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Chapter 201 Dispute

"I...I still want to accompany my mother."

Rachel the Raven is still a child after all, and when faced with any life choices, she certainly cannot make her own decisions.

But Rachel was smart, and she solved another problem.

She looked at Ke Wen: "Sir, if I stay here, my mother will be very lonely."

"Yeah, good boy."

Ke Wen nodded gently: "But that's not a problem. If you decide to join us, of course we will help you eliminate all your worries, such as helping you move to a new home and helping your mother find another good job.



Angela suddenly interrupted and asked in a gentle voice: "What does your mother do?"

"She just helps people clean."

Rachel shook her head: "Whenever a house in the town needs cleaning, my mother will go to work."

"give it to me."

Angela said this to Coven: "I will first arrange for Rachel's mother to do some cleaning work in the police station. If I find that she has other talents in the future, I will assign her a position.


Ke Wen gave a look of thanks, and then asked Rachel: "Is this okay?"

"Then...where will we live?"

Rachel was already very moved, and at the same time she felt that her demands were too much and seemed too greedy.

This made her very ashamed, so after asking, she lowered her head, embarrassed to look at everyone.

Farah took over the answer to Rachel's question.

She said proudly: "You can live wherever you want. As long as it's a place you like, I can arrange it for you."

This once again put Rachel in a dilemma of choice.

Seeing this, Ke Wen laughed and made a conclusion on the matter: "Okay, just rent or buy a house nearby. Rachel is still young and probably doesn't have the patience to stay in the temple permanently, or

Let her live outside like going to school first."

"Farah." Coven continued to order: "Send someone to notify Rachel's mother and help with the moving matters."

"Kevin, let me do something too."

Angela stood up with a smile: "I can finally do something for you, so I'm going with you. First, my identity is easy for Rachel's mother to believe, and secondly, it's also convenient for me to arrange her identity and job."


Ke Wen was not polite. He stood up and hugged Angela: "I'll treat you to a big dinner later."

"Then I'm looking forward to it."

Angela responded with a smile, and looked at Farah after separating from Kewen.

Farah did not hesitate, she greeted her intimately: "Come on Angela, let's go to the second floor, and I will send you an assistant in charge of admissions."

The two left quickly.

It wasn't until their figures disappeared on the second floor that Rachel whispered: "Ah! I haven't told you my home address yet!"

"It doesn't matter, they will know."

Kewen smiled and waved his hands to appease, and then looked at Constantine who didn't know what he was thinking.

"John?" Ke Wen called the other person back to his senses: "What are you thinking about? If you have anything to say, just say it."

Constantine hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath and asked: "Kevin, can you tell me what answer you want to get from the 'Three Palaces Demon'?"

"The location of the Wall of Origin." Coven responded to the inquiry: "Do you know any clues?"

Constantine thought deeply for a moment, then shook his head. He really had never heard of the term "Wall of Origin".

Seeing this, Ke Wen comforted him again: "Don't worry, John, I won't let the Three Palace Demons mess around. I'm being held here by someone now, doing some tiring work to wipe his family's butt. If someone destroys this...

World, I have no good fruit to eat."

Constantine was surprised and at a loss to guess who Coven was talking about.

Kewen had no choice but to raise his index finger and point it to the sky as a reminder.

Constantine was stunned. After thinking of something, he hissed and his eyes widened.

Ke Wen shrugged and spread his hands: "Okay, that's the end of this topic. Anyway, you don't have anything to worry about."

After saying that, he looked at Rachel the raven: "My child, can you help me later?"

Rachel was very smart, and she guessed what Coven was referring to.

"How can I help you?"

While she asked, she was still deeply worried: "My dad, no! The Three Palace Demon! Is he really not in danger?"

"I can assure you." Ke Wen nodded.

Rachel looked at Ke Wen for a moment, and then said: "The other Mr. I can't feel your thoughts, but I choose to believe you, what should I do?"

"Very good." Ke Wen said with a satisfied smile: "Then let's start by letting you learn to control the power within your body."

He stood up and invited: "Come on, I will take you to the real Kama Taj, and John, do you want to come?"


Constantine also stood up and said with a serious face: "Sorry Ke Wen, I have to pay attention to this matter all the way!"

Ke Wen just smiled without saying anything and took the lead to walk to the second floor.

In fact, Ke Wen was quite anxious.

He was eager for the 'Three Palace Demon' to come so that he could ask the other party about the location of the 'Wall of Origin'.

But his upbringing made him well versed in a principle - when encountering a big event, you must first calm down.

So Kewen suppressed his urgency while leading the way.

He first took Constantine and Raven Rachel around for a tour on the second floor, allowing Rachel to briefly familiarize herself with the environment, and then led them into the 'pocket universe'.

Constantine and Rachel were both stunned by the new world that suddenly appeared at the entrance.

They behaved in the same way. They first looked at the surrounding square, then looked at the large buildings stretching from their feet to the distance, and finally turned back to look at the entrance and exit passages.

Ke Wen stood aside quietly and watched. It wasn't until two pairs of eyes focused on him that he introduced the situation of this 'pocket universe'.

Constantine had a lot of experience, so he was able to stabilize his mentality.

Rachel was extremely shocked.

She seemed to have seen a fairy tale come true, and her mood for joining the 'Kama Taj' had developed from anticipation to fanatical longing.

The impact of creating the universe on her was really great!

Being able to join such a powerful ‘Kama Taj’, Rachel no longer had any hesitation in her heart.

Next, Coven continued to be the tour guide for the two of them, and he began to take Constantine and Rachel around Kama Taj.

Twenty minutes later, the three of them arrived at the library.

Facing the large collection of books, Rachel was just curious and looking forward to her future study life.

