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Chapter 12: Legal

The merchant ship is parked in the sea one kilometer away from Dressrosa. At this time, the sea area several kilometers surrounding Dressrosa is a restricted area. Any ship not belonging to the Don Quixote family entering this sea area will be questioned, and even


Several clippers with the Don Quixote family logo printed on their sails approached, threatening to encircle them, which made the sailors on the merchant ships nervous.

The one-eyed captain looked at Pika. He had recognized Pika's identity a long time ago. It is easy to enter this sea area now, but it is not so easy to leave. The food on his ship cannot be stored for too long. If he is forced to anchor in Dresro

Sa, and being detained for several days, or even half a month, would be a huge loss.

Pika didn't say anything, he just came to the edge of the ship's side.

On a small sailboat that quickly closed the distance, several pirates wearing the costumes of the Don Quixote family were holding telescopes and observing the movements of merchant ships. They did not understand why Whitebeard's ship came to this area.

Coming from the sea, this is not the only route for a certain shipping route. As for coming for supplies, don’t be kidding, the supply station in Dressrosa was closed a month ago.

"That is……"

A pirate adjusts his telescope.

"Lord Pika?"


Several pirates around were shocked when they heard this.

"Yes, it's Lord Pika, let's get closer."

More than a dozen speedboats surrounded the merchant ship, and several pirates climbed onto the merchant ship through ropes.

"Lord Pika, you..."

The pirate of the Don Quixote family was about to ask Pica how he was doing, but Pica glanced at him and the pirate immediately shut up.

"You, send them away from this sea area."

Pika randomly found a pirate. Perhaps he couldn't remember who the pirate was, so he just replaced it with "you".

Su Xiao, Bubo Wang, and Amu transferred to the boat, and a few minutes later, the group landed at the port of Dressrosa.

This is a small port, and it usually handles not many ships. The ships that actually come to Dressrosa to do business all enter the underground port under the island.

Under the escort of a large group of pirates, Su Xiao walked towards the island. Although these pirates didn't know who Su Xiao was, they knew they shouldn't ask.

Pika was walking at the front. His pace seemed steady, but his heart was very tangled. He barely came back victorious, but his ships and men would always stay in that sea area.

If Pica dies, then Pica is a hero of the Don Quixote family and died for his young master, Doflamingo.

But Pica came back alive, and came back with all his subordinates and ships destroyed. If it were just the Don Quixote family's ships and pirates, it would be nothing. At most, Pica would just feel guilty.

What is unacceptable is that four of the eight ships are ships of the Beast Pirates. The pirates on board are all Jack's subordinates. Drought Jack is not an easy person to talk to.

In fact, anyone who was Jack would have asked Pica: 'All my men are dead, why are you the only one coming back? Are you treating them as cannon fodder?'

Fortunately, Pika is a devil fruit user. All the ships were destroyed, but one fruit user actually survived. As for Su Xiao saving Pika, this is hard for Jack to believe. In Jack's case, Su Xiao

Xiao's origin is unknown.

Because of this, Pika looked worried.

Pika was worried, but Su Xiao was in a good mood. He finally arrived at Dressrosa. The promotion/main mission has been completed. As for the third ring mission, it will be activated in 2 days. In other words, he can do it in Dressrosa.

2 days of free activities in Rosa.

Dressrosa is a very famous large island in the New World. No, it should be more appropriately called the Kingdom of Dressrosa.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Dressrosa has beautiful scenery, beauties in hot clothes, and delicious food that makes people forget to leave.

In the eyes of pirates, Dressrosa is a casino, a supply depot, a shelter, etc.

In the eyes of people in the underground world, Dressrosa is an arms trading post. As long as you have money, you can purchase any style of arms here. Of course, they don't dare to cause trouble here.

Prosperity and enthusiasm cover up the darkness here. The prosperous things are on the surface, and the dark things are underground. Compared with other countries, the lives of the residents of Dressrosa are very prosperous, and presumably, their 'king' is made of black

Business, how could the island's economy not be prosperous?

Half an hour later, Su Xiao was walking on the streets of Dressrosa. There was an endless stream of pedestrians on the streets. Although the Don Quixote family was at war with the Big Mom Pirates, the place was not affected.

The aroma of food wafted around, and Bu Buwang behind Su Xiao was obviously seduced by the aroma.

The group of people walked through several streets in Dressrosa and headed straight to the center. Most of the areas in Dressrosa are residential houses or shops. There are a few special locations, namely: the bullfighting arena,

Lover's Avenue, Smile Factory, Flower Field, King's Heights.

Su Xiao and others were about to enter the flower field. Before entering the flower field, Su Xiao saw a large field of sunflowers, blue sky, white clouds, and a sea of ​​sunflowers in the distance. The scenery was very beautiful.

But in Bubuwang's mind, he didn't care about how beautiful the sea of ​​sunflowers was. Instead, he was thinking about another question: how many seeds would such a large field of sunflowers produce in a year?

Amidst Bubo Wang's doubts, the group came to the elevator below King's Heights.

King's Heights is the highest point in Dressrosa. On this huge plateau, the villa of the Don Quixote family was built. It was originally a royal palace and was later transformed into a villa. The Don Quixote family

All the cadres live here.

In other words, King's Heights is the home of the Don Quixote family. It can overlook the entire Dressrosa and is also connected to the underground port.

Click click…

The metal elevator slowly rose, and only Su Xiao, Pika, Bubo Wang, and Amu were left in the elevator. Due to the size of Pika and Amu, the elevator was inevitably a little crowded.

The elevator shook, the iron gate opened, and a courtyard came into view. Except for members of the Doflamingo family, ordinary pirates without authorization were prohibited from entering.

There is a pool built in the courtyard, the water sprays out, and a small rainbow appears in the sky.

"Lord Pika?"

A green-haired little luoli was sitting by the pool. The little luoli was wearing a suspender suit and red slippers. Her white calves were swinging back and forth. She seemed to be in a good mood.

Seeing this little Luoli, Su Xiao immediately thought of who the other party was. This was Luoli Grantang, who looked 10 years old but was actually 22 years old.

"Who is this?"

Sugar is holding a small bamboo basket in her hand, which contains plump grapes.

"This is... a new member."

Pika, who was worried, walked out of the elevator.

"I dislike him."


Pika was stunned for a moment and looked at Sugar with a questioning look.

"I don't know him, but intuitively I hate him. The smell of blood is too strong."

Sugar picked up a grape and put it in her mouth to chew. She didn't pretend to be cute, she was very real...

Sugar turned his eyes to BuBoWang and said, "But this dog is quite cute."

Bubo Wang's dog eyes rolled, which meant: "Don't come over here, I hate you too."

This chapter has been completed!
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