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Chapter 639 Lingling Mutiny, Yuan Jun enters the city!


The scorching sun hangs high in the sky, casting a scorching light.

At this time, the Bull Demon King and the Fire Spirit Mother led their troops and rushed to the foot of Lingling City in a mighty manner. Facing the Lingling City with high walls and strong walls, the Bull Demon King and others did not panic at all. They saw the momentum of Yuan Jun's officers and soldiers.

It is majestic, the evil spirit is boiling, and the sound of fighting and iron horses is endless, like a hungry tiger in the mountain, trying to come down the mountain and craving for people.

Liu Du, the guard in Lingling City, stood on the city wall and looked at the menacing army from a distance. At this time, he already knew the news of Liu Rengong's death. His eyes were red with tears, but he was helpless. Although he wanted to kill the enemy

Heart, but the heart is more than enough but the strength is not enough.

Liu Du seemed to have aged dozens of years. At this time, he had a complex expression and his face was pale. Looking at the Bull Demon King outside the city who was like an iron tower and the Fire Spirit Madonna who was as fiery as red fire, his eyes showed deep fear.

"Now that the enemy is coming, what should we do? What should we do?"

Liu Du was at a loss. He knew very well that the strength of the army in front of him should not be underestimated. If he rashly left the city to compete with it, it would be difficult to resist it.

After much thought, Liu Du finally decided to defend the city and rely on the defensive power of the city wall, as well as the soldiers and accumulated defense materials in the city to resist the enemy's attack!

at the same time.

Outside Lingling City, looking at the impregnable Lingling City, the Bull Demon King and the Fire Spirit Madonna frowned. They knew in their hearts that if they attacked by force, they would probably lose many soldiers, but at this moment Liu Du had already prepared

He was hiding in the city and was prepared to be a coward. If he didn't launch a forceful attack, he might not be able to take this strong city!

"Come here, bring me Liu Rengong's head. I want to give Mr. Liu Du a big gift."

The Bull Demon King ordered his subordinates to bring Liu Rengong's head. He carried the head and then rode his horse to the city wall. He looked up at the city wall and saw the guards holding their bows and arrows with alert expressions on their faces, as if they were ready to shoot at any time. The Bull Demon King

Upon seeing this, he snorted coldly, and then roared angrily: "Old Liu Du, your son Liu Rengong's head is in my hands, do you dare to come out to collect your son's body?"

The Bull Demon King tried to use Liu Rengong's head to provoke Liu Du. Unfortunately, no matter how angry and sad Liu Du was, he did not choose to open the city...

Seeing that Liu Du had not fallen into the trap, the Bull Demon King curled his lips and looked at the Fire Goddess behind him. His eyes indicated that the provocation method was not working. The Fire Goddess also sighed when he saw this and said: "General Cow Demon, you'd better come back first."

, let’s discuss it further!”

With a frustrated look on his face, the Bull Demon King angrily threw the head in his hand towards the city wall. His arm strength was so strong that the head was like a cannonball, flying towards the city wall at an extremely fast speed and then falling into the city wall.

Liu Du's feet were bruised and bloody.

Liu Du looked at the head at his feet, unable to hold back the grief in his heart. He held up Liu Rengong's bloody head and howled in pain. The miserable sound made the soldiers in the city feel sad and frightened.

Now that General Liu Rengong has died in battle, Old General Liu only dares to defend the city. However, the Yuan army outside the city is approaching fiercely, and there are two peerless generals to help him. I am afraid that he will not be able to hold on for long.

"General, let's surrender, the enemy is too strong... Pfft!"

Before the deputy general finished speaking, he saw Liu Du, who was in extreme grief and anger, staring at his red tiger eyes. He drew out the sword from his waist and cut off his head with one move. Then he lifted up the fresh head and said with a threatening voice.

He looked around and said: "Whoever dares to say surrender again, this is what will happen!"

The soldiers present were silent, their faces were pale, and their eyes were full of tangled and complicated colors.

Outside the city, powerful enemies are pressing down on the territory, but inside the city they are fighting to the death. These little minions are also the children of their own parents. They don’t want to die, but they also want to live!

"Damn thief, old Liu Du, I have long been unhappy with you. Brothers, rebel against this old thief and open the city to welcome Yuan Jun into the city!"

Under the panic of defeat and the oppression of death, the soldiers in Lingling City mutinied. A group of people picked up their weapons and aimed them at their colleagues, and a bloody internal strife began.

Liu Du, who was still immersed in the pain of losing his son, was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat. He reacted quickly, shouted loudly, gathered a group of close soldiers, and then led this group of close soldiers to fight with the rebellious soldiers, and

Fight and retreat!

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Just when Liu Du was about to retreat from the city wall with a group of trusted soldiers, three arrows suddenly shot out and pierced his body in an instant. One arrow pierced the thigh, the other penetrated the chest, penetrated the lungs, and was fatal.

An arrow hit the aorta in his neck with a devastating force, killing him on the spot.

Liu Du died, and the close soldiers around him lost their backbone and were no match for the rebel soldiers. They were all slaughtered in a few strokes!

After all Liu Du and the rebels led by him were eliminated, a group of soldiers in Lingling City cut off the large banner with Liu characters flying on the city wall, and then erected a white flag to signal surrender.

The Bull Demon King and the Fire Spirit Madonna outside the city didn't know what to do. Just when they were confused, the gate of Lingling City was suddenly opened, and a group of soldiers without armor or weapons slowly walked out.

I saw the temporarily elected leader of this group of Lingling defenders holding a wooden box in his hands, dedicated to the Bull Demon King and the Fire Spirit Madonna!

The Bull Demon King and the Fire Spirit Madonna opened the wooden box vigilantly. Unexpectedly, the wooden box contained Liu Du's head.

"Two generals, Liu Du is cruel and unkind. We have been patient for a long time, so we will kill him and dedicate the city to the two generals. I hope the general will show mercy and spare our lives!"

The Bull Demon King and the Fire Spirit Madonna looked at each other and understood. The Fire Spirit Madonna said: "My Yuan army has clear rewards and punishments. You have made great contributions to the city and should be rewarded!"

After that, the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit took this group of Lingling garrison under her command, eliminated the old, weak, sick and disabled, and then disrupted the reorganization and turned it into her own strength.

After settling in Lingling City, the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit and the Bull Demon King stood on the city wall with emotion, looking at the distant land, and said: "General Niu, among the four counties in Jingnan, there is no news about the remaining Wuling County, right? You

Should we go to support Wuling County next, or go back to General Xue Rengui and his friends?"

The Bull Demon King thought for a moment, but while he was thinking, the sharp-eyed Fire Spirit Madonna spotted an army appearing on the horizon in the distance. When she took a closer look, she found that the people who came were actually Yuan Xingqin, Shan Tingsi and others.

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit immediately summoned her soldiers and took the initiative to attack. This time, Yuan Xingqin, Shan Tingsi and others must be captured alive!

This chapter has been completed!
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