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Chapter 413 Black Shadow!

In the deep ditch closest to Hu Ming is an ancient, collapsed wooden building.

All that is left in front of you is a rough outline of a wooden frame that is still strong and covered with a layer of cotton-like sediment.

I don’t know what kind of wood was used in this village. It has been soaked in water for many years and it still has not completely rotted.

Keep pushing forward and you will see that there is more than one wooden building like this at the back.

There are even some scattered dilapidated tile-roofed houses among the wooden buildings.

At the edge of the deep ditch, an endless fence was erected across the outermost perimeter of the building.

In the gaps of the fence, many things are filtered out that should not be there.

White withered bones, unknown objects soaked in lake water whose original appearance cannot be distinguished.

There is no doubt that these things cannot be what should be in the village in front of you. They are left behind by the archaeological team twenty-eight years ago.

After being dumped by Panma, the body was carried to the depths of the lake by the current, and was left here because of the fence.

Otherwise, it would not be easy to find signs of the past.

God knows where it will be sucked away by the siphon tide.

Hu Ming slowly swam over and was about to bring something up when suddenly...

The lake water behind Hu Ming surged abnormally, and a black shadow flashed from about twenty meters behind Hu Ming.

When Hu Ming turned around, the thing had already disappeared.

What Hu Ming can be sure of is that that thing is 100% malicious towards him.

Was it one of the three humanoids that appeared on the lake last night?

Hu Ming frowned slightly and turned back to look at the ancient Yao village shrouded in shadow.

In Hu Ming's perception, that dark shadow was now in the ancient village in front of him!

Shaking his head, Hu Ming had no intention of catching up for the time being.

At this time, half an hour had passed since he dived underwater. Hu Ming lowered his head and glanced at the oxygen meter, which showed that there was about half left.

After thinking about it, Hu Ming picked up two dead bones and floated them up.

Holding his breath, Hu Ming surfaced smoothly in a short time.

The place where Hu Ming dived to explore was relatively deep. Fatty, Wu Xie and the kayak were on the lake about fifty meters away from Jiangnan.

Swimming next to the kayak, Hu Ming threw two dead bones onto the boat.

"What's wrong with my eldest nephew?"

Putting his hands on the kayak, Hu Ming looked at Wu Xie who was bleeding from the nose and asked softly.

"What else can I do? He came up in a hurry, and his physical condition cannot withstand the pressure of such a drastic change."

"No, it floated too fast and all the capillaries exploded!"

"It's lucky that Tianzhen didn't dive too deep. Otherwise, he would have to bleed all over his body if he surfaced at such a reckless speed!"

The fat man rolled his eyes and took out a handkerchief to help Wu Xie stop the nosebleed.

"What's going on? Why are you in such a hurry? Is it possible that there is a female ghost down there who wants to capture you and bring you back to get married? Are you scared?"

Hu Ming looked at Wu Xie and saw that he was just a little weak and not seriously injured, so he couldn't help but joke.

However, given Wu Xie's current condition, he may have to recuperate for a day or two, and he won't be able to go into the water again for a while.

Otherwise, life may easily be in danger.

"Shit! It would be great if there really was a beautiful female ghost!"

"I'm afraid I might have encountered something like a water beast down there. I can't see it clearly from a distance, but my intuition tells me that it seems to be the humanoid creature we encountered last night!"

Wu Xie rolled his eyes. He was feeling dizzy due to excessive blood loss. Hearing Hu Ming's joke, he grinned.

"I also encountered that thing. It is indeed the thing I encountered last night. It is extremely flexible in the water and is almost faster than a motorboat!"

"Also, what do you do with the underwater fishing gun I equipped you with?"

Hu Ming knew clearly that it seemed that not only him, but also Wu Xie had encountered that thing.

By the way, should I call him the Evil Emperor? Wherever I go, I can encounter these weird things that are beyond common sense.

"....I'm not as fierce as you. In that situation, a normal person's first reaction would be to run away, right?"

"Who the hell is like you, whose first reaction when seeing something weird is to kill it?"

Wu Xiedan grinned in pain. The underwater lethality of this fishing gun is truly amazing.

But the problem is, he also has to be able to capture the movement trajectory of that thing!

In terms of Wu Xie's dynamic vision, being able to see a black shadow wandering around was already the limit.

"...Now that this matter is over, go find the blind man to help you train..."

"Your identity and your constitution are destined to deal with these things for the rest of your life. If you encounter these weird things alone someday, you can't just wait to die, right?"

Hu Ming sighed slightly, in this business of reverse fighting, although it is important to have a flexible mind, it will not work if the skills are too weak.

"...Black Blind Man? He is not the kind of person who is willing to help others or likes to have apprentices, right?"

Wu Xie scratched the hair beside his ear and asked doubtfully.

"He really doesn't like taking on apprentices. He prefers taking on a godson. If you don't mind, call him godfather. I'm sure he will be happy and teach you with all his heart."

"But I guess you can't say it out loud. Of course, as long as the money is in place, he can do whatever you ask him to do!"

Hu Ming boarded the kayak, took a look at the sky, and simply took off his diving suit.

Working underwater for a long time is not good for your health. For the sake of your health, I will probably stop here today.

Especially for Wu Xie, part of his capillaries burst and he couldn't even go into the water.

"The blind man only has one godson. Because you killed Chen Pi, he has already been sent abroad by him. There will be no second son."

At this moment, the little brother emerged from the lake beside the rubber boat, wiped the lake water on his face, and said lightly.

The little brother held the rubber boat with one hand, and the other hand was still hanging under the water, holding a dark thing in his hand.


While he was talking, the little brother had already thrown the things in his hands onto the kayak and put them together with the dead bones that Hu Ming had thrown up.

These things were all that a few people gained from being underwater.

"Did you recall some of your past memories?"

Hu Ming and others looked at each other and looked at the younger brother in surprise.

"It's magical here... The village at the bottom of the lake may be closely related to the place I'm looking for. Here, I vaguely remembered some things from the past.

The younger brother nodded, his face no longer showing the joy of having recovered some of his memories, it was as indifferent as ever.

This chapter has been completed!
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