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Chapter 164 Another thief dies, chaos in Xuzhou

Looking at the spineless Chen Sheng kneeling in front of him, Tian Yunpeng frowned slightly and took a few steps back with a look of disgust, for fear of being contaminated by the stench from Chen Sheng's body!

Chen Sheng knelt on his knees, kowtowing as if pounding garlic, hoping that Tian Yunpeng would be merciful and spare his life...

If Chen Sheng had the guts to not give in when facing Tian Yunpeng, maybe Tian Yunpeng would look at him with a high regard and spare his life. But with his appearance, it is disgusting to be greedy for life and afraid of death!

"In that case...then I will"

Tian Yunpeng's tone softened, giving Chen Sheng, who was kneeling on the ground with blood on his forehead, a glimmer of hope. Seeing Tian Yunpeng's tone softening, he involuntarily relaxed his nervousness and continued to kowtow to thank Tian Yunpeng for not killing him.



Chen Sheng's behavior made Tian Yunpeng even more disgusted. Tian Yunpeng shot the 360-pound pagoda meteorite halberd in his hand at Chen Sheng's side, scaring Chen Sheng half to death and making him incontinent again...

Seeing Tian Yunpeng's weapon fall away, Chen Sheng's eyes flashed with light, and then he stood up, preparing to tie his hands and let Tian Yunpeng capture him alive.

Who didn't know that Chen Sheng was playing a trick! He hid a small blade in the palm of his hand, hoping to cut through the rope and escape when Tian Yunpeng and others were not paying attention.

"You dare to play some tricks when you are about to die. Do you really think I am a fool?"

Chen Sheng's careful plan was discovered by Tian Yunpeng. Chen Sheng was so angry that he no longer hid the blade in his hand, and went straight towards Tian Yunpeng. The blade slashed towards Tian Yunpeng's neck, and Chen Sheng was about to succeed!

Tian Yunpeng stood still, just looking coldly at the furious and ferocious Chen Sheng. When Chen Sheng approached, Tian Yunpeng whipped out his whip leg and kicked Chen Sheng, who was covered in stench, a few feet away... and fell to the ground, vomiting.


Immediately afterwards, Tian Yunpeng walked slowly towards Chen Sheng who fell to the ground, pulled out the 360-pound pagoda meteor halberd stuck on the ground, then swung it five or six times, and rushed towards Chen Sheng with a thunderous force!

This was no joke with Chen Sheng. Tian Yunpeng's eyes were red and he had murderous intent. He had given hope to Chen Sheng before, but it was just to have some fun... to test whether Chen Sheng was really willing to surrender.

After the test, it seems that Tian Yunpeng’s inner thoughts are wrong!

If this is the case, then there is no need for Chen Sheng to live in this world.

Tian Yunpeng took two breaths to rush to Chen Sheng, waved the magic weapon in his hand, and beheaded Chen Sheng, who was stunned, trembling, face ashen, and incontinent.

Chen Sheng, a tycoon who rebelled against the king and proposed that the prince and general Xiang Ning be the king, died!

Chen Sheng died, and all the soldiers under his command were killed by Yuan Jun's supporting troops. No one survived. Only the thief general Ge Ying changed into the clothes of a soldier before the melee started completely, and then started from there.

He ran away from the battlefield and desperately fled to Taishan County Zhishilang Wangbo.

As soon as Tian Yunpeng appeared on the scene, he killed the bandit commander. This was a great victory! The good news should be quickly sent back to Yuzhou and handed over to Yuan Shu, or even to the imperial court, to make Emperor Ling happy!

Tian Yunpeng is indeed one of the top generals under Yuan Shu. With Tian Yunpeng assisting the Xuzhou Army, as long as the general Qi Jiguang does not make too stupid strategic mistakes, Xuzhou will be pacified sooner or later.

After the owl leader Chen Sheng, the top priority was to find Qi Jiguang's army! According to reports from scouts, the bandit army captured their own general Liang Shtai, and also divided his troops and asked other thieves to take Liang Shtai to Taishan County. What's so great about this?

Liang Shitai and Tian Yunpeng are very good personal trainers. How can you not help your brothers when they are in trouble?

Tian Yunpeng thought for a moment, then led his two brothers and a group of soldiers to march north! According to his analysis, Qi Jiguang would definitely not give up when Liang Shitai was captured, and would definitely go ahead to ask for help.

Since they know how to rescue Liang Shitai, they must go north to Taishan County. As long as Qi Jiguang's army goes north, they will join Tian Yunpeng and others!

At this time, the army gathered in one place.

Then lead the army to deal with the thieves, let the strong generals in the army sneak into the rebel army, rescue Liang Shitai, and then launch a joint internal and external attack, then the chaos of the thieves army can be solved!

The choice for this fierce general in the army is naturally Tian Yunpeng. His martial arts is so strong that there is no one in the bandit army who can fight with him. Once he enters the bandit army and enters the city, he will be a wolf among the sheep and wantonly

Just go wild.

It has to be said that adding peerless high-level warriors to the battlefield can really influence the situation of the battle.

