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Chapter 218 The Battle of Chenliu breaks out in full force!

Cao Chun led hundreds of cavalry under his command and rushed to Cao Bin. He was panting and out of breath. He briefly informed Cao Bin of Chen Liu's incident and conveyed the news that his lord Cao Cao was asking for help. The situation was urgent and there was no need to delay!

"What should I do?"

Cao Bin suddenly fell into a dilemma. Chen Liu was in danger. If he hesitated to support him, the entire army might be destroyed. Chen Liu would fall. His wife, children, children, brothers and sisters, as well as thousands of people in the county, would be reduced to

Lamb to the slaughter!

But if he retreated like this, Cao Bin was unwilling to do so. The defeat of Wu Guang's army was a foregone conclusion in front of him. As long as he was given another quarter of an hour to fight, he could lead the army to destroy all the thieves and live up to his mission.

"Cao Bin, don't worry about the thief. What matters is my lord. The battlefield is changing rapidly. If you are not careful, you will lose everything!"

Seeing Cao Bin's hesitation, Cao Chun could see clearly what he was thinking at a glance. However, if he insisted on defeating the enemy and wanted to completely destroy and kill Wu Guang and other thieves, it would take at least half an hour.

In this half hour, we can rush to Chenliu for support with urgent defense! Of course, there is no need to say which one is more important, Chenliu’s base camp or the current little thieves!

"This... forget it."

Cao Bin's eyes were dim, and he seemed to be holding back a breath that he couldn't let out. He looked up at Cao Chun, who was full of sorrow, and helplessly raised his hand to command his subordinates. He ordered his troops to retreat, and the whole army gathered, giving up the confrontation with the rebels, and quickly

Retreat to defend Chenliu and support the lord.

"What, this bandit army is almost destroyed, why is it suddenly retreating now?"

Yue Xi was furious and unwilling to accept the order to withdraw, but the military order was overwhelming. Although he had objections, he obediently put away the three-pronged golden square halberd in his hand, urged his horse back to the military formation, and obeyed Cao Bin's orders.

, heading towards Chenliu.

Cao's army changed its formation rapidly, from a sharp arrow formation to a circular formation, and gradually broke away from Wu Guang's army. After gathering under the command of Cao Bin and Cao Chun, they formed a snake formation to escape from the battlefield.

The behavior of Cao Jun made Wu Guang and others who were preparing for a desperate struggle and counterattack stunned and at a loss! But they did not worry too much. Cao Jun withdrew from the battlefield, which was also a good thing for himself and others, as they avoided the risk of death.


Naturally, Wu Guang and others would not be stupid enough to pursue Cao Jun, so after seeing Cao Jun retreating beyond the horizon, they put down their guard, gathered the remaining troops, and retreated to their lord Chen Youliang!

The offensive of Chen Youliang's army in Yanzhou has come to an end for the time being, and then the perspective turns to Chenliu and Cao Cao, which is a series of battles that took place when Cao Bin and Wu Guang's armies were fighting.

Chen Liu, Cao Cao, originally sat in a high position in the military camp, drinking and having fun with Xiahou Yuan, Xiahou Dun, Cao Chun, Cao Hong, Zhang Kui, Zhang Guifang and other senior generals, waiting for Cao Bin's good news.

At the moment of joy, a soldier covered in blood broke into the military camp. He was seriously injured. He tremblingly took out a blood book from his arms. After handing it to Cao Cao, his eyes dimmed and his whole body lost all momentum.

Lying limply in the middle of the camp, drinking in hatred and returning to the west!

A flash of panic flashed in Cao Cao's eyes. He took the blood book and read it carefully. After reading the contents of the blood book, his ruddy face instantly darkened. The seventeen counties under his rule, Chenliu County, were invaded by unknown rebels from the Yellow Turbans. Pingqiu, Suanzao,

The five counties of Xiaohuang, Donghun and Jiwu fell, and all the garrisoned county magistrates were killed. Xie Fu and Shan Tinggui, the garrison of Waihuang County, sent an urgent report, asking for support!

