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Chapter 648: Dancheng fell, Ji Ling was seriously injured, call for reinforcements!

"I'd really like to try wrestling with a group of people!"

Li Yuanba held the drum urn and golden hammer, and walked step by step towards the city gate. After witnessing Li Yuanba's terrifying strength, the defenders on the city wall turned pale and panicked, for fear of the drum urn in Li Yuanba's hand.

The golden hammer will hit you on the head.

"What should we do? What should we do? Is that guy trying to break down the door?"

"How can he break down the door? The city gate weighs nearly a thousand pounds, and there are sandbags piled behind the door. The sandbags also weigh a thousand pounds, and there are dozens of brothers guarding it.

Unless he is a god descending to earth, it is absolutely impossible for him to break open the city gate!"

Seeing Li Yuanba trying to break open the city gate with the drum, urn and golden hammer in his hand, the soldiers on the city wall were startled at first, and then they all laughed sarcastically, laughing at Li Yuanba's stupidity and overestimating his own abilities!

After Li Yuanba heard that these people dared to mock him, he stopped and turned his head towards the city wall with a ferocious face. When he saw the joking face of a certain soldier, the furious Li Yuanba roared, and then his arms suddenly

With all his strength, he threw the drum, urn, and golden hammer directly towards the city wall.

The hundred-pound drum, urn, and golden hammer was like a missile, accurately flying over the five- to six-meter-high city wall and hitting the battlements where the soldier was!


The battlements were smashed to pieces, and the soldier was frightened to death on the spot by this sudden scene. Gall mixed with blood flowed out of his mouth, and then he whimpered a few words and fell to the ground, unable to die anymore.

"Trash, have you really treated me like a soft persimmon?"

After the drum, urn, and golden hammer smashed the city battlements, it quickly fell and landed at the foot of the city, creating a deep pit. Li Yuanba looked coldly at the soldiers on the city wall and roared: "Whoever dares to laugh again will end up in dire consequences.

Not as good as him!"

Li Yuanba yelled like this, and the soldiers on the city wall were so frightened that they trembled and became silent. They watched Li Yuanba pick up the drum, urn and golden hammer that fell at the foot of the city, and then strode straight towards the city gate.


"This... giant hammer weighing more than a hundred kilograms, this guy can throw it up easily. Our city wall is five or six meters high!"

"Damn it, what should we do now? It feels like the city gate may really be blown open by him!"

"What should I do? Let's find other generals to find a solution. The most urgent thing now is not to let this guy break the city gate open. If the city gate is broken open, all of us will be ruined!"

The soldiers on the city wall couldn't think of any way to stop Li Yuanba from smashing the door. They could only send people to block the city gate for the time being, and then send some people to look for Ji Ling and other generals.

They were trying to figure out how to deal with this tough guy Li Yuanba.

However, just as the soldiers were descending from the city, Li Yuanba had already reached the city gate. He looked at the towering iron-clad wooden city gate, grinned, and murmured to himself: "This city gate should be made of wood.

Right? So what if it’s wrapped in iron sheets? Can it withstand my three blows?”

Li Yuanba's eyes burst out with a frightening luster. The veins in his strong and powerful arms popped out. He tightly grasped the extremely heavy drum, urn and golden hammer with both hands. The muscles in his whole body were as tight as steel. He shouted powerfully.

A voice: "Open it for me!"

The huge pair of hammers instantly carried a force that seemed to be able to tear the heaven and the earth apart, and slammed into the city gate with a thunderous force!

A loud "bang" sound like thunder suddenly sounded, and the entire city gate trembled violently, as if a strong earthquake had occurred. A large piece of the iron sheet on the door was instantly dented, and sawdust was everywhere like snowflakes.


The soldiers behind the city gate were shaken by the overwhelming impact. Their faces were full of horror, their eyes were as wide as bells, and they stared blankly at this thrilling scene!

Li Yuanba had no intention of giving up. He raised his hammers high again and struck another earth-shattering blow. This time, the city gate made a painful and desperate "squeak" sound, which seemed to be begging for mercy.

It also seemed to indicate that it could no longer withstand this almost violent force.

"The last hammer, break it for me!" Li Yuanba roared at the top of his voice, using all his strength. The pair of hammers were like two falling stars, and they hit the city gate again with an unstoppable momentum.


With a "boom", the ground shook and the mountains shook. The city gate was finally overwhelmed and collapsed. The dust that was raised filled the air like billowing thick smoke, blocking the sky and the sun. I watched the towering city gate being blasted by my three hammers.

Opening, Li Yuanba laughed wildly and rode his horse into the city like lightning.

The soldiers in the city were frightened by this sudden change, and their faces turned pale. They ran away like headless flies, shouting and crying.

"A bunch of trash, people who are greedy for life and afraid of death. Didn't they mock this general just now? Why are they crying and shouting for mercy now?"

Li Yuanba felt like he was in a deserted place in the city, swinging the double hammers in his hands with great force. Every swing meant that the lives of Sergeant Yuan's soldiers were ruthlessly harvested.

However, just when Li Yuanba was fighting in full swing, Ji Ling hurried over with a group of well-equipped soldiers. After seeing the miserable situation in front of him, which was like a hell on earth, his eyes widened with anger, and his eyes seemed to spit out fire, and he shouted loudly

He shouted: "Shuzi, don't be so arrogant!"

