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Chapter 402: Attacking the Camp

It was night, and except for the people who stayed on guard, it was almost difficult for others to fall asleep with all kinds of thoughts on their minds.

The little brother's pointless warning was a bit scary.

Along the way, because of Hu Ming's presence, they had a smooth sailing and encountered almost no fatal dangers.

But I'm never one to talk nonsense. There must be a reason for what I say, and I can't tolerate others not paying attention to it.

It's a pity that the little brother has no intention of explaining at all.

The little brother doesn't want to speak...what can anyone do?

"Tell me, what are you two and that woman Chen Wenjin doing?"

Beside the campfire, the black blind man asked Hu Ming and his little brother in pain.

To be honest, the night before going underground, he really wanted to have a good sleep to recharge his batteries.


Do these two dogecoins have no understanding of human nature at all?

Something must happen at this time.

It's better now, I can sleep like a shit at night!

"Guess...hey, that one over there, go to the toilet while you're at it!"

"If you dare to go to the toilet there, believe it or not, I will break your third leg? I will do it!"

Hu Ming smiled mysteriously at the blind man, and when he saw Wu Sansheng's guy next to him trying to use the toilet in a drainage ditch in front of the temple, he frowned and scolded him.

Mad, these people really know how to pick places!

While he was talking, Hu Ming had already drawn out his sword, turned the blade over, and pointed the back of the sword at the man, silently threatening him.

It was obvious that Hu Ming was not joking.


"Master Ming, I understand. I'm going to find another place right now. Could you please put away the knife? It's scary..."

Hearing this, the waiter shuddered subconsciously, quickly stopped unbuttoning his belt, and ran away into the distance.

He swore that at that moment, his brother was so scared that he shrank in size!

Damn it, this Mr. Ming’s aura is so scary!

"...Is it fun to bully the little cute little newbie? Isn't it just to go to the toilet? Isn't that all?"

"What if the little guy is scared by you and can't use it anymore?"

The blind man took off his sunglasses to clean and maintain them, and rolled his eyes with almost invisible pupils.

These two are old acquaintances, and no one knows who the other is. The blind man has no taboos in front of Hu Ming and the little brother.

These two people had seen his somewhat terrifying eyes before.

"If you are willing to crawl in despite the smell of urine tomorrow, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Hu Ming shrugged.

"You mean, that's the entrance to the underground water storage system?"

The blind man was stunned for a moment, then he closed his eyes and took a closer look.

Even the younger brother was a little surprised.

The little brother has indeed been here before, but the problem is that he has forgotten the memory of the past.

I have no impression of this place at all.

"Sure enough, there seems to be a secret cave entrance deep underground!"

Moving to the side, the blind man drilled down along a rope and returned the same way after a few minutes.

This drainage channel is extremely deep, with a square opening in the darkness at its bottom.

Judging from the shape, it is completely large enough for an adult to walk in upright.

The King's City of the Queen Mother of the West was built in the center of the crater that was filled and buried in the past. The underground palace of the Queen Mother of the West is hidden underneath.

The water storage system below is also reserved for people and snakes to pass through. The underground system passage is extremely spacious and can accommodate three people walking side by side.

In a way, this can be regarded as the secret passage for the Queen Mother of the West to transport troops.

The buildings on the ground are all cover, and the underground is where the Queen Mother of the West lies.



"It's almost time, it's time to start."

While the three of them were chatting by the campfire, white mist gradually began to fill the surrounding area. Seeing this scene, Hu Ming stood up and said softly.

As he said that, Hu Ming had already picked up the package at his feet, took out two poison masks and threw them to Heixiazi and the little brother.

"This is?"

The blind man asked doubtfully.

Why don't you wear a gas mask?

This thing is stuffy, hot and extremely uncomfortable after wearing it. It is even more unfriendly to blind people. Wearing sunglasses is very inconvenient.

"This is a miasma unique to this place. It is poisonous and not fatal, but it can deprive people of their vision."

"Of course, you are blind, so you shouldn't care about this at all, right?"

Hu Ming quickly put on the gas mask and looked at the blind man with raised brows.

"Fuck you, Mr. Hei, although I can see more clearly in the dark, I'm not really blind!"

The black blind man muttered a few words, reluctantly took off his sunglasses and put on a gas mask.

Fortunately, it was night time and it had little impact on his eyes.

Hu Ming even thoughtfully prepared a special gas mask for him. The mask was coated with a special black substance, so it wouldn't get in the way even if he wore it during the day.

That is to say, it perfectly allows the blind man's special eyes to play their best role, and also prevents others from seeing his terrifying eyes through the mask.

"Thank you! The gas mask fits well and your vision is very clear. I'm very considerate."

After putting on the gas mask, Heixiazi thanked him sincerely.

"Hmm, are you very touched? So touched that you want to call me daddy?"

"Come on, shout out boldly, dad and brother won't laugh at you for it!"

Hu Ming said with a grin.

Men, what kind of pure friendship is there?

Aren’t they all trying desperately to be each other’s father?

In fact, what Hu Ming envied most about Heixiazi was that when he was working at Chen Pi’s place, he actually adopted a godson!

Mad, godson?

Of course, it would be even better if it was a goddaughter!

"Go away! I am three times your age, okay? You call me daddy!"

"Speaking of which, what do you two want to do? It's so mysterious. Now, you can always say something, right?"

The corners of the black blind man's mouth twitched fiercely under his mask!

"Get rid of "his" people in the team!"

The younger brother explained softly.

The human skin mask is a very magical thing. It is extremely troublesome to make, but it is enough to look real.

Brother and Hu Ming already knew that these people must be dealt with before going underground.

But if everyone in the team has a gun, and it is revealed so simply and crudely, it is easy for some accidents to happen.

After all, even Brother and Hu Ming are still made of flesh and blood. If they are hit by bullets, they will still be injured, and if they are hit in a vital part, they will still die!

Therefore, for the sake of safety, there was a play written and directed by Hu Ming and my brother tonight!

Hu Ming and his brother need to find a common enemy for everyone to ensure that "his" people will point their guns at others and cause unnecessary sacrifices.

Except for my little brother, no one knows that Hu Ming can control the Cockscomb Snake!

While speaking, Hu Ming had already whistled softly.

The next moment, around the camp, countless crimson crested snakes rushed into the camp!

Like a red tide, in just a few breaths, cockscomb snakes were neighing everywhere as far as the eye could see!

The panicked screams of the night watchman filled my ears.

However, that's not the worst!

"Fuck, what's going on? Why did my eyes suddenly lose sight!!??"

"I...I can't see either. What's going on!? Is there really a ghost here?"

The white miasma has long since become thicker, and the toxic substances in it have reached a certain critical point and exerted their due effect.

In the silent night, under the watery moonlight, a complete commotion broke out in the camp.

This chapter has been completed!
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