"Damn it! The Yellow Turban thieves are so audacious that they dare to come and run wild under my rule."

Cao Cao was furious, and immediately took out the green jar sword from his waist, handed it to his general Xia Houyuan, and ordered him to lead 10,000 warriors and go to Waihuang County with generals Zhang Guifang and Xiahou Dun for rescue.

Before Cao Cao's order was issued, another scout came to report that Waihuang County had fallen. The garrison generals Xie Fu and Shan Tinggui were seriously injured, and the entire garrison under their command was wiped out. Fortunately, they were rescued by Jiyin County garrison Le Jin.

Jiyin County is currently under attack by the bandit army, please support me!

"Miaocai quickly leads the army to support. Where is Zihe? I order you to bring back more than a hundred elite cavalry generals Cao Bin, Yue Xi, Xu Ding, and Li Jin. They must return to the defense and support at any cost...


After six counties were captured in a short period of time, Cao Cao suddenly panicked. After sending Xia Houyuan to lead the battle, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the new general Zhang Kui sitting beside him, wanting to send him out to fight against the enemy!

However, Cao Cao was suspicious by nature and had a conflicting heart, so he did not easily send Zhang Kui, his former top Yellow Turban general, but kept him by his side, hoping to test his loyalty to him again.

"Cao Hong listens to the order. I order you to command five thousand elite troops under your command and station in Changyuan County for defense. If necessary, you can support the Miaocai Department!"

After sending out all his trusted generals, Cao Cao finally felt calm. Looking at the subordinate Zhang Kui, Cao Cao bluntly said that he would send him to lead 5,000 elite soldiers, and his military advisor Chen Gong would be responsible for reinforcing the city wall and getting ready for battle!

"The general will obey his orders"

Zhang Kui raised his eyebrows slightly, looked directly at Cao Cao, stood up quickly, cupped his hands and bowed, received the order, then strode out of the camp to find the military advisor Chen Gong, and ordered five thousand soldiers to build the wall!

Cao Cao's office is safe for the time being, and then we turn our perspective to Lejin Office in Jiyin County.

"My sons, hold on to the city wall, our lord's reinforcements are coming soon!"

Just now, Waihuang County suffered a fierce attack by the bandit army. The county magistrate was beheaded by the bandit general "Dragon Slayer" Sun An. The garrison generals Xie Fu and Shan Tinggui were severely wounded by the bandit general Shan Shiqi and almost died. If not for Ji

The Yin County garrison general Le Jin provided timely support, and I am afraid that none of the officers and soldiers in Waihuang County would be spared!

Le Jin supported and rescued Xie Fu and Shan Tinggui, but he did not know that this move angered the rebel general Shan Shiqi. The duck he obtained flew away, and no one would be happy. So he and "Dragon Slayer" Sun An

, Bian Xiang, E Quanzhong, An Renmei, and Ru Tingqi decided in advance to lead the army to attack Jiyin County and kill those Cao generals to vent their anger!

Therefore, at this time, Le Jin defended Jiyin County and asked for help from his lord Cao Cao.

Looking at Jiyin County, the city walls were filled with defensive soldiers, and even strong people in the county, carrying weapons to help fight against the incoming bandits.

At the foot of Jiyin County, the bandit army pressed on the city. The thieves held up ladders, pushed down the well railings, and carried battering rams, swarming up in an attempt to break through Jiyin County with their numerical superiority!

"Pour the gold juice, throw the kerosene, and launch the rockets."

Le Jin knew very well what the thieves were thinking, so he naturally had countermeasures to deal with it.

The golden juice was poured to defend against the thieves climbing up the ladder, and the kerosene and rockets were poured to destroy the wells of the thieves. As for the siege rams, Le Jin sent his lieutenants with more than a hundred soldiers.

The soldiers and more than a thousand people, old and young, in the city had already piled up the city gate with sand bags and sealed it!

This chapter has been completed!
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