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Chapter 581: Fight between trapped beasts, attack Langzhong!

After shouting Chen Bangyan and Chen Zizhuang away, Zhang Jiayu, who was extremely angry, leaned sideways against the crenellations of the city wall. He gasped for air, and monstrous flames of anger shot out from his gloomy eyes!

"Who is Chen Bangyan, who is qualified to teach me how to do things? Then Liu Bang is just a man who is seeking fame and reputation. Let's see if I go out to destroy the Shu army!"

The idea of ​​​​annihilating the Shu army sprouted in Zhang Jiayu's mind. He forced himself to calm down, and holding on to the crenellations of the city wall, looking at the towering mountains, he began to think seriously about the plan to proactively send troops to destroy the Shu army.

In Zhang Jiayu's thoughts, the Shu army led by Liu Bang set out from Chengdu and headed east to the city of Langzhong. During the expedition, the Shu army consumed a huge amount of food and grass by eating horse chews. Moreover, because of the rugged road between Chengdu and Langzhong, the food and grass were not available.

It is difficult to transport baggage.

If the Shu army's grain and grass transportation routes can be cut off, perhaps Langzhong City's current predicament will be solved without a fight!

Thinking of this, Zhang Jiayu's bright eyes burst into joy. Without further ado, taking advantage of the Shu army's two successive attacks on the city with no results and low morale, now was the best time to send troops.

"Pass my order and leave five thousand men to guard Langzhong City. The rest of the soldiers will follow me out of the city to kill the enemy!"

As soon as Zhang Jiayu said this, the soldiers in Langzhong City quickly picked up their weapons and got ready to go. Then they heard the creaking sound of Langzhong City Gate, and a large number of soldiers filed out, following Zhang Jiayu's command, and marched towards the direction of the Shu army.


Before attacking the Shu army, Zhang Jiayu decided to lead his army to ambush on the nearby Gengjin Mountain based on the information obtained by the scouts. This mountain is steep and densely wooded, making it an excellent place to set up an ambush. If the Shu army passes by,

place, then Zhang Jiayu and the others can condescendingly shoot the Shu army soldiers!

Not only that, after shooting the arrow, it can also use the downward momentum to cause great damage to the Shu army.

"Gengjin Mountain is the burial place of Liu Bang!"

Looking at the majestic Gengjin Mountain, Zhang Jiayu's eyes were full of fighting spirit and rage. He ordered his soldiers to climb to the top of the mountain in an orderly manner, and then lurked in the mountain, waiting for the Shu army for several days.

passing by.

During the period when Zhang Jiayu led his army to set up an ambush, Shu army Liu Bang had already received the information sent by the 'Shadow Secret Guard'. As expected by military advisor Chen Ping, Zhang Jiayu became arrogant and arrogant after a series of victories.

He directly led the army out of the city and wanted to fight the Shu army head-on.

Originally, Chen Ping and Ji Xiaolan were planning to let Liu Bang set up an ambush in Gengjin Mountain, but then they thought about it. Gengjin Mountain has so many hard rocks and lacks water. If they could lure Zhang Jiayu and his army here, and then surround the place, they would

Zhang Jiayu and his army can be trapped and killed on Gengjin Mountain!

Thinking of this, Chen Ping and Ji Xiaolan directly told Liu Bang all their plans. Liu Bang led the Shu army to station near Gengjin Mountain, as if he was ready to attack Langzhong again at any time.

After Zhang Jiayu, who went out to Langzhong to counterattack the Shu army, found out the information about the Shu army, he very smartly took a fancy to the strategic advantage of Gengjin Mountain, so he climbed to the top of Gengjin Mountain first, thinking that he could use the geographical advantages of Gengjin Mountain to attack the Shu army.

Cause a devastating blow.

The result was not what he expected. After Zhang Jiayu led his army to Gengjin Mountain, Liu Bang led the Shu army to surround Gengjin Mountain and arranged heavy guarding in the four directions of southeast, northwest and Zhang Jiayu to prevent Zhang Jiayu from breaking through the encirclement!

After discovering the Shu army's intentions, Zhang Jiayu summoned his soldiers to find a way to solve the problem. Some generals suggested digging wells to provide daily water for the army. As a result, when the soldiers dug the wells, they were blocked by hard rock formations...

Someone else suggested collecting dew, but how much dew can be collected every day? How can it meet the needs of ten thousand people? As a result, the army led by Zhang Jiayu was besieged on Gengjin Mountain. They also thought about breaking out of the siege, but every time Hao Hao

When you go down the mountain in a mighty way, you will be blocked by the vine armor soldiers of the Shu army and surrounded by many generals!

As time went by, the number of Zhang Jiayu's troops trapped on Gengjin Mountain dropped sharply, from more than 10,000 to about 5,000. A quarter of these 5,000 were wounded soldiers.

"If this continues, we will all die of thirst on Gengjin Mountain in less than two days. The only way now is to seek support from the father and son Chen Bangyan and Chen Zizhuang who are staying in Langzhong.

As long as the father and son lead the army to support us, and we fight from the mountain down the mountain, attacking from both sides, we will definitely be able to get out of the current predicament, defeat the Shu army, and then return to Langzhong City smoothly!"

Zhang Jiayu's eyes were red, his dry and white lips moved up and down, and words full of anger and hatred burst out. After hearing these words, the nearby soldiers fell silent. No one wanted to be the one who broke out of the encirclement and attacked Chen Bangyan and his son.

People asking for help.

Seeing the silence of the soldiers under his command, Zhang Jiayu was filled with rage. He was so angry that he directly pulled out the sword from his waist and chopped off the tree as thick as a bowl that he was leaning on, venting his anger.


Just when Zhang Jiayu and the others were at a loss what to do, the roars of the Shu army soldiers during a fierce battle came from the foot of Gengjin Mountain.

"What's going on? Hurry up and find out what's going on down the mountain!"

The scout quickly found out the information at the foot of the mountain and reported it to Zhang Jiayu in a hurry.

"Report to the general, General Chen Bangyan and General Chen Zizhuang have led the army to rescue us, and are now dealing with the Shu army!"

Hearing what the scout said, Zhang Jiayu was so excited that he raised his head to the sky and roared. He then angrily drew the sword on his waist, pointed it at the bottom of the mountain, led the remaining troops under his command, and charged straight at the Shu army.

The Shu army was fighting against the Langzhong army led by Chen Bangyan and his son. Zhang Jiayu's troops on the mountain suddenly attacked, which caught Liu Bang and others off guard. After trying his best to kill more than 4,000 people, Liu Bang ordered the end of the battle and released Zhang Jiayu.

Return to Langzhong with Chen Bangyan and his son!

"All officers and men listened to the order, reorganized their armaments, and immediately launched an attack on Langzhong."

After the battle, Liu Bang decisively led his Shu army to reorganize their armaments and prepare for the siege. At the same time, the embarrassed Zhang Jiayu successfully escaped back to Langzhong with the support of Chen Bangyan and his son.

Although they escaped back to Langzhong City, the troops in Langzhong City were depleted, with only more than 4,000 soldiers left to fight. The remaining soldiers were either seriously injured or disabled, or died on the way to retreat...

"What should we do now? There are still about four days until the Hanzhong reinforcements arrive in Langzhong City. We must defend Langzhong City and not let the Shu army succeed!"

This chapter has been completed!
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