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Chapter 121 The Yellow Turbans retreat to Taihang Mountains

Seeing that Zhang Kui was captured, Wu Wenhua wanted to return to rescue people, but he heard the calls of Tian Hu and other commanders in the distance. In desperation, he had no choice but to give up and return to the battlefield to rescue...

Yuan Shu saw this scene and felt pain in his heart. Zhang Kui, a fierce general with a basic force value of 107, was captured alive by Cao Cao. This is really the most ridiculous thing in the world!

"I'm just a fool. Zhang Kui was arrested by Cao Cao, and he was arrested in front of me."

Yuan Shu was furious, but he didn't know how to vent it out. He could only angrily lead his army to kill the Yellow Turban Qushuai who was waiting for Li Damu behind.

"Huang Zhong, Yang Youji! Shoot those three Yellow Turban Qushuai for me."


Before Yuan Shu could finish his words, Huang Zhong and Yang Youji shot out three stars in succession.

"Puff puff!"

With three muffled sounds in a row, the three yellow turban canal commanders, Li Damu, Sili, and Yuancheng, all had two feather arrows stuck in their bodies. They fell off their horses and fell to the ground, dying with their eyes open.

As for the Yellow Turban soldiers they commanded, they were attacked several times by Yuan Shu and suffered heavy losses. They were frightened and put down their weapons directly and voluntarily, squatting down with their heads in their hands to accept the prisoners of the Han army.

Tian Hu and other commanders led the remnants of the Yellow Turbans and headed towards Handan, hoping to get rid of the Han army's pursuit.

"The whole army obeys the order and pursues the remnants of the Yellow Turbans!"

The situation was decided, Lu Zhi drew the sword on his waist, pointed the sword in the direction of the Yellow Turbans' retreat, and led all the Han soldiers to fight out.

But at this time, the commanders of the Han army all had their own agendas, and they had no intention of continuing the pursuit!

Just because Lu Bu was seriously injured in Ding Yuan's army and needed treatment, it was difficult to send troops to pursue him. In Dong Zhuo's case, there was no benefit from the battle. Dong Ping was also seriously injured and had no intention of pursuing...

Cao Cao has just captured Zhang Kui, a peerless warrior. If he follows the army in pursuit, Zhang Kui may have a chance to escape!

Liu Bei still had a lot of captured generals who had not been persuaded to surrender, and he did not have many soldiers, so he did not continue to pursue the remnants of the Yellow Turbans.

As for Gongsun Zan and Sun Jian, there is no need to talk about the pursuit. They have no important people and generals, and they don’t pay much attention to the Yellow Turban Army...

As for the two brothers Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, they had the same idea. Even if they didn't want to chase the remnants of the Yellow Turbans, they still had to pretend. In desperation, they each brought some elite cavalry to support Lu Zhi in chasing the remnants of the Yellow Turbans!

During this period, more than 3,000 lone soldiers were killed. Tian Hu and other yellow turban commanders were all frightened. Only three commanders, Baique, Sun Xia and Luo Shi, took the initiative to lead their soldiers and cut off the rear for everyone.

"Yellow Turban Haoerlang!"

Zhang Jue passed out. At this time, Tian Hu and Zhang Liang were the largest of the Yellow Turban remnants. Seeing that Qu Shuai was willing to cut off the queen again, the two of them sobbed... Qu Shuai who was willing to cut off the queen would probably die without a chance to survive.

The commanders of the army led the remnants of the yellow turban army under their command and galloped to escape the pursuit of the Han army!

As for Lu Zhi and others, they were delayed by Bai Que, Sun Xia, Luo Shi, and a group of Yellow Turban dead soldiers. After the enemy troops were completely wiped out, the remnants of the Yellow Turbans had already fled far away...

"Damn it! Let those guys escape"

The Han army's pursuit force had arrived at Handan, but not even a single Yellow Turban soldier was seen. Lu Zhi got off his horse and checked to no avail, and stamped his feet angrily!

