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Chapter 92 Arrested

"That's what it is, Mr. Principal."

In the principal's office, Hagrid gave a somewhat cautious and detailed report to Dumbledore about what happened in the Forbidden Forest.

After hearing this, Dumbledore pondered for a moment, then thought of something, raised his head and said to Hagrid: "Okay Hagrid, I promise you, I will handle this matter."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Headmaster!" Hagrid pinched the corners of his clothes with both hands and bowed slightly to Dumbledore.

"It doesn't have to be like this, but Hagrid..." Dumbledore waved his hand kindly, and then said hesitantly: "Maybe... can you negotiate with their patriarch?"


Hagrid's reaction was a little slow, and it took him a while to understand what Dumbledore meant.

"That's right." Dumbledore nodded slowly: "Let me think about it...Aragog, right?"

"That's right!" Hagrid nodded repeatedly, with a look of joy on his face, happy that Dumbledore could remember the name 'Aragog'.

"It seems that I'm not that old fool yet." Dumbledore made a little joke, and then continued: "I understand some situations in the Forbidden Forest, and many creatures that can communicate have reported to me.

The spider tribe has developed so fast that it seems to have threatened the lives of other tribes in the Forbidden Forest."

"No, no! Mr. Principal!" Hagrid was a little anxious and quickly explained: "I told 'Aragog'! It will not let his descendants hunt those groups that can communicate! You have to believe me! You must also

Trust Aragog!"

"Don't be anxious." Dumbledore comforted him slowly: "Of course I believe you, I'm just worried that there are too many descendants of 'Aragog', and it's inevitable that some of them will be disobedient.

Therefore, I hope you can represent the college and negotiate with them again this time, and you can consider this just a formality."

Hagrid was relieved when he heard this and nodded quickly in agreement...

Last night's chase and escape was too stressful, so the Coven trio stayed in the castle for three days.

But as the saying goes, go from simple to extravagant and easy, and from extravagant to simple and difficult.

Ke Wen had become accustomed to the intake of high-end nutrients in the past few days, and was also accustomed to the feeling of his body getting stronger quickly. After three days of "poor" life suddenly, he couldn't help but feel that his whole body was out of sorts.

The situation with the twins is similar.

Previously, George and Fred had already made up their mind on the first day they earned pocket money, planning to open a shop specializing in "prank magic items" after graduation.

Roughly speaking, if you want to open a shop in Diagon Alley, it will cost about 1,300 gold galleons.

A total of two beakers of venom were collected in the past few days. Since they could not tell their parents about this, the twins had no choice but to sell the venom from the 'black market' after the holidays.

As a result, the price of the two bottles of venom will probably be severely reduced by the buyers, and they can be sold for 8 or 9 hundred gold galleons at most.

So there is still a difference of 400 gold Galleons, which is exactly the price of a whole bottle of venom.

As a result of various coincidences, the twins also need to go to the Forbidden Forest to 'encounter' a few Acromantulas so that they can complete the initial accumulation of start-up funds for the industry.

Dinner on the fourth day.

Ke Wen happened to be sitting across from the twins at the dinner table.

After finishing dinner, the three of them looked at each other tacitly, and immediately understood each other's thoughts.

As soon as the curfew time passed, the three figures couldn't wait to leave the castle and walked smoothly into the Forbidden Forest.

But just less than a hundred meters into the Forbidden Forest, a shout suddenly sounded: "Who is there!"

The progress of Kewen and the others suddenly stopped, and the twins almost subconsciously turned around and ran away.

However, Kewen did not take the lead in retreating this time, nor did he instruct the twins what to do. Instead, he froze there.

The reason for this is because Coven already recognized whose voice it was from the shouting. After several conversations, how could he not remember Dumbledore's voice?

"Don't run away..." Ke Wen reached out and grabbed the twins who were about to start, and said helplessly: "It's too empty outside the Forbidden Forest, so we can't run away."

Upon hearing this, Fred immediately pulled out his wand, quickly recited a spell in a low voice, and applied the footsteps elimination and smell elimination spells to the three of them respectively.

Finally, Fred used the 'Illusion Spell' he learned from Coven to add an illusion to the location of the three people, disguised as trees.

Ke Wen looked at Fred's busy appearance, smiled bitterly, shook his head, and said nothing.

At the moment when Fred's 'Illusion Curse' had just taken effect, Dumbledore's figure walked quickly from inside the Forbidden Forest.

Finally, Dumbledore stopped about eight meters away from the three of Covin.

Without searching, Dumbledore focused his gaze directly on the trees that Covin and the other three had imagined.

Seeing this, Kewen sighed secretly.

He knew that Dumbledore was a master of absorbing spiritual thoughts, so invisibility spells, illusion spells, invisibility cloaks, etc. had no effect at all in front of the other party.

After all, as long as Dumbledore uses "Ingestion of Divine Mind", he will definitely know whether there is anyone there.

If Coven acted alone, he might have relied on the Occlumency Curse to avoid Dumbledore's detection, but there were twins nearby, and there was no way for them to shield Dumbledore's detection.

Sure enough, after Dumbledore stopped, he stared at the location of the three of them and said directly with a somewhat complaining tone: "Be considerate of me, old man..."

"In order to catch you, old man, I haven't been able to get a good night's sleep for three days."

"So, can you please come out? The naughty twins of the Weasley family, and if you guessed it right... Covin?"

"The curse stops immediately..."

Fred awkwardly canceled the illusions on the three of them, and then looked at Dumbledore with a somewhat uneasy expression as if he had been caught wrong, waiting for the verdict.

The atmosphere became silent.

Dumbledore looked at the three of them calmly, but all three of them were worried about being caught doing bad things. Even Coven didn't know what to do now.

Finally, it was Dumbledore who broke the silence: "I think this is not the right place to talk. Gentlemen, let's go back to the castle first."

The three of them, Ke Wen, nodded in agreement, and then followed Dumbledore's footsteps obediently, all the way back to the castle.

When they finally arrived at the principal's office, Professor McGonagall, dressed in a thick nightgown, and Rubeus Hagrid, the warden of the Forbidden Forest, were already waiting at the door of the principal's office.

Obviously, Dumbledore had notified the two of them in some way...

This chapter has been completed!
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