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Chapter 90: Returning Qualifications (Tenth)

The four captured contractors looked at each other and nodded quickly.

"Yes, yes, as long as it saves our lives."

"Sir, look, do you want to sign a contract or something like that?"

A young man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks wiped his hands with a flattering smile on his face.


Lidya Su had a smile on her face.

Seeing Su Xiao smile, the contractor felt relieved, but he didn't know that Su Xiao's smile did not mean that he was happy.

"As for me, it's fair. She paid 5,000 paradise coins to buy her life. You should do the same."

The faces of the four contractors changed, and they were constantly struggling internally. Should they pay the money immediately and sacrifice their lives, or should they use the 20,000 paradise coins to negotiate with the other party.

To be precise, the four of them did not have 5,000 paradise coins at all, and they planned to use equipment to replace them.

"Your name is Xi Luo Luo."

Su Xiao looked at Xi Luoluo and nodded mockingly.

"Bindfold their eyes and tie their hands."

Hearing Su Xiao's request, Xi Luoluo hesitated.

"If they resist..., boss, I'm so weak."

"Just do as you are told. If they resist, I will handle it."

Soon, the four contractors were blindfolded, their hands tied behind their backs, and they were either kneeling or sitting in a row.

Su Xiao found a chair and sat behind the four of them. The others in the room looked at him in confusion.

The Broken Elf appeared in Su Xiao's hand, and the surface of this large revolver reflected a faint red light.

"Give each of you three seconds to think about it."

The four blindfolded contractors wondered what three seconds each meant.

"One, two."

"Wait a minute, even if you threaten us, we will not compromise unless we sign a contract. Otherwise, what if you kill us after giving us the paradise coins?"

The contractor on the far right said very quickly.


Su Xiao aimed the Broken Elf at the back of the contractor's head and pulled the trigger.


A bullet formed by Hezi escaped from the barrel of the gun, flew in the air for a very short time, and hit the back of the contractor's head.

Snap, the contractor was shot in the head, and blood spattered all over the contractor's face.

"Ah! Ah!"

The three contractors made meaningless shouts, and one contractor who was not very good at heart actually got up and ran away.


The escaping contractor fell to the ground, with a hole the size of a fist appearing in the back of his heart.

The reason why this revolver is called the Broken Elf is because the bullets will explode after they penetrate into the enemy's body.

Although some penetration is sacrificed, the lethality is stronger.

The remaining two contractors knew that the other two companions were dead, and the temporary adventure group had a reminder.

Su Xiao was a little puzzled by the behavior of the four people. Since he had been defeated, he had to bear the consequences of defeat. There were roughly two options.

The first is to fight to the death with the enemy, and even if you die, you will die with dignity.

The second is to choose to surrender. Since you choose to surrender, you will have to bear the losses of defeat. If you continue to be gibberish, you will be classified directly back to the first type.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot, let's talk."

"Yes, even if..."

Before the two contractors finished speaking, Su Xiao shot them twice again, knocking them down.

Now it seems that these people have little to gain. After handing over 5,000 paradise coins or equivalent items, they may not be able to continue to survive in the reincarnation paradise.

After Su Xiao shot and killed the first person, the remaining three were dead. No matter whether they handed over the paradise coins or not, Su Xiao would not let them go.

After the first shot was fired, there was a deadly feud. Su Xiao would not do something so stupid as letting his enemy go.

Xiluoluo, who witnessed the whole process, gradually retreated to the corner and looked at Su Xiao as if looking at a big devil.

At this time, Xi Luoluo's heart was broken. As soon as he entered the derivative world, he witnessed Su Xiao singled out Kamishiro Rishi and Gecko, and ended up escaping to death.

Xi Luoluo was always on tenterhooks after that because Su Xiao was not in the same camp as her.

In the torture, Xi Luoluo finally made it to the end of the derivative world, and then something happened that made her collapse. The leader of her camp actually formed an alliance with the enemy contractor?

Xiluoluo, who was hiding in the corner, was particularly pitiful. He looked up at the starry sky at a 45° angle, as if he was about to turn into a salted fish.

"How could such a thing happen? I have never heard of anyone forming an alliance with the camp boss. This is a scam."

Xi Luoluo burst into tears and felt extremely tangled.

Su Xiao ignored Xi Luoluo, who was in a complicated mood. His main task (3) had been completed.

[Congratulations, Hunter, you have completed the main plot (3) and are eligible to return. There are 5 minutes remaining in this world. 】

[Beep, it is detected that the hunter has accepted the 'Hidden Mission: Source', and the return time has been postponed for 5 days. During this period, the hunter can return to the Samsara Paradise at any time. If he has not completed the 'Hidden Mission: Source', he chooses to return.

'Hidden task: source' will fail.]

In this way, Su Xiao only needs to complete the hidden mission to return.

