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Chapter 94: Runan is in a hurry and a clever plan is revealed

At this point, Yuan Shu's army withdrew from Nanyang and set off towards Runan County. Huangfu Song and others reorganized the entire army and sent troops north to support Lu Zhi's troops in Julu Han Army.

The Yellow Turban Army is becoming increasingly rampant. With the help of system balance, talented people and strangers gather together, putting great pressure on the Han army that goes to encircle and suppress them!

Lu Zhi was almost defeated several times, so he had no choice but to write back to the court to ask for support. Emperor Ling was extremely anxious. Under the guidance of the ministers of the court, he issued an imperial edict to summon officials from various states and counties to come to support, and then spent a lot of money to offer rewards out of his own pocket. Civilian warriors and knights came to help in the battle.

Emperor Ling also heavily rewarded capable ministers who had recently strangled the Yellow Turban rebels, such as Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun, Yuan Shu, Sun Jian, Yuan Shao, Liu Bei, Ding Yuan, Dong Zhuo, etc...

For a time, the Han Dynasty set off two trends. One was headed by the Yellow Turban Army Zhang Jiao, with the purpose of overthrowing the Han Dynasty and establishing the Yellow Turban Heavenly Kingdom. The other was headed by Emperor Ling to kill the rebels and consolidate the power of the Han Dynasty!

This caused rebellions to break out again in some places where the rebellions had been put down, and there was an example here in Runan, Yuzhou.

The Yellow Turban bandits headed by Chao Gai led Yangzhou refugees and thieves to attack Runan, hoping to seize Runan to strengthen themselves, and then feed the war with war to support Zhang Jiao!

It was hard to pick anyone, but Yuan Shu's Runan County was chosen. Chao Gai sent his generals to attack, but they were defeated in the first round.

He ordered his two generals, Motian Du Qian and Yunli Jingang Song Wan, to lead 5,000 elite troops to attack Runan. However, before they could reach the outside of Runan City, Yuan Army General Hegong ordered all his troops to attack Runan with ten thousand arrows. They all fired together and shot Du Qian and more than 3,000 of his men dead.

Song Wan escaped by chance and led the remaining 2,000 people to flee back to the formation!

The unfavorable start of the army greatly reduced the morale of Chao Gai's army. Before Runan City could even be touched, a general was lost...

When everyone was distressed, his military advisor, Zhi Duoxing Wu Yong, came up with a plan to open the gate of Runan City with a sacrifice of flesh and blood!

As for the target of this bitter plot, it was naturally Song Wan who had a bad start and was the one to take charge.

Everyone clapped and applauded, and then Chao Gai ordered his soldiers to take Song Wan away and beat him fifty times in front of the army. His skin was torn and his flesh was torn, and he was dying.

That night, Song Wan received a secret letter from Runan County Prime Minister Xunyou. The letter said:

"Seeing that General Song was treated like this because of a slight battlefield defeat, why not defect to Runan..."

This letter made Chao Gai and others very happy. He ordered Song Wan to lead people into Runan City that night, and then agreed to open the city gate during the big battle three days later and let Chao Gai's entire army enter!

"Song Wan, Tang Long, and Duan Jing live there. I order you and two thousand soldiers to pretend to surrender to Yuan's army. After three days, our entire army will suppress the formation, and you will open the city gate to welcome us in."

"I will obey your orders!"

The three of them came out together and cupped their hands to show their understanding. Then at midnight, they quietly led more than two thousand people to the gate of Runan City, and entered Runan City with the cooperation of Xun You and many generals.

"Brother Chao Gai, it seems that everything is going well with leader Song Wan and them. We just need to wait until three days to enter the city."

After receiving the news that Song Wan and others had entered the city, Wu Yong went to Chao Gai's military tent privately to congratulate him.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect this Yuan Jun to be like this. It's just a pity that he lost one of my generals."

"Life and death on the battlefield are unpredictable. I can only blame Du Qian for his incompetence and being shot dead by Han soldiers. Such a loser is not worthy of being a leader in the army!"

Wu Yong's flattering look was really disgusting, but for some reason Chao Gai didn't feel anything else after hearing his words, and just nodded in approval.

At this time, Chao Gai's army was stationed outside Runan City. From time to time, small groups of Yellow Turban bandits or bandit leaders from surrounding areas came to seek refuge. In just two days, Chao Gai's army increased from 40,000 to 60,000!

The three-day appointment has arrived, and Chao Gai's army directly moved up to attack Runan City. However, Song Wan and others were not found, and the city gate was not opened...

Half an hour later, Chao Gai and others were furious, and they had no choice but to withdraw their troops. They returned to the military tent and smashed items angrily to vent their anger.

"Damn Song Wan, he must have faked it and defected to Yuan Jun. What a damn guy..."

Wu Yong immediately stepped forward to comfort him, and the other generals also tried to persuade Chao Gai not to be angry.

"Report! Report to the leader. Yuan Jun has sent a wooden box for us to hand over to the leader."

A soldier came in from outside the military tent, carrying a box carved from pine wood, and handed it to Chao Gai.

"What kind of thing could it be if it's so heavy? Yuan Jun would definitely not be so kind as to send something good!"

Chao Gai and others became curious and slowly opened the wooden box...


The wooden box was thrown away by Chao Gai, and a huge head rolled out of it. It was embalmed with lime. The soldiers looked pale, and when they looked closely, it turned out to be Song Wan, the leader who entered Runan three days ago!

A letter floated out next to it, and the sharp-eyed Wu Yong picked it up. He slowly opened it and saw that the content of the letter read:

"Thank you to Leader Liu Tang for informing the rebels of their purpose in advance, otherwise Runan would have been in danger this time. To express our gratitude, I will prepare a heavy gift later. I hope that the leader will accept it and continue to cooperate in the future...

Runan County Magistrate: Xun Gongda Shu"

Wu Yong read the contents of the letter aloud word for word, and every word touched his heart. Liu Tang beside him was so frightened that his face turned pale and he did not dare to breathe. Before Chao Gai could speak, several soldiers carried him

A big box was found in the military tent!

"Could this be it?"

Wu Yong took a closer look, then rushed forward and opened the big box. He saw sparkling gold inside, and the gold nuggets and jewelry were dazzling...

"Liu Tang! What else do you have to say?"

Although Chao Gai refused to believe it at this time, the facts were before his eyes and he had no choice but to believe it.

"Brother, what I have wronged is all designed by Xun Gongda. He wants to ruin our relationship and cause us civil strife."

The red-haired ghost Liu Tang knelt down at Chao Gai's feet with runny nose and tears. This made Chao Gai a little soft-hearted. He didn't know what to do for a while. What was going on.

But Wu Yong whispered in Chao Gai's ear again, which made Chao Gai furious. He ordered his soldiers to imprison Liu Tang. He cut the big box full of treasures in two and left the tent angrily, causing many problems.

The leader was frightened.

The next day, Chao Gai ordered several new Yellow Turban leaders to take refuge, including Sun Qing, Wang Dang, the president, Guan Cheng and his subordinates Li Gui, Ruan Xiaoer and others to lead an army of 30,000 to attack the city.

The war was about to break out. Yuan Jun in Runan did not expand his army and train for a period of time because he concentrated on developing internal affairs after sending his elite troops to Nanyang to support Yuan Shu.

This leaves the city with only over 20,000 elite soldiers!

Fortunately, generals such as Hegong, Gao Jue, Lu Shinang, Hua Yun, etc. were able to go up to the city wall to kill the enemy and retreat them, suppressing Chao Gai's army under the city wall and making it difficult to charge up.

This chapter has been completed!
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