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Chapter 265 Changes in the North!


Wang Shichong, Gao Tansheng, and Meng Jiigong allied their forces to attack Le'an Kingdom and divide the wealth of the counties under their rule.

Meng Haigong led 5,000 strong soldiers and occupied Yi County and Shouguang, committing evil acts. Wang Shichong led 8,000 elite soldiers and captured the four counties of Linji, Gaoyuan, Le'an, and Qiancheng.

The family property was transferred to his headquarters in Beihai County; Gao Tansheng commanded 10,000 elite soldiers and occupied Bochang, Li County and Liaocheng, burning, killing, looting, and committing all kinds of evil...

Among them, he talked about how Ma Shumou, a general under the command of the Holy Spirit, ate the flesh and blood of the young sons of the people in public and allowed his subordinates to commit adultery and plunder, which was an unpardonable crime.

Just when the rebel coalition occupied Le'an Country, a scout came to report that Zhu Can's forces in Jibei Kingdom had been completely wiped out by Liu Bei, the governor of Pingyuan County, and there was a tendency to send troops!

After hearing what the scout said, Meng Jiigong turned pale with fright. He raised his right arm high and quickly summoned his generals, ordering them to take the looted wealth and withdraw immediately!

Knowing that the situation was urgent, the rebel generals immediately organized their troops and followed Meng Jiigong to withdraw from Le'an Kingdom.

Looking at Wang Shichong again, after receiving the news from the scouts, he raised his eyebrows slightly and didn't take it seriously. Because his generals had already moved the people of the four counties to Beihai, there was no need to worry about Liu Bei's army raiding him!

On the other hand, Gao Tansheng was the last to receive news from the scouts and the last to organize the army to retreat.

The wages of avarice is death!

The thieves who had plundered Bochang, Lixian, and Liaocheng had gained a lot. This made their marching speed slow. It would take almost three or even five days to withdraw from Le'an Kingdom alone...

For Gao Tansheng, it was impossible to throw away the wealth he had collected. So he ordered his general Ma Shumou to lead three thousand tigers and wolves to carry out the post-breaking mission.

He himself led the army to continue marching and evacuating!

"The general will obey his orders"

Ma Shumou bared his teeth and his bloody fangs were so terrifying. He picked up the weapons in his hands, led the 3,000 soldiers whom he ordered, marched in the opposite direction of the army, and began the task of breaking up the rear.

"General Ma, be vigilant at all times. You can lead the army to retreat in three days!"

Gao Tansheng's eyes flashed, and he warned Ma Shumou several times, and asked him to avoid Liu Bei's army and focus on preserving his own strength.

Ma Shumou nodded and bowed his hands to express his understanding of Gao Tansheng's instructions. However, he did not take these words to heart, and even disdained the strength of Liu Bei's subordinates...

The bandit army moves forward slowly, and the retreat begins!

At the same time, the territory of Le'an Kingdom was in a mess. Liu Bei's third brother Zhang Dingbian led the army and arrived. What he saw was not much different from that of Jibei Kingdom. Wherever he looked, there were ruins and broken walls, rivers of blood, and bones exposed in the wild.


"Report to the general that there are bandits attacking from the east."

The scout quickly relayed the news to Zhang Dingbian. After hearing what the scout said, Zhang Dingbian, who was in a furious state, without saying a word, directly raised his hand to summon his generals and led the army to attack.

At this point, Ma Shumou and Zhang Dingbian collided and confronted each other!

At this time, Zhang Dingbian's face was gloomy and livid, his eyes were like a prairie fire, his anger soared into the sky, his iron teeth and copper teeth were creaking, his body was straight and straight, his arms were veined like roots of an old tree, and his palms were fierce.

He used all his strength to hold on to the Divine Weapon Tiger Roaring Sea Monkey Sword, and tightly clamped his legs on the red horse that he was riding on. He was majestic and domineering!

