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Chapter 181 Alliance

Where did the Amazons come from?

Was created by Zeus.

So what is the mission of their clan? Why were they created?

This secret is hidden in Amazon’s record of its own history.

A long time ago, in short, countless long time ago, Zeus created the creatures on this land of earth that were ruled by the Greek gods.

Those creatures are fair, kind, strong and enthusiastic, they are human beings.

Later, Ares, the god of war, was jealous of Zeus's preference for humans, so he used his divine power to corrupt humans, causing humans to have various negative emotions.

This turned mankind into enemies and ravaged the earth with war!

So Athena, bah, got involved!

So Zeus created the Amazons to influence mankind with love, eliminate war and restore peace to the world.

And the Amazon clan really did this, making Haiyanhe Qingqing at that time.

Okay, that’s it for now, now comes reading comprehension.

In this period of history, there are only two knowledge points worth mentioning.

One is that Zeus created humans.

This 'human being' does not refer to all human beings. If Zeus dared to talk as shamelessly as the sticks, I am afraid that God would personally hang him up and skin him.

Therefore, the humans created by Zeus refer to the "Fourth Age humans" in their Greek mythology, that is, the humans of the Black Iron Age.

In the early days of that era, the Black Iron humans were indeed noble and just, but later on, because the gods liked sex too much, many demigods appeared in the world.

The demigods created various adventure epics, and most of them became heroes, thus becoming the leaders of tribes or city-states.

In the end, humans in the Black Iron Age were destroyed by war due to factors such as the demigods' greed for power and wealth.

This is the first knowledge point, let’s talk about the second one next.

The second knowledge point is related to the Amazon family.

Zeus created them to eliminate the war between demigods, so how did the Amazons do it?

When they were created, they were not created to join the war, but to eliminate it.

Therefore, the reason why all members of the Amazon clan are women has been found.

To put it bluntly, the Amazons are prostitutes created by Zeus, tools for the black iron humans and demigods to vent their lust!

After ** vented his anger, naturally no one thought about war anymore.

Therefore, the saying that the Amazons have never seen a man is a joke!

There is still the second half of the history book of the Amazons.

That part is about Hippolyta.

It tells the story of Hippolyta launching an uprising and liberating all the Amazons from slavery.

The terms uprising and liberation are worth savoring.

What kind of treatment would make Hippolyta choose to revolt?

And what kind of treatment can be called slavery?

This couldn't be more obvious.

The Amazons were the prostitutes of mankind at that time, and they had no status at all in the society at that time!

Therefore, Hippolyta, who had had enough, chose to revolt and arm the Amazons from a nation of prostitutes into a nation of warriors!

That’s it for reading comprehension. In short, Diana is the only one on the entire Paradise Island who thinks that her Amazons are all pure people and have no experience with men.

At this moment, Diana led the way with this simple thought and continued to warn.

She gave Kewen some tips on how to get along with the Amazons, and reminded Kewen about the taboos he should avoid, etc.

Ke Wen listened in one ear and listened in the other. Instead of listening to those useless nonsense, it would be better to appreciate Diana's moving posture while walking.

A quarter of an hour later, Ke Wen was finally led to the central area of ​​the residence by Diana.

Passing through the imposing passage of two rows of Amazon warriors, Diana led Coven into a parliament hall built on the edge of a cliff.

The hall has a strong ancient Greek style.

The layout, decorations, and even the seats and floors are all full of mysterious and classic style.

Overall it is similar to a gladiatorial arena.

In the middle is an open space with a stone floor. In the innermost part are the high-rise steps and the Queen's Seat, and on both sides are stacked seating stands.

At this time, the seats in the stands were already filled with Amazon warriors, as well as several elders in more exquisite costumes.

Queen Hippolyta was sitting on the throne, looking down at Kewen who had walked to the center of the open space.

When Diana returned to her hometown, she seemed to have forgotten the etiquette of receiving guests from the outside world. After she brought Kewen to the center of the hall, she actually ran to the throne with a smile.


Like an innocent girl, she introduced in a coquettish way: "This is my friend Kewen Quinn. He is a very powerful magician. Even the students taught by Kewen are all named 'Ka'

Martaj 'The Supreme of the Magical Order."

Hearing this, Hippolyta looked at Kewen and nodded with a smile.

"Welcome." She took the initiative to say hello in a arrogant tone: "Kevin Quinn, welcome to our paradise island."

