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Chapter 215 Axiang wakes up

The group had already achieved the goal of their trip and had no intention of staying in this weird place any longer.

A group of six people walked down the newly discovered secret path.

With Hu Ming's intuition leading the way, there were no surprises or dangers along the way.

"Mingzi, I'm surprised. This road looks like a secret escape tunnel."

"The rulers and priests of the Demon Kingdom will definitely not build such a passage."

"But this place is extremely secretive. What kind of person can build such a passage?"

Halfway through, Hu Bayi couldn't help but asked curiously.

At this time, everyone had been walking along the passage for two or three hours. They followed the passage to the underground river and kept moving along the river bank.

"Perhaps it was those priests in the Demon Kingdom who broke free from the shackles of religion to free the imprisoned innocent girl."

"Perhaps the Samsara Sect wants to find a passage to Evil Luohai City based on ancient records."

"Or maybe he was a tomb robber who later obtained the relevant secret book."

"In short, there are many possibilities. It has been too long. The passage just now has a history of thousands of years."

"In the absence of corresponding records, it is impossible to figure out the situation. In short, the predecessors planted trees and the descendants enjoyed the shade..."

Hu Ming shrugged his shoulders.

The truth of history has long been buried in the long river of time.

As far as their descendants can know, there are only clues recorded in written and pictures.

Hu Ming was not interested in this.

For him, in this line of work, the system's rewards should be very generous.

For Hu Bayi and others, this line of work solved the fatal ghost eye curse.

For the first grade of junior high school, this business made a lot of money, which was enough for the family to live comfortably.

For Axiang, in this line of work, Lei Xiaming died due to a strange combination of circumstances, and she also got rid of her status as a tool.

In short, everyone is happy and it is enough that everyone gets what they want.

Walking down the river, this walk takes most of the day.

As everyone continued to move along the river, they turned into a natural cave with the help of Hu Ming's extraordinary hearing, and after they emerged from a remote hollow, they suddenly became enlightened.

The stars are twinkling outside, it's mid-night.

The altitude here is not high. At first glance, this is a familiar yet unfamiliar valley hinterland.


"Why do I feel that the situation here is very similar to the Zanggu Valley we came to before?"

On the first day of the new year, he stared at the surrounding scenery with wide eyes.

Bones are everywhere, bushes are scurrying, and little will-o'-the-wisps are twinkling everywhere.

Less than a hundred meters away in front of everyone, there were several bloody animals lying there quietly.

If you look carefully, you can see that there are dents in the ground.

Looking up at the sky, it is obvious that these animals, like the animals that inexplicably committed suicide in the Bone Valley, all jumped down from above.

"Compared with the Zanggu Valley we encountered before, the location here is more westward, corresponding to each other from a distance, like two dragons playing with a pearl."

"Eighty percent are two burial trenches dug and built to honor the buried Demon Kingdom."

After roughly estimating the direction, Hu Ming already had the answer in his mind.

"The Demon Kingdom's demise was quite hasty, so why did you have nothing to do to build a burial trench in the ruins of the Demon Kingdom's ancient capital?"

"Isn't this because you are full and holding on?"

The fat man looked at the surrounding scenery with a confused expression.

For a moment, I couldn't even care about my rumbling stomach.

"It's most likely someone from the Reincarnation Sect did it."

Hu Bayi shook his head and slapped the fat man's belly in a funny way.

Everyone wandered around the Kunlun Mountains for more than a week, and all the food was consumed early.

Fortunately, Fatty can endure it till now, it’s really not easy.

That is to say, the passage they found leads directly to the outside world without any twists and turns.

Otherwise, if the food runs out, they will most likely starve to death in the Kunlun Mountains. Of course, this will happen if Hu Ming does not take out the food in his space.

Hu Ming, Hu Bayi, and the first three people in the first grade of junior high school didn't care much. The three of them looked at each other and looked at the dead animal carcass in front of them.

Upon closer inspection, we can see that these animals probably died in the past two days. The temperature on the Kunlun Glacier was so low on the plane that it still looked very fresh.

The three of them reached out to a Tibetan horse bear with a tacit understanding...

After eating and drinking, and after discussing the rotation of the night watchmen, everyone got into their sleeping bags and slept until dawn.

This sleep lasted until noon of the next day, and everyone was able to wash away the strong tiredness.

Coincidentally, Axiang also woke up at this time.

It's just that his face is a little pale.

The resentment of the mutilated ghost mother did cause some sequelae to this girl.

But it’s not a big problem, just take a good rest for a while after you go back.


Hu Ming looked at the concerned eyes of his future sister-in-law Yang Xueli and curled his lips without any trace.

He knew that Yang Xueli had real feelings for this girl...


You can think about it with your buttocks, and you will know when you go back that Yang Shirley is probably going to keep Ah Xiang.

"Sister Shirley...but it's so strange. Why do I feel...my neck hurts so much? It's not just the side of my neck where Brother Hu Ming knocked me out before, but the other side also hurts..."

Axiang stared with confused eyes. The girl had no memory of what happened next.

It's just that...the almost identical pain on both sides of her neck made her a little concerned about deleting it.

Looking carefully, there are almost identical black and blue bruises on both sides of Axiang's neck...

Hu Bayi and others looked at Hu Ming strangely at the same time.

This chapter has been completed!
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