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Chapter 348 Summoning, Marrying a Wife, Balance, Tasks, Rewards (Celebrating Everyone)

After receiving the news that Yuan Shu was about to summon, the system responded quickly, and the long-lost mechanical sound sounded!

"Ding! If you perform a summoning that is biased towards the commander's value, 100 summoning points will be deducted from the host. Please wait...

Self-swearing to throw away Lu——Wang Sizheng, five-dimensional attributes: force value 96, commander value 95,

Intelligence value 76, political value 68, charm value 89

The famous general of the Tang Dynasty - Zhang Xun, five-dimensional attributes: force value 78, command value 98, intelligence value 95, political value 86, charm value 95

Famous official of the Tang Dynasty——Xu Yuan,

Five-dimensional attributes: force value 62, command value 94, intelligence value 94, political value 83, charm value 94

Wang Jian, a famous general who fought against the Mongols in the Southern Song Dynasty, had five-dimensional attributes: 87 force value, 96 commander value, 87 intelligence value, 68 political value, and 93 charm value.

General of the Southern Dynasties - Zang Zhi, five-dimensional attributes: force value 87, command value 94, intelligence value 78, political value 67, charm value 72

Please host exclude two people from this list,

A random selection will be made among the other three!”

The five candidates provided by the system this time,

They all left a strong mark in history, the most famous of which are undoubtedly Wang Jian and Zhang Xun!

Wang Jian,

A famous anti-Mongolian general and national hero in the Southern Song Dynasty. In the 11th year of Jiading, he went to Zaoyang and joined the Zhongshun Army. He secretly sneaked into the Mongolian army's shipbuilding site and burned more than 2,000 of its ships.

In the second year of Baoyou, under the leadership of the anti-Mongolian commander-in-chief Yu Jie, he and Cao Shixiong and others defeated the Mongolian army in Hezhou, Guang'an and other places.

The capital of Shengxing Yuan Prefecture also had knowledge of Hezhou. In the first year of Kaiqing, Meng Ge Khan personally led an army to besiege Hezhou. Wang Jian and his deputy Zhang Jue held fast to Diaoyu City and repelled the Mongolian army many times. Meng Ge sent Jin Guobao into Diaoyu

The city surrendered and was killed by Wang Jian. The Mongolian army continued to attack for nine months, and Meng Ge died from the damage caused by the cyclone artillery. The Mongolian army was forced to retreat, which is known as the Battle of Diaoyu City in history. He was awarded the title of Jiedu Envoy of Ningyuan Army for his merits. He was later transferred to another post.

He held positions such as Hubei's pacification envoy, but was rejected by Jia Sidao. In March of the fourth year of Jingding, he was appointed magistrate of Hezhou and also in charge of internal security. In March of the fifth year of Jingding, he died in anger. His posthumous title was Zhongzhuang.

Let’s look at Zhang Xun’s profile:

"Yuyang Mo encouraged the land to come." In the winter of 755, the Anshi Rebellion broke out. A few months later, An Lushan captured Luoyang, the eastern capital, proclaimed himself emperor and established the "Dayan" kingdom. Local officials in Hebei's prefectures and counties either abandoned their posts and fled for their lives or surrendered.

.After Zhang Xun’s superior surrendered to the rebels,

Zhang was ordered to patrol the west to welcome the rebels.

Zhang Xun angrily led his officials and people to the temple of Emperor Xuanyuan to cry bitterly and vowed never to surrender to the thieves. "Then he raised troops to fight against the thieves.

There are more than a thousand followers."

After that, he traveled to Yongqiu and attacked the Linghuchao rebels. The enemy was outnumbered and we were outnumbered. The rebels had "tens of thousands of thieves", while Zhang Xun's defenders only had "more than a thousand", but they created the miracle of "defeating them in every battle".

The rebels failed to attack Yongqiu repeatedly, so they built Qizhou City in the north of Yongqiu to cut off Zhang Xun's supply line. Zhang Xun assessed the situation, voluntarily abandoned Yongqiu, led 3,000 soldiers and 300 horses, and moved to Ningling and Suiyang Prefecture

Xu Yuan and others joined forces to defend, and commanded generals to fight fiercely with the rebels in the north of Ningling, achieving the brilliant record of "killing twenty thieves generals and killing more than ten thousand people".

