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Chapter 86: Vegetable Abuse Bureau

Under the "congratulatory" looks from Bubo Wang and Eminem, Su Xiao left the exclusive room.

As soon as Su Xiao left, Eminem turned to look at the flower pot, and Bubuwang gave it a bite on its calf. Eminem became much more honest.

A few minutes later, the door to the room was suddenly pushed open. Eminem's body twitched in fright, and her eyes were full of reverence when she looked at Bubu Wang.

After finding nothing unusual, Su Xiao closed the door and left.

More than ten minutes later, Bubu's ears twitched while he was taking a nap. He suddenly sat up and ran quickly to the flowerpot, his eyes full of curiosity.

In Bubuwang's surprised eyes, a bud popped out of the soil of the flowerpot.

Eminem's big head came closer, and he was obviously considering whether the sprout could be eaten.


Bu Bu Wang yelled to stop Eminem's appetite. If it eats this thing, although Su Xiao won't do anything to it, she will definitely be depressed for a few days.

The buds in the flowerpot grew slowly, but after a while, the buds gradually withered, which frightened Bubuwang. It would be better if this thing didn't sprout. If it withers after sprouting, then it is the biggest suspect.



Bu Bu let out a long howl, as if he felt Bu Bu Wang's mood. The withered buds stood up a little, looking half-dead.

Samsara Paradise, a remote neighborhood.

There were only a few pedestrians on the street. There was a wooden rocking chair placed in front of a blacksmith shop. On it lay a stocky man covered in iron armor. Although he was only about 1.5 meters tall, he was 5.1 meters tall.


"This is life."

Reed had his legs crossed, a cigar in his mouth, and a cup of tea in his hand.

Since entering the Reincarnation Paradise, Reed has gradually understood the situation here. The more he understands, the more stupid he feels before. Instead of exploring this vast world, he actually guards an old tomb and forges?

In fact, Reed was secretly glad that Su Xiao was not a very powerful contractor. If that were the case, Reed would most likely turn into a treasure chest.

"So how long are you going to sit here?"

Su Xiao stood in front of the blacksmith shop. He had been waiting here for a few minutes.

"I just express my feelings occasionally. What's going on this time?"

Reed pretended to throw a cigar to Su Xiao, but Su Xiao waved her hand to signal him not to smoke it.

"Appraisal of the equipment, is there any problem?"

"Of course, appraisal is just an introduction. If you don't understand the equipment, you won't be able to create equipment at all."

"That's good."

"Talk inside."

Reed stood up. After the last negotiation, he and Su Xiao had reached a long-term and stable cooperative relationship.

Entering the blacksmith shop, although Reed has no shortage of paradise coins, he is naturally sloppy. If he is allowed to build equipment in a spotless place, it is really unknown whether he can build legendary equipment.

Su Xiao took out two necklaces from the storage space, which he blackmailed from the Big Mom Pirates.

After taking the necklace, Reid observed it for a moment and threw one back to Su Xiao.

"This thing is average, you can consider finding someone who doesn't know how to deal with it."

Reed walked to the S-class furnace, opened the lower part of the furnace, and immersed the pendant in his hand into some extremely low-temperature solution.

After several tedious steps of processing, Reed handed the pendant in his hand to Su Xiao.

【Secret Treasure Pendant】

Origin:One Piece

Quality: blue

After seeing the quality of this necklace, Su Xiao frowned and continued to check the properties of the necklace.

Generally speaking, this thing is very good for first-level to second-level contractors. It has no special abilities, but it has an equipment effect of +4 physical strength.

This is of no use to Su Xiao. If the real physical strength attribute is +4, it is a very strong piece of equipment, and the quality is at least golden.

"You came all the way here just to identify this thing?"

The necklace Reed identified was of blue quality, but the one he didn't bother to identify would definitely be worse.

Su Xiao had expected this situation to happen. He was blackmailing Auntie at that time. Auntie was not stupid, so how could she come up with good things for him to choose from? He just wanted to try his luck.

"I came to you to build a legendary weapon. I want a knife."

