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Chapter 220: Figure it out

Next, Coven and Farah began traveling in this geocentric dimension.

The two of them saw a variety of ancient creatures and plants, and they even discovered what Princess Mela called the remnants of the 'Lost Country'.

The former Atlantis empire was divided into seven political forces after its sinking, and now there are only four races active in the ocean.

They respectively inherited the orthodox Kingdom of Atlantis, and the splintered Kingdom of Zebel, the Kingdom of Fishermen, and the Kingdom of Saltwater.

Among the other three branches, the Trench Clan went to the deeper seabed and degenerated into the fish monsters they are today.

Another branch gave up the ocean and went to the inland sea, and became extinct as the inland sea dried up and became the Sahara Desert.

They were called the 'Kingdom of Apostates', indicating that their branch had abandoned their people and abandoned their traditions.

The last remaining branch race is the 'Lost Kingdom' that has disappeared for a long time. No one outside knows that they have hidden the inner earth dimension.

However, due to the limitations of the environment and resources, the Lost Kingdom has not been able to develop in the geocentric dimension.

The number of survivors discovered by Ke and Wen was not large, and the lifestyle of the survivors abandoned technology and became very primitive.

The two did not show up to disturb each other, they only made simple observations and then left.

They continue to wander in this inner earth dimension, which is about the same size as the moon, and what they see and hear is always full of surprises.

It wasn't until a tremor resounded throughout the entire dimension that the two men were interrupted from their journey.

"what happened?"

Farah turned his head and looked towards the distance where the sound came from: "What happened over there? Is a volcano erupting?"


Kewen raised his hand and summoned the portal: "We can't let them destroy this place."


Farah was stunned, and then thought of something.

Without further words, she immediately followed Ke Wen's footsteps and crossed the portal.


The waves surged into the sky, and the air waves spread and collided with the overturned mountain peaks that served as the sky, trampling and tearing the greenery on them into pieces.

There is a huge thing tumbling in the sea water, and it roars to the sky. The sound seems to be celebrating freedom.

On the distant coast, Arthur Curry had changed into a golden dense scale battle suit. He was standing in the middle holding a trident. He only shook the trident slightly, causing the huge waves that crashed on the coast to die down instantly.

There are two women standing on both sides of Arthur Curry. The one on the right is Princess Mela, and the one on the left is an old lady who still has charm.

After crossing the portal, Coven and Farah appeared behind Arthur Curry and the others.

Farah saw the giant monster having fun in the sea at a glance, and she couldn't help but ask: "Is that thing the boss of the level? If you kill it, you will clear the level, right?"

As she spoke, she raised her hand to cast a spell.

"Stop!" Arthur Curry hurriedly turned around to stop: "Stop it, sister! That's with us!"


Farah looked at the giant monster in the sea again: "But if it continues to toss like this, this earth's core dimension will probably be destroyed."


Arthur Curry was stunned, he obviously didn't know.

So he quickly shouted to the troll: "Stop! Karason! Stop what you are doing -"


The giant monster known as Karason roared in response, but it also restrained its movements obediently.

After a while, Karasen swam in the sea and came to the coast, and continued to make a low hum.

Arthur Curry made a listening gesture and then responded: "Karason, you misunderstood. They are not mixed race like me. Let me introduce them to you."

He spread his hands towards Farah and Kewen: "They are magicians. Through magic, they changed their physiques to be like mine, and they will change back later."

"Buzz buzz-"

Karason continued to say something, and its low hum made the water and the gravel on the shore beat slightly.

"Okay Karason!"

Arthur Curry raised his hand and interrupted: "I have my own opinion, please be quiet now."

As he spoke, he raised the trident and shook it, indicating that he had the final say now.

Karason had no choice but to quiet down.

"What did it say to you?" Farah looked up at the giant Karason and asked, "Also, why can't I understand what it is saying?"

"That's not Arthur's physical factor." Coven answered on his behalf: "That's Arthur's soul talent."

"That's it." Farah suddenly realized.

She was not envious of anything, but raised her hand to cast the spell, and tapped her temples lightly with the index fingers of both hands.

"Okay." She smiled and put down her hand: "Now I can also understand the meaning of its cry."

"Magic is so convenient."

Arthur Curry laughed, hugged the middle-aged lady beside him and said with a smile: "Let me introduce to you, this is my mother Atlanna."

"Mom, this is Farah and her master."

He softly introduced Queen Atlanna: "They are human magicians. They have a very, very close relationship with me, and they are also my most trusted partners!"

