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Chapter 57

 Shirley Yang looked at the pair of cousins ​​gnawing on pears.

Then she said: "By the way, I have always wanted to tell you something, but I just didn't have the chance. Now, are you willing to listen?"

There are many things in Yang Xueli's heart, or they may be huge secrets in her eyes, but in Hu Ming's eyes, they are nothing.

Isn’t it just a matter of breaking the curse? Who doesn’t know yet?

"You can say whatever you want!" Hu Ming shrugged.

Hu Bayi also looked at Yang Xueli and nodded.

Anyway, it’s time to rest now, there’s nothing to do, let’s chat and enhance our relationship.

"I told you before that my father organized an archaeological team to explore the Western Regions. There is a reason why my father is obsessed with the culture of the Western Regions..." After saying this, Shirley Yang paused, still feeling that she should hide something about herself.


After all, we haven’t reached the point where we can talk to the Hu Bayi brothers about everything.

"My father bought a batch of cultural relics from the Western Regions at an auction house in Yingguo. It was later identified as being from the late Han Dynasty. Among these cultural relics were bamboo slips with ancient calligraphy, which recorded the ancient city of Jingjue."<


"The record is that there are thirty-six countries in the Western Regions, and the Jingjue Kingdom is just one of them. Later, because of the outbreak of the war, the countries in the Western Regions united to attack the ancient city of Jingjue, the capital of the Jingjue Kingdom. But at this moment, the hurricane

Carrying wind and sand, the ancient city of Jingjue was submerged. From then on, there was no longer the ancient city of Jingjue, nor the country of Jingjue."

"Until before the outbreak of World War II, an Eagle Country explorer named Walter led a team of exploration experts into the desert to search for the ancient city of Jue. But when he came back, only Walter was left. He was crazy, but he was

It's very strange that such a crazy person can actually come out of the depths of the desert."

"And Walt's notebook records their route into the desert, as well as photos. On top of the photos, there is an ancient city in the desert. Walt is the only person who has found the ancient city of Jingjue, and he is also the only person who has come back alive from the ancient city of Jingjue.

,It’s a pity that he is crazy.

Shirley Yang knitted her eyebrows together and looked at the Hu Bayi brothers. She found that Hu Bayi frowned slightly, while Hu Ming had no expression at all. Shirley Yang knew that he was not attracted by her words, and she suddenly felt deep in her heart.

Very helpless.

It seems that you don’t believe what I say.

"The Black Desert is a very strange place. Three of the world's top explorers once went deep into the Black Desert. But not long after, their bodies were found. They died of dehydration, but the strange thing is

, their water bottles still have most of the water in them, they shouldn’t die of dehydration.”

"So Hu Ming and Hu Bayi, I believe that Jingjue Ancient City exists, but let alone Jingjue Ancient City, let's just say that the Black Desert is full of weirdness. I hope you can help me deal with some strange things, okay?"<


Both Hu Bayi and Hu Ming were silent, and then Hu Ming said: "We will protect you after we collect your money, so don't worry about this."

Hearing this, Yang Shirley shook her head helplessly.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, everyone is on the road on time.

It's still the old rule, Fatty walks behind and Hu Ming walks in front.

"Walking in this vast desert, if I hadn't seen the long footprints behind me, I wouldn't have felt that I was walking. I really admire those explorers who went to various dangerous places alone to explore unknown things.

Yang Xueli rode a camel and walked in a row with Hu Bayi. She always had a slight smile on her pretty face and seemed to be in a good mood. But as the fat man said, only she knew what kind of heart she had.


The next day, everyone was short of water again.

Suddenly, the entire camel team stopped. An Liman jumped down and looked around. His cloudy eyes were full of doubts. After looking for a long time, he gently patted the camel's head and said, "Xiaohong, this place is so familiar. Are you still here?"


Xiaohong is the name of a camel, which is more humane. It hummed a few times and actually nodded. Suddenly, An Liman was so surprised that he rushed to Hu Ming's side and said in a trembling voice: "Comrade Hu Ming, I remembered, I'll come here."

However, when my brothers and I entered the desert, we encountered a sandstorm and were blown away. When I woke up, there was still food but no water."

"At that time I thought I was dying of thirst, but Hu Da sent his envoy to pick me up, so I followed the envoy and kept walking until I found a source of water."

Everyone came together, looking excited and happy.

They had just experienced the feeling of no water yesterday, and it was so terrifying. Now listening to An Liman's words, it is obvious that there is water from a well, and they can drink it as they like, even if it is used for bathing.

"But that was twenty years ago. Now, I wonder if the well has dried up?"

Another sentence from An Liman made them feel uneasy.

"Old man, are you sure there is water?"

The fat man was worried that if he walked over and found no water, he would die of thirst. He didn't want to die in the desert. But now he had no choice but to ask An Liman if he was not sure. In fact, it was just to comfort himself.

"I told you, that was twenty years ago. How could I know now?"

An Liman didn't dare to gamble. If there was no water, everyone would be killed by him. But when the camels were killed, what could he do? But he didn't go there and continued to look for the ancient Peacock River. It was only two days away.

It's impossible to walk.

There is no water left. I can’t hold on even today. How can I hold on for two days?

It’s not like we have to kill the camel!

"Old man, you have seen our current situation. It would be terrible if there was no water."

An Liman looked at Hu Bayi and wrinkled his face, "Leader Hu, the water source in the desert changes. The sand dunes will move and the water source will disappear. Unless it is a fixed water source that never dries up all year round, then it is just a well water."

"Twenty years ago, there was a lot of water in it, but now..."

"Whether it's still there or not, just go and look for it and you'll find out." Hu Ming had already spoken, and An Li was so full that he could only nod his head. He then rode a camel to lead the way, looking at the mountains and running to death. This way, starting from eight in the morning

From 1 o'clock to 2 o'clock in the afternoon, everyone was still rushing under the scorching sun.

I don’t dare to stop, I can only move forward.

The fat man is wearing a cloak and a raincoat, which are sun-protective and suitable for use in the desert.

This chapter has been completed!
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