Later, the rebel general Yin Ziqi gathered more than 100,000 rebel troops from various ethnic groups and launched a massive attack on Suiyang. Zhang Xun, who had retreated to defend Suiyang, encouraged his soldiers to defend the city. From morning to noon, they repelled the rebels more than 20 times.

Crazy attack.

Zhang Xun planned to trap and kill the traitor and "behead him to show off the traitor". He then led his troops to attack the rebels and captured a large number of horses, horses, cattle and sheep "Xifenshi". When the rebels relaxed their vigilance and harvested wheat for army rations, he ordered the army to rush out and attack the rebel camp.

"Behead the general and pull out the chess piece", planned to shoot the leader of the thieves Yin Ziqi, "one shot hit the left eye", retired from the army to rest for two months, and then re-sieged Suiyang."

...(Interested readers can search on Baidu by themselves)

Zhang Xun led his troops in the arduous defense battles of Yongqiu and Suiyang, and fought "four hundred battles, large and small, with three hundred generals and more than one hundred thousand dead" against the rebels. He effectively restrained more than one hundred thousand rebels from invading the Jianghuai River and protected water transportation and

The unimpeded flow of supplies provided the Tang Dynasty with valuable opportunities to organize counterattacks.

The court officials recognized: "The reason why thieves dare not cross Suiyang and take the Jianghuai River, the reason why the Jianghuai River is preserved is because of the strength of the patrol!"

Yuan Shu favored Wang Jian, Zhang Xun and Wang Sizheng among the five candidates given by the system this time, so he called up the system and eliminated Xu Yuan and Zang Zhi.

"Ding! Excluding Xu Yuan and Zang Zhi, this system will randomly select among the three candidates: Zhang Xun, Wang Jian, and Wang Sizheng. Host, please wait..."

It was a tense moment again. Yuan Shu held his breath and stared at the flashing beam of light on the system page, fearing that something unexpected would happen.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for acquiring the famous general of the Tang Dynasty - Zhang Xun. It has been detected that his current implanted identity is a disciple of the Yuan family. He has admired the name of the host for a long time and specially invited his friend Xu Yuan (with the character) to join the army. He will arrive in three days.

Kuaiji County, I also ask the host to screen carefully."

Buy one get one free, Yuan Shu is guaranteed to make a profit this time. With Zhang Xun and Xu Yuan joining the army, the pressure on the commanders Su Dingfang, Lian Po, Qi Jiguang, and Yuan Chonghuan can also be reduced a lot.

Currently, I am still worried about having no one to help me take over Kuaiji County. This is not a good time to give me pillows. I have Zhang Xun and Xu Yuan cooperating with each other to guard Kuaiji County and Yuzhang County, and equip them with a few soldiers worth over 100 soldiers.

With powerful generals and tens of thousands of elite soldiers, why worry about the Taiping rebels coming?

"If nothing else goes wrong, Xin Wenli, Xinyue'e, Tantai Feng, and Lai Hu'er under the command of Tang Mao, the governor of Kuaiji County, will join our army. They can be sent to assist Zhang Xun and Xu Yuan in guarding Kuaiji County.

And Yuzhang County, always be on guard against attacks from surrounding forces!"

Of the six counties in Yangzhou, Yuan Shu has already captured two. The remaining one is occupied by Sun Jian and three counties by the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. It may not be easy to seize territory from the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

While Yuan Shu was still closing his eyes and pondering how to destroy the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the shortest time, members of the Santuhe Intelligence Organization rushed into the tent and handed over a stack of intelligence.

Yuan Shu looked solemn as he took the stack of information and quickly read through it. After reading it, his face turned livid.

"In the summer of the sixth year of Zhongping, in March, Emperor Ling urgently called for the miracle doctor Hua Tuo, Zhang Zhongjing, An Daoquan and others to enter the palace..."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "In April of the summer of the sixth year of Zhongping, Emperor Ling was seriously ill. He summoned General He into the palace to discuss the funeral, but to no avail!"

"On April 5th, Emperor Ling was seriously ill. He secretly summoned Jian Shuo to the palace. The emperor preferred Prince Xie and wanted to establish him."

After quickly reading through the recent information sent back from the Sili court, Yuan Shu's eyes gradually became dull. It is now April 15th, which means that Emperor Ling is most likely dead, and the emperor has not yet been informed by the court.

The news of his death was most likely due to the fact that Chang Rang and others secretly mourned in the palace, preparing to kill General He Jin and make Prince Xie the emperor!