"thank you all."

Queen Atlanna nodded with a noble and kind tone: "Thank you for sending my child here!"

"You are Welcome."

Ke Wen smiled politely: "Arthur is a very good person, and he deserves our help."

"This is all due to his father."

Queen Atlanna looked at Arthur Curry lovingly.

While arranging her son's hair, she sighed softly: "He is a good husband and a qualified father. He taught Arthur perfectly..."

These words made Arthur Curry a little shy. He changed the subject with a slight embarrassment: "Mom, let's talk about old times later. I still bear a heavy responsibility now. I must stop the war!"


The giant beast Karason suddenly raised his head and let out a huge roar.

But in the ears of Coven, Farah, and Arthur Curry, Karason was shouting and urging Arthur Curry to take it out quickly. It couldn't wait to help the new Sea King show its majesty.

Farah's eardrums were buzzing from the noise, and she immediately waved her hand to release a noise reduction barrier, making Karason's voice quieter.

She then asked Arthur Curry: "Are you going to take it out with you?"

"Yes." Arthur Curry nodded: "It is the legendary invincible giant monster. With its appearance and assistance, most people in Atlantis will feel that they are afraid of rats."

"But have you ever thought about how it gets out?" Farah asked speechlessly: "It is so big that the previous teleportation entrance cannot accommodate it."

"I can get out!"

Karason suddenly interjected: "Just like when I brought the king through the planet and came here!"

"Then this inner earth world will be destroyed!" Farah raised his head and shouted to Karason: "The magma will flood this place!"

Karason raised his head.

It looked at the overturned peaks in the sky, and then said indifferently: "What does it matter? After thousands of years, the environment here will regain balance again."

Farah followed Karason's line of sight, and she finally understood where those inverted peaks came from.

Shaking her head, she withdrew her gaze and asked Ke Wen: "Boss, I can't think of any solution."

Coven smiled.

He searched in the library in the Rubik's Cube space and then copied a magic book.

Throwing the magic book to Farah, he raised his hand and pointed it at Karason and said: "Form magic, let me demonstrate the effect to you first."

As soon as he finished speaking, he released his magic power and enveloped Karason.

The next moment, Karason suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Arthur Curry couldn't help but exclaimed: "Master! Where did you take it? I'm still counting on it to assist me in the future!"

Kewen looked into the sea.

Farah raised her hand and crossed her fingers in surprise.

With a simple extension of her magic power, she pulled out Karason, who still had a strong aura, from the sea.

However, Karason's current form made everyone completely dumbfounded.

No longer hundreds of meters tall like before, Karason is now only the size of a palm.

Waves of screams reached the ears of Coven, Farah, and Arthur Curry. Karason was howling in terror due to the changes in his body.

Soon, the struggling and screaming Karason flew into Farah's hand.

Farah pinched the other person with two fingers, looked at it, and counted them with great interest.

"The tentacle-like tail of an octopus; the claws of a giant lobster; the arthropods of a coconut crab; and a slender tail like a ray."

"But..." Farah pinched Karason and shook it: "Don't move, what is the prototype of your head?"

"Let go! Let me go!"

Karason kept struggling and screaming: "Recover me quickly! You devil! Unforgivable!! How dare you do this to me! Ahhhhhh-"

Farah looked like she was trying to hide herself. She kept shaking the arm that was holding Karason, as if she was not the one doing the bad things.

It wasn't until Karason was knocked unconscious and he couldn't curse anymore that she held him in front of her eyes again.

Looking at Karason's limp limbs, Farah threw it to Arthur Curry.

However, Arthur Curry was in a daze, so he couldn't react at all.

This caused Karason to hit his scale armor with a "snap" sound, and bounced to the ground.

Arthur Curry, who looked down, finally came to his senses. He quickly knelt down and picked up Karason.

Looking up again, he looked at Farah and couldn't help but hesitate to speak. At the same time, his facial muscles began to become distorted, and his expression was seriously distorted by his efforts to suppress laughter.

At the same time, Princess Mela and Queen Atlanna, who did not understand what Karason was saying, also came to their senses one after another.

The former was shocked by the strength of Coven and Farah, while the latter's face was full of joy.

In Queen Atlanna's view, since Coven and Farah can control Karason so easily, doesn't it mean that the two are strong enough to help Arthur Curry suppress the entire Atlantis?


Thinking of this, Queen Atlanna couldn't help but feel her worries disappear, and her mood and smile became even more exciting...

This chapter has been completed!
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