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Chapter 81 The Temple

 When Hu Ba started to draw, Hu Ming suddenly said: "Old Hu, you underestimate Queen Jingjue too much.

"Huh? What do you have to say, Akiko?"

"I wonder if you have ever heard of hitting a snake at seven inches? There are actually many similarities between dragons and snakes. In ancient and modern mythology, there are often legends about snakes turning into dragons and dragons turning into dragons, so the seven inches of this dragon must also be the fatal point.

When we hit a snake at the seven-inch point, we usually attack with the weapon from the direction of its head, so the attack that lands on the seven-inch point is oblique."

"Moreover, the dragon is a creature with extremely strong vitality. How can it be killed? So this black tower is a nail, which is used to nail it in place and prevent it from flying into the sky."

"So I think Queen Jingjue's tower was built crookedly on purpose!"

"I think everyone should have discovered something when they were in the tower. There is no sense of tilt when standing inside, and all the statues are upright. If it is an upright tower, we should feel it even if it is slightly tilted, at least the statues will

A little crooked."

Upon hearing this, Hu Bayi suddenly realized that Hu Ming was right. When he looked again, the black tower actually seemed to be pierced seven inches into the snake.

"Amazing, Queen Jingjue is amazing! I almost accidentally fell into the trap. If I look carefully, Mingzi is right. I think the temple is nearby. Let's look for it."

When Hu Ming heard this, he looked behind him. He couldn't see anything behind the mound behind Shajin, but Hu Ming had a hunch that there should be a temple over there.

The fat man saw Hu Ming looking behind him and understood immediately.

"I'll go up and take a look first, and you guys should follow." The fat man ran very fast, and no matter how big the dune was, it would be limited. In just a few dozen seconds, the fat man ran onto the sand dune. The next second, he shouted: "You guys

Come quickly, there is a black stone house here."

At this moment, Hu Ming, Hu Bayi, Yang Shirley and Professor Chen looked at each other and immediately had the answer and didn't run away. Most of the buildings in this ancient city are made of loess walls, and black stones are only used in special places.

When everyone went up, the fat man was digging the yellow sand, and several people came up to help him.

Several people took turns digging, but within a short time they dug a corner in the sand. Seeing this, Hu Bayi took out a match and measured the air conditions underneath.

Hu Ba turned on the flashlight again and again, and when he saw that there was no danger, he slid down, followed closely by Fatty.

The stone palace is very grand, supported by sixteen giant stone pillars. Only the front door of the palace is blocked by yellow sand, but there is no sand inside.

There is a stone platform deep in the hall, on which a jade eyeball is enshrined. Under the cold fireworks, the eyeball cannot be seen clearly, but it instantly attracted the attention of Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang.

When Hu Ming and the others came down, Hub Bayi and Wang Fatty had already arrived at the jade eyeball. Using the light of the flashlight, they could see that there were naturally red threads in the jade, and the blue pupils were clearly layered, almost like the real thing.<


Fatty Wang had already started to pull his eyeballs at this time, obviously wanting to take it for himself. Seeing this, Professor Chen quickly shouted angrily, "Don't move!"

Fatty Wang was stunned, but Hu Bayi immediately came to his senses and hurriedly scolded: "Fatboy, what are you doing? How can you use brute force? Let the old professor come and take a look."

Professor Chen breathed a sigh of relief. He walked over quickly and scolded: "How can we use brute force in archaeology? Some things are very old, corroded and fragile. Do you know how many national treasures you will destroy in this way?"

Fatty Wang's mouth twitched when he heard this, but he didn't say anything else. Their careers couldn't be put on the stage, and if they spoke, something would happen.

When Professor Chen carefully observed the jade eyeballs, Shirley Yang was also observing. With this observation, she discovered the mystery.

"How much is such a large piece of jade worth?"

As soon as Fatty Wang finished speaking, Professor Chen reprimanded: "This is a priceless treasure, how can it be measured with money?"

"Old Hu, watch Fatty carefully, I am thinking about our lives. You don't want anyone to become the second Professor Hao, do you?"

Hu Bayi paused after hearing the words. After looking at Hu Ming's serious eyes, he nodded and said seriously to Fatty Wang: "Fatty, let go. Don't move anything again without my order."

Seeing this, Hu Ming looked elsewhere. There were three rows of stone statues here. The first row was carved with cattle and sheep, and the second row was carved with human figures with square heads. The carvings were exquisite.

The third row is carved with figures with big eyes. It seems that the stone statues are placed according to their positions. The animals in the first row naturally have the lowest status, the second row is the slaves, and the third row is the Guidong tribe. They have the highest status.


"Brother Hu Ming, it's eerie and scary here."

Ye Yixin's beautiful eyes turned slightly. She always felt that it was very unsafe here, and she felt timid. She thought it was safe to follow Hu Ming, so she moved closer to Hu Ming.

Hu Ming turned his head, looked at Ye Yixin's helpless look, and said helplessly: "Xiaoye, you should study hard. After graduation, finding a man to marry is the way to go in life. If you have nothing to study archeology, you have to come to these places to suffer."<


Ye Yixin was silent, not knowing what to say.

Yang Xueli smiled faintly, moved her beautiful eyes away from Hu Ming, looked at Ye Yixin and said: "Xiaoye is a brave girl, not that kind of vase. No matter how big the difficulties are, you can face them." <


Ye Yixin smiled after receiving praise from Shirley Yang.

"Thank you Sister Yang. I'm not as good as Sister Yang said. I just love archeology. Life is short. If you can do what you like, then your trip to this world will not be in vain!", her voice was very weak.

,feeling weak.

"Look at this?" Hu Bayi shouted. There was a platform in front of him that was similar to an altar. There was a stone pier on it. It was 1.3 meters high. There was a square stone slab on the top of the stone pier, which was connected very firmly.
A jade ball the size of half a basketball is stuck in the center of the square stone slab.

There is a heptagonal hole on the top of the smooth stone ball. It is shallow and less than three centimeters deep. Looking at this heptagonal hole, Hu Bayi thought of Fatty's piece of jade.

This chapter has been completed!
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