Back in time two minutes ago, outside the CCG branch building in District 20, a sneaky figure jumped out of the CCG branch building in the night.

This figure was wearing a black robe and a hood, and was chewing something unknown.

"Finally, the layout is completed. So many spiritual bombs are enough to blow up this branch. Jie Jie, I will get at least 10,000 paradise coins this time, no, more than 20,000 paradise coins."

After the man in black got away from the CCG branch, he took off the hood on his head, revealing a withered face. If this guy went to make a zombie movie, he wouldn't need any makeup at all.

"Brother, my younger brother will become famous one day, so bless me and protect me in my body, Jie Jie Jie~."

The zombie face let out a strange laugh. Because of the black substance chewed in his mouth, a wisp of black saliva flowed out from the wound on his face. The wound had dried up and there was no longer any possibility of healing. The zombie face became what it is now through a huge change.

The night wind blew Zombie Face's wide cuffs, and two reincarnation marks suddenly appeared on Zombie Face's withered forearms.

The contractor can only have one brand, but the zombie face has two, and the numbers of the two brands are connected.

That is the imprint of the zombie-faced brother. They are twin brothers. Their talents and skills are very strange. They have the same talent, called "Heart Reflects Heart".

In the world of 'Fullmetal Alchemist', Zombie Face and his brother were captured by an alchemist.

The alchemist's research direction is human body fusion. In the opinion of the alchemist, if two people are refined, the final human being will definitely be stronger.

Moreover, the alchemist's research has been recognized by the country. If successful, a powerful warrior will be born. If more than a dozen people are refined, once successful, ordinary people will have hope of fighting against the alchemist.

Therefore, Zombie Face and his brother were trained, but ultimately failed, and Zombie Face survived by luck.

Although he became neither human nor ghost, he obtained two reincarnation brands. However, after that, Zombie Face's character gradually became distorted, killing children and killing a whole family in the derivative world, leaving women to play with. This is

Something he often does.

If two reincarnation brands appear on one person, it means that Zombie Face can receive two identical tasks at the same time. The chance of killing an enemy to drop a treasure box is doubled, and the reward for opening the treasure box is doubled, because he represents two people.


Whatever you gain, you have to lose. That refinement made Zombie Face's body almost necrotic, and it would cost a sky-high price to repair it. The attributes of strength, agility, physical strength, and charm cannot be enhanced. The only thing that can be enhanced is intelligence.

But after strengthening his intelligence, Zombie Face tragically discovered that he did not have the talent to become a mage, could not perceive magic elements, and could not even perceive the most basic magic of a mage, so he found another way and purchased the skill of making spiritual bombs.

It can also bring into play his intellectual attributes.

The double reincarnation brand made Samsara Paradise pay attention to Zombie Face, and Zombie Face's wanton destruction in the real world and the derivative world made Samsara Paradise decide to eliminate this unstable factor, so he was added to the hunting list.

Zombie Face was hiding in a dirty corner. His sense of smell was not very developed and he didn't care about the stench around him. He was waiting for the crowds in the 20th District branch to detonate the psychic bomb.

In other words, Zombie Face is also waiting for Su Xiao to come to the District 20 branch. District 20 is a key point in the original plot. Many contractors like to search for tasks here, or go to the antique cafe to attach themselves to the original characters.

At this moment, Zombie Face's body suddenly froze, and his eyes looked ahead in disbelief.

"The main mission failed? How is it possible! Those losers are all dead? I worked so hard to arrange bombs just to find a chance to kill the contractors of the CCG camp. This is impossible, impossible!"

Zombie Face lost control of his emotions in an instant, waving his arms randomly in front of him.

Kaka~, dense cracks appeared on the hands of the zombie face, and a cold sound appeared in his ears.

[The main mission of ‘Contractor No. 12470 (12471)’ has been verified to have failed, and forced execution has begun. 】

[Beep~, it was found that ‘Contractor No. 12470 (12471)’ is branded with double reincarnation, and the speed of forced execution is doubled. 】

Click, click, cracks began to appear all over the zombie's face, revealing some dry muscle tissue.

"Brother, I'm here to accompany you. Damn Reincarnation Paradise. I already knew that you don't want to see me. You still think that this simple derivative world is a welfare. It turns out to be a trap. Damn it."

The zombie's face calmed down a few seconds before his death. He should have died long ago, at the hands of the alchemist whose face was covered in burns.

Bang, the zombie-faced body shattered and turned into dust and was swallowed up in the air. The body, soul, etc. were all wiped out.

In fact, to complete the hunting mission, you don't have to fight the target desperately. As long as you give Samsara Paradise a legitimate reason to execute the opponent, Samsara Paradise will immediately execute the offender.

ps. (The results are unexpectedly poor. Is it because I ate too many extra coins or... Dear readers, can you give me the motivation to continue writing? The current situation is really going to starve to death.)

This chapter has been completed!
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