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Chapter 70: Lao Yinbei with the surname Lan and Zuo

Su Xiao moved his neck, and the muscles all over his body tightened. After blood spurted out from more than a dozen wounds on his body, the wounds stopped bleeding, and the ground under his feet gradually cracked.

The whole room was shaken, and Su Xiao rushed straight towards the mask. As for retreating now, it was simply impossible. The enemy was a 'scheming cat'. Once Su Xiao chose to retreat, the opponent would definitely find a way to entangle him.


The long knife cut through the air and slashed through the top of Mask's head. A cat ear flew out, which was the 'accessory' on Mask's helmet.

However, this is not an accessory. As a fourth-level contractor, how could Kamen produce useless accessories on his helmet? Those two cat ears are a signal receiver and a signal amplifying device respectively.

Narrowly dodging Su Xiao's knife, he pretended to be in a crouching position and pressed his hands on the ground.


With a buzzing sound, the surface of the mask emitted pulses, and Su Xiao's vision appeared double. The enemy was shaking the water molecules in his body.

Su Xiao was dazed for a moment, and just when Mask was about to tear open Su Xiao's throat with one claw, a huge force came from her lower abdomen.


The mask crashed through the ceiling and flew high.

Su Xiao waved his left arm downwards, and the boundary line connected to his arm tightened. After a scream, the mask was forcibly pulled from the top floor of the hospital and crashed into the ground.

Su Xiao stepped on the mask's back, slashed it with a long knife, and a soft metal helmet flew up, but no blood appeared.

The soft metal outer armor on Mask's body actually stretched a bit, allowing her to retract her head into the armor on her torso, thus avoiding the fate of being beheaded.

Mask's pupils were trembling. She had almost been decapitated just now. In the frontal battle, she had already been defeated. According to the normal process, shouldn't she try to blackmail her first? What's the idea of ​​beheading her directly?

Dragon-Slaying Flash was turned upside down in Su Xiao's hand, holding the long knife backwards. He stabbed the outer armored torso with the knife and went straight to the mask's head.

"Wait a moment……"


Su Xiao staggered a few steps to the left. A sniper bullet was embedded in his shoulder, and the energy shield wrapped the bullet inside.

Su Xiao exerted force on her shoulders and the shield shattered.

On a high-rise building a thousand meters away, a strong man chewing gum pulled the bolt of a gun.

"Little wild cat, for the sake of Brother Mad Fox, I will save you once."

The bullet casing fell to the ground, and the sniper's sight was aimed at Su Xiao.

"Is this the ruthless man who defeated the crazy fox? He was unexpectedly ferocious. He actually pinned the little wild cat to the ground and beat him."

The sniper didn't fire again. He wanted to change his sniping point immediately. The previous shots from the opponent left a deep impression on him. The sniper was sure that Su Xiao had discovered his position and could rush over at any time.

In the abandoned hospital, Su Xiao looked into the distance, and the feeling of being locked disappeared.

The mask lying on the ground had already jumped up, and without the protection of the helmet, Su Xiao saw her face. She was a girl with a pretty face and black eyeshadow.

Suddenly, arcs spread on the surrounding walls, and the entire abandoned hospital collapsed.


Smoke and dust surged up, and the hospital completely collapsed in just a few seconds, turning into a pile of building debris.

Inside the ruins of the building, the light of the knife flashed, large pieces of concrete debris flew up, and a figure jumped into the smoke.

"Cough cough cough..."

After a dry cough, Mask also crawled out of the wreckage of the building.

The smoke slowly dispersed, and there was a faint flash of arc.

"Little wild cat, what are you calling? If you hadn't screamed, I would have rescued you long ago."

A looming figure approached from the smoke. When the smoke dispersed, Su Xiao saw a bald man.

"Fart, you old bastard is definitely following me and waiting for me to die before you take action."

The soft metal outer armor on her body had been repaired and looked the same as before the war. However, her body under the armor was scarred and she could not stand firmly.

