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Chapter Thirty-Four: Zhao Di

Song Qiaoqiao nodded and said softly: "That's what he said."

Cheng Qingwen curled his lips: "Looking at this, those wealthy businessmen may be disappointed."

After hearing this, Lian Zhi chuckled lightly and said nothing.

A few people spent the afternoon shopping, buying coal and food for the winter, and then agreed on a time with the repairman, and then returned to Songjiacun.

At dusk, Cheng Qingwan and his party moved the things on the carriage into the house.

The onlookers looked at this scene with unwillingness and jealousy in their hearts.

"How come Mrs. Cheng has such a good fortune? She gave birth to a little girl, and yet she still manages to live up to her expectations."

"Yeah, look at all these things, it seems like they are free. The little girl they took in has hairpins on her head."

Song Qiaoqiao's second aunt, Mrs. Qin, snorted coldly after hearing this: "What's the point of trying to be successful? I just hooked up with the new high official. Otherwise, I'm afraid she wouldn't even recognize the seed."

"Hey, that's your Qiaoqiao. Look, she also has a hairpin on her head. So does your sister-in-law. She even wears much better clothes." The woman chuckled and pulled her sleeves: "

Do you regret splitting up the family in the first place? Otherwise, you will be designated as your share now."

Qin's face was very uncomfortable and she rolled her eyes: "I don't care if you get it by hooking up with a man."

After saying that, he turned around and went home.

She looked at the two dilapidated tile-roofed houses in her house and angrily pushed the door open and went in.

Everyone in the room had finished dinner and sat on the bed, leaving a table full of leftovers.

Mrs. Qin was so angry that she pointed at her children on the bed and scolded: "You heartless people, after eating, who will be left to clean up the table?"

"Auntie, my sister and I are busy mending clothes for our brothers, so you can just clean them up." Song Zhaodi, who was 17 or 18 years old, fiddled with the thread and said, "Didn't you say that you should take care of your brothers first in everything?


"You!" Ms. Qin sat on the bed, took off her shoes, and sneered: "I know you are not willing to give in. What's wrong with Mr. Shen? There is no shortage of food and drink, and the gift of five taels of silver, each

There are still five hundred yuan per month. If you get married, your brother will have money to go to school."

"Since you think this deal is a good deal, you can marry her as your concubine. It just so happens that Officer Shen is about the same age as you. The five taels of silver can be enough to find a wife for your brothers." Song Zhaodi looked at the woman coldly.

One glance.

"Song Zhaodi, your wings are strong, aren't you!" Mrs. Qin slapped the table and shouted at the top of her voice: "Since you are so capable, you should learn from the humble girl in the big house and please Cheng Qingwen, the capital, and earn some money for your family!

Look at the mother and daughter in the big room. They have beads on their heads and good clothes on their bodies. After all, they are close brothers, so I don’t know how to send some over."

"Auntie, your genius has just faded, and you start dreaming? You tried to persuade my father and Dafang to separate their families, and almost drove them to death. It would be fine if they didn't come to take revenge. You, please go to bed quickly.

Let's do it." The second eldest child, Song Pandi, looked at each other and said with a smile.

"Hey, you two got together today to piss me off, right? Don't think I don't know that when we first separated, you girls often went there to deliver food, and they, mother and daughter, have only survived until now.

Otherwise, they would have starved to death long ago, and the fields over there would have been ours!"

Song Zhaodi rolled her eyes and put down the sewing work in her hand: "So what if there are too many fields? Dad lies down every day without working, and you feel sorry for your brothers and don't let them go to the fields. Aren't we the only ones who have these acres of fields?"

Planted by sisters?”

"I don't care. Either you guys go to find Song Qiaoqiao tomorrow, or I'll send you all to a brothel, and you can sell them for dozens of taels of silver!"

Song Zhaodi listened to what was said dozens of times and didn't take it to heart. She lay down and closed her eyes.

Mrs. Qin saw that her daughters ignored her, so she went to another room, crying and complaining to her sons.

But these boys were spoiled by her, and they all pretended to be asleep when they saw her.

She walked to her room, glanced at the sleeping man, sighed, sat down by the bed and cried.

In the Cheng family, after everyone packed up the things they bought, it was already late at night, and everyone yawned and went to bed.

After Cheng Qingwen finished washing, she saw Cheng Hua'er still sitting in front of the bed doing abacus, so she walked over and said, "Mom, let's buy a few acres of land next year."

"Okay, our family now has thirty taels of silver left, and we can buy another ten acres of land." The woman said with a smile, "It's just that we have so much land that we can't handle it."

"There are six people in our family including Aunt Liu and Qiaoqiao, so we will definitely be busy planting seeds. When we receive the goods, we will just hire a few more people." Cheng Qingwen said with a smile: "We will plant the seeds after the new year.

, save more money so that you can move to the town."

Cheng Hua'er was stunned for a moment, then said excitedly: "Move to the town?"

"Yeah, I'm thinking of opening a shop in the town."

Cheng Hua'er looked at the person in front of him happily, smiled and touched her head: "Huanhua, you have really grown up a lot."

Cheng Qinghan looked at the account book and smiled, not knowing how to answer the question.

Fortunately, Aunt Liu came to the rescue after a while and found an excuse to return to the cubicle.

She yawned and fell asleep soon after lying on the bed.

The next day, the repairman came and repaired the roof and walls. Including the materials, he spent a total of three taels of silver.

That night, it snowed heavily.

Cheng Qingwen hurriedly built a shed on the vegetable patch in the backyard, fearing that the young seedlings that had just grown would freeze to death.

The family worked hard until dawn before finishing the shed.

Before I could sit down and rest for a while, I walked non-stop to the fields where the grain was grown.

Several people braved the snow to build tents in the field.

Song Zhaodi didn't know when she came. Seeing that everyone was very cold, she took hot tea and called the girl: "Qiaoqiao."

After Song Qiaoqiao heard the sound, she quickly came over and said, "First cousin, why are you out?"

"I was pouring the swill, and I saw you in the fields in the snow. This tea is boiling hot, take it to them to drink." Song Zhaodi handed the copper pot to her, then stood up and said.

"But, if the second aunt knows..."

"It's okay. She is in the house with her beloved son now and won't come out until dinner time." Song Zhaodi said, "I only brought three bowls. After you finish drinking, just put them on the window."

"Thank you, cousin." Song Qiaoqiao nodded and said with a smile.

Cheng Qingwen glanced at the woman's back through the heavy snow, then took the tea and held it in her hands.

"Qiaoqiao, is that Zhaodi?" Aunt Liu looked at her daughter and nodded, sighing softly: "This child has a hard life, meeting such a pair of parents, I heard this two days ago

She said that the Qin family wanted to marry her off to Yuan Wai as a concubine. Thanks to her fierce temper, she said that if she was forced to do so, she would die in front of Yuan Wai's house, which made Yuan Wai give up."

"This second aunt is really not a good person. Usually, a few sisters work the fields to support the family, but she beats and scolds them all the time." Song Qiaoqiao muttered while handing over the tools.

Cheng Qingwen thought for a while and then said: "Qiaoqiao, how do you have a good relationship with these sisters?"

Song Qiaoqiao nodded: "The most difficult time for my family was when our cousins ​​gave us food, and we were beaten by our second aunt when we returned."

When Cheng Qinghan heard this, he nodded thoughtfully.
This chapter has been completed!
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