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Chapter 189 Blessing

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom——

Inside the mirror space, Kewen opened the time barrier and fought with Diana again.

Having enjoyed the enthusiasm of Amazon before, Kewen found that it was just that.

After all, in the final analysis, the physical fitness of Amazons is the limit of human beings.

So after all, Diana is the most fragrant.

In this case, how could Kewen not remedy the situation immediately?

So when faced with Diana's invitation to fight, Kewen immediately agreed.

In order to allow Diana to fight to the fullest, he also set up a time barrier in the mirror space. No matter how long he fought inside, only one minute would pass outside.

In this way, Coven and Diana fought heartily inside the mirror space.

Ke Wen still changed his physical fitness to a level similar to Diana's, and as Diana continued to grow, Ke Wen also showed more of his strength bit by bit.

Ten days have passed, and Diana has learned a lot in the never-ending battle.

She completely learned Ke Wen's unarmed fighting skills, also known as "body combat".

She has also completely mastered the swordsmanship in the "Soldiers of War".

Another ten days passed, and under Coven's pressure, Diana became perfect at using her divine power.

After ten days of the third round, Coven was no longer able to do anything to Diana without using his abilities.

The battle between the two finally became truly evenly matched.

Another day passed like this, and Diana finally got tired of this kind of battle with no clear winner.

She called off the fight and started the fourth round of ten-day alternative hand-to-hand combat with Ke Wen.

A blue portal appeared out of thin air on the beach of Paradise Island.

Two figures walked out together, holding their arms.

Diana was still so beautiful, but she was even more beautiful than before.

Lazy? Charming? Delicate as water? It’s probably these similar temperaments.

Stepping onto the beach, Diana turned around and put her arms around Ke Wen's neck, pressing her whole body against him without any gaps.

After a deep tiptoe kiss, she looked into Ke Wen's eyes tenderly and sweetly, and shook her head slightly with a regretful tone: "Are you really not going to change your mind?"

"Sorry again honey."

Ke Wen hugged Diana's slender waist, feeling the softness and warmth of the goddess in his arms, and responded with the same regret: "My heart cannot belong to one person, my dear, please forgive me."

"Am I no better than other women?"

Diana slightly increased the strength of her hands, keeping herself closer to Ke Wen: "The rich knowledge, the maturity of thinking, the figure that makes me very proud of myself, and even the physical quality that can truly satisfy you."

"Kewen." Diana's red lips came forward, and she gently rubbed against Kewen's lips and said, "As long as you change your mind, I will be your most perfect partner."

Coven's right hand moved up, he pressed the back of Diana's neck, and kissed her deeply for more than two minutes.

After they separated, he apologized and shook his head slightly: "I'm sorry Diana, I'm not worthy of such deep affection from you."

"Why?" Diana's eyes were sad.

"Because I don't have much time."

Ke Wen pressed slightly with his right hand, causing Diana's pretty face to lie on his chest.

Then he explained warmly: "Maybe in ten years at most, I will leave this universe, so Diana, don't let me let down any relationship, okay?"


Diana raised her pretty face and asked worriedly: "Where are you going?"

"Beyond the Multiverse."

Ke Wen truthfully confessed: "My strength has reached the limits of the 'single universe' and the 'parallel universe'. If I want to break through to the 'multiverse' level, I must find the wall of origin and hang myself on it."

"Wall of Origin? Hang it up?" Diana was very puzzled by the meaning.


Kewen nodded, and then introduced the concept of the Wall of Origin, and then explained why he wanted to hang it on the Wall of Origin.

After listening, Diana was silent for a moment, and then she tried to make a last-ditch effort and asked: "Is strength that important? Is it so important that you give up everything?"

"I'm sorry." Ke Wen stroked Diana's hair: "If I stopped the first time, then my future would eventually have its limit."

Diana fell silent again after hearing this.

After all, she is a demigod who has experienced all the vicissitudes of the human world, so she quickly got rid of the love brain mentality.

But she still felt very sorry, because a man like Ke Wen was too perfect.

Impeccable in terms of strength, appearance, longevity, thoughtfulness, etc., all are impeccable.

The only point of carelessness is irrelevant because of his excellent physical fitness.

Diana understood the feeling of dissatisfaction with desire. After all, she once had a human boyfriend who could not satisfy her physical fitness.

In comparison, Ke Wen's little problem with women is nothing.

Therefore, such a perfect man was so unavailable that Diana felt nothing but regret.