On the other hand, the thief general Ma Shumou had a look of contempt and provocation in his eyes. He was holding a weapon in his left hand, and in his right hand he was pulling a cooked baby foot and tearing it into pieces. His teeth were bared, his mouth was filled with the stench of blood, and a horse was riding on his crotch.

A good red horse with a sinister aura...

"Human ethics are regarded as nothing by you. I am afraid that only animals can do this. The thief will die!"

Zhang Dingbian suppressed the anger in his heart, mounted his horse and marched out of the battle, directly facing the enemy general Uncle Ma and headed away.

"Ding! Zhang Dingbian's skill "King of Swords" is activated, and its basic force value is detected to be 103. Liu Bei's skill "Renjun" is activated with a force value of 1, Tiger's Roaring Sea Ape Sword +1, Chiju +1, and the weapon skill's force value is increased to 107.


When the skill was activated, Zhang Dingbian's strength surged. He rode his horse quickly to the vicinity of Ma Shumou, and slashed away with the thunderous force of the divine weapon Tiger Roar and Sea Monkey Sword in his hand.


Ma Shumou used the weapon in his hand to block, and the two weapons collided and made a sharp and sharp golden sound, like thunder.

"You still have some abilities, but this alone is not enough!"

The corners of Zhang Dingbian's mouth raised crazily, and the tiger roaring sea ape sword in his hand was like a strong wind sweeping away a fallen leaf, and he slammed it towards Ma Shumou.


The two parties clashed, weapons collided, and sparks flew everywhere! Ma Shumou was cursing, but in fact his jaws were already open and bleeding, and his physical strength was about to be exhausted.

"With your strength, I don't want to fight you again."

Ma Shumou dodged out of the gap between Zhang Dingbian's offensive, and instantly distanced himself, hoping to take advantage of the chaos and escape!

"Do you really think you can escape? We just had a confrontation, and I just used my third level of strength. Want to escape? Go to hell!"

Zhang Dingbian's eyes widened, his face turned red, and the roaring tiger's sword in his hand fell like a rainstorm, pursuing him to prevent Uncle Ma from escaping.


There was only a muffled sound, and then he saw blood splattering on Ma Shumou's left shoulder, forming a blood mist in the air, which was so terrifying.

Zhang Dingbian succeeded in severely injuring Ma Shumou, which slowed down his escape speed and gave Zhang Dingbian another chance to attack.

"Okay, you can die."

Zhang Dingbian's eyes were as red as fire, and he was furious. His anger was sinking in his Dantian, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit. The precious horse under his crotch galloped quickly, pulling him in beside the enemy general Ma Shumou.

The knife stuck out straight and penetrated Ma Shumou's chest forcefully.

The force of the knife continued unabated. After penetrating Ma Shumou's chest, he twisted and pulled it out. The enemy's internal organs were shattered and flowed out from the hole in the pierced chest.


Ma Shumou's face was full of disbelief. He felt out of breath, his strength became weaker and weaker, and the light in his eyes gradually dimmed!

In the end, the enemy general Ma Shumou breathed his last, fell from his horse, and fell into a pool of blood. Later, Zhang Dingbian killed him with a knife. When his head was placed on the tip of the knife, he used his military power to lead the army to break through.


At this point, as Uncle Ma died, the leader of the bandits, Gao Tansheng, successfully withdrew his troops to the Qi State, and Zhang Dingbian returned in frustration after pursuing the enemy to no avail. The Qingzhou Campaign has come to an end!

At the same time, Yizhou's Five Pecks of Rice Taoist Ghost advocated cultivating cultivators and led an uprising. They were killed by the 50,000 elite Han troops led by Su Gu. They were defeated and fled. They were forced to withdraw from the Hanzhong area and returned south to Bajun to continue their activities and wait for an opportunity to revolt.

A week after he fled to Bajun, he was surrendered by Yizhou Mu Liu Yan, and was given the title of Sima of another department. He was assigned the task of commanding five thousand troops to strangle Fu Jian's uprising forces in the south!

Then move the perspective north...

Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty had heard for a long time that Liu Yu had a high prestige in the north, so he appointed him as the shepherd of Youzhou to make friends with and resist the foreign tribes in the grassland.

