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Chapter 291: Secret passage

Although Hu Ming's skill is extremely useful in various situations, it is not without its drawbacks.

Hu Ming still wasn't used to the sudden use of this skill.

In his ears and brain's senses, all sounds seemed to be amplified a hundred times more than usual.

This made him a little uncomfortable, but there was no good way to do it.

But the good thing is that in a short period of time, Hu Ming has become accustomed to it.

As long as you come here a few times, it's almost done!

After all, it has taken him more than twenty years to integrate and adapt to the Phoenix bloodline!

But his grasp of the power of his own bloodline is not as good as it was twenty years ago.

"Uncle Ming, what did you just... so..."

At this time, Yin Nanfeng's loud voice like "thunder" exploded in Hu Ming's ears.

Hu Ming endured the discomfort and looked at the pale and pretty face in front of him.

"Uh, is it okay?"

"Is the terrifying aura that erupted from your body just now the power of your bloodline?"


Hu Ming hummed slightly, glanced at Yin Nanfeng who had recovered, and raised his head to look at the dome.

It seems that his eyes have already passed through the dome and seen a more distant place.

In fact, Hu Ming "heard" that Wu Xie and the others were passing through a deeply hidden passage and heading to the front hall on the top floor.

Not surprisingly, that passage is the robbery hole left by Xie Lianhuan back then.

Hu Ming knew that once Wu Xie and the others arrived at the front hall and found clues to Yunding Tiangong, the next step would be to blast through the dome to find a way out...

So, there is not much time.

To be honest, this trip to the Undersea Tomb was indeed quite tight due to various factors.

Hu Ming has used his abnormal hearing to construct a detailed three-dimensional structural diagram of the entire undersea tomb in his mind.

Hu Ming knew very well that where he and Yin Nanfeng were now located was one of the two side halls on the bottom floor of the Shipwreck Tomb.

The two side halls are symmetrical to each other with the main tomb chamber as the central axis.

The point is, Hu Ming has already found the secret passage to the main tomb in the side hall.

"Huh... time? Well, Uncle Ming, it's useless no matter how anxious you are."

"In this side hall, there are only three statues of forbidden women in the center, and the wall is similar to a honeycomb."

"Even if you are anxious to get to the main tomb chamber and can't find the way, it's useless. I think you won't be willing to go back the way you came... Well, the original way is gone. Now this is a secret room. It's a dilemma." Yin Nanfeng

He spread his hands helplessly and looked back. The passage the two came from had long since disappeared.

At this time, this side hall is an absolutely closed space.

"Don't worry, I know where to open the secret passage to the main tomb..."

"How do you know? It's your first time here too, right?"

"Haha, I heard it!"

Hu Ming smiled mysteriously and had no intention of explaining. Instead, he stepped over the corpses of the Wang family and walked straight towards the three statues of forbidden women in the center.

These three life-sized statues are carved from fine milky white Hetian jade.

Not to mention the historical significance of these three statues, just such a large piece of complete Hetian jade is already priceless!

These three statues are extremely vividly carved, almost exactly like the real forbidden women, and even the malice in their eyes seems to have been carved out.

It is worth mentioning that these three statues are exactly the same as the postures of the forbidden women in the murals that Hu Ming and Yin Nanfeng saw in the passage.

The two statues are of forbidden women with a big belly, and the one in the center is of forbidden women with a big hole in their abdomen.

Under Yin Nanfeng's confused gaze, Hu Ming inserted his right hand into the crack in the forbidden woman's abdomen.

Use two fingers to press lightly on one of the hidden places.

The next moment, there was a loud "click" sound from the mechanism's operation.

I saw that the floor under the statue suddenly cracked, revealing a dark passage.

Here is the tomb passage leading to the main tomb chamber.

"Is this what you heard too?"

Seeing this, Yin Nanfeng raised his hand beautifully and couldn't help but sigh.


Is there really such terrifying hearing in this world? Is it the unique secret book of Xiling, or is it the physical mutation brought about by the mysterious bloodline!

This level is beyond the reach of ordinary people!

"Hmm, it's true. I heard it. It's so perverted."

Hu Ming grinned as if he knew what Yin Nanfeng was thinking.

"However, we don't have time to discuss this now. As the last layer of anti-theft measures, it was already in operation when I opened this secret passage."

"Be mentally prepared, Nanfeng. The next scene may be enough to give you nightmares at night for women."

Before he finished speaking, there was a loud hissing sound in the hall.

Countless black-haired snakes poked out of the honeycomb-like wall covered with dense holes!

Number, thousands, countless!

Hu Ming frowned. The blood power that had just burst out did not make them move, and they dared to appear in front of him. He was surprised!

This chapter has been completed!
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