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Chapter 55 Defending the Changshe and going out to meet the enemy

"Two generals, it's the highway! Meng De is still killing the enemy and will be there in a moment!"

Yuan Shu heard the shouts of the two generals and responded quickly, which reassured the two generals, and then led his troops closer to Cao Cao.

And Cao Cao is also approaching Yuan Shu!

After a while, the three armies merged into one place and slowly approached the gate of Changshe.

At this time, the Yellow Turban Army was still pursuing and fighting fiercely, but they had no choice but to have no strong generals to assist them, which only increased the casualties. However, Yuan Cao's strong generals fought bravely and greatly reduced the casualties...

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

The general of the Yellow Turban Army, Bo Cai, had no choice but to withdraw his troops.

Yuan Cao also took this opportunity to follow Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun into the city.

The defense battle of Changshe has come to an end!

Seeing that Bo Cai's army retreated, Yuan Cao, Huangfu Song, and Zhu Juncai led their soldiers into Changsha.

At this time, on the city wall of Changshe, there was blood and corpses... some from the enemy and some from our own people. It was too horrible to look at.

Yuan Shu looked a little uncomfortable, but Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun and others seemed to have gotten used to it, and they lightly arranged their soldiers to clean the battlefield.

Some parts of the city wall are damaged. If they are not repaired, they may become fatal loopholes. Yuan Shu was about to remind him, but Huangfu Song's words stuck in his throat!

"This time Bocai's army attacked the city, in order to collect defensive supplies, we even demolished the houses of the people in Changshe...

If we demolish the houses to fill up the city wall, I'm afraid it will cause a civil uprising!"

Huangfu Song sighed and shook his head. Zhu Jun on the side didn't look very good either. Cao Cao also looked solemn after hearing this.

"General Huangfu Song! General Zhu Jun! I'm afraid that tonight, Bocai's army will lead a sneak attack and we have to guard against..."

Yuan Shu raised this question to the two generals based on his past life memories.

After listening to Yuan Shu's words and looking at the yellow turban soldiers looming on the horizon outside the city, Huangfu Song fell into deep thought.

If Bocai's army really comes with his troops at night, then if he doesn't prepare for defense, then...

"Two generals! Aren't there defensive supplies under the city wall? What's more, the Bocai Army is some distance away from here."

Huangfu Song understood what Yuan Shu meant. He was to send an army out of the city to stop the invasion of Bo Cai's army, and then other soldiers quickly recycled the used wood, stones, etc. under the city wall.

"This... highway, who can resist Bo Cai's army?"

Although the two generals agreed with Yuan Shu's suggestion, who could resist Bo Cai's army was another problem!

"To be honest with you two generals, I have Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Yu Chi Gong, Yuan Ji and many other generals with high martial arts skills under my command.

Coupled with the five generals behind Brother Meng De, we will definitely be able to defeat the enemy outside Changshe City!"

Yuan Shu's bold words made Cao Mengde tremble. Xiahou Dun and others behind him also nodded, expressing their agreement with what Yuan Shu said.

"Then since the generals have made up their minds, let's go out immediately."

Huangfu Song waved his hand and summoned all the soldiers to prepare to go out and collect supplies.

Yuan Shu and Cao Cao, on the other hand, brought a total of 30,000 elite troops out of the city to defend against the enemy!

"Qu Shuai! The Han army has left the city, look at us..."

When a small yellow turban leader saw the Changshe Han army leaving the city, he quickly reported it to Bo Cai, who was preparing to rest in the military tent.

At this time, Bo Cai had just changed out of his armor and was about to lie down and rest. When he heard a small leader saying that the Han army was leaving the city, he quickly put on his armor and rushed out of the military camp.

"You are so courageous. You dare to leave the city... You really don't take me Bocai seriously."

It was in the evening, and the Yellow Turban Army had just retreated from Changshe. Before they even started cooking, they heard that the Han Army was leaving the city.

Bo Cai couldn't care less about eating. He wanted to destroy the Han army. He waved his hand, took out the sword from his waist, ordered 30,000 soldiers to go and strangle the Han army.

The dispatched little leader nodded and led a group of yellow scarf soldiers to stop and strangle Yuan Cao's army.

"Highway! The Yellow Turban Army is coming..."

Cao Cao had a solemn look on his face, as if facing a formidable enemy, he couldn't help but tighten his grip on the weapon in his hand.

Yuan Shu beside him said nothing and nodded. Only Yuan Ji, Dian Wei and other powerful generals beside him made him feel at ease...

"Wei Chigong! You lead Yuan Ji, Zhang Ming, Ji Ling, Lu Fang, and an army of ten thousand to confront the invading Yellow Turban Army head-on.

I will command an army of ten thousand and encircle them from the left.

Mengde, just come from the right side..."

After briefly assigning the battle layout, everyone nodded and started fighting.

There are two reasons why Cao Cao listened to Yuan Shu!

One is because of the 30,000 soldiers, 20,000 are Yuan's army, and the remaining 10,000 are the combined army of Cao's and Han's armies.

Secondly, Yuan Shu had many powerful generals here, and seeing his confident look made Cao Cao feel at ease.

"The whole army charges!"

Yuan Shu unsheathed his sharp sword, pointed at the Yellow Turban, and led his army into battle, showing his domineering power...

"Ding! Detect the character Dianwei's skills...the force value has been increased to...

Xu Chu's skills...the force value has been increased to...

Ji Ling skills...

Yuchi Gong’s skills...

Zhang Ming’s skills...

Xiahou Dun’s skills…”

The battle started, the fierce general's skills were activated, the force value soared, Yuan Cao's army exploded with momentum, and could not help but overwhelm the Yellow Turban Army.

But the red-eyed Yellow Turban soldiers did not notice this at all. It was not until they discovered that there were fewer and fewer teammates around them that they were horrified.

The first to charge was the 10,000-strong army led by Yu Chigong, with Yuan Ji leading the way. Wherever the ax struck, blood and flesh flew everywhere.

Next is Cao Cao's place. Cao's army is like a rainbow. Xiahou Yuan and Xiahou Dun take turns killing the enemy. The number of kills is almost more than that of Yuan Ji. Cao Ren and Cao Hong are leading the army and rushing back and forth!

Finally, here is Yuan Shu. Xing Daorong activates his skill Fu Jiang, which increases his luck value. In addition, Dian Wei and Xu Chu fight together, and the combo skills explode...

The Yellow Turban soldiers were not their enemies at all. Some Yellow Turban soldiers did not even touch Dian Wei's iron halberd. They were just hit by other teammates and died.

The situation on the battlefield was excellent, showing a one-sided trend, but under Changshe City, Huangfu Song and others had almost moved the supplies, and Ming Jin reminded everyone.

Yuan Cao didn't want to fight either, so he quickly called on his soldiers and rode back...

The Yellow Turban soldiers, who were afraid of being killed, could only watch Yuan Cao's army leave blankly, not daring to think of chasing him.

It's not that they don't want to chase, it's just that these legs... seem to be rooted and unable to move. After Yuan Cao's army entered Changshe, the complexion of the yellow scarf soldiers gradually turned from pale to sallow, and their legs and feet could move!

This battle was fought directly against these Yellow Turban soldiers, and they lost all their courage.

Returning to the Changshe, Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun welcomed Yuan Cao's return, and even bent down with their hands in hand, wanting to kneel down on one knee to show their gratitude.

All of a sudden, Changshe's defensive supplies have returned to more than half of what they were before the war. Even if Bocai's army comes again, there is no need to worry!

"Two generals, I have a way to destroy the enemy..."

This chapter has been completed!
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