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Chapter 197

At the end of the east passage, there is a huge stone door.

There are two huge human eyes carved on the stone door. Different from the eye symbols encountered before, the two eyes here are indeed two eyelids together and closed.

In the understanding of the ancestors of the ancient demon country, eyes represent the eternal reincarnation.

Only the eyes are open, which is the source of the power of reincarnation, but the closed eyes...

It gives people an extremely ominous feeling.

Tap tap tap...

Just when a few people were immersed in these strange eyes, suddenly, strange footsteps came to their ears.

However, apart from the six people, are there any living creatures here?

At least in Hu Ming's intuition, he didn't feel any threat from unknown creatures.

Only a faint feeling of horror and coldness lingered in my heart.


Mu De, this is the first time Hu Ming has felt this since he started doing this business!

Listen carefully, the sound comes from inside the stone door.

At some point, Hu Bayi and Fatty had pushed open the stone door and lay eagerly looking inside.

At this time, the strange footsteps came from the passage behind the stone door, and a strange panic surged from the bottom of their hearts.

You know, these two are the kind of men who are not afraid of anything and will dare to rebel as long as they have guns in their hands!

They have also experienced many strange things, but they have never felt this kind of panic from the bottom of their hearts!

Bang! Subconsciously, the two of them quickly closed the door and leaned against it, breathing rapidly in surprise.

My body was already covered in white hair and sweat!

The sound of footsteps is like magic, causing people's heartbeats to beat continuously to the rhythm of the footsteps.

In fact, even the mood was slightly affected.

That was not fear, but...panic, inexplicable, indescribable panic!

It's as if your instinct is telling you that something very scary and incomprehensible is about to happen.

"Then...what the hell is that?"

"Mingzi, Lao Hu, Staff Officer Yang, Fatty, you and I have also gone through seventy-two hardships. What kind of monsters and ghosts have we not seen before?"

"But just because of that ghostly footsteps, I don't know why, but I always feel panicked."

The fat man's face turned a little pale. This was the first time since he was born that he felt this fearful feeling from the bottom of his heart.

On the side, Yang Shirley, Hu Bayi and Chu Yi were also a little scared.

As for Axiang, her face turned pale with fright, and she subconsciously hid behind Hu Ming for safety.

It is the instinct of humans and any creature to seek the protection of the strongest person in strange and dangerous moments.

"Maikala struck the Thunder Mountain...don't you all know that?"

Hu Ming's face looked a little solemn.

Just now, he was somewhat affected, or the influence of that thing was so strong that he ignored the hair mound mark and bloodline tattoo.

Or, that thing is not weird at all, but a strange creature bred by nature.

No matter what it is, it's all trouble...

"We must go in. This is probably the only way. We have no choice, but..."

"Look at the carvings on this door. It means that if you want to pass through here, you must close your eyes. If you open your eyes, it will lead to some bad things..."

"Should it be said that it is a religious country that worships eyes? Even the strange power guarding the sacrificial passage is unusual."

Hu Ming opened the stone door. Behind the stone door, there was another engraving.

Those eyes were open, but there were blurry black shadows in the sight of the eyes.

That thing refers to the Thunder Mountain of Mahakala!

"Strange, why didn't the footsteps make any sound when opening the door this time? What's going on?"

The moment Hu Ming opened the stone door, Hu Bayi and others had already made corresponding preparations, but this time it was quiet and no sound was heard.

However, what they didn't notice was that Hu Ming covered his eyes with one hand the moment he opened the door.

Under the palm of the hand, a pair of eyes suddenly transformed into dragon pupils, the golden light flashed away, and then returned to their original state the next moment.

Tsk! Is the strange power at the altar still suppressing this thing? Thunder Mountain is also a negative influence on the demon kingdom’s sacrificial rituals and the ghost cave?

It's a bit interesting.

Hu Ming muttered to himself.

According to ancient legends in Western Xinjiang, the thundering mountain struck by Mahakala is an evil spirit that controls the ore.

The passage behind the stone gate is a natural tunnel formed by crystallized ore.

Coupled with the strange footsteps, no one dared to relax their vigilance.

When entering, I had to wear a piece of cloth torn from the hem of my jacket to cover my eyes.

No matter what, listen to others' advice and eat enough. The mark on this stone door naturally makes sense.

Although everyone in the group, except Axiang, is stubborn, they are not idiots who are not good at evil.

There are ways to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune, so why not use it?


After entering the passage, Hu Ming, who took the lead in groping forward, quietly took off his blindfold and looked at the surrounding crystal walls with a pair of dragon eyes.

Everything in the Demon Kingdom is closely related to the ghost cave and the snake god, and the Unbounded Demon Eyes are the eyes used to communicate with this power.

In this strange passage, Hu Ming's eyes were omnipotent.

Coupled with his terrifying five senses, even if the underground passage is completely dark, Hu Ming can still clearly distinguish objects as if they are nothing.

Everyone used a rope to connect everyone together, and the people behind put their hands on their shoulders to prevent them from getting lost.

Under the leadership of Hu Ming, we slowly moved forward in the darkness.

Good times don't last long...

In the crystal wall passage ahead, a dense black and red mist began to fill the darkness.

In Hu Ming's confused expression, these mist slowly condensed and became concrete, becoming a creature that impressed Hu Ming deeply.

Draft daddy! Damn it, see Ahan!? Is this thing really coming out of the "ghost cave"?

Hu Ming stared dumbfounded at the black-crested monster snake spitting out snake letters in front of him.

This chapter has been completed!
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