After probably considering the current situation of the court, Yuan Shu quickly ran out of the military tent, quickly mounted his horse and arrived at the military camp, summoned all the senior generals under his command, and ordered them to reorganize the army immediately and march towards the location of Tang Mao in Shanyin County, Kuaiji County. This big man was about to change.

, we must immediately return to defend Yuzhou and summon the army to be ready to attack Dong Zhuo.

"All officers and men obey the order and march towards Shanyin County!"

The army quickly gathered and formed a long snake formation and rushed towards Shanyin. After two days of hurried travel, they successfully arrived in Shanyin County and joined the troops of Tang Mao, the governor of Kuaiji County. Yuan Shu finally met Tang Ji, who had been thinking about it day and night.

Just when Yuan Shu and Tang Wan met, the system's mechanical sound sounded again!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the side mission 1. My heart secretly promises a beautiful girl, and I look forward to your husband completing it."

Goal: Rescue Tang Ji, and rescue Tang Mao and others from the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

Achievement rewards: 1 golden political summons card, 6 sea ship production blueprints.

Mission completion: 100%

Rewards are being distributed, please wait..."

A golden ball of light suddenly appeared, and then six blue balls of light flew out from the system page and went straight into the backpack of Yuan Shu's system. After the bright light gradually dimmed, there was a golden political sheet lying on it.

Summoning card and 6 sea ship making drawings!

When the third happiness came, Yuan Shu was so emotional that he cried with joy, and bright tears flashed in his deep eyes. At this time, Nephrite was in his arms, and he could no longer live up to his beauty's painful lovesickness.

"Wan'er, would you like to come back to Yuzhou with me?"

Tang Wan, who had been secretly committed to her for a long time, was naturally extremely willing. She had a smile as bright as a flower, her beautiful eyes were shy, and a red cloud appeared on her face. She was buried lightly in Yuan Shu's arms, listening to the beating of her lover's heart.

The man is affectionate and the concubine is interested!

"Highway, father is watching us."

Yuan Shu had long since noticed that Tang Mao was looking at him and Wan'er in his arms with a smile, but did not react. It seemed that Tang Mao was not opposed to his relationship with Tang Wan, which was very good.

Tang Wan gently escaped from Yuan Shu's arms, then shyly ran to her father Tang Mao, held his strong arm, and told him about her first encounter with Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shu walked directly to Tang Mao with a smile on his face, bowed humbly and saluted, and then began to find topics on the battles such as the defeat of Yang Xiuqing's troops of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, gradually gaining Tang Mao's favor, and then indirectly proposed the idea of ​​recruiting the Kuaiji County army.

, and wanted to bring Yangzhou Kuaiji County into his own sphere of influence.

Tang Mao has long since lost his original enthusiasm. Now his only daughter has reached the marriageable age, and his future son-in-law Yuan Shu has an extraordinary figure and appearance. He is also the legitimate son of the Yuan family, the fourth generation and the third prince. He has been appointed to the position of Yuzhou shepherd at a young age.

He has countless elite soldiers and generals under his command. They are young and promising, rich and talented...

"Yangzhou is in turmoil. I am old and can no longer govern Kuaiji County. It is very good to leave this place to my nephew!"

Seeing Tang Mao calling him his wise nephew, Yuan Shu's eyes suddenly shone, and he immediately proposed to Tang Mao the idea of ​​marrying Tang Wan.

Love appeared in Tang Wan's beautiful eyes, she lowered her head and fiddled with her clothes shyly, looking forward to her father Tang Mao's response!

On April 18th in the summer of the sixth year of Zhongping, Kuaiji County officially came under the jurisdiction of Yuan Shu's troops in Yuzhou. The original governor of Kuaiji County was Tang Hao, and the generals of Kuaiji County were Tang Bi, Tang Wanren, and Tang Wanyi.

Feng and Tantai peaks all threw themselves into Yuan Shu's army.

On April 19, Zhang Xun and Xu Yuan came to surrender. Yuan Shu gladly accepted it and appointed Zhang Xun as the new governor of Kuaiji. Later, he sent four generals: Xin Wenli, Tantai Feng, Xinyue'e and Xin Yongfeng to serve under him.

He served under his command, and dispatched 10,000 strong soldiers and 30,000 new recruits to Shanyin County to assist Zhang Xun in guarding Kuaiji County and guard against the invasion of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom rebels in the south.