"Thanks to your ghostly noise, those lone wolves were attracted again. This place is no different from the Gunpowder Wine House."

The bald man, Lan Zuo, touched his bald head.

"It's said that baldness increases critical strikes, but I don't know if it's true or not."

Lan Zuo's eyes drifted towards Su Xiao, and it could be heard from his previous words that he thought Su Xiao would definitely die here.

It’s not surprising that Lan Zuo had this idea. On the top of the surrounding buildings, a lone wolf was standing or sitting.

"Is this the sniper? How did he do it?"

"I don't know, but I know Roger's pistol is on him."

"After a while, a group of people grab a gun again. This is indeed no different from the Fire Wine House."

"I don't care, if I can't get it, no one else can get it."

The lone wolves jumped down from the building and formed an encirclement to move closer to Su Xiao.

"You also have today, which makes me so happy."

Mask showed a happy smile. She was pressed to the ground and rubbed so hard that sparks almost came out of her.

"Letting someone else take the blame...isn't it nice?"

From the beginning to now, Lan Zuo is not actually angry. He just wants to know how Su Xiao did a certain part of this matter.

"Lan Zuo, give up, this guy is mute."

Mask waved his hand, which means that this guy will not pay attention to you.

"Really? Bai Ye?"

Of course Lan Zuo recognized Su Xiao.

"It's a pity that the scapegoat didn't kill you."

Su Xiao spoke for the first time since the war started. The masked man not far away was stunned, and then felt depressed in his heart.

"Of course you can't kill me. Having said that, our leader likes you very much. Do you really not want to join us? If you are one of us, the previous grudges will be wiped out. I will help you rush out, and Roger's reward for carrying the gun will be divided equally."

Upon hearing Lan Zuo's words, Su Xiao's first reaction was a trap.

"Is Lan Zuo crazy?"

A lone wolf looked at Lan Zuo in astonishment.

"He...lived normally?"


Amidst the surprised expressions of many lone wolves, Lan Zuo extended an invitation to Su Xiao. This seemed absurd, but it was actually a good choice.

If Su Xiao is besieged to death, the scene in the Gunpowder House will reappear, with a group of people guarding Roger's pistol, and whoever touches it will die.

But if Su Xiao and Lan Zuo rush out together and find a way to equally share Roger's gun reward, then the situation will be different.

But will Lan Zuo really share the reward with Su Xiao? This possibility is very low. If Lan Zuo cooperates sincerely, he will at least draw up a contract.

Moreover, Lan Zuo also revealed another meaning, that is, if anyone is willing to cooperate with him to seize Roger's gun and break out of the siege, the benefits will be equally divided.

"This old man beeps."

Mask murmured and slowly retreated to the outside. She had been beaten until she was disqualified from the competition.

"I refuse."

Of course Su Xiao didn't believe Lan Zuo's lies.

"It's really hard to cheat."

Lan Zuo spoke in a low voice. A lone wolf near him heard these words. The corners of the lone wolf's eyes twitched. Whether it was Lan Zuo's expression or tone, he felt that Lan Zuo was sincere before. However, what he said before

This is a complete deception. This guy eats people without spitting out their bones.

If it was just Lao Yinbi, it wouldn't be too scary, but a powerful Lao Yinbi would be very scary.

To be precise, Lan Zuo did not join the troupe after being invited. He killed the former member of the troupe No. 10, thereby obtaining the [Phantom Troupe invitation number], and joined the troupe in this form.

Su Xiao also received the [Phantom Troupe invitation number], but he did not choose to join the troupe. Instead, he sold that number as the source of the world, which was the number of Carl, the member of the 11th troupe.

Because of this, Lan Zuo has always been the No. 10 member of the brigade.

"So, you are preparing for 1 versus 43?"

The smile on Lan Zuo's face faded.

Light blue light surged around Su Xiao's body. He looked around, and now... he could only use that one.


A genius can remember the address of this website in one second:..:m.

This chapter has been completed!
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