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Chapter Forty: Plum Blossom Gem Head

Yuan Qi closed his eyes and couldn't hide the tiredness on his face: "Don't worry about Qin's affairs. Even if she files a lawsuit, it won't matter."

Cheng Qingwen nodded subconsciously and asked softly: "Your injury has been bleeding."

Yuan Qi looked down at his abdomen and said, "The miracle doctor will help me deal with it."

"Then I'll go back to sleep first. If I stay out for too long, my mother will be worried." Just as Cheng Qingwen was about to stand up, she felt her wrist slip. She paused and took off the bead string.

"Since you have paid for the room, this should be returned to you."

Yuan Qi was slightly startled, took the bead string and put it back on her again, and said softly: "I also want to ask you, why does wheat grow so well? This is the tuition fee."

Cheng Qingwen looked at him, as if he understood something, and suddenly smiled: "Okay."

After she finished speaking, she stepped out of the carriage.

It was already snowing in the sky at this time. Cheng Qingwen walked to the door of her house and turned around. Among the snowflakes in the sky, the black carriage was still there.

She raised her hand, waved to the person who had been looking at her, and then immediately entered the house.

She walked into the room quietly, and as soon as she turned her eyes, she saw Song Qiaoqiao standing at the window, looking at her with a smile.

"Be back so soon."

Cheng Qingwen glanced at her expression and sat on the bed: "Aren't you introverted?"

When Song Qiaoqiao heard this, she coughed lightly and pretended not to hear.

"Go to bed quickly, it's getting late."

Cheng Qingwen lay on the bed and yawned lazily.

Song Qiaoqiao saw her eyes closed and seemed to be asleep, so she didn't ask any more questions and lay down next to her.

I wonder if they were too tired, but everyone slept soundly that night, and when they woke up, it was already dawn.

Cheng Qingwan sat by the window, looking at the heavy snow that was still falling outside, wondering when it would stop.

Next to them, Lian Zhi and Cheng Hua'er were calculating their expenses for the past few days, Song Qiaoqiao and Aunt Liu were doing embroidery work, and Lian Song was practicing calligraphy obediently.

A large family was sitting in the house, enjoying themselves.

It snowed heavily until New Year's Eve, and the snow in the yard was almost up to my knees.

Early in the morning, Cheng Qingwen took the juniors to start clearing the snow.

"Miss Cheng." A Zhu rode the carriage at the gate of the yard and said with a smile, "My lord, you have collected the wheat and asked you to go and see if it is okay."

Cheng Qingwen heard this and responded with a smile: "Okay, wait for me."

She put down the broom and walked into the kitchen to get two pieces of candy.

"Huanwen, it's almost lunch, where are you going?"

Cheng Qingwen took a piece of cloth, wrapped the candy and said: "Master Yuan's wheat harvest has been harvested, let me go and take a look."

Cheng Hua'er originally wanted her to go after lunch, but seeing her excitement, he changed his words: "Then you go slower on the road, and let Mr. Yuan come to the New Year's Eve dinner tonight."

"Okay, let me ask first."

Cheng Qingwen agreed, took the candy and quickly got on the carriage.

Cheng Hua'er looked at her retreating back and sighed softly.

"Why did you sigh suddenly?" Aunt Liu asked softly while kneading the dough.

"Hanhan looks like this, she must have fallen in love with Yuanqi." The woman looked at the carriage's retreating shadow and said sadly, "I just don't know what Yuanqi is thinking."

"I think Master Yuan must also like Huan Huan, otherwise why would he come to us again and again?"

Cheng Hua'er shook his head: "It's one thing to like him, but it's another thing to talk about marriage. The Yuan family is a famous family, Yuan Qi will definitely live in the court in the future, and his wife will definitely be a good match.


"The words can't be so absolute, what if he just likes Huanwan and wants to marry her."

"If Hanhan's father recognizes her, it's still possible." Cheng Hua'er pinched the dough, put the prepared little rabbit in the steamer, and said with a contemptuous smile: "However, that man is cold-blooded and ruthless.

I didn’t know I had a daughter.”

"Huanhan's father is not dead? Then why didn't you tell him?"

"He is not worthy." Cheng Hua'er seemed to have thought of something, and her expression turned very bad: "Sister Liu, don't tell Huan Huan this, to avoid bad things."

Listening to these words, Aunt Liu imagined the scene in her mind of a heartless scumbag who brutalized a good girl and then refused to admit his guilt after the incident.

There was pity in her eyes even when she looked at the person in front of her. She nodded solemnly and agreed.

As soon as Cheng Qingwen got off the carriage, he saw Yuan Qi standing at the door.

She held an umbrella and walked over quickly.

Yuan Qi stretched out his hand to help her and said softly: "Slow down."

Cheng Qingwen patted the snow on his body and said with a smile: "Where is the wheat?"

The young man's expression paused, and then he smiled and took her to the back room. The freshly harvested wheat was piled all over the room.

"These are just harvested. I just planted a little in the vegetable patch in the backyard, and I can produce twice as much as others."

Cheng Qingwen knelt down and looked at the wheat carefully, and said softly: "These wheats are all good."

"It's good, so I feel weird."

"Well?" Cheng Qingwen turned around and asked doubtfully: "What are you doubting?"

"It snowed heavily in the cold winter, but the wheat was able to survive and was not frozen to death." Yuan Qi stared at her eyes, as if he could see through everything: "So, Miss Cheng, can you tell me why it is like this?"

Cheng Qingwen was a little flustered by his stare, and coughed lightly: "Master Yuan took good care of this."

"I didn't care about it for twelve days. It's up to you to calculate the time yourself."

When Cheng Qingwen heard this, his face suddenly turned red, and his mind was racing to see if he could find a reason to defend himself.