And Constantine seemed to have nails growing out of his feet.

He couldn't move at all.

With a slightly greedy look in his eyes, Constantine couldn't help but swallow as he looked around at the vast magic books in the library.

Then he looked at Ke Wen and asked flatteringly: "These magic books are just here? Aren't you afraid that someone will steal them?"

Ke Wen smiled half-heartedly: "Outsiders can't come in here, but who can come in and steal books when they have nothing to do?"

"Uh haha... yes."

Constantine scratched his head subconsciously and then changed the topic: "Then there are no restrictions on these books? I mean, what if someone comes into contact with a magic book that is beyond their ability? Isn't that dangerous?"

"They can't see it."

Farah's figure teleported over, and after answering the question, she smiled softly at Rachel and said, "I have sent someone to help your mother handle the moving matter. You will be able to see your mother soon."

"Thank you." Rachel thanked her happily and politely.

Farah smiled and continued his previous answer: "All magic books are equipped with detection magic. If the person holding the book is not strong enough, the words in the book will not appear."

"I see, that..."

Constantine reached out to the bookshelf beside him: "Can I?"

"Whatever." Farah looked unconcerned: "Kama Taj has no concept of hiding anything. The knowledge here is open to all who need it."

Constantine was very surprised: "Will nothing happen?"

He retracted the hand that was about to touch the magic book, and then pointed to several bookshelves in the distance: "I sensed the breath of black magic over there, so even those dangerous things can be watched and studied at will?"

"As long as you have the ability."

Farah nodded, still with the indifferent attitude: "As long as it can pass the detection magic in the book, then any magic can be learned."

These words made Constantine frown deeply.

He looked at Ke Wen with a heavy face: "Is this really okay?! There is a price to pay for using magic! And the price of black magic is even more terrible! If people learn and use it at will, won't that cause disaster?!"

"body and mind."

Ke Wen pointed at the magic book that had been obtained by Constantine: "The detection mechanism of magic has two sides. It not only detects the magic content in the magician's body, but also detects the magician's ideological realm."

"No! I mean after learning magic!"

Constantine explained: "Even if you can pass the detection magic in the book, what if someone is psychologically affected by black magic after learning magic? Don't say you don't know, all black magic has the ability to 'induce people to evil'

side effect!"

"What about you?" Coven asked with a smile: "Why didn't you become evil because of those black magic?"

"Of course because I am very determined!" Constantine immediately replied: "And I will never use those black magic unless it is absolutely necessary! Even if I use it, it will be to save something!"

"You are too arrogant."

Farah curled her lips slightly, and then said quietly: "If you can do it, why can't others resist the temptation of black magic?"

"This..." Constantine was speechless.

"Okay, let me explain."

Ke Wen cut off the argument and pointed to the bookshelf where black magic was placed: "Look, compared to the magic books in the entire library, the number of black magic books only occupies three bookshelves."

"Although black magic is very powerful, there are many more powerful magics among normal magic."

He waved and several books flew from a distance.

After taking the magic book, Coven gestured it to Constantine: "Look, there is magic here to control celestial bodies and destroy everything, there is also magic to manipulate space and time at will, and there is even magic to create the world."

Waving his hand to make the magic book fly back to its place, Coven smiled at the stunned Constantine: "In comparison, what is there to care about those black magic that can control hell demons and the like?"

"This is Mr. Constantine."

Farah took over: "You probably don't understand the responsibilities of our Kamal Taj, so please listen carefully."

She waved her hand and created a magical illusion, using it to show images of mages chasing demons.

Then Farah said in a contemptuous tone: "Our responsibility is to maintain the balance and stability of the world. Anyone who dares to break the rules is our target!"

"Demons?" She sneered: "They are just the lost dogs under our control. Who can afford the black magic that controls the lost dogs?"

"Black magic is not just the kind related to demons!" Constantine immediately retorted.

"I know."

Farah raised his hand to stop the other person's words: "Causing disease, confusing, enslaving, cursing, evil rituals, etc."

She shrugged and said with disdain: "The essence of black magic is to make people powerful through simple channels, and to use powerful power to satisfy the user's desire to manipulate others at will."

"And here."

Farah raised his hand and pointed to the ground at his feet: "The necessary prerequisite for joining our 'Kama Taj' is to protect!"

"As small as protecting yourself and your family and friends, as large as protecting the world and all things in the universe."

A touch of pride appeared in his expression: "The belief in guardianship can allow mages to break their confusion. As long as they have a firm belief, no matter what magic it is, they can use it at will."

"What about the accident?!" Constantine gave his final insistence: "Aren't you afraid of any accidents? People will change!"

"Then correct it!" Farah replied: "Correction is useless, just destroy it."

"You are so conceited!!" Constantine said anxiously.

Farah puffed up his chest and showed a completely conceited attitude: "Don't talk about boss! As long as I am still here, no one can make waves in my hands!"


Huge amounts of magic power surged out of Farah's body, and she easily controlled it on her body surface without spreading.

The momentum and pressure of the magic power was precisely pressed by Farah on Constantine alone.

This made Constantine half kneel to the ground in pain.

The bones in his body creaked, and his consciousness began to drift.

As Farah quickly regained his momentum, Constantine gasped like a drowning man emerging from the water.

Cold sweat broke out from the pores all over his body, and Constantine's whole body became sticky instantly.

Wiping away the cold sweat on his eyelashes, he raised his head and looked at Farah, who looked proud.

Thinking back to the suffocating pressure just now, Constantine was completely shocked by Farah's strength.

He could not imagine how the aura of the little girl named Farah in front of him could be more terrifying than those of the demon lords?!

At the same time, Constantine also felt a big blow in his heart...

This chapter has been completed!
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