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Chapter 457: Maybe it’s not just people from the Nine Sects!

Seeing this, Xiaohua's brows furrowed as she seemed to have remembered something. She put on her gloves, picked up the hammer and hit the skull embedded in the cement hard.

The skull shattered in response, and when I shined the flashlight inside, sure enough, the skull cavity was already filled with this black hair-like thing!

"Tsk, that's not good!"

The corner of Xiaohua's mouth twitched and she subconsciously tsked.

The hair all over the body means that he must have died miserably.

The cement blocks embedded in the cement, the struggling movements, the nasal cavity of the skull at the nostrils, and the perfect fit of the mouth represent that he was abandoned by his companions and was poured into the cement alive!

You know, when this project was being done, there must have been many people who witnessed it.

Unless there was a huge accident, no one would be so crazy as to sink a living person into the cement!

"But there is good news, that is, this weird hair-like thing is already dead and does not pose any danger."

Hu Ming brushed his black hair and said softly.

The strange thing is that the bones that appeared first were all hugged together, and they looked like they were fighting in the cement...

To achieve his goal, he would do whatever it takes, and he would not mind using his former friends and subordinates, and even burying all his former friends and subordinates there with his own hands.

After so many years, this corpse has been squeezed dry, and there is no new nutrients in the cement. What was already dead cannot die again.

This is something developed by the Zhang family based on the Corpse Turtle King they obtained from the Queen Mother of the West. It is also one of the by-products of studying the victory of immortality.

Almost one after another, the cement wall is clearly not made of human corpses mixed with cement!

The joy and panic that comes from the heart of burying a friend who had a bad relationship in the past is enough to drive a weak-minded person crazy.

At the same time, he pushed the people behind him with all his strength, trying to give the people behind him a chance to survive.

It's a real wall of flesh and blood!

"Not to mention the difficulty of installing a cement mixing system under the cliff. He knows that it is absolutely possible to mix cement of that size and in such a spacious place with manual labor..."

"But? Remember, the sentence he hates the most is not, but the words after that are all bullshit!"

It is a pity that our former companions poured a small amount of cement back with sad faces. We were buried under the thick cement, and white hair grew from the depths of the bone marrow.

Hu Ming could hardly imagine the scene that happened there.

Of course, it is quite strange to use life and death to describe a lump of hair.

The death process... I doubt it was quite joyful.

When they reached the front, piles of corpses appeared.

There is no doubt that Mr. Zhang Xiaofo has no courage!

"There are tens of thousands of cliffs outside. There is no conventional way down the mountain. Judging from the situation at that time, transporting 10,000 tons of cement down will be a long-term job..."

"According to his thinking, Master Zhang Xiaofo knew that there was no fatal crisis outside, and it was not enough to bury the entire four sects, so he still ordered the integration of the four sects' forces to explore the outside."

Those who are concerned about trivial matters are constrained by big things!

Unfortunately, from the empty concrete wall at the end, it was later learned that no one could escape, and everyone died in the solidified cement.

"Huh...no wonder the old people in Simen are so frightened when they mention what happened outside that year..."

Dahua frowned, and I understood what Wu Xie meant.

Hu Ming shook his head, lit a cigarette, and rejected Dahua's guess.

"It is worth mentioning that although Mr. Zhang Xiaofo is a member of the Zhang family, I only know a little about the secrets of the Zhang family. After I came there, I also knew how safe it was!"

These things are clearly alive, taking root in the bodies of living things and growing, using flesh and blood as nutrients.

Wu Xie got a cigarette from Qian Yan and lit it. The green smoke covered his misty eyes.

"It must be said that we have discovered a crisis that can be withstood. It is simply too late to prepare cement at this time."

"The purpose is not to find me and the key thing this little guy wants to find, the key to the Zhang family's ancient building!"

"The cement has been prepared for failure for a long time. To put it mildly, it is very unlikely that it will be transported early at the end of the project!"

"He means...."


Hu Ming knew the true identity of this thing.

Hu Ming grinned and told Wu Xie what I guessed.

"It's a fight, but the person in front is trying desperately to push the person behind from the cement mud, hoping that the person behind will escape with a one in ten thousand chance!"

Hu Ming smiled faintly, took out his sword with a wave of his hand, and penetrated the entire blade into the flesh and cement on the side of the road.

Although Qian Yan revealed my guess in a few words, Wu Xie didn't show any joy on his face and instead asked in confusion.

Continuing to dig deeper, sure enough, in the cement ahead, there were fewer bones with the same miserable appearance.

The person at the back stretched his hands inward with all his strength, while the person in front curled up his body and bent his arms, as if he was pushing something backwards with force.

"So, he doesn't have any other ideas about the identities of those people?"

That point of view can be obtained from the posture of the bones unearthed along the way.

The Mitras surrounding the ancient building of the Zhang family and the white hair outside are all by-products of immortality, and are used by the Zhang family to protect important places.

The people inside poured cement in with horrified expressions, while the people outside were pinned down by the rubble and screamed in despair.

"Those people may only be from the four sects, but they may not be "my" people!"

Dahua let out a long sigh, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and sighed in a simple mood.

The mechanical power pushed back the cement, and the weight of tens of thousands of tons crushed our bodies. The minced flesh and blood were mixed with the cement, forming a white-red cement wall.

All kinds of corpses have different forms of death, but they all have something in common. They are miserable, with dead bones covered with white hair that has lost vitality.

This chapter has been completed!
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