For Diana's sake, Coven smiled and nodded to Queen Hippolyta: "It's an honor to come to this paradise."

"Please take a seat."

Hippolyta waved her hand toward the door.

The two Amazon warriors immediately walked into the hall and placed the stone chair they were carrying behind Coven.


There was a muffled sound as the stone chair hit the ground, and Kewen's feet felt vibrations from the ground.

He turned to look at the two Amazon warriors who looked relaxed, and nodded slightly: "Thank you."

The two Amazon warriors glanced at Kewen curiously at the same time, then turned around and walked out of the door with expressionless faces.

Ke Wen secretly laughed at the arrogance of these prostitutes, and at the same time he generously leaned over and sat down.

He hesitated slightly in his mind.

Hesitating whether to win over the entire Amazon clan as allies of 'Kama Taj'.

The brain moves very fast.

In an instant, he sorted out the powerful relationships among them.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Forget about close allies.

It may be difficult for these arrogant Amazons to change their old-fashioned personalities caused by their arrogance for thousands of years.

If the connection between 'Kama Taj' and their Amazons is too close, something will happen to these Amazon warriors sooner or later.

So it's better to make a verbal alliance. After all, the Amazons' arrogance makes them easy to take advantage of.

Therefore, Kewen immediately turned away from customers.

He cut off the upcoming politeness and greetings, and very abruptly raised his hand and waved it in the air.

A magical illusion was instantly generated, causing some commotion among all the Amazons in the hall.


Hippolyta raised her voice and scolded, then she looked down into Corvin's eyes and said calmly: "Corvin Quinn."

Glancing at the visionary angels and demons, she asked confidently and fearlessly: "What do you want to show me?"

Coven gave Diana a comforting look, and then responded to Hippolyta with a smile: "Your Majesty the Queen, please allow me to express my gratitude to you as the founder of 'Kama Taj' and the last 'Supreme Mage'.

Demonstrate the responsibilities and structure of our ‘Kama Taj’.”

"Oh?" Hippolyta couldn't help but smile contemptuously: "Do you want to say that you are talking to me now as the leader of a force?"

"That's it."

Ke Wen nodded slightly and waved his hand again to start the illusion.

In the illusion, Coven made up the figures of an angel and a demon, and what he was describing was a contract signing between the three forces of Kama Taj, angels, and demons.

At the same time, Ke Wen is also narrating in the form of ‘voice-over’.

He first narrated the contents of the contract, and then, as the scene played, told some of Kama Taj's experience in dealing with those angels and demons that violated the rules.

After all the Amazons present became serious, Ke Wen switched to playing the scene inside the 'Kama Taj' holy land.

There are various buildings, many wizards, libraries, magic prop storage, and even many magic training scenes.

Ke Wen simultaneously described the scene in the picture.

After more than ten minutes, he gave a general introduction to Kama Taj.

Unknown to others, he read Hippolyta's heart.

After realizing that the other party has taken it very seriously, Ke Wen smiled and said: "Your Majesty, I wonder if our 'Kama Taj' is qualified to form an alliance with you?"

"An alliance?" Hippolyta took a deep breath secretly, and continued to speak with a proud attitude: "How to form an alliance? To what extent?"

"Please don't worry about bad repercussions."

Ke Wen's face was full of joy: "It's just a simple offensive and defensive alliance. I hope that when the world undergoes great changes, both sides can stand on the same front, just like when they faced the invasion of Darkseid thousands of years ago."


Hippolyta was silent for a moment, looked at the elders sitting at the table, and then nodded in agreement: "So, I agree!"

"Thank you, Her Majesty the Queen."

Ke Wen smiled without sincere respect as he said, and continued to add: "Of course, the alliance is limited to facing those enemies who want to destroy the world. The respective hostile forces are still handled by you and me."

"This is what it should be." Hippolyta nodded.

Ke Wen pursed his lips and smiled, as if I had finished speaking.

Seeing this, Queen Hippolyta responded subconsciously in a diplomatic way. She ordered: "Take Mr. Covin Quinn to rest and entertain him with our specialties."


Several Amazon warriors responded and came to Kewen to respect the invitation: "Please come with us."

"Thank you." Ke Wen stood up with a smile and looked at Diana on the high throne.

Diana's IQ has returned at this time.

She smiled and curled her lips to Ke Wen, and then said to Hippolyta: "Mom, I'll take Ke Wen to visit around."

Hippolyta's expression was a little stiff at this time. She just nodded and said softly...

This chapter has been completed!
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