Just like now, when Qi Jiguang's army dealt with Chen Sheng's army, everything went wrong! Losing troops and generals also did not gain any benefit.

On the contrary, Tian Yunpeng, a fierce man, came and killed several generals of the thief army like chopping melons and vegetables, and even captured the leader of the thief army alive.

Comparing the two, we can see the role of fierce generals on the battlefield...

"All officers and soldiers, listen to the order! We will go north to Taishan County to rescue General Liang Shitai, destroy the enemy invaders, and restore the rivers and mountains."

As soon as these words came out, all the soldiers were happy and their morale was high! They marched all the way north and expected to arrive in a while.

During this period, after Tian Yunpeng defeated Chen Sheng, he hung his head on a bamboo pole and carried it to a high place to boost morale and suppress the morale of the bandits along the way.

Let's look at Qi Jiguang again. The army is marching... along the way, they encountered some thieves, which hindered them for part of the time.

At this time, the army is about to arrive at Taishan County. The closer it gets to Mount Tai, the more thieves there will be, but the stronger the thieves will be!

This is a bit like the demons and monsters in Journey to the West. The closer to the land of the West, the stronger the demons become, and the harder it is for Sun Wukong and his party to resist.

"Soldiers! I have just received the good news from General Tian Yunpeng. When he went south to look for our army, he happened to encounter Chen Sheng's army. After a battle, he killed several enemy generals and also beheaded the leader of the bandit army!

Such good news is a good start for us to annihilate the Xuzhou thieves."

Qi Jiguang's eloquence became better and better, and he gradually developed a way of inspiring people. At this time, the morale of the whole army increased greatly, and the marching speed became faster and faster. In a while, they would reach Mount Tai.

Both Yuzhou support armies will arrive in Taishan County!

Let us turn around and look at Wu Guang and others. After Tian Yunpeng's army appeared, Wu Guang and his party captured Liang Shitai and headed north to Mount Tai.

When he arrived at Mount Tai, Prince Chishiro looked complicated and said nothing. He just took out the news of Chen Sheng's death with a trembling hand and handed it to Wu Guang and other Chen Sheng's confidants.

Such a move shocked Wu Guang, Li Chui, Chen Youliang and other senior generals! If their leader dies, what should they do?

Should we gather property and then disband on the spot? Or should we recommend generals and continue to realize the Yellow Turban dream?

When Chen Sheng died, there were only two people in the bandit army who could inherit the position of general.

One person was Wu Guang, who was a life-and-death friend of Chen Sheng and vowed to share the world and wealth together! The other person was Chen Sheng's younger brother, Chen Youliang.

According to the concept of inheritance from father to son at this time, brother will eventually succeed to brother. Chen Youliang would be the wisest choice to succeed Chen Sheng.

In history, Chen Youliang had outstanding abilities. He was one of the heroes in the late Yuan Dynasty, the leader of the peasant uprising, and the founder of the Chen-Han regime in China at the end of the Yuan Dynasty.

He studied when he was young, has a brief understanding of literature, has extraordinary physical strength, and practices martial arts. He can be said to be an all-round opponent who is stable in all five dimensions!

Chen Youliang's strength is much higher than that of Chen Sheng, which is not a good thing. If he succeeds to the throne, Qi Jiguang's army will be in trouble again... Even with the support of Tian Yunpeng, a peerless general, they may not be able to save themselves. The reason why this is so

, mainly because Chen Youliang knows people better than Chen Sheng!

The poisonous scholar Li Chui under his command has terrible plans. If he planned to ambush Tian Yunpeng and others, Tian Yunpeng would be stupid enough to infiltrate inside.

The rebel army needs to consider the matter of who will succeed the leader in the long term. The army should first recover Chen Sheng's body, and then wear sackcloth and mourn him in mourning to show his inner grief.

Wu Guang looked up to the sky and roared loudly, and the loud shouts resounded in the ears of every rebel soldier. He said that no matter who succeeds the position of general, Chen Sheng's head must be taken back... Chen Sheng's head will not be returned for a day.

The army will be without a leader for a day!

When Chen Youliang heard that his brother had died, he was so sad that he cried loudly. Even if there was a trace of ambition in his heart, it was gone. At this time, he only wanted to avenge Chen Sheng and pay homage to his spirit in heaven.

However, after several battles with the rebel army, they lost their troops and generals! If they attack rashly, they can only be killed by Yuan's army. Therefore, Wu Guang, Chen Youliang and Li Chui all believed that they should use Zhishi Lang and Wang Bo to kill people with a borrowed knife.

If Wang Bo can kill Yuan Jun here, everything will be fine. If he cannot kill Yuan Jun smoothly, it will take time for Yuan Jun to deal with Wang Bo, which will create opportunities for Chen Youliang and others to escape...

The plan has been decided, and all that's left is to put it into action! Wu Guang and Chen Youliang put on white cloths and asked to see Wang Bo!

