldn't think of any effective suggestions, so he simply chose to lie down and directly contribute his fighting power when the fight started.

The day passed by in the blink of an eye in a tense atmosphere.

In the evening, Kewen, who had divided his attention on monitoring magic, suddenly sat up straight.

Because in the monitoring magic of the mirror space, he saw that Steppenwolf had successfully activated the third Mother Box and was preparing to merge the three Mother Boxes into one.

He looked up at the ceiling of the Batcave again.

Kewen's sight penetrated the barrier and looked all the way to the near-Earth universe.

Looking at Clark, who was suspended in the universe and absorbing sunlight, he found that the sunlight energy in his body had also become extremely abundant.

Seeing this, Coven sent a magical message to Clark, informing him to prepare for battle.

Then he stood up directly from the chair and said to everyone: "Everyone, it's time to go."

Everyone was stunned.

Victor immediately called up the satellite image to check, and said in a solemn voice: "That's right! It's time to set off! The third mother box has been activated! In a few moments, it will merge into one to form a unified force!"

"Is the plan clear?!"

Bruce Wayne put on his hood and said: "In order to prevent being besieged by monsters, we have to raid in from the edge of the city! We will encounter many obstacles along the way! Everyone must be careful!"


Arthur Curry picked up the trident and responded: "I have memorized the offensive route all afternoon, let's start the battle quickly!"

"Okay!" Bruce Wayne nodded, looked around at everyone and said, "Then let's board the plane!"

Everyone nodded and walked towards a huge black transport plane together.

After a while, Victor flew out of the Batcave in his fighter plane, lifted into the air for nearly a hundred meters, and then hovered the transport plane.

Everyone looked at Farah.

Farah didn't say much, she raised her hand and drew a circle.

A portal quickly opened from the front of the fighter plane, and its diameter expanded until it reached about thirty meters before it stabilized.

Victor immediately controlled the fighter plane to move forward and passed directly through the portal.

A luminous canopy covering the entire abandoned city appeared before everyone's eyes.

No one had the intention to observe the sky, because they had already seen it through satellite images.

So the fighter plane did not stop, but flew forward and hit the sky.

Farah raised his hand to draw a circle again, and another large portal opened, allowing the fighter plane to pass directly into the interior of the canopy.



In the cab, Bruce Wayne pointed at the reactor in the center of the city and said: "Launch missiles to attack the pillars supporting the canopy! Prevent the canopy from absorbing wind and powering the mother box!"

Without saying anything, Victor directly pressed the missile launch button.

Swish swish swish——

More than a dozen missiles shot out from the launch port under the transport plane.

The missile crossed half of the city in a short period of time, and instantly burst into violent flames on the pillars supporting the canopy.

The pillars collapsed, and the canopy began to dissipate outward from the center point.


At this moment, a sonic boom channel suddenly fell above the reactor. Immediately afterwards, countless demonoids quickly poured out of the large chimney-shaped reactor and headed straight for the transport plane.

"Too much!"

Barry Allen whispered nervously: "I have never seen so many demonoids in satellite images before!"

"Sonic boom channel!" Bruce Wayne said in a deep voice: "We must find a way to prevent the continued increase in troops in the sonic boom channel!"

"Let me do it."

Ke Wen suddenly spoke up. He happily planned to take over the paddling task, so he immediately said: "I will leave the existing demons to you, and I will block the sonic boom channel."

"Is it possible?" Arthur Curry said: "Don't be impulsive."

Ke Wen glanced at the other person with a smile, and the next second, he suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

"The word 'impossible' is not in my boss's dictionary!"

Farah said proudly: "Everyone should take care of yourselves."

Upon hearing this, Bruce Wayne immediately said: "There is no time to hesitate! Victor, continue to launch missiles to clean up the demons! Others are ready! We will attack after the ammunition is exhausted!"

These words caused everyone to withdraw their attention and clenched their weapons to prepare for the battle.

the other side.

Ke Wen teleported and appeared inside the reactor, appearing directly under the sonic boom tunnel.

Steppenwolf immediately sensed Ke Wen's presence, and he quickly raised his head and stared at Ke Wen.

"There's another ant!"

With a low murmur, Steppenwolf pulled up the battle ax from the ground with a clang, and then rushed towards Ke Wen with a leap.

But when he saw the scene at the entrance of the 'Sonic Boom Channel' clearly, his cute little eyes suddenly widened.

No wonder since Kewen appeared, there were no more demonoids flying out of the sonic boom channel.

In fact, there are, but all the demonoids that flew out of the passage disintegrated and turned into nothingness in an instant.

Obviously, this is what Kewen did!

This allowed Steppenwolf to notice the danger in Corwin, but it was too late for him to regain his caution because he had already rushed in front of Corvin.

Without any time to think, Steppenwolf suddenly roared, swung the tomahawk hard and slammed it towards Covin.


The battle ax wrapped with yellow thunder instantly fell on Kewen's chest.

However, it was like a plastic toy hitting a stone. Covin's body was unscathed and motionless, but Steppenwolf's wrists were numbed by the vibration from the tomahawk.

Steppenwolf was shocked and couldn't help but look up into Ke Wen's eyes while his body was in free fall.

He met a pair of admiring eyes.

Before he could think about the meaning of that look, Kewen suddenly stretched out his hand.

With a 'pop' sound, Coven grabbed one of Steppenwolf's horns and lifted it in the air.

Let Steppenwolf, who had come to his senses, continue to struggle, let Steppenwolf continue to swing his axe.

Ke Wen, who was making jingling noises all over his body, suddenly laughed. He looked at Steppenwolf and said with a smile: "What a pure little look, good boy. If you don't bother me, I won't bother you either. I'll just block the passage here."

Kou, go ahead and unify the mother box."

After speaking, Ke Wen flicked his wrist and threw Steppenwolf down, causing it to land in front of the mother boxes that were merging with each other.

Steppenwolf cut the ax blade into the ground to stop his body from sliding backwards, then he pulled out the battle ax and straightened up.

Looking up at Coven, Steppenwolf's chest began to rise and fall intensified.

He resented Ke Wen's insult to him, but he was also a little timid.

It's not that he's afraid of Coven, Steppenwolf doesn't want his efforts to go to waste.

He was exiled by the 'Darkseid' he was loyal to because of his mistakes, and now he is working hard to atone for his sins.

As long as the Mother Box successfully forms the 'Power of Unification' and opens the portal to allow Darkseid to come to Earth, then this credit will be enough for him to fully atone for his sins and be readmitted.

His efforts were supposed to be completed in just a few moments, but unexpectedly a variable like Ke Wen appeared!

Through the brief confrontation just now, Steppenwolf clearly realized the strength gap between himself and Kewen.

So he must be patient! He must stabilize Kewen and avoid letting Kewen take action and let him fail!

Therefore, Steppenwolf, who is staring at Coven, can only temporarily put aside his belief as a warrior. He can only endure it. The most important thing is to let the Mother Box successfully form a unified force first!

Thinking of this, Steppenwolf took a deep breath to calm down.

Then he raised his tomahawk and made a warning gesture, protecting the mother box at every step, and always keeping an eye on Kewen's movements.

Coven took in all the changes in Steppenwolf's heart, and he couldn't help but smile with satisfaction at Steppenwolf's choice of coping with the current situation.

He raised his index finger to Steppenwolf and made a "shush" gesture, and then Coven made a look like he was working hard.

He raised his hand and aimed at the entrance of the sonic boom passage, and created some fancy magic special effects around the entrance...

This chapter has been completed!
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