Moan Qi looked at her frowning expression, with a smile in his eyes, and stretched out his hand to bring her to the dining table.

"Have some lunch with me?"

"Ah?" Before Cheng Qingwen could react, a bowl of chicken soup was placed in front of him: "Have you not eaten yet?"


"What a coincidence, I didn't eat either."

Cheng Qingwen looked at the four dishes and one soup in front of her, including three meat and two vegetarian dishes. She guessed that her New Year's Eve dinner tonight would not be so sumptuous.

After thinking about it, I decided to convey what my grandma said: "My grandma asked you to go to my house for New Year's Eve dinner tonight. If you don't want to go, that's fine. I will follow..."


"Well?" Cheng Qingwen raised her head sharply and looked at the person eating: "Do you really want to go?"

"Yes, the elders invited me, so I have to go." Motoqi put the chicken legs into her bowl and said with a smile.

Cheng Qingwen looked at his cold face and decided to get vaccinated first: "My family just had a full meal not long ago, so the New Year's Eve dinner won't be too sumptuous."


The young man responded so naturally that it was hard for her to say anything else.

Cheng Qingwen took a sip of chicken soup and suddenly thought of what she had brought with her. She quickly took out the handkerchief she had put on her waist and handed it to him.

Motoqi looked at the handkerchief, his face turned red, thinking it was some kind of love token, and when he took it, he discovered what was wrapped inside.

He opened it and saw several pieces of solidified sugar.

"I made this myself from sugar cane. My grandma will take a piece every time she takes medicine. You should try it too."

"Okay." Yuanqi broke off a piece of candy and put it into his mouth. The sweet taste spread in his mouth: "It's very sweet."

"I made it myself, it must be sweet." Cheng Qingwen responded with a smile, then took the chopsticks and started to cook seriously.

Motoqi's appetite was small and he ate quickly, so he finished everything quickly.

He looked at the person in front of him, like a hamster, with his cheeks stuffed and bulging, and he kept using chopsticks to pick up food for her, his eyes showing a bit of doting that even he didn't notice.

At this meal, Cheng Qinghan was full and Yuanqi was in a good mood. Only Azhu sat aside with a bowl and ate tasteless food...

"I've prepared a New Year's gift for you." Yuanqi took her hand and walked to a large sandalwood box.

He opened the box and found a box full of boxes.

Cheng Qingwen raised her eyebrows and instantly thought of matryoshka dolls: "There won't be another box inside this box, right?"

Motoqi smiled and shook his head, holding the square box and handing it to her: "Open it and take a look."

Cheng Qingwen opened it and saw a very exquisite set of plum blossom and gemstone heads and masks lying inside.

She looked at the mask in surprise and murmured: "It's so beautiful."

Yuan Qi touched her head, and before she could speak, she heard someone break in.

"Brother Yuan, long time no see." Su Yunwei took off the hat of the red cloak and said with a smile: "You have a guest here."

Cheng Qingwen heard that the figure sounded familiar, and turned around to see a petite girl wearing a festive red cloak standing at the door.

"You, why are you here?"

"Miss Su, what do you want from me?" Yuanqi interrupted her and asked.

"My brother-in-law asked you to come for the New Year's Eve dinner tonight, and I came here specially to pick you up." Su Yunwei walked quickly to him, happened to see the gem head that had not been covered, and immediately shouted: "This, this is not me.

That’s what you want, brother Yuan, you didn’t give it to me but you gave it to her!”

When Cheng Qingwen heard this, she raised her eyebrows proudly and deliberately closed the box loudly: "Thank you, Mr. Yuan, for your New Year's gift. I like it very much."

"Brother Yuan!" After Su Yunwei heard this, she immediately pulled his sleeves and started acting coquettishly, wanting to put her on his body.

Yuan Qi frowned and took a step back: "Miss Su, we have known each other for less than a month. You should just follow your sister and call me Lord Yuan."

Cheng Qingwen held the box in her arms, found a chair and sat down, with her legs crossed, just holding a handful of melon seeds to watch the show.

When Su Yunwei heard this, she pouted and said aggrievedly: "But, but I like you very much."

When Yuan Qi heard this, a trace of ridicule flashed in his eyes. He walked to Cheng Qinghan, poured a glass of water, and said with a smile: "We have only been together for two days, and you don't even know what my temper is, so you just talk about liking me?"

There was a hint of panic on Su Yunwei's face, and she quickly said: "I just like her, it was love at first sight, that's what it says in the story book."

After hearing this, Cheng Qingwen was immediately interested in the dialogue book: "What dialogue book can you recommend?"

Su Yunwei's newly brewing feelings were instantly diluted by these words. She gritted her teeth and said angrily: "You forced my sister to call off the marriage that day, and I haven't settled the score with you yet. What does it have to do with Mr. Wei?"

We've met each other a few times, but my brother-in-law asked yesterday that Mr. Wei doesn't know you at all."

"Didn't your sister withdraw from this marriage willingly?" Cheng Qingwen raised her eyebrows and played with the piece of blue fabric.

"If you hadn't run up to my sister and said that Song Zhaodi would commit suicide, and you and Mr. Wei knew each other, my sister would not have broken off the engagement, and Song Zhaodi would have come to serve the sick man long ago."

"She won't." Cheng Qingwen closed her eyes, looked at the girl in front of her, and said coldly: "If this marriage really happens, your family will probably have a funeral now."

"A poor peasant's daughter died immediately. The coffin was already topped. How could my family hold a funeral for her?"

As soon as these words came out, both Cheng Qingwan and Yuan Qi's expressions became very ugly.

Cheng Qingwen knew that this was a feudal society, where poor peasants had a low status, and those in power could kill someone with just a lift of their hands, but this was a living person...
This chapter has been completed!
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