In addition, Yuan Shu also appointed Xu Yuan as the governor of Yuzhang County to protect his children. Four generals, Qin Qiong, Yuchi Gong, and Cheng Yaojin, temporarily served under him, and dispatched 20,000 warriors and newly recruited soldiers from Yuzhang County.

Ten thousand new soldiers were stationed in Chaisang to assist Xu Yuan in guarding Yuzhang County, preventing the invasion of surrounding hostile forces, and under controllable circumstances, they could selectively support Sun Jian's army.

On April 21st, Yuan Shu's troops marched north towards Yuzhou to return to the defense. During the march, Yuan Shu took the initiative to call out the system and asked the system to report to him the balance character who was born after the balance function was triggered after summoning Zhang Xun last time!

"Ding! The number of times the host has summoned characters has reached the upper limit, and the balance function is automatically turned on. Please wait...

Balanced character 1: Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, five-dimensional attribute: unknown. Dynasty: Western Han Dynasty

Carrying characters: Lu Pheasant, Princess Lu Yuan, Liu Ying, Liu Hui, Liu Chang, Liu Fei, Liu Heng, Liu Qi, Liu Zhong, Liu Jia, Liu Jiao, Liu Bi, Liu Wu, Xiao He, Han Xin, Zhang Liang,

Fan Kuai, Zhou Bo, Peng Yue, Lu Wan, Cao Shen, Xia Houying, Guan Ying, Lu Ze, Chen Ping, Shen Shiqi, Li Shiqi, Li Shang, Zhang Er, Zhang Ao, Ji Xin, Fu Kuan, Jin She, Yong

Chi, Cao Wushang, Suihe, Wu Rui, Zang Tu, Han Wangxin, Zhou Ke, Ren Ao, Lu Yan, Wang Ling, Wuru, Chai Wu, Wang Hui, Xue Ou, Zhou Chang, Ding Fu, Chongda,

Tian Ken, Kuai Tong, Zhang Cang, Shu Sun Tong, Lu Lu, Lu Chan, Lu Tai, Lu Shizhi, Lu Ze, Chen Xi, Chen Bi, Chen Ying, Chen He, Feng Tang, Feng Wuze

Implanted identity: The second son of Liu Yan, the shepherd of Yizhou, and the younger brother of Liu Zhang, the eldest son.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Balanced Character 2: Emperor Xuanzhao of the former Qin Dynasty - Fu Jian, five-dimensional attribute: unknown. Dynasty: Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms

Carrying: Fu Rong, Fu Xiong, Fu Sheng, Fu Pi, Fu Deng, Fu Chong, Fu Huangmei, Fu Fa, Deng Qiang, Zhang Hao, Fu Ya, Fu Teng, Fu You, Fu Hong, Fu Liu, Fu Shen

, Fu Shuang, Fu Luo, Fu Wu, Fu Sui, Fu Zhong, Yang An, Zhu Xi, Xue Zan, Quan Yi, Dong Rong, Zhao Shao, Suo Pan, Suo Ling, Xu Song, Liu Kuren, Jiang Pingzi,

Pei Yuanlue, Mao Dang, Han Yin, Shi Yue, Murong Yue, Yang Ding, Dou Chong, Shi Daoan, Cui Cheng, Cui Hong, Fang Mo, Fang Kuang, Yang Zhi, Yang Yao, Tian Xie, Han Yin, Hao Lue,

Dong Rong, Zhao Shao, Lei Ruoer, Yu Zun, Mao Gui, Wang Zuo, Qiang Wang, Liang Pinglao, Liang Leng, Liang An, Ju Nan, Mao Sheng, Gou Chang, Xin Lao, Yang Chengshi, Mao Song, Yan Fu

, Liang Shu, Peng Chao, Lu Polou, Lu Guang, Lu Shao, Lu Zuan, Lu Long, Fan Shi, Cao Hubu, Murong Chui...

Implanted identity: The nephew of Yizhou Di King Fu Jian, who made great achievements for Fu Jian in resisting the Yizhou army.

