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Chapter 3: Stillness

While Su Xiao was looking at the Triad, the Triad was also looking at Su Xiao. Nowadays, the Triad is completely dominated by void creatures. This is a relatively rare situation. If the void creatures are from a first-person perspective, then the violators and employees inside the body

Zhemeizi is a third-person perspective, which is the ability possessed by worker girls.

"Shut up during the battle, and I will be responsible for delivering information beyond the perspective of Ertas."

In the consciousness space, the violator is communicating with the employee girl Xiaoju.

"All right."

Xiao Ju actually hated this violator and the void creature Etas. One of them once wanted to push her to the ground and force her to have sex, while the other was unreasonable and often called her a lower primate.

Compared with the situation in the consciousness space, the outside world is more tense.

"Are you also from the void?"

The void creature Ertas spoke, and it felt a familiar yet unfamiliar feeling in Su Xiao.

"Three consciousnesses share one body. It seems that my previous guess was correct."

Su Xiao muttered in his mouth and did not answer the void creature's question.

Su Xiao has been to the void. Through the introduction of the succubus Lilim, he has some understanding of the situation there, such as what race the void creature in front of him is.

The race to which this void creature belongs is not a large race, but a fighting race called 'Kaga'. The talents of this race are a hard body and an ability similar to stopping time.

Of course, it is not the time that stops the entire derivative world, but the time that stops within a few dozen meters around it. It can be used once every 2 to 3 days, and each time it can stop for about 1 second, and the succubus Lilim suspects that this is not the time that stops.


According to the information provided by Lilim, the adult Kaga tribe has at least around the fourth level of strength, and the current Su Xiao is definitely no match.

But Su Xiao had a feeling that the aura of this void creature was indeed very strong, but not to the point where it was impossible to resist.

Realizing this, Su Xiao stepped forward and approached Etas slowly. The opponent was also in close combat and there was no need to take the initiative to charge.

With a swipe, Ertas's eight sharp claws extended, and its eight fingers were like eight sharp scimitars. The two thumbs also changed a lot, and their nails became conical shapes.

Both sides were fighting in close combat, so they were getting closer to each other. When the distance narrowed to ten meters, Su Xiao suddenly accelerated and disappeared on the spot.

Ertas also accelerates at this distance, because this distance is the best charging distance before melee combat.

Su Xiao's intuitive ability was fully activated, and a sense of crisis came from the opponent's claw blade, which showed that the claw blade posed a great threat to Su Xiao.

The two sides closed the distance to three meters almost instantly and appeared in front of each other.

The long knife in Su Xiao's hand slashed forward, and the energy of the green steel shadow surged on the dragon-slaying flash.


Two sharp claw blades flew up, and the Dragon-Slaying Flash, which was promoted to golden quality, directly cut off Ertas's claws, showing how sharp they were.

With a sizzling sound, the Dragon-Slaying Flash cut into the third claw blade of Ertas. Judging from this trend, it was clear that it was going to cut off all four claws. After seeing the rushing green steel shadow energy on the Dragon-Slaying Flash,

Ertas' pupils narrowed rapidly, as if he was thinking of something.

"The legendary... method of destruction?"

Before Ertas finished speaking, there was a sudden light on his hand, and Su Xiao disappeared in front of him.

A terrifying sense of crisis struck Ertas behind him, accompanied by the whine of the blade cutting through the air.

The violator in the conscious space felt horrified, and his reminder was too late. As for the employee girl, she had no idea what happened.

The blade whimpered and slashed down. The blade first broke through Ertas's skin, and then his muscles. While cutting, the energy of the green steel shadow sank into Ertas' body.

If he used his flesh and blood body to resist Su Xiao's knife, Ertas would be dead and his head would be cut off directly.

After a round of fighting, the void creature Etas encountered a life-and-death crisis. The Dragon Shadow Flash ability was so terrifying in actual combat.

At this moment of life and death, the silver thread spread to the surroundings with Ertas as the center point.


The surroundings became deathly silent, and the blood was still in the air. Dragon Killer dodged into Ertas' cervical vertebra and stopped after 1 centimeter, cutting through a small part of the nerve tissue.

The dust floating in the mid-air is still, the gravel ten centimeters above the ground is still, and Su Xiao holding the long knife is also still. This is the "stop time" ability of the Kaga clan.

Su Xiao felt very strange at this moment. His consciousness was not still, but his body could not move. This feeling was like being wrapped in condensed amber, and the air was that amber.

Su Xiao discovered that the innate ability of the Kaga tribe does not seem to make time stand still, but to use a special energy to increase the resistance of the surrounding air, amplifying the resistance to an extremely astonishing degree. It can also be said to make the surrounding people stop in a short period of time.

The air becomes 'solid'.

Su Xiao could not move, but Ertas could move freely within the solid air.

Ertas took a small step forward, allowing the Dragon-Slaying Flash to escape from its cervical vertebrae. The sharp pain from the green steel shadow invading its body made it look ferocious.

As Ertas stepped forward, he had already begun to turn his body, his palms stretched straight, and the sharp claws stabbed at Su Xiao's throat.

Click, click, click...

There were crisp sounds in the air, and there were signs of shattering, like broken glass.

With a crash, the surrounding air returned to normal, and the claw blade had touched Su Xiao's throat.


The sound of threads shrinking was heard, Ertas' body suddenly stopped, and dozens of blood stains appeared on his upper body.

Bang, bang, bang...

The surrounding street lights, trees, and roadblocks were all uprooted, and a cyan metal wire was connected to these things.

Su Xiao leaned back, and the four claw blades brushed against his chin.

As Su Xiao leaned back, a green branch clinging to the hem of his windbreaker surged towards his legs. This was the attack mode of the Wood Spirit, which consumed 15% of the current maximum health.

Using a weapon will cause attack, knockback, knockback and other effects with strength attribute x3.

The wood spirit completely wrapped Su Xiao's right foot, and also wrapped a section of the calf.

Emerald green light enveloped Su Xiao's right foot. As he leaned back, he kicked Ertas's waist with a side kick.

Ertas was maintaining a forward stabbing posture, with his entire body's center of gravity forward, unable to avoid Su Xiao's side kick.

Su Xiao's right foot came into contact with Ertas' side waist. Ertas' originally forward body gradually formed a side V shape, and the two brown eyeballs protruded.


There was a terrifying muffled sound like a giant pile driver hitting the ground, and Ertas, who was three and a half meters tall, flew out with a whoosh, even creating a wave of air behind him.

Bang, bang, bang...

Ertas crashed directly through several buildings, including low-rise residential buildings and tall unfinished buildings, forming a series of straight holes.

With a crash, rubble fell from the hole, and Ertas was buried in a collapsed abandoned shopping mall. The entire shopping mall originally had six floors, but now only three floors have collapsed.

This chapter has been completed!
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