After Wang Bo heard about Chen Sheng's death, he was shocked and secretly happy at the same time. Then he heard that Wu Guang and Chen Youliang came to see him wearing white cloth, and he felt excited in his heart. At this time, he might have a chance to completely accept Chen Sheng's remnant army.

"Let the two generals come in quickly"

The second general came to Wang Bo without saying a word, just bursting into tears. When Wang Bo frowned and wanted to be comforted, the second general saw that the time was right and fell to his knees directly, kowtowing like garlic. Asking Wang Bo for help

Use your own army to destroy Yuan Shu's Yuzhou Army!

(This is a bit like the feeling in history that Sun Ce avenged his father and used the imperial seal to Yuan Shu in exchange for soldiers and horses. In the later period, Sun Wu became a force and got rid of Yuan Shu's control...)

The idea in Wang Bo's mind at this time was to recruit Chen Youliang, Li Chui, Wu Guang and other generals under his command, and then plot the entire Xuzhou... Therefore, Wang Bo had no choice but to agree to the request of Wu Guang and other generals.

"General Chen Sheng died, and you are eager for revenge! I am also the same, so I am willing to deploy an army of 20,000 people and hand it over to you for revenge."

Wang Bo's soldiers and horses were not taken away so easily. He just talked a lot...

I listened carefully to Wang Bo's words. There was no specific explanation in these words. The random remarks were all about 'revenge and support'. I meditated hard and couldn't sleep anyway. After thinking carefully for a long time, I finally heard the words between the words, The two words in every sentence are 'loyalty'!

Wu Guang and other generals pretended to be willing to be loyal, saying that the prerequisite for their loyalty was to avenge Chen Sheng. This made Wang Bo very happy, and he directly sent a few more generals to Wu Guang and Chen Youliang for deployment.

"Where are the three enemy generals, Li Fei Shixiong, Du Yangzhou, and Shen Mi? I order you to serve as deputy generals under General Wu Guang and assist him in destroying Yuan's army. There must be no mistake!"

As soon as Wang Bo said this, the three generals at the rear came out, cupped their hands and received the order, and then stood up and walked to Wu Guang. Behind Chen Youliang, they stood upright and looked down upon the other generals of Chen Sheng's remnant army who were present.

"Thank you, lord!"

Wu Guang had an idea and called Wang Bo "Lord". These words touched the heart of Zhishilang Wang Bo. Wu Guang showed such excellent knowledge and interest, and Wang Bo liked it very much!

After successfully deceiving the military power, everyone bid farewell to Wang Bo and returned to the military camp. The next step is to brainwash these soldiers so that these soldiers under Wang Bo only know Wu Guang and Chen Youliang, but not Wang Bo... Really, with vicious intentions.

If they succeed in brainwashing, this army will help Chen Youliang and others make a comeback!

"The most urgent task is to retrieve the leader's head. After all, it is impossible to just let him be buried without a leader."

Wu Guang knew his strength well in his heart, but he was afraid that after handing over military power, his generals would avoid Yuan Jun. In that case, he would not be able to avenge Chen Sheng...

Therefore, Wu Guang held the military power firmly in his hands, for fear that something would happen!

"By the way, the general of Yuan Army, Liang Shitai, is still in our hands. If we want to kill him, let's talk about it together!"

When Chen Youliang and others were about to mobilize the army to go south to look for Qi Jiguang and others, they suddenly remembered that Liang Shitai was still imprisoned in his cell.

Wu Guang and others wanted to kill Liang Shitai more, but looking at the overall situation! Once Liang Shitai died, Yuan Shu, Qi Jiguang, Tian Yunpeng and other generals would fall into a state of madness. No matter how far Chen Youliang and others fled, it would be of no avail!

Anyone who offends our people will be punished no matter how far away they are.

Since you can't kill, you must maximize your profits. Liang Shitai should be exchanged for the heads of generals Qin Jia and Chen Sheng, as well as some grain, grass, and horses to facilitate escape from the next place...

"Soldiers, pick up your weapons and let's go south to deal with Qi Jiguang's army. We will avenge our commander."

As soon as these words came out, it didn’t take much thought to know that a new battle in Xuzhou would begin!

Everyone in the bandit army is plain, and as the saying goes, a sad soldier will win. At this time, the bandit army has only one thought in mind, which is to take back Chen Sheng's head. Then they will fight to the death with Qi Jiguang and other Yuan's soldiers!

At this time, Qi Jiguang's army had already arrived in Laiwu County, and would reach Mount Tai in a few more places. Who knew that an army of ten thousand thieves was angrily marching towards them.

(Every wrongdoer has his own owner. Chen Sheng’s death had a lot to do with Tian Yunpeng, but now it has something to do with Qi Jiguang! I don’t know what these thieves think.)

Perhaps it is just because Qi Jiguang is the commander of the Xuzhou Support Army and the supreme commander of the Support Army. As long as Qi Jiguang can be eliminated, the Support Army itself will become a mess!

The battlefield filled with corpses and rivers of blood is about to usher in a new round of battle. The fire on the battlefield will spread again!

As for how it works, please see the next chapter for the breakdown!

This chapter has been completed!
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