So Diana put her pretty face against Ke Wen's chest again.

She sighed secretly for a moment and then swung the sword in her heart to cut off the love thread.

She raised her head again and said with a beautiful smile: "I have no reason to stop you, Kewen. Before you leave, leave me more beautiful memories."

"My pleasure."

Ke Wen kissed Diana on the forehead, and then led her towards the island: "Let's go and meet your mother. Since Kama Taj has formed an alliance with Paradise Island, I have to do something."


"What?" Diana asked with a smile.

"Such as a portal."

Ke Wen responded: "I am going to leave a teleportation station for you on Paradise Island. Firstly, it will be convenient for you to come back to visit relatives at any time. Secondly, it will also be convenient for the Amazons to go out and see the world. After all, it is not good to keep the country in seclusion like this."

Diana nodded with deep understanding. She recalled something, so she said sadly: "You are right, Paradise Island may have been a fascinating holy place thousands of years ago, but human beings have developed too fast.

I can’t keep up with the pace outside.”

"It will be fine in the future."

Ke Wen comforted her gently: "After seeing too much of the world, your people will naturally have a changed mentality."

Diana nodded again with deep understanding.

More than ten minutes later, the two returned to the living area on the island.

They did not go to see Queen Hippolyta immediately because the guards informed them that the queen had just fallen asleep.

Knowing this, Diana took Kewen to continue exploring the island.

After experiencing various humanities and customs, Diana took Coven to the bathroom on the island.

The bathhouse on Paradise Island is very special. The water used for bathing is slightly emitting blue light.

According to Diana, this water can quickly restore physical strength and remove the hidden wounds left by training in the Amazons.

Ke Wen picked up some water and sensed it, and found that there was a very weak divine power in the water.

So he asked Diana about the location of the water source and found the source of the water after taking a bath.

The source is under a stone statue.

The statue is of Poseidon, the god of the sea. Water gushes out from the slightly raised palms of the statue and flows into the pool below.

After identifying the source, Coven asked Diana if there were other similar statues.

Diana said there were more, so she took Kewen to see several other statues.

However, there are only three statues with divine blessings.

One is a statue of Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, which carries the divine blessing of a good harvest. The effect is to shorten the maturity time of the crops on the paradise island and not be affected by any disasters.

In this way, the sparse farmland on Paradise Island can grow food that can feed thousands of people.

The second statue is of Artemis, the goddess of hunting. The blessing of divine power is applied to the animals, so that the animals on the island will not become extinct and maintain the balance of the biological chain on the island.

The last one is a blue ribbon, bah! It's a statue of Hestia, the Kitchen God. The blessing on it is relatively simple, just to ensure that the paradise island will not be affected by fire.

Whether it is forest fires, accidental fires, or man-made fires, they will not appear on Paradise Island.

In addition to the previous statue of Poseidon, these are the only four statues on the island with divine blessings.

As for the statues of the other twelve main gods, they are just completely ordinary statues.

There is no divine blessing on it, and it can only absorb and store the faith of the Amazons.

After checking all the statues, Coven was telling Diana the inside story.

At this time, an Amazon guard wearing a metal breastplate came over.

"Princess Diana, Her Majesty is awake and looking for you."

"Ah, okay, we'll go back right now."

Diana responded with a smile. When the guard who sent the message left, she stretched out her hand to hold Ke Wen and said with a smile, "Let's go. The establishment of the portal needs to be approved by mother first. Let's go talk to her."

Ke Wen nodded, then raised their clasped hands and smiled: "Are you declaring sovereignty? Warning other Amazons to stay away from me?"


Diana admitted it unabashedly.

She smiled and shook her head slightly: "I don't care from now on. You can sneak to the island again, but as long as I am on the island, you can only belong to me."

"Eating alone." Ke Wen smiled and nodded: "But I like it."

"Oh, right!"

Diana thought of something, and then immediately warned Ke Wen: "Stay away from my mother! Also, never touch the elders on the island! They are all my elders."

"Don't worry, I swear!"

Ke Wen thought of the Virgin Charlotte who he could not avoid, so he nodded quickly: "I will never get close to the people you mentioned!"

Diana looked at Ke Wen's serious eyes, and then smiled with satisfaction again.

Next, the two walked hand in hand through the residential area, and arrived at the entrance of the Queen's palace amidst the laughter of many Amazons...

This chapter has been completed!
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