He cursed yellow turban dog thieves, rats, rotten sweet potatoes, stinky bird eggs...

"General, do we want to continue our pursuit? Once the Yellow Turban Army enters the Taihang Mountains, we will be blinded and nowhere to be found."

The implication of Yuan Shu's words is very obvious. The remnants of the Yellow Turban army have escaped. Even if they continue to pursue, they will only return in vain! It is better to rush back to Guangping, clean up the battlefield, collect the Yellow Turban soldiers, etc...

"It makes sense!"

Lu Zhi nodded and sighed again. Then he got on his horse, waved his hand, and ordered the whole army to rush to Guangping!

After about an hour, Lu Zhi, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu and others rushed back to Guangping, only to see that the battlefield had been cleaned up by soldiers sent by the generals.

The surrendered Yellow Turban soldiers were gathered together in a place, waiting for Lu Zhi's orders to kill them on the spot, take them back to the capital and kill them again, or...

"These yellow turban thieves can be killed on the spot. Keeping them here is just a waste of food, so we might as well kill them. Even if we wait in Luoyang, His Majesty will definitely kill these guys!"

Lu Zhi decided the fate of tens of thousands of Yellow Turban soldiers in an understatement. Just as the Han soldiers had picked up their bows and arrows, Yuan Shu shouted loudly, shocking the entire audience.

"General! My Yuzhou has been destroyed by Yellow Turban thieves several times, and the population has dropped sharply... These Yellow Turban soldiers are good at farm work. Why not leave it to me and let them develop Yuzhou and benefit the people?"

Yuan Shu was eloquent, and the surging river was endless. What he said made Lu Zhi stunned for a while. At the same time, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and others present were also a little confused!

"I'm afraid it's not appropriate for so many Yellow Turban thieves to be placed in Yuzhou. Some of them need to be separated and sent to Luoyang for His Majesty's disposal."

When Yuan Shu heard this, his expression changed. He was not particularly good-looking. This was the first time that he was disappointed because his request was not fully accepted!

"This... the highway is willing to use military merits in exchange, is it possible? If not, the highway is willing to use the captured enemy baggage, horses, grain, weapons, etc. in exchange."

Yuan Shu kept his profile very low and was willing to exchange the spoils of war for all the Yellow Turban prisoners of war.

This made Lu Zhi a little embarrassed. Just when he was in trouble, Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun rushed out, patted Yuan Shu on the shoulder, and said to Lu Zhi

"The highway battle is a great hero. If there are no other generals to deal with the enemy generals, I'm afraid we will have to flee again.

Besides, thanks to the generals under Gongdao, he led his army to defeat the Yellow Turban Army, which greatly reduced its morale..."

Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun were very happy with Yuan Shu, so they naturally said good things to him. This made Lu Zhi a little confused and confused whether to agree to Yuan Shu!

At this time, Cao Cao came and added fuel to the flames, making Lu Zhi affirmative. After collecting part of the baggage and weapons confiscated by Yuan Jun, he completely handed over all the Yellow Turban prisoners of war to Yuan Shu...

"Ding! The system is counting the battlefield, please wait...

Defeat Zhang Baojun and capture Zhang Bao alive and hand him over to Han Ling Emperor to be executed, and the host will be rewarded with a silver summoning card.

Defeat the Yellow Turban Zhang Bao's army, defeat the Yellow Turban Zhang Jiao's army, the host leads the army to kill the enemy general... The reward is 980 summoning points!"

In this battle, the total number of the Han Army and the Yellow Turban Army exceeded more than 300,000. This also made Yuan Shu have a bumper harvest in the first battle, and he immediately became rich! For a while, he will not worry about the lack of summoning points.

The problem of prisoners of war has been solved, and there is another problem that is the recruitment of generals who come to support during the battle. This is the top priority!

This chapter has been completed!
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