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Chapter 279 When the bandits are suppressed, there is no way out!

Just when Tian Yunpeng was distracted to block the arrow, the enemy general Li Tianrun on the opposite side raised his lips slightly, with a sinister look in his eyes. He raised his arms and shouted, commanding his soldiers to retreat in batches, and ignited the ground covered with kerosene.

In an instant, the sea of ​​​​fire spread, and even a peerless warrior like Tian Yunpeng had to retreat.

The sea of ​​​​fire completely blocked the way for Tian Yunpeng's army to advance and fight. At the same time, Li Tianrun and the soldiers under his command were furious and their morale was high!

"How far is General Si Xingfang from us?"

Li Tianrun looked coldly at Tian Yunpeng who was in a dilemma across the sea of ​​​​fire, feeling a little proud in his heart.

"General Si Xingfang is leading the army among the water and grass of Poyang Lake, fifteen miles away from our army."

After the general Guo Shiguang informed Li Tianrun of all the news he had learned, he retreated into the military formation.

"Tian Yunpeng is an enemy of ten thousand people. If I rashly confront him head-on, I will definitely lose.

The only way to defeat it is to outsmart it!"

Thinking of this, Li Tianrun's expression became uncertain. He raised his fingers and summoned his lieutenants Ying Ming and Pan Wende to his side. He ordered them to lead three thousand soldiers with slightly better physical strength to detour to Xiushui as quickly as possible.

On the east bank, iron caltrops were laid out on the ground there to block the retreat of the Han army.

"I will obey you"

Ying Ming and Pan Wende clasped their hands and immediately led the army towards the east bank of Xiushui.

"The iron caltrops can still block the Han army's marching speed, but in order to truly destroy their entire army, Si Xingfang must appear."

With his thoughts at this point, Li Tianrun summoned his subordinates Xu Tong and Shen Gang, and asked them to bring a hundred scouts to ask Si Xingfang for help.

"When the flames burn out, Tian Yunpeng will definitely lead his army to kill us! What better way should we think of?"

Li Tianrun's mind was spinning rapidly, thinking of ways to defeat the enemy. At the same time, Tian Yunpeng, who was on the Yuan Army side, was barely able to withdraw from the fire area. His hair was disheveled, his face was darkened by the thick smoke, and he was in a miserable state!

"Damn you thief, I must kill you."

Tian Yunpeng, who was so angry that his head was burning, was planning to lead his soldiers to take a detour by boat in order to engage in a water battle with Li Tianrun!

"General, please do not act on your own initiative. Our officers and men are not very familiar with the nature of water. If we rush into a water battle, we may end up backfired and suffer a heavy defeat."

Hearing that Tian Yunpeng was going to engage in a water battle with the enemy, Xun You, the military counselor accompanying the army, was frightened. If it were to be a water battle, Tian Yunpeng, a peerless general, would not be able to use his hands and feet to fight the enemy. Moreover, his soldiers were not used to water, and seasickness occurred frequently.

Doesn’t this mean going up to die?

"What the military advisor said is absolutely true, but Tian Yunpeng was negligent just now."

After Tian Yunpeng reacted, he scratched his head, grinned awkwardly, lowered his proud head, and took the initiative to ask military advisor Xun You for advice!

"Actually, the method is very simple. We just need to wait for the flames to burn out before continuing to lead the attack.

The purpose of Li Tianrun setting fire to block our army is probably to induce us to engage in a water battle with him."

After hearing what Xun You said, Tian Yunpeng suddenly realized, and a glimmer of understanding and wisdom flashed in his eyes. He should remain unchanged in response to all changes, so what if Li Tianyun set fire to block the path of his army?

The fire cannot burn forever, nor can the enemy retreat forever. A fight between the two parties is certain, but what we should be concerned about is how to defeat the thieves with the least loss!

As the saying goes, to subjugate an enemy's army without fighting is to fight better.

"Tian Yunpeng is not as smart as he is, so please ask the military advisor for guidance."

Tian Yunpeng's humbly asking for advice put Xun You in a good mood, his thoughts were spinning rapidly, and a brand new method of destroying enemies was born!

"The intensity of the fire has now diminished, and the thieves have retreated without a trace. If our army advances rashly, there is a risk of being ambushed... Therefore, I think we can act steadily, send scouts to inquire about the specific situation in Poyang Lake, and then make other plans.

As long as there is no ambush in Poyang Lake, we can face the enemy head-on and win every battle!"

"What do you mean, Master Military Advisor? Are there thieves hiding in Poyang Lake?"

Tian Yunpeng also understood what Xun You said about never ending a hundred battles. As for sending scouts to Poyang Lake to collect intelligence, he thought it was completely unnecessary!

Poyang Lake is full of aquatic plants as far as the eye can see. It would be time-consuming and labor-intensive for scouts to find out information, but it may not be effective. It is better to lead the attack directly and eliminate them all before Li Tianrun enters Poyang Lake.

"Searching for intelligence is a top priority. General Tian Yunpeng please pay attention to it and don't underestimate the enemy!"

Xun You looked serious, his eyes fixed on Tian Yunpeng in front of him, for fear that he would relax about the situation in Poyang Lake.

Seeing Xun You looking at him so solemnly, Tian Yunpeng felt hairy all over. In desperation, he could only wave his hand to summon a few soldiers, and arranged for them to lead more than a hundred scouts to go to Poyang Lake in advance to find out whether there were any thieves ambush.

"go quickly!"

The soldiers bowed their hands and said goodbye, turned around and left...

"Master Military Advisor, what should we do next? Should we directly pursue Li Tianrun? Or should we stay put?"

Seeing that Tian Yunpeng sent scouts to Poyang Lake to find out the news, Xun You's serious face relaxed a little. Now Tian Yunpeng asked him humbly for his solution, Xun You was too embarrassed to put on airs anymore, and directly spoke out his inner thoughts and provided suggestions.

"Our army can continue marching. If Li Tianrun dares to stop them, we will evade the truth and pretend to evacuate to lure them away from Poyang Lake.

If they don't take the initiative to stop us, then we will prepare kerosene and wait for them to take the bait by the Poyang Lake."

No matter what the thieves are doing is a conspiracy or a conspiracy, there is no need to worry!

After Tian Yunpeng clearly understood Xun You's thoughts, he immediately summoned all the soldiers in the army and marched in the direction where the thieves were evacuating. During the march, he also ordered the soldiers to prepare kerosene and prepare for battle. They must tighten their nerves at all times and not slack off.

At the same time, the bandit army Li Tianrun had already learned through scouts that Yuan Jun was heading in his direction.

"Since you Chinese dogs want to fight our army on land, then I will do whatever you want!"

There was a hint of sinister meaning in Li Tianrun's eyes. He raised his hand and summoned his trusted generals Pan Wende and Ying Ming, asking them to lead the original team and detour to the parking place behind Tian Yunpeng and burn all the ships.

"General, is this... all burned?"

It is undoubtedly difficult to reach the sky by bypassing Tian Yunpeng's army and reaching their rear area to burn all the ships!

"Get the kerosene ready and try to burn all the enemy ships at once without giving them a chance to evacuate.

Remember, be sure to burn all the ships, and don’t leave even a stray boat to them... When you come back victorious, I will give you rewards one by one!"

Ying Ming and Pan Wende looked solemn, gritted their teeth, and after bidding farewell to General Li Tianrun, turned around and led the original team, equipped more than a hundred cans of kerosene, and headed northeast!

This chapter has been completed!
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