Liu Yu, the shepherd of Youzhou, arrived in Jicheng, made drastic measures, streamlined his troops, and extended favors extensively. He took the initiative to send envoys to contact and make friends with the foreign tribes in the grasslands, and conveyed the imperial edict, stating bluntly that Emperor Ling was willing to treat Su Puyan, king of Wu Hengqiao in the Liaodong vassal state, and Wu Hengqiao in western Liaoning.

The crimes committed by Hengqiu Liju, Wuheng Nanlou in Shanggu County, Wuheng Khan, King Wuyan of Lu in Youbeiping and other tribes were treated leniently...

Afterwards, Liu Yu arranged for his subordinates to place a reward for Zhang Chun throughout the territory. Zhang brought two rebels, and many righteous men within the territory came to join them to assist the Han army in their campaign against the rebels.

The strength of Youzhou's soldiers and horses has improved to a higher level, and Liu Yu has contributed a lot. However, as soon as he took office, he asked the county guards to reduce their troops and take the initiative to establish friendship with foreign tribes.

During his trip, he made enemies of Gongsun Zan, the governor of Daijun. The two parties disliked each other, which laid the fuse for the subsequent Youzhou Incident!

There was a bounty placed on the two thieves Zhang Chun and Zhang Ju throughout Youzhou. This frightened the two men and they immediately decided to lead the army northward, intending to flee to Liaodong to avoid pursuit.

"We currently have less than 20,000 soldiers and horses. Liu Yu and Gongsun Zan of Youzhou are looking for us. The tribal leaders in the grassland also seem to be taking our heads to receive rewards. What should we do?"

Zhang Chun felt quite uneasy and asked Zhang Ju for a solution to the problem.

The situation was urgent and sudden. Zhang Ju was anxious and didn't know what to do next! He only knew that he couldn't stay in Youzhou anymore. The only way to escape was to the northeast, towards Gongsun Du's Liaodong, away from Liu.

Yu's pursuit can only be carried out in the future when the troops and horses are strong, and then he can lead the army to return for revenge...

"If we want to survive, the only way is to run to Liaodong. We have no choice!"

When Zhang Chun heard this, his eyes dimmed slightly. Liaodong was a vast area with few people and extremely difficult. If he went there, he would probably never return to Youzhou in his lifetime.

"Well, why don't we divide our forces and flee? You lead the army east to Liaodong and gather troops and horses. I will lead the army north to open up wasteland and find a deserted place to concentrate on development!

In the future, wouldn’t it be great if we attack Liu Yu in Youzhou from both directions, one from the east and the other from the north?”

What Zhang Chun said really moved Zhang Ju.

When Zhang Ju heard this, he immediately fell into deep thought, his brain spinning rapidly, weighing the pros and cons. After a while, Zhang Ju thought clearly in his mind and realized that the method Zhang Chun said was feasible, so he followed Zhang Chun's idea and divided his soldiers and supplies equally with him.

, retreated separately.

After the two thieves finished speaking, they began to organize and lead the troops to escape!

The thief Zhang Chun led his soldiers to the north in a hurry. When passing near the Tuoba tribe, the sky became dark and night fell.

It is inconvenient to march late at night, and the soldiers in the army are exhausted, which will greatly affect the speed of movement on the second day and beyond.

So the thief Zhang Chun issued an order to set up camp at the same location, light a fire and cook, and then continue marching north after resting for a night to regain strength.

"Just take off your armor and change your clothes, and then march north tomorrow!"

Zhang Chun, who had been exhausted all day, stepped into the military tent, took off his armor and changed clothes, lay down on the makeshift couch, and fell asleep soundly.

But they never thought that just when night completely enveloped the earth, Zhang Chun's subordinate Wang Zheng took advantage of the dark and windy night to lead a mutiny with hundreds of his close followers, forced his way into the commander's tent, and instantly killed Zhang Chun, who was still sleeping soundly.

And behead him...

This chapter has been completed!
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