Balanced Character 3: Founding Emperor of the Ding Dynasty - Ding Buling, five-dimensional attributes: force value 93, command value 87, intelligence value 88, political value 86, charm value 76, dynasty: Vietnam Ding Dynasty

Carrying: Ding Xuan, Ding Lian, Wu Quan, Wu Changqi, Wu Changwen, Wu Changchi, Yang Sange, Du Jingshuo, Yang Jili, Jiao Gonghan, Ruan Kuan, Wu Riqing, Li Gui, Ruan Shoujie, Lu Tang, Ruan Chao, Jiao

Shun, Pham Bai Ho, Chen Lan, Pham Ling Gong, Nguyen Pang, Le Huan, Le Nin Tin, Le Long Chi, Le Long Yue, Le Gong Yun (Da Viet Kingdom), Le Thi Fo Nin, Li Foma, Li Bo, Li Zhaohuang, Tao Ganmu, Chen Siqing,

Chen Shoudou, Chen Xuan, Chen Xun, Chen Yi, Chen Wang, Chen Kezhen, Chen Jikuo, Hu Jili, Hu Yuancheng, Le Li, Li Weibang, Li Yuanlong, Mok Dengyong, Mok Denying, Mok Fuhai, Nguyen Wenyue, Nguyen Wenhui, Ruan Lv


Implanted identity: the founding emperor of the Ding Dynasty of Vietnam’s Daquyue Kingdom.

Balanced Character 4: Demon King of the Sixth Heaven - Oda Nobunaga, five-dimensional attributes: force value 96, command value 94, intelligence value 92, political value 90, charm value 95. Dynasty: Japan's Warring States Period

Characters to be carried: Abe Seimei, Susano'o, Suzhan Mingzun, Qi Inada Hime, Kami Oichi Bisei, Amaterasu, Tsukiyami Zun, Takemina Fanggami, Takemirai, Fukutsu Hikami, Fire Hyun

Hiko, Kuku Nochi, Oyama Tsumi, Shina Tohiko, Kanaya Nohime, Tensuriki Oojin, Mitsumi, Hatamata Torochi, Shuten Doji, Ibaraki Doji, Tamamozen, Otakemaru,

Daitengu, Oda City, Oda Nobuhiro, Oda Nobuyuki, Oda Nobumitsu, Oda Nobukiyoshi, Oda Nobuan, Oda Nobutada, Oda Nobuo, Oda Gotoku, Saito Guiche, Hayashi Hidetoshi, Hayashi Tonggu, Shibata

Katsuie, Katsunari Mori, Namasa Sasaka, Hidetaka Kawajiri, Yoshiaki Ashikaga, Yoshiteru Ashikaga, Yoshimoto Imagawa, Mitsuhide Akechi, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Ieyasu Tokugawa, Yasumitsu Toda, Masahide Hirate, Yoshiryu Saito,

Michizou Saito, Soun Hojo, Kenshin Uesugi, Shingen Takeda, Motori Motonari, Masamune Date, Umako Soga, Moriya Mononobe, Sister Ono, Ezo Soga, Irika Soga, Maro Soga Ishikawa,

Abena Maro, Tajihi Hideshima, Otomo Tabito, Fujiwara Takechimaro, Kibi Mabei, Honda Tadakatsu, Hattori Hanzo, Fuma Kotaro, Miyamoto Musashi, Tokugawa Hidetada, Yuri Rie, Yoshinao Furumaro,

Taro Fujiwara, Seifuku, Yukimura Sanada, Mamoru Tanba, Danzo Kato, Sasuke Sarutobi, Fujitaka Hosokawa

Kuroda's Twin Jewels - Muzato Taibei Tomanobu and Goto Matabei Motoji

The Eight Kurodas - Inoue Nobosa, Kuriyama Toshio, Kuroda Kazushige, Kuroda Toshitaka, Kuroda Toshinori, Kuroda Naoyuki, Goto Motoji, Muzato Yunobu

The Twenty-Four Generals of Kuroda - Toshitaka Kuroda, Toshinori Kuroda, Naoyuki Kuroda, Toshio Kuriyama, Masato Hori, Masachika Masuchi, Tomatobu Muzato, Yukatsu Nomura, Kazunari Noguchi, Motoji Goto, Kuroda

Kazushige Ta, Shigekatsu Kuno, Nobo Inoue, Masatoshi Suga, Nobuho Ogawa, Nobuyuki Kiriyama, Naotoshi Hayashi, Nagatoshi Yoshida, Yoshiji Murata, Tsusada Takemori, Keibu Kinugasa, Ieyoshi Miyake, Takehisa Moya, Hara

Good kind

Implanted identity: The Japanese daimyo has the intention to unite with other daimyo to rebel, and has the ambition to unify the entire Japanese island.

This time the system triggered the balance function and a large number of characters were born. Yuan Shu's scalp was numb when he saw it!

Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, was balanced out this time, and also brought along the original team of Lu Pheasant, Xiao He, Han Xin, Zhang Liang, Fan Kuai, Zhou Bo, Peng Yue, Lu Wan, Cao Shen, Xia Houying, Guan Ying, and Yong Chi. If all of them were returned to the

Under his command, the Yizhou army will probably rise to become the third strongest prince in the world, and may even be stronger than Yuan Shu and Dong Zhuo.

"The system has also balanced Fu Jian to Yizhou, which can barely delay Liu Bang's rise!"

Oda Nobunaga of Japan and Ding Buling of Vietnam were also balanced out by the system, which surprised Yuan Shu. What does it mean if these two foreign races also come out?

The system replied: If they are not from my race, their minds must be different! The host has the system to help, but if it is just to unify China, it would be overkill.

We should look globally and plant the Chinese flag everywhere in the world...

"System! Listen to me and say thank you. Because of you, the four seasons are warm."

The cold mechanical sound of the system paused for about three seconds, and then continued to broadcast the list of balanced single characters.

"Ding! There is a single balance character, please listen carefully to the host, please wait...

Balanced Character 1: Blood-winged Black Mosquito - Mosquito Taoist, five-dimensional attributes: force value 106, command value 72, intelligence value 65, political value 42, charm value 52

Implanted identity: Fusion with Wen Chou of Si Ting Yizhu under Yuan Shao of Jizhou.

Balanced Character 2: Emperor Renhui - Nong Zhigao, five-dimensional attributes: force value 68, command value 89, intelligence value 83, political value 86, charm value 89

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Implanted Identity: Opposition State

Balanced character 3: Suo Bao, the famous general of Qianliang, five-dimensional attributes: force value 102, command value 94, intelligence value 86, political value 62, charm value 83

Implanted identity: Qingzhou Liu Bei’s newly recruited warrior.

Balanced Character 4: Nanyue Hengshan Si Tianzhaosheng Emperor - Chongheihu, five-dimensional attributes: force value 104, command value 80, intelligence value 76, political value 42, charm value 72

Items carried: iron-billed condor, two golden axes, flaming-eyed golden-eyed beast, flaming flying beast crown, chain mail

Implanted identity: in opposition

This time the system balance is over, the system will be balanced again, and the interception function can be turned on. Host, please continue to work hard!

This wave of solo balance has strengthened Liu Bei again. I don’t know why, but recently the system has only favored Liu Bei. Almost every time he is balanced or messed up, Liu Bei will be strengthened to a greater or lesser extent.

"System, just admit that Liu Bei is your godson! I know that I was picked up, and I will not be jealous of him..."

Yuan Shu burst into tears. The quality of the characters born this time was so good. He had worked so hard for so many years, but it was not as good as others who had just appeared so suddenly!

"Ding! This time the system balances the character quality to be slightly higher, compensates the host with two bronze summoning cards and sea falcon ship manufacturing drawings, and releases the latest mission."

"Ding! The latest mission is released: Kyushu is thundering, and the fight against Dong is underway.

Note: Xiliang's 200,000 cavalry are in full formation, ready to enter Luoyang at any time and take the emperor to command the princes. In this life, Dong Zhuo's command has greatly increased in strength. Wang Mang, Er Zhurong, Niu Mowang, An Lushan, Shi Siming and others are ready to make a move.

As the owner of the system, how can the host sit back and do nothing? When the little emperor's imperial edict or the edict to challenge Dong Jiao appears, the host must draw Yuan Shao and Cao Cao into the camp to challenge Dong, and then unite the power of all the princes to defeat the Xiliang army.

Achieve the goal: destroy the Xiliang army, make the Xiliang army collapse, and the trees fall and the hozens scatter!

Reward for achievement: 1 golden summoning card

Failure penalty: Xiliang Dong Zhuo coerces the emperor to command the princes, and the host will be trapped in endless battles, either defeated and killed, or flee overseas."

Although Yuan Shu was compensated by the system with two bronze summoning cards and sea falcon ship manufacturing blueprints, he couldn't be happier after seeing the human mission posted!

"System, I want to use the golden political summons card."


In order to celebrate the passing of Hongdou Subject 2 with full marks and the latest news release, I hereby publish a 6,000-word chapter to thank my brothers for their continued support. I am asking for a wave of small rewards and small monthly votes. If the fan value reaches 3,000, please join the V group quickly.

This chapter has been completed!
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