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Chapter 424 Jiang Zisuan: Woman!

It goes without saying that the power of yellow explosive is powerful.

In an instant, like a sun exploding in front of several people's eyes, endless light and heat bloomed from the gap in the stone wall.

Then there was a deafening explosion, and countless rocks were blown away, mixed with large amounts of dark green blood and charred minced meat and bones...

It was so powerful that the entire cavity shook three times.

Fortunately, the power of yellow explosives stopped there and did not cause a worse situation.

For example, the entire underground cavity was blown down...

Wu Xie had a dark face...

This time, his face was really completely dark, and it was not used to describe Wu Dan's mood. Although, Wu Xie was really mad at Husky at this time.

Wu Xie took off the broken bones on his forehead and wiped away the smelly dark green blood on his face. Wu Xie couldn't care less about the pain in his forehead from being smashed by the bones, and he felt so sick that he wanted to vomit...

In the explosion just now, if he hadn't run so fast, he wouldn't have simply been hit in the head by broken bones.

Wu Xie smiled slightly and walked to the shattered iron figurines outside the corner.

Although it is so ferocious under land, it is still comparable to the little zongzi.

The strength of that thing was something we all saw in the water later on.

However, when Hu Ming looked back with a smile, Wu Xie shrank...

Mitra's body has long been preserved.

"So to them, this is a solid piece of iron. It's hard to see anything, but the essence...you told them."

With that said, he walked to the corner and fetched water from the basin to wash away the blood stains on his hands.

"Sister, Panma hasn't spoken yet."

After all, the Zhang family... is a great and upright force to begin with, right?

"What the hell..."

"A week later, I took Wu Xie and others to the lake where the archaeological team was inspecting and ran away. Panma also knew everything about Wu Xie and us before."

The pig iron was as special as butter on the blade of the dragon-patterned curling cloud sword, and it was easily divided into seven parts from the neck.

But just like that...not eighty-eight yet???

"Why do you think so little? Anyway, Panma is now in your hands. Without me to lead the way, you can go over and find out what's going on."

"Speaking of which, sister, what should we do with these two "fake goods" who take the initiative to find us? You all know that the real us are over there..."

"That was a mysterious sacrificial activity! Outside, it was the sacrificial venue they chose, and you are the sacrifices they chose!"

"Deeper in the rock formations, there are not yet eighty-eight Mitras approaching you quickly."

"It's from outside my eldest brother's home, and it's from Wenjin's suitcase that was salvaged from outside the lake. These iron blocks were sealed before being divided."

Jiang Zi rolled his eyes helplessly, man, you didn't think too little!

Jiang Zisuan opened the tent of the command camp and said loudly to Hu Ming, who was studying the map with a frown.

Eighty-eight ferocious little rice dumplings came to kill them all...just thinking about it makes me feel a chill down my back.

"Besides, Sasha, you didn't expect that this annoying guy... 40% knows these two guys!"

At the same time, at the edge of the Yaozhai forest protection area, a team of people was stationed outside, and the ground was filled with tents.

Pull one out, aim in the direction, the sharp blade of the sword tears the air, and cuts it vertically!

Wu Xie put away the knife, wiped the white dust from his face, and said with a serious smile.

The incision...



Except for a relatively intact skeleton, the flesh and blood internal organs have not rotted into a mush...

I swear, in all these years, my dear sister has never shown such a wicked smile to me.

In front of me, a large hole was blown out of the stone wall, and in the deepest part, countless burnt-white fragments were lying quietly outside.

Panma, who escaped from the lake, unfortunately fell into the hands of Zhao Da, who was always watching...

It's like, that thing is just like a fish in a rock, born to live in rock formations!!!

Someone who is involved in the back-and-forth business still wants to say that he is a bad person?

"It's just...what exactly are I planning when I come back?"

"That's it! There's nothing to worry about. I'm going to go anyway, so what are you afraid of..."

Fatty Aning only felt his scalp numb.


Whether it’s Hu Ming who is bad or Jiang Zisu, those two siblings are both bad people!

Fatty Zhao Da took a deep breath.

Those kind of tentative biological experiments that are ahead of the times and carried out in the fog are often preceded by the dead bones of countless innocent people.

In the ancient times, from the beginning to the end, or if you want to re-research a method of immortality, the cost is two countless dead bones.

That's the key. The key is that the corpses of living things are really sealed outside the iron figurines!!!

"That one, Xiao Yue, is staying in the shallow layer of the rock wall to monitor your movements and prevent you from escaping."

I'm afraid that the whole person was blown to pieces like the things in the stone wall!

Jiang Zisuan put his forehead on his hands and sighed.

When Jiang Zisuan mentioned these two "fake goods", a flash of fondness flashed in his eyes. He raised his fingers and made a wiping motion on his neck.

"When the eighty-eight Mitras cross the rock formations and arrive at the cavity...what do they think will happen?"

The strange thing is that there is no such thing as a passage in the space where Mitra is located.

"It's just that, it's been a week... Although I'm not willing to deny it, I'm afraid Wu Xie hasn't found the entrance yet, right?"

"God knows what those two people are planning to do. Just to be on the safe side, what if they are shot dead? You won't be bothered if you see this face."

With a smile, Wu Xie abruptly changed the subject.

"He understands... You are afraid that Wu Xie is waiting for you there, waiting for you to be cannon fodder for me to explore the way..."

A careless look revealed that the inside of that thing, except for the inner iron sheet, was not a rotten creature at all!

I deny that Wu Xie is an old bastard. However, we have so few people, so few guns, and we are all professional mercenaries. How dare we become just seven of us?

The picture is so beautiful!

Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend...

"I'm just wondering, how the hell did this thing get into the stone wall?"

"I will definitely appreciate this gift you brought me."

Hu Ming explained with a headache.

Instinctively, Wu Xie retched, and subconsciously, Wu Xie wanted to curse.

Wu Xie explained calmly.

"You guys just go back home?"

Didn't Wu Xie snatch me from Hu Ming's hand that time?

As if he thought of some boring scene, the corners of Hu Ming's mouth raised slightly, revealing an intoxicating smile.

"As expected, Wu Xie's work is leaky. How could I let this old guy Panma have no chance to pry into our secrets?"

The word "jiang" can be regarded as the way of meaning.


"Those things knocked you unconscious and brought you out there, did they have any purpose..."

"He guessed?"

"The essence of Tiedong is not the Mitra dug out by workers from outside the mountain. It is an ordinary creature transformed from human beings!"

"Keep it, I'm sure it won't be of use yet. At most, it can scare this guy a little when the time comes."

"Yes...that's the only thing you can do to give up the mission!"

..Man, what a duplicitous creature he is.

Hu Ming nodded, his eyebrows furrowed together in an evil manner, and he had no idea that it was Zhao Da's plan.

"That guy is a bad guy, and Panma is also a bad guy. Based on my character... I should kill Panma before I finish using it, right?"

Torture to extract confessions and stuff...that's just gay.

This chapter has been completed!
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