Hearing the sound, Li Yuanba turned to look at Ji Ling, with a smile full of disdain on his lips, and said contemptuously: "Who is coming? You dare to stop me?"

Ji Ling was furious in an instant, his eyes widened, and he waved the heavy three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand vigorously, roaring: "I am Ji Ling, and I will definitely take down this lawless maniac like you today!"

After that, he clamped the horse's belly with both legs, driving the horse under his legs to rush towards Li Yuanba like a strong wind.

Li Yuanba faced the menacing Ji Ling, but he was not afraid at all. He smiled coldly and snorted: "Huh, you don't know whether to live or die, so let's give it a try!" I saw him steadily hammering his hammers with both hands.

He stood up and faced Ji Ling with a vigorous posture.

Ji Ling's three-pointed two-edged sword struck fiercely with the sound of fierce wind. Li Yuanba moved sideways quickly like a ghost, easily dodging the swift blow. Then, he swung out with a hammer, swiftly and violently.

The ground hit Ji Ling's mount, and the horse neighed miserably. Its huge body instantly collapsed to the ground. Ji Ling was caught off guard and rolled off the horse in a state of embarrassment.

"That's all you have?" Li Yuanba raised his chin and said with a mocking look on his face.

Ji Ling was ashamed and annoyed, his face turned red with anger, and he quickly stood up and attacked again. However, his moves appeared to be full of flaws in front of Li Yuanba, like a child's trick. Li Yuanba's eyes were like a torch, he saw the right moment, and suddenly hit Ji Ling's head with a hammer.

A huge force was transmitted to the knife instantly, causing Ji Ling's arm to go numb, and the weapon in his hand almost fell out of his hand.

"That's all, you are no match for me at all." Li Yuanba shouted loudly, with a voice like a bell, and then launched out both hammers, approaching Ji Ling with an overwhelming momentum.

Ji Ling was unable to dodge, and was hit on the shoulder by Li Yuanba's powerful hammer. In an instant, blood spattered everywhere, and he fell to the ground in pain, unable to get up for a while.

"Who else?" Li Yuanba stood proudly, looking around, majestic, like a god of war.

Seeing that no one nearby dared to fight with him, a flash of anger flashed in Li Yuanba's eyes. He spat on the ground, and then cursed loudly: "A bunch of trash, cowardly juniors, just watching their own general...

Are you going to die? You are really incompetent!"

Seeing that no one came forward after taunting him, Li Yuanba felt angry. He lowered his head and looked at Ji Ling who had fallen to the ground. A surge of murderous intent instantly surged in his eyes, and then he raised the extremely heavy hand in his hand without hesitation.

The two hammers looked like they were going to smash Ji Ling into pieces, thus ending his life.

However, at this critical moment of life and death, Du Wei suddenly shot out like a bolt of lightning. He suddenly raised his arm, and several flying knives flashed with cold light and shot toward Li Yuanba like meteors.

This sudden flying knife instantly interfered with Li Yuanba's killing offensive. Taking advantage of this fleeting moment, Du Wei rushed to Ji Ling's side in the blink of an eye. He stretched out his powerful arms and grabbed him.

Ji Ling pulled on the horse's back, and then whipped the whip mercilessly. The horse felt pain and spread its hooves and ran away quickly.

Li Yuanba was angered by the sudden flying knife. After a moment, he reacted, his eyes widened in anger, and he roared like an angry lion: "Stop!" Then he slapped his horse and gave chase. It looked like

I will not stop until Ji Ling is killed.

Du Wei knew in his heart that Li Yuanba's bravery was difficult for him to resist. However, in order to allow Ji Ling to escape smoothly, he decided to stay behind without hesitation!

"General Ji Ling, go back quickly to bring in reinforcements. You must let General Bull Demon King come. Otherwise, others will definitely not be a match for this guy!"

After a few brief explanations, Du Wei turned over and jumped off the horse, then waved the whip in his hand and whipped it hard on the horse's buttocks. The horse whined in pain, and then ran wildly with Ji Lingsa Yazi on his back.

In a blink of an eye there was no trace.

At this moment, Li Yuanba caught up to him in the blink of an eye. He waved his hammers with both hands. The hammers whirred and hit Du Wei with a sound like an overwhelming wind!

Du Wei gritted his teeth and used all his strength to resist, but the strength gap between the two was too great. After several rounds, Du Wei was seriously injured, but he still held Li Yuanba tightly without flinching.

"If you want to pursue General Ji Ling, you...have to pass my level first!"

"Huh, this is the first time I've seen a guy who's not afraid of death. Since you insist on seeking death, I'll help you!"

After several more blows, Du Wei was hit so hard that he was trembling and dying. Finally, Du Wei's strength was exhausted and he could no longer hold on. Li Yuanba saw the right moment and swung another heavy hammer. Du Wei was hit hard by this force.

Shen was hit by a hammer and immediately vomited blood and fell to the ground, dying on the spot.

Ji Ling, who was seriously injured, took advantage of this rare opportunity to escape desperately, and finally escaped!

Li Yuanba looked at the direction where Ji Ling was going, spat fiercely, and said angrily: "You are lucky!" Then, he turned around helplessly and returned to the battlefield, continuing to massacre Sergeant Yuan's soldiers with his double hammers.

This chapter has been completed!
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