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Chapter 345 The rebel army suffered heavy casualties and was forced to flee!

Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Yang Xiuqing's troops regrouped and continued on their way to Shangyu County, Kuaiji County. The journey was long and boring. General Yang Xiuqing ordered his soldiers to rob the gentry and landlords in various counties along the way, and plundered grain, grass and treasures to supplement recent consumption!

Wherever the thieves went, not even a single coin was left by the aristocratic families. The sudden encounter made the landowners and gentry complain. They saw that all the wealth accumulated by their families for generations was robbed by the thieves, but they were unable to steal it from the thieves.

To snatch it back, we can only place our hopes on Yuan Shu's support troops.

The bandit army returned with a full load and continued to march towards Shangyu County. Who knows how happy they are now, but how uncomfortable they will be later!

Yuan Shu's troops in Yuzhou were already well prepared and ready to go. After receiving information about Tian Yunpeng's 800 Qingqi victory, Yuan Shu instructed Qi Jiguang to lead his army south and lie in wait for the rebels to arrive in Qian County.

"My lord, the charcoal is ready, and the kerosene and firewood are all hidden. Now we are waiting for the thieves to come to the door. Let's close the door and beat the dog again, and catch the turtle in the jar!"

If nothing else, this battle will make it impossible for Yang Xiuqing to go north to Yuji County to join Liu Xinmin's troops."

Yuan Shu listened to Qi Jiguang's words and just nodded slightly without saying a word. He had already given full power to the army to Qi Jiguang. It would be an insult to his majesty to treat him as a general again!

Seeing his lord Yuan Shu narrowing his eyes and saying nothing, Qi Jiguang was deeply moved. The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was of great importance. The lord was willing to hand over the military power to himself, which was the greatest trust in him. A woman will look good to those who please her, and a scholar will die for a confidant.

If the Lord is like this, what else can I ask for?

Qi Jiguang took the initiative to climb up the city wall, holding on to the crenels and looking into the distance. He looked at the billowing dust rising toward the horizon, his eyes shining with joy and expectation!

"The whole army obeyed the order and left the city gates open to lure the thieves into the city. They must quickly close the city gates and then release rockets to roast the turtles in an urn."

Following Qi Jiguang's order, all the soldiers performed their duties and hid under the crenellations of the city wall with their bows and arrows fully loaded, waiting for Yang Xiuqing's troops from the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom to enter the city.

The bandits were so greedy that even though they had gold, silver and jewels hanging on their bodies and horses, they were not satisfied and cast their greedy eyes on Yu Qian County not far ahead.

"My sons, after we finish this job, we will go directly north and settle in Yuji County, making Liu Xinmin's troops jealous of us."

Zhou Wenkang, Zhang Zhao, Lu Wencong, Zhang Shanchao and others, the top generals in Yang Xiuqing's army of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, were gearing up, with greedy light shining in their wolf eyes. They wished they could put their wings on their backs, fly into the hidden city and loot everything inside.

These generals were all local ruffians. They had been misbehaving since childhood, and were accustomed to cheating and cheating. They came from poor families and hated the arrogant and arrogant children of the aristocratic families.

Now that they have joined the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and successfully become high-ranking generals, they would be really sorry for themselves if they don't enjoy it...

"Speed ​​up the march. We must enter the city within a quarter of an hour."

The Taiping Rebellion continued on its way. More than 6,000 of the advance troops rushed into the hidden city. They only focused on breaking into the houses of wealthy families and looting their wealth. Only when they could no longer hold gold, silver and jewelry did they become surprised that there was no one in the city.

, from beginning to end, no one noticed the pitch-black charcoal beneath their feet.

The officers and soldiers of the Yuan Army who were hiding on the crenellations of the city wall originally thought that all the rebels would be stationed in Qian City, but the reality could not keep up with the change. Yang Xiuqing asked the advance troops to enter the city to find out the news, while the rest stayed outside the city and waited for the information to come out.

This was a hardship for Qi Jiguang and other generals. Since Yang Xiuqing did not lead the army to station in Qian City, it would be a great joy for him to annihilate the 6,000 thieves in the city first!

"Close the city gate, launch rockets, and don't let these guys escape."

The city gate was of great importance, so Qi Jiguang immediately arranged for his generals Dian Wei and Xu Chu to lead five hundred warriors there, and then ordered two tiger generals, Qin Qiong and Yuchi Gong, to guard the place and not give the thieves outside the city a chance to enter the city to support them.

Nor should we give those six thousand thieves a chance to escape.

The four generals Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Yuchi Gong, and Qin Qiong each performed their duties and guarded the city tightly to prevent the thieves inside and outside the city from having a chance to join together. At the same time, thousands of soldiers showed up on the city wall, all raising their hands and holding the full moon in their hands.

Bows and arrows, the red flames igniting on the tarpaulin are shining brightly!

"shoot arrows"

Thousands of arrows rained down, instantly igniting the kerosene and charcoal hidden in the city. A single spark instantly turned into a prairie fire. The vanguard of the thief army of more than 6,000 people perished in the sea of ​​​​fire before they had time to react.

In it, it turned into ashes.

The sea of ​​​​fire was coming fiercely. Before Yang Xiuqing's troops outside Qian City could react, they saw flames in the city. The advance troops were ambushed by the Han army. Quickly open the city to save people!

Yang Xiuqing's gloomy eyes flashed with murderous intent. He picked up the magic weapon with his strong and thick arms, and then summoned his favorite generals Zhu Yide, Zhang Lexing, Ren Huabang, and Li Yuntai, and asked them to follow his lead and forcefully open the door.

At the gate of Qiancheng, this will create an opportunity for the advance troops to escape.

"Ding! The 'Gun King' effect of Yang Xiuqing's skill is activated. When using a gun weapon, the force value is increased by 3 points. Its basic force value is detected to be 97, Pink Dragon Red Gold Gun 1, Electric Fire Thunder Horse 1, the weapon skill is activated, and the force value is

Value increased to 100(102)"

"Ding! Zhu Yide and Zhang Lexing's skill "Sword General" is activated. When using sword weapons, the force value increases by 2 points."

"Ding! Ren Huabang and Li Yuntai's skill "Axe General" is activated. When using ax weapons, the force value increases by 2 points."

"All the soldiers in the army obey the order and attack the city!"

With a voice like thunder, Yang Xiuqing commanded his soldiers to attack Qian City, trying to rescue the advance troops who were buried in the sea of ​​fire. However, when they were about to arrive near the city gate, they saw that the gate of Qian City suddenly made a creaking sound.

Then it was gradually opened.

Looking around, there is no one left in the blazing fire. Not even the wailing can be heard!

The entire advance force of 6,000 men was wiped out and perished in the sea of ​​fire.

"Ah ah ah, you can't wait to die!"

Yang Xiuqing and his trusted generals Zhu Yide, Zhang Lexing, Ren Huabang, and Li Yuntai had their eyes cracked, and their scarlet eyes burst out with murderous intent. This was the second time they suffered defeat at the hands of Yuan Jun, and they had not yet arrived in Shangyu County.

They had already lost 10,000 soldiers. With such heavy casualties, how could they return to the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom to recover?

"Yuan Shu, you are trying to force me to death!"

The furious Yang Xiuqing was so angry that he led his soldiers to launch a general attack on the Han army while the fire in the city was burning out.

This chapter has been completed!
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