Su Xiao came to Reed to inquire about the cost of legendary sword weapons.

"For sword weapons, prepare at least 20 legendary medals, plus enough legendary metal ore, and..."

Reed talked about a lot of required materials, and Su Xiao felt a dull pain in her brain.

"The cost is so high?"

"Of course, forging is different from purchasing. The forged equipment can meet the needs of the user to the greatest extent."

"How much does it cost to forge a pendant?"

"As for the pendant..."

Reed ran his thumb over the short beard on his chin and thought for a long time.

"While ensuring quality and saving costs, 12 legendary medals are enough. As for the main materials, it depends on your personal needs."

"Blessed by sword skills."

"If you want to be blessed with sword skills... the Ronis metal is good, you can also consider replacing it with the 'Stone of Selflessness'. Of course, in most cases, I will use whatever materials you can get, and try to ensure that the equipment is consistent with yours."

The degree of matching.”

Reed is indeed a forging master. After talking a lot, he summed it up in one sentence: Get the Legendary Medal and the Paradise Coin.

Su Xiao took out ten legendary medals from the storage space.

"I'll leave it with you. How much will it cost in terms of paradise coins?"

"No more than 800,000."

Su Xiao deposited the legendary medal with Reed for two reasons. One was that he wanted to forge a legendary pendant, and the other was because of the long-term cooperative relationship between the two parties.

Since we have long-term cooperation, we need to show some sincerity. For example, when Reid appraised the equipment before, he did not mention the cost at all.

Su Xiao pulled out the Dragon-Slaying Flash from her waist, and Reed took it and began to use forging equipment to check whether there was any damage on the Dragon-Slaying Flash.

Two hours later, under Reed's reluctant gaze, Su Xiao sheathed the Dragon-Slaying Flash, stood up and walked out, preparing to test the power of the Dragon-Slaying Flash.

【You have entered the arena, please select a mode.】

【Competition Mode/Spectator Mode.】.

[Viewing mode: You can watch the competition of other contractors. It costs 5 paradise coins per hour, and you can choose to watch the game.]

[Current games: 2354 games.]

As soon as Su Xiao entered the arena, a large number of prompts appeared. He chose the competitive mode: after the individual battle, he was teleported to a lounge.

It was still the luxurious lounge. This was one of Su Xiao's rewards for reaching the first place in the third level. After he was promoted to the fourth level, this kind of treatment was not taken back.

[The competitive rankings of Hunters have been refreshed. It has been verified that Hunter is the first in the Tier 3 Arena. The Ranking of Hunters in Tier 4 Arena has been greatly improved and has been raised to 15,000. 】

[Competitor: Su Xiao.]

【Condition: Good.】

[Ranking: 15,000 (Level 4).]

[Number of winning streaks: 0.]

[Top five rewards: Not obtained.]

The fourth level arena is different from the third level, only the top five can receive rewards.

【Matching opponents for Hunters.】

[Matching completed, opponent ranking: 14850.]

A sense of teleportation appeared, and when Su Xiao's vision recovered, what he saw was a circular stone arena, surrounded by a circular auditorium. There were many spectators in the auditorium, and they were all looking at Su Xiao with great interest.

This is indeed the first time Su Xiao has encountered this situation. The eyes of the audience are too special, as if they are guessing how he will die?

"Another victim."

"Don't tell me, coming to watch Oliver torture food, it's surprisingly interesting."

"Of course it's fun. An extra 200 park coins will be charged for each game."

"Oliver isn't afraid of making enemies?"

"The strength is there, of course I'm not afraid. Besides, he has a way to solve it."

"Wouldn't you be punished if you let yourself slip in the competition and lose your ranking?"

"There is no gambling at level four, and the punishment is not strong."

Su Xiao vaguely heard the discussion in the audience. This time he knew what was going on. He was matched in the 'vegetarian abuse game'. He had encountered this situation in the second level.

"Friends over there, remember to contact me after you lose. I will compensate you with 20,000 paradise coins."

Su Xiao's opponent spoke. He was a strong man with dark skin.


Genius website address:.m.

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